
Super villain with a hero system

In a post utopian future, the world is divided into a superhero societies and supervillian societies. Where each societies want to prove they are right and the strongest. In the slum of the superhero societies exist Grid, a young boy who lost hope in human and believed everyone have evil deep in their heart. So, Grid dream to be the most powerful supervillian and destroy the world. But he suddenly got a superhero system from a stranger. The system gave benefit for every good deed and grid is conflicted. Can Grid became the supervillan he ever dream??

Frankov · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter 1 - (Grid)

100 years ago, the world discovered a new type of energy that exist in everything. They call it eom (energy of matter) and produced countless new miracle invention that lead the world to a utopian era. They also found that it is also the same energy that was said in any old scriptures. Cultivator from the east call it ki and can control their own body ki. While, magician from the west call it mana and able to control their surrounding mana. The Buddhist order call it chakra and come from their power come from their virtues.

During that time the most powerful eom user was Ghaffur a magician that mastered the control the whole earth. With a wave of his hand he can submerged a whole continent. After finding out he was the most powerful ghaffur demand to be the king of world but was rejected.. So a war broke of between people of power that wanted to lead and people of power that wanted to protect..

After 50 years ceasefire was able to achieved and half of the world was control by those that said wanted to protect and they create the superhero societies. While the other half was control by ghaffur and his powerful allies and call them self the supervillian societies. The world goes on with their leadership for another 50 years with their own philosophy.

Bramund, the largest metropolis of superhero societies is brimming with colour from morning to night. It is the central cultural hub for most eom user that want to succeed. There is a large waterway going through the city. In the underground of the city there exist and old tunnel of sewer. This is the sewer that was used before the invention of eom water treatment sylinder that was install in every house nowdays. Now the sewer was used by vagrants and homeless people for shelter and avoid the eom user.

In the sewer there is a boy with black hair and black eye that looks aroud 12 years old that live alone there. The boy has and unknown background. He does mot have a name and has lived in the sewer all his life. The people in the sewer call him Grid, for his greediness when growing up.

Grid has always hated people. He was abandon in the sewer and the people that assosiated with him tend to bully and hurt him due to his size. Then grid realizes there is evil deep inside people no matter a hero or a villain. Since then grid dream of a becoming a villain and purge the world . He always dream of going to supervillain societies and learn to be a villian. So one day grid deside to left the sewer to sneak out of bramund city.

It was early in the morning and grid already prepared a few of his things. He stole a blade from old man jenkins a man that is sleeping in his tent a few meter from his place. On the way out of the sewer he also stole a sweater from the aunty that keep yelling at him the day before. Then grid put on the sweater and go out the sewer.

Grid put his hoodie up to cover for his head. The sweater was red colour and to large for his body. He slowly walk while avoiding people in the big city. He then arrives in a discreet little corner on the edge of the city.. The city have wall as tall as 200 meter high and always guarded.. But this particular corner has a secret hole going through underneath. Grid know of this when listening to some vagrant talking before. Upon arriving there grid see that there is a big suspicious looking welcoming mat on the dirt at the end of the road. And two guy sitting on a chair reading old newspaper near the welcoming mat.

I been living my whole life on the street. I know a guard when i see one said grid. Grid have been contamplating on how to approch the guard then suddenly he see one part of the welcome mat is lifted and out came a large figure covered in black clothes. The men sitting on the left suddenly standing and yell tadaa!!! As if its a magic show to avoid suspicion from the people at that alley. The figure in black then giving the man on the right a pouch with a dollar sign on it. The man look into the pouch for a moment and then nodded.

Grid feel a powerful aura from that large figure and he feel that man must be a villian. With that powerful aura no way he was a normal person. Grid decide to follow that figure and maybe ask to teach him to be a strong villian. That figure was walking slowly some time almost stumble. Grid follow behind silently. He follow that figure till he walk under an overpass suddenly the figure yell and jump high and hit his head at the overpass. The figure the landed on his bottom and began to show that it is in pain.

Grid was surprised and hurriedly run toward the figure. When running grid accidently step on a cockroach. "Are you ok master?" Ask grid. There lying on the ground is a black armor with the latest eom technology. The face of the armor resemble a dragon. "ah i am ok. Thank you for you help brave hero" said person inside the armor. The voice sound feminine. Grid was surprise that it sound like its a girl inside that big armor. Grid also clueless why this person is thanking him while he still had not done anything yet. "what is your name young hero" ask the female in the armor. Grid silences. "well what ever it is im glad you came to save me. As a token of appreciation you can have this. This can help a normal person like you to gain power" said the female while handing a strange looking syringe with a skull symbol on it. Grid look confused then smiles. Skull usually assosiate with something evil. Grid take the syringe and hurriedly hide it in his pant. "i have to go now. May we see each other again." the girl said that and waved. She continue to walk in the dark alley.

Grif who was left confused snap back to reality and suddenly run to find a spot with nobody around. He then arrive at a ravine near the waterway. He take out the strange syringe with skull mark. The liquid inside is green. Grid was hesitant at first but he has nothing else to lose. So he injected the syringe into his thigh. Then he wait. After 30 second grid began to spoke "huh, that was a let down" right after he said it he feel dizzy and fainted. Right before he fainted he heard a voice inside his head. "suzzzz. Supreme superheroes system initiated".

Grid open his eye he was stuck in a tree root near a river. It seem like he fell into the ravine and the root save him. Suddenly a voice echo in his head "Congratulation master you has done your first good deed. Your reward is 1000 point. After tax deduction the remaining is 100 point.". Grid confused " what are you?" he said. "i am the latest heroes making nano eoms with 8gigabyte ram and spread sheet capabilities.i also can run doom" the voice replied. "so you can give me power?" grid asked. "yes sir, by doing good deed, you gained point and can exchanges it with power. Grid think for a moment. He hated the idea that he need to do good deed to gain power. But maybe i can turn into a supervillian once i acquire enough power. " you know i am inside your mind right.. I can read everything. Now let register first what is your name?" ask the system. "you said you can read my mind, so why ask my name shithead!!" yell grid. " your name shithead is registered. You have a 100 point balance" replied the system. "no, my name is grid, grid!" grid replied. "registered name cannot be exchanged" replied the system. Grid cried and mumble "such an evil system". Grid then ask "what deed did i do during i am unconscious? ". "you safe me from becoming a failure program right after installing". What a self abosorb system said grid to him self. "what do i call you?" ask grid. "im sss(supreme superheroes system) but you can call me dex or maximilion or something with the letter x in it to show that i am cool." said the system. "ok from now on your name is poo." said grid as a revenged from earlier. "you have been deducted 50 point for being mean to me." said poo. Grid regret a little for that remarks. "ok, ok truce. Show me what i can get for my point." said grid. Suddenly a screen appeared infront of grid. The screen wrote

name: grid(shithead), deed point :50, status: normal, argumentation: none, element affanity, earth:70% water 20%

strength :12 , agality:18 , dexterity:20 , intelligence: 8, vitality :10, eom control: 1

My first time writing an english novel. Sorry for bad grammar.

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