
Super villain with a hero system

In a post utopian future, the world is divided into a superhero societies and supervillian societies. Where each societies want to prove they are right and the strongest. In the slum of the superhero societies exist Grid, a young boy who lost hope in human and believed everyone have evil deep in their heart. So, Grid dream to be the most powerful supervillian and destroy the world. But he suddenly got a superhero system from a stranger. The system gave benefit for every good deed and grid is conflicted. Can Grid became the supervillan he ever dream??

Frankov · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 - (upgrade)

name: grid(shithead), deed point :50, status: normal, argumentation: none, element affanity - earth:70% - water 20%

strength :12 , agality:18 ,dexterity :20, intelligence: 8 , vitality:10, eom control: 1

"You can use your deed point to increase any of the attributes." said poo. Grid look puzzled wandering if this is legit. How can one gain power so easily he wandered. "wait why my intelligence is so low?" ask grid. Poo only whistle silently. Grid is thinking to increase the eom control attribute since that is the most important part to be a eom master. "alright put everything into eom control" said grid. Suddenly a warning siren blasting inside grid head. "master, you cannot put power exceed your body can endure." said poo. At max you can only upgrade your eom control up to 10" explain poo again.

"alright poo upgrade eom control to 10." said grid. He seem to be using 18 deedpoint for the upgrade. So 2 deedpoint per upgrade. He has 32 more point but he dosnt know which way to upgrade. So he just dump all the point into strength. So his screen show him this

name: grid(shithead), deed point :50, status: normal, argumentation: none, element affanity - earth:70% - water 20%

strength :44 , agality:18 ,dexterity :20, intelligence: 8 , vitality:10, eom control: 10

After finished spending his point grid first feel full of energy and then suddenly all his muscles feel ache. It feel like a thousand needle is piercing all in his body. The pain is unbearable. After what feel like eternity the pain subside. "what the hell, that was painful."yell grid. Poo inform him that suddenly increasing the strength that much required the nano eom to enhance his muscles to a certain degree. If he does not want to feel pain, He need to increase it slowly.

After the explanation grid ready to try his new found power. He was pondering how to test it. While thinking, he unconscious lean his hand at the nearby and tree. Suddenly the tree broke into 2 part. Grid was in disbelief. He got strong more than he thing was possible since he always been growing as a weak young boy. That pain was totally worth think grid. He could beat any normal grown man now effortlessly. After being satisfied with his strength he want to test his eom control yet he does not know what to do. He tried to ask poo but no definite answer was given. So he think that he really need to find a teacher or a book so he can learn about eoms.

After thinking for a bit he realize that he is still at the bottom of the ravine. He look around and there doesn't feel like any route to get back up the ravine. But in the corner of his eye, he see a crevices between two large rock, a small opening that only 12 years boy can fit. At the surface of that crevices seem to be a drawing of unknown runes and a very vivid pictures of a large bird with a shiny gem rock as his eyes. That was weirdly coincidental, so he decide to ignore it. He choose to walk along the river to find any way to go up. After around 10 minutes he see a stair made of stone going along the 300 meter wall of the ravine. So there is a way out. Then he began to climb the stair. The stair was long so tried to hurry by hopping between stair. Around mid way he is hopping to high and step to hard on rock stair and it broke. He then fell down and try spinning because of sudden lost of balance. He try to land on his feet but to no avail because the patch of dirt that he try to land on began to crumble down producing a hole. He fell down the small dark hole deep down until the the light coming from the top of the hole cannot be seen anymore.

He then awake to a dark cave full of unknown plant and mushroom. The room was lit dimly due to a glowing moss that grow on the wall of the cave. It was dead silence. It was hauntingly beautiful. A few second after admiring the beauty he began to check if his body was ok. Thankfully he land on a big mushroom that have beem squish when broking his fall. A mush of sticky mushroom covered his body. The mushroom smell is quite bad but it was ok given that he used to lived in the sewer. He see two passage way on the opposite of each other in that cave. As he got no choice he began to get up and walk in the direction of one of the cave.

A few step into the passages light by the moss he began to hear a small ticking sound. The sound was evenly like a metronomes. He then also heared screeches and a high pitch chuckle at the bavk of his head. It was a faint sound but he keep hearing it even after going deeper into the cave. After some time, in the distance he see a faint glow of a blue ball float in a cave hall. He approached the ball and see it has 3 eyes and a teeth. It has a gelatinous texture that seem gooey like a slime. It seem it was some kind of a monster. The monster detected the presence of grid and became aware. Grid hesitate on what to do. This is his first time facing a monster. But thinking back that he just gain strength beyond normal he gain his confidence back. He deside to use this monster as a practice because he realize he still not been able to control his strength properly that land him in this situation.

The monster grimace and show his sharp teeth and began advancing to attack. The monster float quickly toward grid while opening his mouth. Grid in panic jump forward and tried to punch that monster in the face. Although grid now is strong enough to destroy a rock unfortunately his attack was been absorv by the monster gelatinous body. His punch when straight through the monster. The monster dosnt seem to feel any pain and bite the arm that was half inside its body. His whole arm turn bloody. Grid yell in pain. He forcefully pull out his arm from the monster teeth. He jump back a few time to keep his distance away from the monster. He realizes that he cannot beat that with pure strength. He began to lament on his action of putting his point recklessly on strength. Grid feel scared and for a moment hopeless. The monster can float really fast and there is no way a 12 years boy can out run it. While he is wriggling with pain he lean back and seated on the ground hopelessly. Grid look at the monster. The monster was absorbing bit an pieces of his arm and blood that was cut out when he pull his hand out. The monster began smiling. It seem to like what it has taste. It then advancing again at grid. It screech and float at grid with a fast rate. Grid close his eye and press his pace again his knee, just accepting what is about to happen. Suddenly it fell silence. Grid no longer heard any screech, even that faint chuckle at the back of his head is also gone. He felt a cold liquid hitting his leg. He lift his head and open his eye. He found that he was alone. There is 2 piece of eyeball rolling in a green liquid. That was strange. It look like the monster is melted but the monster turn green. Grid confused for a moment. He also feel relieved that he survied this ordead. He also thinking next time he should increase his intelligence to be wise when fighting. He doesn't know but the monster was actually die to a poison. Turn out the sticky mushroom that he landed on was poisonous. And that monster eat bit of his arm that was coated with the mush of the sticky mushroom. Grid feel very lucky. He still is in pain in his shoulder but the relive he felt make him forget about his pain. He began to get up and approached the eye ball. He was very careful to make sure the monster was dead. Some monster part seem to be vary valuable. Seeing that the only thing he can pick up is the eye then he pick up the pair of eye. The eye is full red colour and crystallized like a diamond.

Ding! A sound appeared in his head. "good job master. You win. I was scared a bit there. But sorry there is no point for you since that is not a good deed. But fret not, you got an ectoplasm demon eye. You can use that for argumentation.