
This is My Territory Now. I


"Bastards!!" Lord Heatiaz cursed as he slammed the throne's armrest into fragments.

His eyes reflected the sight of his tribesmen getting hunted down by a never-ending shower of overwhelming abilities.

Elementals were hard to kill alright, but if there was enough power to completely ruin their environment, their consciousness would have nowhere to hide or go...This marked their ending.

"How did this even happen right below our noses?" Iavroim said with an agitated tone.

"There is only one way to find out." Lord Heatiaz glared at the ceiling of his throne chamber and shouted, "King Valthor! Supreme Elder! How can you allow this!!"

Lord Heatiaz was certain that one of those two elders had a role in helping the alliance create this ambush.

In his eyes, it was simply impossible to conduct this perfectly arranged counter-attack without careful planning with all parties involved.