
A Mock Battle. III

Felix waited until he predicted that a small opening would emerge in the next twenty moves of the paragon's incarnation before committing at last.

The instant his prediction came to fruition, he swiftly swung his battleaxe and released an instant spatial blade at the paragon's incarnation, forcing it to evade to the side and clear a millisecond of vision to the pride's symbol!


Then, he channeled his spell casting through the battleaxe to empower it and activated spatial displacement at the pride's symbol, aiming to switch places with it and his battleaxe!

He recognized way before that the symbol, though a source of the paragon's strength, was a separate physical entity and not an intrinsic part of her!

He didn't know if this was a condition imposed by the pride laws to facilitate its destruction for others and keep it fair for the challengers or if it was always like this.

Whatever it was, he took advantage of the opportunity!