
Supreme Alpha And The Last Pure Blood Witch

He's the Supreme Alpha of both lycanthropes and werewolves. He's powerful, dauntless and most of all brutal and ruthless. The serene night which was supposed to be peaceful was distorted by the menacing growl of the livid lycan, causing every creature present to shudder in fear. These weak creatures that he can shred into pieces, dares to threaten the life of his mate! .... She's the last pure blood witch with incredible powers. She's blessed with a great power to become the most powerful creature in the immortal world. Though she has a pure blood, she's cursed. Once she discovers her powers, she will turn evil. She will destroy the world and no immortal nor mortal can be able to stop her.  So to say, it is better that the little fragile girl doesn't discover her powers because once she does… she and everyone around her will be destroyed, especially those she loves. But that's her fate, her fate is to discover her powers and become the power evil cursed witch. Can her fate be changed? Why was she cursed? Find your answers in this thrilling story. …

BerniceG · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

1. Gloomy night 1


Thank you for finding this book and reading it. This is my first ever published story on webnovel and I hope you guys will support me. Believe me, you won't regret reading this story.

I'm not a native English speaker so I hope you will overlook any grammatical error you may come across in this story, nevertheless, I tried my best to make sure that this story came out well and worthy to read.

This is me trying to write my own werewolf story based on my imagination and what I've learned about werewolf and witches.

Remember that this story is a work of fiction and not everything written inside the story are true in real life.


It was just a peaceful and serene night, the air was warm and cool, so soothing and one can sleep comfortably. 

Muriel had finished reading her book as she does most of the night, she gently dropped the paperback book on the small stool beside her bed. She turned off the bed lamp and tugged herself in the duvet. She had bid goodnight to her parents who were watching their favorite program in the sitting room before walking to her room.

It hasn't been an hour Muriel dozed off to sleep. She hears some unusual and appalling noises coming out from the living room. Muriel couldn't ignore it, she needs to check it out. Having that thought in her mind, she quickly climbed down her small but comfortable bed and scurried towards the living room.

The moment Muriel arrived in the living room, her eyes met with the most petrifying scene and it shocked her, making her blood freeze. She felt weak in both her legs and her body shook in ravaging fear. Before her is something she has never seen in her life and this made Muriel tremble in great fear but it looks like she felt more shocked than terror…. It's an unfathomable thing before her, something that's so surreal and terrifying.

She saw her mother being held so closely by a person she can't identify the sex. The person is coated in an all black robe and appears so creepy, ruthless and dangerous. What made Muriel's heart flip off her chest and fear engulfed her was seeing that person sucking on her mother's neck, drinking her blood. The shock that Muriel felt made her feet freeze on the warm floor.

After some seconds, the person or maybe a mysterious being Muriel couldn't understand because he looks strange and spooky, nothing like a human— dropped her mother and without her moving afterwards, nobody needs to tell Muriel that her mother is dead. Her mother's blood was sucked till nothing was left in her body. The thought of her mother being dead hitched her throat and her head spun in horror. 

That wasn't all, at the same time her father is being torn apart by some vicious beast which Muriel can't decipher what it was. That was the most terrifying and heart wrecking scene, Muriel screamed in agony as she watched her father being torn limb by limb and thrown like a piece of trash, his body parts scattering and covering some compatible corner of the marble floor.

The beast growled Victoriously after tearing her father apart and his growl made Muriel to shudder but the pains of what she saw right now is bigger than her fears.

Muriel screamed in pain but couldn't let out any word, just sound. Muriel's scream was so deafening and held lots of power in them, surprisingly it affected those three scungy murderers but they were able to withstand the push and force from Muriel's scream, though they weren't stunned because they know what this girl is and that's why they are here.

Muriel didn't notice what the effect of her scream caused. She was just engrossed in the heart-wrenching scene before her. She dragged her shaking and quivering feet towards her parents. The intensity of pain she felt in her heart could tear it apart. 

Right now, Muriel felt more pain than fear, especially after it became a clear dawn on her that her parents are actually dead. At first she thought it was a dream, she couldn't comprehend nor believe anything. 

Less than two hours ago, she left her parents in the living room and went to her room. They were fine and healthy but suddenly she heard some strange noises, she had to rush to the living room just to meet her parents in a bad and surreal state and not just that… in a twinkle of an eye, her parents lay dead, she watched them being killed. 

This is so implausible to Muriel, she doesn't understand what just happened. Is this true or false? Did she actually watch her parents killed by some puzzled and weird creatures she couldn't understand? 

Somewhere at the back of Muriel's head, she wants all these to turn out a dream. She pinches herself thinking that she will wake up from the dream but no, everything is all a reality. She's on the floor watching her parents' dead bodies with her father's  body parts scattering on the floor. It finally dawns on Muriel that what she witnessed and what happened are all real. Her parents are dead for real and this realization tore her heart. 

Then she hears a creepy and very unpleasant voice behind her.

"The girl is here, let's take her to Ursula at once," a disgusting male voice was heard, he's the creepy guy who sucked Muriel's mother to death. His mouth is covered in blood with his fangs slowly going back to its hook and he looks so damn irritating.

Muriel turns to look at the three creatures that she has never seen in her life though two look like humans but Muriel knows they are not, human's can't suck blood and human's eyes can't look bloody like that and the other one looks like some kind of an animal beast. 

Who are they? Why did they kill her parents and what does those words said by one of them mean? Who is Ursula? Is she the one that initiated her parents' killing?

Muriel has lots of questions stacked in her head with no answer. She's just so confused right now, what are the motives of these surreal creatures? What business does they have with her parents and why should they kill her parents? 

"Her parents are so stubborn. Did they think they could hide the girl from us? they deserve what they got," that was a female voice. She has a scornful tone. She's dressed in all red and has a glistening red lip gloss on her lips, her hair is so long that it reaches her waist and brownish red in color. She appears so fashionable and sexy but deadly. 

She's the only one that looks neat and looks like a normal human being, but Muriel still knows that she's not one, her eyes are bloody with some shades of green making her appear terrifying.

"Her blood tastes so good," the guy licks his lips in the most repugnant way. "I feel like taking this little one's blood." 

Upon hearing that, Muriel gulped down and shuddered. She's still beside her mother's corpse. Her father's corpse is torn apart and she doesn't know which part to cry on. She couldn't help but shiver in fear. Are they going to kill her just like they killed her parents?