
20. Like the Ceiling Can't Hold Us


p>Lena POV

"Kate, can I speak to you in your office?" Lena glared at Kate, who was starring back at her in amazement.

"Yes ma'am! You know I always enjoy our time there together." Kate pulled herself together enough to smirk.

"Kara, would you come too?" Lena asked more civilly. She didn't actually need Kara there, but didn't want her wondering about what was going on behind closed doors.

Kate's smirk spread into a lascivious smile. "Oh, hell yes. This just gets better and better..."

Kara looked at Lena quizzically, but Lena just walked out the door and led them into the party. They passed discreetly by the revelers, down the back hall to a room Lena had visited many times during her relationship with Kate. Those were the early days of Kate opening the bar and she spent many hours there before she had good staff who she felt she could trust. Lena had a lot of enjoyable times there, but right then she was seeing red.

"So...what can I do for...both of you?" Kate asked with a smile like a Cheshire cat.

"Down girl. You are entirely misunderstanding the situation."

"Well, I think I understand enough about what I saw back there..."

"If you're referring to something happening between Kara and I, then you're correct. But something happening between the three of us isn't on the table."

"That's a shame." Kate said, her smile dimming quite a bit. "Then what can I do for you, Lena?"

"I'm so glad you asked." Lena said, all business. "I want to be clear that the story coming out of this championship, this game, this day, this weekend...will be about National City, led by tournament MVP Kara Danvers, winning for the second year in a row. I don't want there won't be any distractions from that story related to what you may or may not have seen a few minutes ago."

"Well...I know what I saw..."

"Whatever you saw...stays between the three of us. I won't have this victory, or Kara's career, tarnished with innuendo about us."

"It wouldn't look too good for L-Corp either..." Kate added with a smirk.

"That's true. And this..." Lena motioned between the two of them. "...is not the reason L-Corp is sponsoring the Spirit. The Spirit is a winning, hometown team that does the city proud. They've been nothing but a boon to L-Corp publicity. Every woman on that team works and trains harder in a day than most people do in a month."

"Oh? So you are already familiar with all the women on the team?" Kate said with a knowing smile. She had walked to her desk and was leaning against it with her cocky smile back in place.

Lena took two steps and gripped the front of Kate's shirt roughly, keeping her trapped against the desk. Lena watched the smile fade from Kate's face with pleasure. She released her and stepped back but only slightly.

"Understand this, if nothing else. I'm not interested in other players on the team. I'm not interested in pursuing other women at all. I'm not interested in wasting anymore time with you, Kate....what I'm interested in, is protecting the reputation of the Spirit, and L-Corp..."

"And most of all, Kara Danvers..." Kate added.

"You can believe this. I'll use any avenue I have available to protect Kara." Lena said. "I'd like you to stop and think about that for a minute."

Kate stayed quiet.

"Obviously that would mean breaking off any business dealings between L-Corp and Kane Reality. Also things like this event..." Lena motioned to indicate the party. "...would never happen again. And you know I have a long memory."

Kate just continued to listen and gulped audibly.

"Another thing to ask yourself - are there things that I know about you...about your family...that you might not want widely known?" Lena stopped to let that land. Still, Kate remained quiet.

"Obviously, this..." Lena motioned between herself and Kara, "is not something that we want revealed to the world right now. Are there things that I know about you, which you don't want the world to know?"

Lena watched in satisfaction as Kate's eyes went wide.

"Well...there are things I know about you...about your family...that I could tell..."

"Do your worst, Kate. I'm a fucking Luthor! I know I used to worry about that kind of thing back when we were together. But I've been through a lot since then. Anything you know, well, someone has said worse about us, whether it's true or not. I can't worry about what the world thinks about me. I just have to live my life."

"I wonder if your board feels the same way. And anything coming from me...will attract a lot of attention..." Kate suggested.

"Honestly, I don't give a damn anymore. The point is, I'm willing to risk that to protect Kara. Are you willing to risk it, just to be an asshole?"

Kate stayed quiet, the smirk long gone from her face.

"Let me make myself clear." Lena said, taking a deep breath. "It's very simple. If I wake up Monday morning to any stories related to the Spirit, apart from their incredible back-to-back championship wins, or something else positive...if there's even a whiff of scandal related to what you just saw...I will hold you personally responsible." Lena said with icy calm. "You know me, Kate. Better than most. Have you ever known me to make an empty threat?"

Kate moved her head sidewise in a begrudging 'no'.

"Anything else we need to discuss?"

Kate shook her head again.

"Excellent. I'm so glad we could come to an understanding."

Lena reached behind her for Kara's hand. Kara looked a bit amazed and speechless. She took Lena's hand and they disappeared from the office. Lena led her down the corridor but stopped before they reached the bright lights of party. She turned to Kara.

"I'm sorry about all that. I promise I'm going to do everything I can to stop any negative press. You deserve to enjoy this victory, and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure you do." Lena said with determination. "Now, I'm heading to the hotel. I want you to stay and enjoy the party."

"Lena...I want to come with you..." Kara argued.

"You're the star of the show, Kara. And the party's not over yet. Get out there and get things cranked up to a respectable level." Lena said with a smile.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course." Lena said with a smile. "Will you call when you get back?"

"You can count on it."

"Great. Now you better get out there, Supergirl."

Kara squeezed Lena's hand and flashed her a brilliant smile. "See you soon."


Kara POV

Kara turned away from Lena and walked out into the bright lights. She was immediately surrounded by Lucy's arms.

"Where were you?!" She exclaimed. Before Kara had a chance to respond more players came over and surrounded her. Within moments most of the team was jumping up and down, yelling cheers, and dancing around. Kara forgot all her worries as she celebrated with the team.

Lena smiled at Kara as she slipped towards the door and soon disappeared. The team was on top of the world and no one wanted to stop. Kara stayed until last call, then piled into a taxi with Lucy and a gang of players.

Once they were back in their room, Kara jumped in the shower. She felt the bar and the interactions with Kate like a film on her skin, and wanted to smell good for Lena. She was happy to find Lucy passed out in her bed when she came back out of the bathroom. She dressed quickly and called Lena from the lobby.

"Hey, it's me." She said when Lena answered in a sleepy voice "Did I wake you up?"

"Yes...and you pulled me out of a beautiful dream..."

"Oh? What was it about?" Kara asked.

"Why don't you come up here and I'll show you?" Lena said huskily. She gave Kara directions to her suite. As Kara rode the elevator she started to feel nervous. She had never been with Lena when she wasn't in heat. When she was in heat, that part of her took over and she didn't worry or feel nervous about anything. Also, making the decision to explore a relationship with the alpha was a major step for her, and she couldn't help but feel vulnerable. At the same time, watching Lena handle Kate Kane made her want to ride Lena into the mattress. She could smell Lena's protective dominance, and couldn't wait to be surrounded in her scent again.

Lena was wearing a silk, dark navy robe when she let Kara into the room. Kara had put on a short dress that she'd worn to the L-Corp season wrap-up party, remembering Lena telling her she looked stunning in it.

Kara knew it was the right decision when Lena took a sharp intake of breath at the sight of her.

"You take my breath away, Kara." She said reverently.

Kara walked in and was immediately taken at the size of the suite. She'd never seen anything like it at a hotel. Lena led her through a series of rooms to an large open room with a table laid out with food.

"I took the liberty of ordering room service." Lena said. "Are you hungry?"

"You know me well..." Kara laughed. As much as she wanted Lena, the sight of the food made her stomach growl.

"Well, you know how I love to feed you..." Lena smiled widely. "Go ahead. I've already eaten."

Kara began tucking in to some her favorite foods. Lena seemed to have ordered half the menu and everything was delicious. Lena sat back on a nearby couch with a satisfied smile and watched Kara devour two plates of food.

After she was stuffed, Kara couldn't wait any longer to be close to Lena. She walked towards her as Lena watched her closely.

"Thanks for the food." She said as she reached Lena and sat down by her on the couch. "You always take such good care of me..."

Kara could hear Lena's chest rumble at the praise.

"How are you feeling? You must be exhausted." Lena asked.

"Well, I did fall asleep for a few minutes on the taxi ride home. But now I'm full of adrenaline."

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep? There's a fantastic bed here. You really should get some rest. I don't want you to feel any pressure. I'd be very happy just to hold you while you sleep..."

"I'd love to see that fantastic bed...but I'm not ready to sleep..." Kara said, moving her hand to Lena's knee, caressing it where the robe fell open.

"Are you sure about that? This must feel like one of the longest days of your life."

"It feels like one of the best days of my life." Kara said. "And it's about to get better."

Kara could see Lena was now reluctant, seeing Kara needed to sleep and wanting to take care of her. Kara could see Lena needed some convincing and she decided to take the fastest route she could think of to breakdown her reluctance. She began sliding her hand higher up Lena's thigh. As her hand moved steadily higher she could see Lena's chest begin to rise and fall more quickly.

"Did you...take care of yourself when you got back from the party?" Kara asked, giving Lena a lopsided smile.

"Yes, I...couldn't help it." Lena admitted. "You made me so hard..."

"Fuck, I wish I could have seen that..." Kara said. She'd stopped her progress up Lena's thigh and had begun to slowly untie the knot of her robe. "Why don't you tell me what happened...after you left the bar."

"Called my car...and came straight back to the hotel."

"What were you thinking about during the ride?"

"You." Lena husked.

"Oh? What about me?"

"I thought about you...in Kate's office..."

"Did you want to fuck me in that office?" Kara whispered. "Did you want to...bend me over that desk?"

"Yes..." Lena gasped.

"I thought about that, too...I wanted you to take me on that desk...to make me yours right there...right there in front of Kate Kane." Kara said and she heard Lena growl in response.

She now had the tie of Lena's robe open and was reaching under it to her silky briefs. "Lena, you were so fucking hot back there. The way you handled Kate...the way you put your own reputation on the line...just to protect me..."

Lena groaned as Kara began to stroke her through her briefs. "You know...I always want to protect you..." Lena said.

"I know. From the first day we met...after you knotted me on the plane...you did everything you could to protect my reputation...my career..." Kara continued working on Lena's shaft.

She felt Lena become fully hard in her hand as she stroked and talked. Kara smiled widely at the realization. "Now...no more talk about sleep, OK? I've been dripping for you all night. Don't I deserve to get what I want?"

"You deserve...everything...and anything you want..." Lena said between strokes.

"Well, right now I want you..."

Lena stilled Kara's hand with her own. She got to her feet and pulled Kara up with her. She slid her hands around Kara's waist and pulled her close. Kara moved her hands inside Lena's robe to touch more of her skin. In her tight, skimpy dress it already felt like they were nearly naked together. Lena moved her hands over Kara's ass, pulling her in tighter to her own body.

"You have me..." Lena whispered, then moved a hand behind Kara's neck to pull her in for a kiss. Kara felt herself melt into it. She realized how much she'd longed for Lena's lips since they were interrupted in the restroom. Lena seemed to feel the same, pulling her in roughly she began to devour Kara's mouth. Kara relented and let Lena do as she wanted. Kara felt her body squirming almost involuntarily against Lena. She felt her cock straining against Kara's hip and revelled in the feeling.

"Take me to bed." She whispered into Lena's mouth. Lena growled low in the back of her throat. She moved her hands back to Kara's ass. She moved her fingers down to the hem of her dress and eased it up over her ass.

"Put your arms around my neck." She directed Kara, who quickly complied. Then Lena lifted her legs and Kara wrapped them around her. Lena moved toward the bedroom with Kara's cunt pressed tightly to her abdomen. Kara felt Lena's cock bumping her ass as she walked. She let out a deep moan at the feeling. She couldn't wait to have Lena inside her, and the feeling of Lena's cock against her ass was giving her other ideas as well.

Lena set her gently on the bed. She immediately reached to each side of her to grip her panties, then looked at Kara for confirmation.

Kara nodded and lifted her hips for Lena to remove them and began to slide Kara's dress up slowly higher.

"So beautiful..." Lena murmured, then began kissing her way up Kara's body. She bent Kara's legs and pushed them apart so that she could move in closer. She continued moving her dress steadily higher, then up over Kara's breasts. Lena smiled wickedly at the sight.

"Thank you for not wearing a bra..." Lena said, then pulled Kara's dress the rest of the way over her head to get it off. Kara shivered at the feeling of being naked under Lena, but it was only a moment before Lena cupped both breasts in her hands and began lavishing them with her tongue. Kara moaned again as Lena's tongue wrapped around one of her nipples.

"I couldn't wait to get here..." Kara husked, her hips began shifting against Lena's thigh, which was now tight between her legs.

She felt Lena bite down on her nipple and Kara's hand shot to the back of Lena's head encouragingly. "Yes! Please don't stop..."

Lena took her time, making sure to give plenty of attention to each breast before making her way up Kara's neck. She licked along her ear and then whispered, "I want to taste you, Kara."

"Oh, fuck, yes..." Kara said, digging her fingers into Lena's scalp and pushing her lower.

Lena began to work her way back down, licking and nipping along Kara's neck to her throat. When she reached her breast Lena paused to suck deeply just above it, causing Kara to writhe in pleasure and pain. When Lena moved lower, and Kara looked down to see a purpling bruise.

She marked me. She thought to herself and her heart skipped a beat.

Lena made her way down, ravishing Kara's breasts again, taking her time to run her tongue and teeth over every inch of Kara's abs until she reached the blonde tufts above her pubic bone. Kara's hips were moving rhythmically now, her body trying to get more friction, but Kara was determined to let Lena take her time. She could feel an orgasm building deep inside, though Lena still hadn't even touched her cunt.

Kara moaned deeply as Lena moved lower still, now licking delicately over Kara's clit, driving her even higher, but still not touching her fully. Finally, Kara couldn't wait longer.

"Please..." She gasped, not able to articulate what she was asking, hoping Lena would understand. Lena responded immediately, sliding her hand up Kara's thigh, slowly higher until she reached her core.

"I've been dying to touch you, Kara. I just...wanted to make sure you were ready."

"I'm so...so ready..." Kara whined. At that Lena slipped a finger inside her, while at the same time driving her tongue down hard onto her clit.

"Yes, god yes!" Lena fingered her gently, working her up for a while before sliding another finger inside and pushing them both firmly against Kara's g-spot. Kara's head went back and her body arched in pleasure.

Lena smothered Kara's clit with her mouth, sucking and licking deeply. Kara could feel herself about to fall over the edge. She started calling Lena's name with each thrust of her hand, and she couldn't stop herself. Finally Lena pushed three fingers in deep while taking Kara's clit between her teeth. That pushed Kara over the edge and she felt herself release and gush over Lena's hand. Lena began driving her fingers in hard and deep, pushing Kara through the waves of her orgasm, drawing it out as long as possible. Kara clenched tightly around Lena's fingers until at last her orgasm started to subside. Her body dropped back down on the bed, spent and satisfied. She looked down to see Lena smiling between her legs and licking Kara's cum from her fingers. Kara moaned at the sight.

"Come up here." She whispered and Lena quickly complied. Lena eased herself down, covering Kara's body with hers and kissing her neck softly.

"You're so gorgeous when you cum. My face and hands are covered in you." Lena said in a reverent voice, like she couldn't really believe it.

"That was fantastic, Lena. God, I really needed that...I didn't even know how much..." Kara said wistfully. "Now I want to take care of you..."

Kara started to move her hand down Lena's body, but Lena gripped it and stopped Kara's progress towards her cock. "No, Kara."

"No?" Kara said, sounding shocked. "What do you mean...'no'? Did I do something wrong?"

"You're perfect, Kara. And you're exhausted. You've had a non-stop day of preparing and winning the championship, partying like a rock star, and cumming like a banshee." Lena said with an amused smile. "Now it's time for you to rest."

"But Lena...what about..."

"Shhh. Quiet. I'll still be here in the morning. Which isn't very far away. Right now all I want is for you to get some sleep."

"You really aren't like other alphas..." Kara said sleepily. She found her determination fading as her intense orgasm, the alcohol, and the trials of the day were sapping her energy.

"Maybe not. I know you had a bad one. When I think about that it makes me want to..." Lena stopped and calmed herself.

"Anyway, I know you're taking a chance, opening up to a relationship with an alpha again. I know that's making you feel vulnerable. And what happened with Kate...didn't help. It's true I've been with a lot of women, but I want you to know that...being with you is different for me. All I want is a chance...the chance to be with you...to see where this goes. Promise not to get spooked on me?"

"Promise." Kara said, lazily crossing her heart.

"Good. Now go to sleep."

Lena kissed Kara's neck gently and settled down on top of her again. Kara felt safe under the weight of the alpha, and hearing her words. Lena's words made her feel conflicting emotions - excitement at the thought of being with Lena, yet feeling afraid of losing control and getting hurt again.

Lena's head was resting against Kara's chest. She moved her hand over Kara's heart.

"If you let me in...I'll never do anything to hurt you..." Lena whispered.

Kara could feel her heart slipping beyond her control, with a growing love for Lena. She had the realization as she drifted to sleep and despite her fears, thought excitedly to herself: Oh. Fuck...