
19. I Want the Ocean Right Now

Kara POV

As Kara made her way through the crowd she couldn't wait to get her hands on Lena. To hold her, and take in her scent and celebrate. To tell her there was nothing they couldn't do together. At the same time, it occurred to her that she was already going against her promise to Lena that they "lay low" in Gotham City. Her brain tried to reason with her heart, but she'd expended so much energy in the match, she couldn't fight back against her body's desires. She could see the same resignation in Lena's eyes as she turned to look at her.

As Kara reached the edge of the crowd she was just feet from Lena. Out of nowhere she caught a glimpse of Lucy running towards her, right before she tackled Kara from the side. Kara found herself in a daze as Lucy screamed and congratulated her on winning tournament MVP. Lucy was practically sitting on her chest, and even though Kara could have lifted her off, she realized Lucy had just saved her from herself. Saved her the embarrassment of lunging at Lena, right after she had so clearly promised not to do anything like that publicly. So, instead of removing Lucy, Kara looked over at Lena, and watched as Sam took her elbow and began pulling her towards the exit. Kara looked at Lena and winked, then watched as Lena touched her fingers to her lips and tipped them towards Kara. Then she turned and took Sam's arm and they walked off the field.

Kara was so filled with emotion. Despite her desire to celebrate with Lena, she knew it wasn't the right time, in front of so many cameras and reporters. Instead, she threw herself fully into the team's celebration. She squeezed Lucy tight and maneuvered to wrestle her off so she could stand up again and get back into the mix.

After much celebrating and media interviews on the field the team made their way to the locker room, where the bubbly was flowing. There was a lot of toasting, drinking, and even singing before they all made it to the showers and into their party clothes. The night had only begun.


Lena POV

Once again Lena was relieved, yet disappointed that she didn't get to see Kara after the game. With her whole body and soul she was waiting to receive Kara once she made it through the crowd. But as she watched her get playfully tackled and knocked off her course, Lena knew it was for the best, and made her exit with Sam. She reminded herself that she was a grown woman and could control her body's drives.

Sam had received a text from Alex that she was in the locker room, treating a member of the team that had sprained their ankle near the end of the match. Alex couldn't get away for a while, so both women were ready to get back to their hotel and decompress. They were thrilled but also exhausted from the intensity of the extra-long match. Lena and Sam took their time getting ready, knowing that it would be quite a while before the team had finished interviews and getting ready for the after party.

Before the trip, Lena had arranged for the team to have an open bar at 'The Hold Up' which was a bar owned by Kate Kane. After their difficult breakup it took a long time but eventually they had become friends again, sometimes even with benefits, depending on their situations. Lena also wanted her money to go to a woman and queer-owned business. Despite her irritation with Kate's behavior towards Kara during the game, she was excited about the party and about being back in the bar where she'd had many good times. After all she'd done to help the Spirit that year, Lena felt she deserved it. She wondered if Kate might be too disappointed with the game to show her face, and she wouldn't be there. Then again, knowing her ex and how many hot women would be there that night, it seemed very unlikely that Kate wouldn't show, regardless of her team's loss.

When they arrived at the bar, Lena saw Kate already holding court behind the bar. Clearly she had moved on from the loss, or was taking a break from grieving it, unwilling to miss out on what would be a phenomenal party. All Lena wanted to do in that moment was walk straight to Kate and rip her a new one for what she'd done to Kara during the game. But Lena knew that it would not help her 'lay low' regarding her relationship with Kara. Instead, she decided to avoid Kate for the time being and get herself calmed down. She noticed Sara sitting at a table and waving at her to come join. As she got close she noticed Sara was sitting with the team owner, Diana Prince, a woman Lena had always admired. Lena led Sam over to the table.

"Lena!" Both the coach and the owner stood to give Lena a hug.

"Congratulations to you both!" Lena said as she hugged them. "What a fantastic season."

"Lena, thank you for all you and L-Corp have done for the team this year - you've been incredibly generous." Diana said, squeezing Lena's hand. "I really can't thank you enough."

"It's been a thrill, Diana. The women are just...so inspiring." Lena said, quickly changing the subject and stopping herself from thinking too much about one player who was particularly inspiring to her.

"Diana, you haven't had a chance to meet my friend Samantha Arias. She's our new COO. I really don't know where I'd be without her during all this with...well, I'm sure you've seen the papers."

"Samantha, it's lovely to meet you." Diana said, gripping her hand and giving her a warm smile. "Any friend of Lena's..."

"Please, call me Sam. It's an honor to meet you, doctor. Your reputation proceeds you..."

"Please." Diana said, waving her off. "What can we get you to drink?"

The women sat down and before they were finished with one drink members of the team started to arrive. Kara was one of the last people to get there. Lena watched her stroll in with Alex and Lucy, beaming from ear to ear. Lena tried to stay focused on the conversation at the table, but the room was becoming very loud and the women realized they could no longer hear well enough to maintain their conversation.

"Ladies, I think it's time to join the festivities..." Sara said, pulling Diana to her feet and motioning to Sam and Lena to mingle.

Lena took Sam's arm and pulled her towards the bar. "Come on, help me get past the ex-girlfriend reunion so I can move on to the fun."

When they got to the bar, Kate was no where to be found but some of the Spirit players were lingering there so congratulated them on the game. The players lifted a glass to Lena in thanks for her support, and they all drank together for another round that led to a lot of teasing and laughing among the team members. Everyone was on cloud 9, and Lena was loving the festive scene.

Soon Alex appeared at the bar and pulled Sam away so they could "catch up". One of the players put a shot in front of Lena, which she tipped back. Lena was starting to feel a bit tipsy and couldn't resist looking around to try to see what Kara was up to. She spotted her at the pool table in the middle of shooting. There was a group gathering around to watch her and Lucy taking on two members of the Gotham team. With Sam off in a corner with Alex there was no one around to keep her from wandering over to the pool table. Lena walked to a vacant high top table and leaned against it. She wasn't right next to the pool table but close enough to watch Kara play.

Lena set down her drink and watched the game closely. She wasn't surprised to find that Kara was also good at pool. But she could feel her body react, especially when Kara leaned over the table to reach a difficult shot. Seeing her bend over the table like that was giving Lena evil thoughts. Her brain flashed to an image of bending her over that table, stripping her out of those pants and burying her cock inside her. Drinking always made it more of a challenge for Lena to rein in her alpha. She knew she needed to remove herself from the scene.

Just as she was turning to go, she felt an arm go around her waist and pull her back. The next thing she felt was a kiss on her cheek.

"Lena..." She heard the whisper in her ear and knew immediately it was Kate. She felt the familiar arms go around her from behind. Lena turned to face her, remembering what Kate had done to Kara during the match and feeling irritated.

"What's the matter, aren't you happy to see me?"

"Don't start, Kate."

"Hey, I was just saying 'hi'. I was excited to see...an old friend."

"Right." Lena said, narrowing her eyes.

"Listen, Lena. Honestly I just wanted to say thanks for bringing the party here. It's a huge boon for the bar. I'm sure you know that."

"Of course I do." Lena said, calming down. "I'm happy for the chance to support you....Even though you were a complete asshole during the game."

"What? What are you talking about?" Kate said with a wink. "You know I'm always a good girl."

Lena looked in her eyes. Kate was always so smooth and charming and it was annoying Lena. She wanted to remain irritated with her.

"Come on Lena, you can never stay mad at me." Kate said with a sly smile and moving closer again. "I also wanted to say congratulations on the win..."

"Thanks. It's a huge payoff for L-Corp, but also, I've been really been impressed with the team. And I'm sorry about your team's loss. I know you worked hard and it must be disappointing to work like that and not quite get there." Lena meant to be nice, but she heard how it sounded and saw Kate's eyes flash at that last part.

"Yeah, it's been a rough day." Lena watched Kate's eyes narrow. "You know what would make it so much better? What do you say to us reliving some old memories? I've still got my office in the back. We could celebrate your victory...no strings attached?" Kate asked, squeezing her hand and moving in even closer.

"Not interested." Lena said darkly, pulling her hand away from Kate's grip.

"Oh really...since when?" Kate looked at her suspiciously. "Don't tell me you're involved in something...serious?"

Lena stayed quiet and glared. Kate was so close and it suddenly occurred to her how this interaction would look if anyone was paying attention to them. She glanced around the room to see if they were attracting attention.

"Oh my god...it's someone here, isn't it? " Kate smirked. "Tell me...is it a player?"

"Is it so hard to believe I'm just not interested?" Lena said, taking a step back from Kate. "I'm sure it won't take you long to find someone else to fill the bill. It never did before, when you weren't getting what you want."

Kate leaned in close, her lips grazing Lena's ear as she whispered "Yeah, but no one else has a cock like yours..."

At that Lena pushed her back. "Fuck off, Kate." She said then marched past her. She could hear Kate chuckling behind her.

"I'll take that as a 'yes' to my question about the player."

Lena moved closer to the pool table, searching for Kara. She didn't spot her, but noticed Sam and Alex huddling in a corner nearby. When she approached them they both called out to her, clearly feeling drunk and happy about the win, and about being together.

"Hey, lovebirds." Lena deadpanned. "Has either of you seen Kara?"

"She was just here..." Sam said, turning to look at the pool table. Clearly they were too absorbed in each other to be any help.

As Lena turned to go another group of players came up to toast her and L-Corp, and then Sara appeared to call for a team toast. Lena kept her eyes peeled for Kara but she didn't appear.

After a couple of rounds Lena could feel herself losing focus. The room was electric with celebration. Everyone was having a wonderful time singing, dancing, drinking. At one point Lena caught a glimpse of Kara across the room, but decided she should stay away, she was afraid of what she might do in her condition.

After a while Lena decided she'd had enough. Just then Sara appeared at her elbow.

"Hey, let's go sit for a minute." Sara led her over to an out-of-the-way table.

"So. Seems you're holding to your commitment to 'lay low' with Kara on this trip." Sara said with a smirk.

"Yes, well, it's not easy, let me tell you. What I really want to do is..." Lena caught herself. Her eyes went wide. "Fuck, sorry, I...think I'm a little drunk..."

"Maybe a little." Sara said with a smile. "It's OK. You've earned some celebrating."

"So have you, Sara. I'm really impressed with...the way you run this team. I'm really glad L-Corp has made a long-term commitment to you and the players."

"God, me too! You don't know what a difference it's made."

"The team does seem to really appreciate it." Lena mused.

"By the look on your face I'd say you're more concerned about how one player in particular feels." Sara smiled knowingly.

"Maybe...Everything's been so crazy. I haven't even had a chance to congratulate her...."

"I'm sure you'll get plenty of opportunities back in National City." Sara winked.

"Maybe." Lena couldn't help but wonder if Kara had seen her interactions with Kate and how she would take it if she had. With all the tabloid press about her lovelife, she wouldn't blame Kara for being suspicious. It was starting so seem odd that she hadn't even spoken to Kara since the night before when they were on the plane.

"Anyway, I think I better go to the hotel. I've had way to much to drink."

"Are you sure?" Sara asked. "This is your party."

"No, this is your party, and the team's. It's been a blast, but I should quit while I'm ahead."

"OK, have a good night, Lena." Sara said, squeezing her hand.

Lena made her way to the restroom. Then she needed to check on Sam, who she knew would likely want to stay, then would head to the hotel.

Lena was annoyed to see all the stalls full once she was inside the restroom. She leaned against the sink and re-applied her lipstick in the mirror while she waited. She couldn't help it, she might get a chance to see Kara on her way out and wanted to look good for her.

Moments later one of the doors opened and she turned to see Kara coming out of one the stalls. Without engaging her brain she immediately stepped forward and walked towards her, with one finger crossing her lips to signal her to be quiet. She saw Kara's eyes dart up at her and go wide with surprise. Kara stepped back inside. Lena slipped into the stall and shut the door behind her.

Lena wanted so much to take Kara in her arms, but knew she needed to keep space and not escalate their contact if she was going to maintain control. She leaned back against the wall opposite Kara to create some space.

"I just...wanted to say congratulations, Kara." Lena said, speaking in a low voice, barely loud enough to be heard over the loud music. "When I saw you after the game, I really wanted...well, all I wanted to do was run to you when you came through the crowd..."

"Sorry, Lena, I know I promised we would 'lay low' in Gotham. I was so excited about the win, when I saw you I just, well...luckily Lucy stepped in when she did."

"It's fine, Kara, really. Of course you were excited - what an amazing game! You were fantastic. And winning MVP, well, it couldn't go to anyone more deserving."

"Thanks. It all feels a bit...surreal. And I think I've had too much to drink." Kara leaned her head back against the wall. Lena tried to control her bodies response to Kara's neck arched so beautifully and so near.

"You and me both." Lena offered, watching Kara closely. Her mood was strange, not at all what Lena had imagined their reunion to be. Something about Kara's scent didn't seem right.

"What is it Kara, you seem sort of...well, disappointed?"

"Why would I be disappointed? We just won the league championship!"

"I don't know..." She whispered. She wondered if it was something related to her interaction with Kate. "I'm not sure what you saw out there, with Kate... but I want you to know, it was nothing."

"Oh. Well...it didn't look like nothing..." Kara observed "But it's totally fine, Lena."

"Then what...what is it? You just don't...seem like yourself."

"I don't know. I guess I did feel a bit jealous seeing you two together. It seemed very...intimate. I know I have no right to be jealous. Hell, we haven't even been on a single date! I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry, Lena."

"Kara..how could you think..." Lena said in a quiet voice, taking a step closer to Kara.

"I think I'm just exhausted from the game. Sorry for being so silly..." Kara whispered, wiping at the corner of her eye and laughing.

"You're not being silly. Kate was being very...aggressive. It's not surprising you got the wrong idea..." Lena said reaching out for Kara's hand. Kara retrieved it.

"Anyway, we're laying low right now. And we're not even dating yet. You should be with whoever you want..."

"Kara...you must know by now...you're the one that I want. The only one I want." Lena husked.

Lena looked closely at Kara. She longed to wrap her up in her arms. But she reminded herself that she was the one who insisted they put the brakes on for the rest of their time in Gotham City.

"I wasn't asking that we lay low because I wanted to be with someone else on this trip..."

"Let's just talk about it once where back home, OK?" Kara said.

"Sure. You should be out there celebrating. I just want you to know, what you did today...was incredible! That was the most exciting game I've ever seen in my life."

"Thanks, Lena. And thanks for all you've done for the team."

That last line stabbed into Lena's heart. It sounded so impersonal, it was the same thing all the other players were saying to her that night

"Kara, please..." Lena was torn. Here Kara was offering her the perfect chance to do exactly what she asked, to be careful and avoid suspicion. To be patient and wait till they were back in National City, just like Sara had asked. But the look at her face was breaking Lena's heart. Kara's scent was also giving away her feelings of insecurity, and it was getting underneath Lena's alpha skin. She wanted to fix it and make everything in Kara's world right. She deserved to have a good night and Lena hated the thought that she had stolen some of her fun due to her maddening conversation with her ex. Her ex who had nearly injured Kara during the match.

Lena took one more step forward, having decided she couldn't leave without at least touching Kara, even if it was only a moment. She wanted to do anything she could to make her feel better.

Lena reached out and cupped her cheek. "Kara. I admit I've had quite a history with women. Kate is included in that list. There's nothing I can do about my past. But you should know, something I've learned from those experiences is that, more than anything...I want a chance with you. You're...something entirely different than other women I've dated or been with. And I'm going to do my best to not do anything to...screw this up. now that you're giving me a chance. All I want to do is make you feel happy. And secure. And satisfied..."

Kara's eyes lifted to Lena with curiosity, but she stayed quiet.

"I'm not sure why, but you don't seem to understand how special you are. But I'm going to do everything in my power to change that." Lena promised. "You're phenomenal, Kara. I couldn't take my eyes off you during the game. And afterwards...if you'd come to me, I wouldn't have cared who saw - I was so caught up in the moment...it was so exciting..."

Kara smiled a lopsided smile. "Yeah, I suppose it was pretty fabulous."

"Kara...what were you going to do if you made it to me at the field?"

"I hadn't thought it through much...but I think the loose plan was to pick you up and kiss you like there was no tomorrow..."

"Well..." Lena asked innocently. "Maybe...I can have a kiss now?"

"What about the plan to 'lay low' while we're in Gotham?"

"Just one kiss? No one can see us in here..."

Kara nodded and Lena moved in to kiss her gently on the lips.

"Sorry for being jealous...I know I'm being ridiculous..." Kara whispered when Lena moved only slightly back from the kiss, still cupping her cheek and reluctant to move away. "After pushing you away, so many times...I understand if you want to sleep with someone else..."

"Sleep with someone else?!" Lena exclaimed, then looked around anxiously, realizing she'd been too loud. "You really just have no idea..."

"I just mean that I have no claim...no right to be jealous. And I'm sorry for feeling the way I do...and that it's taking you away from the celebration...which you really deserve..."

"Kara! You're the one that deserves a celebration. And I hate that something I was involved in has distracted you from having fun. You're the reason we're here celebrating tonight. Not because of an L-Corp sponsorship..."

"I've made mistakes, Lena. And I'm sorry about that." Kara said, looking at her with concerned eyes. "But I'm going to make up for them. Right now...you don't owe me anything. And you should do what you want."

"Don't apologize, Kara. You're perfect." Lena said, unable to stop herself from sneaking one more kiss "Kate is the asshole..."

At that Kara gave a genuine laugh. "Well, you have to admit she has good taste in women."

"Charmer." Lena said, feeling relieved that Kara had made a joke about it.

"Sometimes it scares me how much I like you..." Kara mumbled.

"Kara, I..." Before Lena could properly respond Kara gripped the collar of Lena's shirt and pulled her closer to her body. Lena let out an unintentional moan as Kara moved her lips to Lena's and pulled her into an open mouth kiss. Lena was feeling dizzy at the sensation of Kara's mouth, feeling the escalation of desire in her scent on top of all the alcohol she'd had.

Lena threaded her fingers into Kara's hair as Kara delved more deeply into her mouth. Lena felt herself slipping. She tried to remind herself of the reasons they needed to be discreet. Being in small spaces, surrounded by Kara's scent always affected her, and the alcohol was stealing her self control. Kara's hands were now gripping her ass, pulling her closer. Lena felt desperate to get closer and without her direction, Lena's hands went to Kara's thighs and lifted her. Kara's legs immediately wrapped around her waist and Lena held her up against the wall. Now with Kara's legs spread Lena could feel her hot cunt against her cock, which was now taught against her pants.

"Oh fuck, Lena..." Kara gasped. "I want you..."

"Me too," Lena gasped. "I can't tell you how much. Watching you on the field were so beautiful...so poised...so...fucking hot..." Lena whispered. "I want to make you feel so good...I want to make you cum."

Kara started moving her hips, grinding against Lena like she wanted Lena to take her right there in the stall.

"Maybe...can we meet up later?" Lena gasped as she tried to get control of herself. "I could come to your room late...after everyone's asleep and no one would see..."

"What about...laying low..." Kara said, breathing heavily.

"I can't think about that anymore..." Lena said. "I can barely keep from taking you against this wall. Kara, I want you so bad...please...let me come to your room tonight..."

"No, Lena, I'm rooming with Lucy..."

"You could come to my suite..." Lena whispered into her mouth, trying her best to maintain control. "There's an elevator operator who would see you...but, I can take care of that. Will you come, Kara?"

"If that's what you want....Of course, Lena. I'll do anything you want..." Kara was still grinding against Lena, and Lena knew they had to stop before it went too far.

"All I want is to make you feel good. I want you to feel like you deserve. You're so good, Kara...I can't...all I want is to be with you tonight."

"Then I'm all yours, Lena." Kara said right before their lips crashed together again.

Suddenly they heard someone making complaining noises about all the stalls being filled, just outside their door.

"We better get back out there." Lena said. "Just call me once you're back at the hotel and the coast is clear. It doesn't matter how late it is. I want you to stay and celebrate with the team as long as you want. Promise me you'll call?"

"I promise." Kara whispered.

At that Lena eased Kara's legs to the ground. She looked at Kara's face and laughed. "You've got my lipstick all over you..."

Lena worked to remove as much of it as she could. They both giggled as Lena's fingers tickled Kara's lips. Kara started to re-arrange Lena's shirt, to tuck it in where she'd jerked it out. Lena did the same for her. They both calmed their breathing and tried to make themselves look like nothing had happened so they could face the world. But there was nothing Lena could do about the way her cock was bulging in her pants. She thought she would probably be stuck with it until she could be with Kara again, and she was fine with that. She hoped everyone would be too drunk and happy to notice.

"It's so hard for me to control myself around you..." Lena whispered.

"Oh really? How hard is it?" Kara asked with a smirk, reaching down to give Lena's cock a gentle squeeze.

"God, you are really the worst - so bad..." Lena said, stealing another kiss.

"I thought you said I was good..." Kara said with a seductive smile.

Lena moved in to whisper into Kara's ear. "Always. But I'm going to make you pay for being so naughty..."

Kara took a sharp breath. "I can't wait..."

Lena leaned back, then took Kara's hand and kissed it. "Are you ready?"

"For anything." Kara said with a nod.

Lena unlocked the door and slid the stall door open. She took a step through with Kara close behind. They both paused in surprise at the sight of Kate Kane leaning against the sink, waiting for an open stall. Lena saw her eyes go wide, and could see the exact moment of Kate's realization at the sight of the two women emerging from the stall together, looking rumpled and Lena obviously hard. Lena noticed Kate's voice and smile had lost all it's cockiness as her mouth dropped open as she said an a shocked whisper:

"Oh. Fuck..."