
Supergirl in MHA

A girl is reincarnated into My Hero Academia with the powers of a kryptonian

BlooBlooBloo · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Incoming! Himari Charlotte!

Amidst the chatter and the rustling of clothes in the locker room, a vibrant figure approaches with an exuberant greeting, "Heya! I'm Mina Ashido, but feel free to just call me Mina!" Her pink-hued skin and hair catch the eye as she extends her introduction toward the golden-haired girl. The room falls into a sudden hush, everyone pausing to catch this lively introduction amidst the otherwise bustling atmosphere.

"Hi there! The names Himari Charlotte. You can call me whatever you'd like," she responds with a radiant smile, her warmth filling the air. Inspired by her lead, the other girls in the room step forward, each offering their own introductions with a mix of confidence and curiosity, weaving a tapestry of names and personalities within the vibrant space.


"A quirk apprehension test?!" The collective voice of the class rings out, echoing across the training grounds where they've gathered.

"What about orientation? We can't miss it!" Ochako Uraraka's concern surfaces amidst the group.

Aizawa's response is blunt, his voice cutting through the commotion. "If you aim to become heroes, there's no time for pointless ceremonies." His words hang in the air, carrying a weight of determination and purpose, setting the tone for the serious path ahead for these aspiring heroes.

"The school's renowned for its campus freedom. But that 'freedom' applies to the teachers as well," Aizawa states matter-of-factly, his gaze sweeping across the assembled students. "Today, you'll be revisiting a series of physical activities you've encountered back in middle school." His words carry a tone of practicality, hinting at a blend of challenge and familiarity awaiting the students.

"Charlotte," he calls, his voice cutting through the air. "How far could you pitch a softball in middle school."

"Oh..." She responses, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "I wasn't allowed to participate in that one." Confusion ripples through the class, but Aizawa simply proceeds, swiftly shifting his attention. "Bakugou, how about you?"

"Sixty-seven meters," Bakugou answers confidently, his gaze narrowed on the smiling girl. "This time, utilize your quirk. As long as you remain within the circle, any method is fair game. Don't hold back."

"Alright, you asked for it," Bakugou retorts, a determined glint in his eyes as he readies himself for the pitch. 'I'll add a little heat to this one.'

"DIIEEEE!!!" he shouts, unleashing his throw with fiery determination.

"Before anything else," Aizawa begins, holding a device displaying 705.2 meters, "one must understand their capabilities. This rational metric will serve as the cornerstone of your 'hero foundation'."

"705 Meters!? Unreal!"

"Awesome that looks so fun!"

"Fun...?" Aizawa mutters darkly, his tone tinged with a hint of sarcasm. "Very well. In that case, here's a new rule: the student who ranks last will be deemed 'hopeless'... and will face immediate expulsion." His words hang in the air, carrying a weight that sends a shiver down the spines of the students, emphasizing the seriousness of the challenge ahead.

Izuku felt beads of sweat forming on his brow. 'Crap! I'm still all or nothing,' he realized, worry creeping in. Meanwhile, the golden-haired girl wore a carefree smile, seemingly unfazed by the weight of the situation, as if none of it had phased her in the slightest.


Tenya Iida and Tsuyu Asui soared past the finish line of the 50-meter dash, clocking in at 3.04 and 5.58 seconds, respectively. As each student took their turn, anticipation built for the final matchup that took place: Himari versus Momo Yaoyorozu.

Just as the timer was about to start, Yaoyorozu manifested an electric scooter.

"Three, two, one, go!" Aizawa's voice cuts through the tension, signaling the commencement of their race.

Yaoyorozu propels herself forward at an impressive speed, but her momentum falters when a robotic voice chimes in with a startling announcement: "1 Second!"

Shock ripples through the onlookers, rendering them momentarily speechless. "Holy crap, 1 second!" exclaims a boy whose got some creepy looking elbows, his astonishment echoing the sentiments of the stunned crowd.

'Even I can't reach that speed,' Iida muses, impressed by Himari's sudden burst of velocity.

'I need to know more about her quirk!' Izuku thinks, his curiosity piqued by Himari's unexpected ability.

"Well... not entirely unexpected," Aizawa mutters, jotting down the scores on his clipboard, his demeanor revealing a hint of reserved acknowledgment.

Himari stood at the finish line, beaming with excitement, as Yaoyorozu approached. "That was incredibly impressive, Himari-san. You're really fast," Yaoyorozu complimented, her tone filled with genuine admiration.

Himari's smile widened. "You were amazing too! Your quirk is absolutely awesome!" Her enthusiastic response carried genuine appreciation, the two girls sharing a moment of mutual admiration for each other's abilities.

Unaware as she conversed with Yaoyorozu, the golden-eyed girl failed to notice the blonde boy, mouth hanging wide open in astonishment, nor the cold, sideward glances from another student. Their reactions, lost in her enthusiastic exchange, escaped her notice entirely.


Izuku stood, focusing intently on the grip strength device in his hands. 'Don't let the egg explode,' he reminded himself, the pressure building as he concentrated. Beep beep The device signaled, but before he could glance at the score...


"No way!!"

"She broke the device with just her hand!"

Izuku's worried and shocked expression turned to see the same golden-haired girl, now holding the shattered remains of the device. 'She's not just incredibly fast but unbelievably strong too? What kind of power is that? It's reminiscent of...' His thoughts trailed off, a familiar sensation stirring within him.


As the other activities progressed, Himari continued to dominate, leaving the class in awe.

Infinity! The class erupts in astonishment.

Panic seized Izuku. 'This isn't good! I can't figure it out with so little time,' he fretted, observing everyone else excelling in at least one trial. 'I'm going to end up dead last!'

Steeling himself, Izuku made his way to the pitching circle. 'I'll become a hero!' With a surge of almost uncontrollable energy, his arm lights up. He releases the throw, a mix of determination and hope evident in his voice.

"46 Meters!"

"....huh," Izuku stammers, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"I erased your quirk," Aizawa declares, his scarf unwinding to reveal his full face, goggles, and hair floating in the breeze. "Someone like you doesn't belong in this school."

"Y-you erased it? And those goggles! I know you! The erasing hero, Eraser Head!"

"Eraser who? Never heard of him," someone from the crowd of students chimes in. "I've just heard the name! He's a really underground hero!" another student adds, the shock and confusion spreading among the gathering.

"I saw what you did at the entrance exam. Did you believe someone would come save you after you crippled yourself again?" Aizawa states, his gaze fixed on the young boy.

"N-no, I didn't, I ju-" the green-haired boy starts to respond, but Aizawa interrupts.

Meanwhile, near the other students, Iida remarks to no one in particular, "Perhaps our teacher is offering him some guidance."

"Probably told him to start packing," Bakugou scoffs, drawing attention momentarily, but the focus swiftly returns to the green-haired boy as he readies himself for another pitch.

"Would you look at that!" The golden-haired girl's exclamation draws the attention of several, including Bakugou, only for them to suddenly feel a gust of wind rush past them.

"Sensei! I'm still standing!" Izuku's voice carries a mix of surprise and excitement as Aizawa's face registers an impressed expression.

As everyone stands shocked and impressed, Bakugou erupts in anger, dashing toward Izuku. "Deku! Tell me how you did that or you're dead!!" His aggressive approach is swiftly intercepted as Aizawa swiftly wraps Bakugou in his binding cloth.

"Jeez, don't make me use my quirk so much... It gives me serious dry eye!" Aizawa exclaims as he releases Bakugou and turns to address the class.

"Okay, Charlotte, you're up last. Hurry up so we can move on," he says in his usual dry tone, handing the ball to Himari as she calmly makes her way over to the pitching circle. The contrast between Aizawa's sternness and Himari's composure creates an intriguing moment of tension.

Looking up at the sun, Himari couldn't contain her smile, a calming, joyous feeling enveloping her as she readied herself to throw the ball. However, before she could release it, Aizawa's curt reminder cut through the moment. "We don't have all day," his voice rang out, audible enough for everyone to hear.

The students stood expectant, having witnessed her dominance in previous activities. Their curiosity peaked, wondering how she would perform in this one.

With a swift motion, she pulled her arm back and released the ball, propelling it forward like a soaring rocket. Once again, her action left the entire class in sheer shock.

"1437 Meters," the device proclaimed, its announcement echoing across the training grounds, leaving everyone stunned by the incredible feat.


As the students gathered around Aizawa, the tension hung thick in the air. "Time to present the results," he announced, the display flashing the rankings of the tests.

1. Himari Charlotte

20. Izuku Midoriya

"Oh yeah, that whole 'expulsion' thing was a lie," Aizawa revealed, causing the entire class to freeze in disbelief. "It was a logical ruse to push you to give your best in the tests."

WHHHAAATTT!! Most of the class erupted in a chorus of shock and surprise.

"C'mon, guys, use your brains. Of course, it was just a ruse," Yaoyorozu declared, trying to calm the collective astonishment.

"Alright, your curriculum sheets are in the classroom, so review them. Midoriya, take this and go see Recovery Girl. Your eyeballs will doubtlessly pop out of their sockets at tomorrow's absurd ordeal," Aizawa directed, handing Izuku a sheet for the nurse's office. The mix of relief and disbelief settled in as the truth behind the "expulsion" threat sank in.


Amidst the gathering back in the classroom, Izuku felt a surge of curiosity overcoming his usual timidity. He approached the shining girl, Himari, with newfound resolve. "Charlotte-san," he began, his tone earnest, "I'm really curious about your quirk. If it's alright with you, could you explain it to me?" Notebook and pencil magically appearing in his hands, ready to jot down any and all details she might share.

The classroom fell into a hush, everyone eager to uncover the nature of the quirk possessed by the top performer in the assessment tests.

"Of course!" Himari exclaims with a radiant smile lighting up her face.

"My quirks called Solar Absorb."

Idk how often i'll post chapters, but at least once a week. If the story takes off it might be more often. Anyway hope you enjoyed, leave a comment if you have some help to provide, that would be appracated! Until next time.

BlooBlooBloocreators' thoughts