
Making an Example of Them!

However, after he reached there, he saw neither Anastasia nor Selphie...Only Eizi napping on his stomach like a pig.

'He really likes to sleep.' Felix chuckled and went to knock on his head.

'Hmmm?' Eizi opened his eye lazily and turned to look at Felix.

Immediately, his expression stiffened in shock, not daring to believe that his idol was before him.

"Dragonslayer!!! YOU MADE IT OUT ALIVE!! I knew it! I knew it!" Abruptly, Eizi started jumping around in excitement.

"If I was that easy to kill, you won't be my fan." Felix smiled, "Tell me, where is your sister and Selphie?"

"Sister has gone out rushing a few minutes earlier." Eizi answered with stars in his eyes, "As for big sis Selphie, she has returned to her home months ago."

"Selphie left?" Felix was a bit taken back by the news.

He firmly believed that she would be waiting for him to get out. After all, he had already informed her that he was fine inside.