
Super Gene Immortal Chapter 3

Han Sen(Lux Luxor): Not Evolved.

Status: None.

Lifespan: 200 years.

Geno Points Required for evolution: 100 Geno Points.

Geno Points Gained: Ordinary 79, Sacred-Blood 8

Beast Souls Gained: Sacred-Blood Black Beetle(Armor) Primitive Green-Scaled Beast(Weapon).

 Lux had looked through the forums for what beast soul the Green-Scaled beast was supposed to have. But to his surprise no one had ever gotten a beast soul from the creatures before. Now that he was alone at the edge of the Zephyr Valley, Lux activated his black beetle armor, and he was rapidly enveloped in a golden suit of armor that resembled a golden medieval knight armor. Then he activated the Green-Scaled beast and watched as a bow formed in his hand.

 A bow a good beast soul to get. But he didn't have any arrows at the moment. Luckily arrow type beast souls were fairly cheap seeing as how bows were incredibly rare. This changed some of Lux's plans, albeit minutely. It looked like his second Super Beast that the black crystal was going to make for him was going to be a Green-Scaled beast. Having a super bow would be too good to pass up. That and a super arrow would make it so that Lux could hunt super beasts quite easily. The first was going to be one of these swift mantis beasts that he was here for. Shaking himself out of planning mode, Lux squared his shoulders and started making his way into the valley.

 He may have underestimated the speed at which these Swift Mantis moved and attacked. They were named swift for a reason. These Mantis creatures were not the bumbling creatures that occurred naturally. Real life mantis are not very coordinated, they are ambush predators that sit in one place and snap out with their forelimbs very quickly, but other than that they are quite slow overall and not really agile at all. These monster versions in the sanctuary were lightning fast, agile, and their scythe-like limbs were genuinely designed for cutting. Thankfully for Lux, his Black Beetle Armor was completely impervious to the slashes.

 The first Swift-Mantis that attacked him leapt from the tall grass in the valley faster than he could perceive. Lux only noticed it when it struck the side of his head. Though the mantis seemed to be struck dumb by the fact that its attack had done literally nothing . Taking advantage of the opportunity, Lux delivered a rapid stab into the slim waist of the swift mantis. It was surprisingly fragile, as with just one attack Lux managed to bisect the boor creature.

 [Primitive creature, Swift Mantis, killed. Swift Mantis Beast Soul gained. Eat the swift mantis to gain between zero and ten geno points randomly.] the strange voice of the sanctuary resounded through Lux's mind.

 Soon, Lux was found himself listening to the same notification multiple times in a row. The swift mantises were pretty stupid and absurdly aggressive. With very little effort, Lux found himself with a collection of over twenty Primitive swift mantis carcasses. Fortunately, the weren't very big and they were light as a feather. Another thing he noticed, which was probably the biggest advantage that Lux had, was that it seemed like he had about a 75% drop rate for beast souls. Out of the twenty-three swift mantises that he had killed already, he had gained seventeen beast souls. With just this one hunting trip Lux now found himself in possession of more than enough assets to pay off the house just in the beast souls. The going price for primitive swift mantis beast souls was 157k dollars at the moment. Their high price was due to the fact that the dagger was useful even for hunting mutant beasts. That meant that the daggers were more valuable than their rank, which is why Lux had also captured one alive, removing its legs and wings, and he planned to take it back to his room in the shelter to feed it the black crystal to get it up to a super creature.

 With a spring in his step Lux continued his hunt.

 By the time Lux was pretty sure he was done with the hunt today he had gathered up forty-five swift mantises. These creatures' bodies sold around 3k to 4k on the market because of how rare it was for people to be able to hunt them. Just the bodies would fetch somewhere around 150k if he sold them all, the beast souls he'd gathered were worth significantly more though. Just a single one of them would be worth as much as the entire pile of dead mantises. He contemplated whether it was worth it to try and sell the corpses. He would need a few for himself to get the Primitive Geno Points. But he couldn't eat all of it and it wouldn't do any good if he could. The number of Geno points that he could get out of the corpses for himself would probably only come up to around twenty before the swift mantises would no longer give him any points. At least of the Primitive rank anyway.

 Lux was just about to collect three of the corpses and leave when a guy burst out of the tall grass nearby, startling him.

 "Brother, you killed all these swift mantises?" the guy asked with an astonished look.

 Lux was glad that the black beetle armor completely covered him and made it so that the guy wouldn't be able to identify him. But, at the same time, he felt like he'd just struck gold. He'd been about to leave the corpses out here, but he could probably get a few more levo dollars out of selling them to the guy if he had money.

 Lux nodded and pointed to the corpses, "Want some? A thousand Levo dollars each." he said, hoping that this guy could afford at least a three or four of them. Some play money would make things easier.

 "A thousand each? You sure about that?" the guys looked surprised by the price. Instantly Lux felt like he should have asked for more. This guy seemed like he was calculating profits in his head.

 With and inner sigh he nodded, "A thousand each, but I might be able to interest you in one of the beast souls I just got from them."

 The guy's eyes widened at that, "I'll take them all, and any beast souls you are willing to sell."

 "How much are you willing to part with for a primitive swift mantis beast soul?" Lux asked, "Also what's your name? I'm Lux."

 The guy looked embarrassed, "Oh, sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Su Xiaoqiao. And I'll give you 250K for the bodies and a beast soul." Then proceeded to pull out a roll of cash from his pack and counted through it before handing Lux twenty-five 10k Levo Dollar Bills.

 Lux looked at the cash in his armored hand with astonishment, he almost couldn't believe the luck of interacting with a rich young master. "I'll admit Xiaoqiao, I have been looking for a way to sell off the beast souls that I have collected without drawing attention. My armor makes this place a really easy and safe hunting ground. I've been farming and have collected a lot of beast souls here. If you are someone who can just whip out 250k on the spot like this, then you probably have the backing to weather any attention selling off everything would bring. How about we make a deal?"

 Su Xiaoqiao paused at that, "What kind of deal?" he asked looking intrigued.

 "I don't want to be in the spotlight. At least as much as possible I would like to maintain my anonymity to protect myself. But I tend to hunt in rare and dangerous places for others so the goods I come across are valuable. If you act as my broker and go-between, I'll make sure to sell through you exclusively. You'll get first dibs on Mutant and possibly Sacred-Blood beast corpses when I have ones that I am willing to sell." Lux laid it out.

 Lux had expected a full-on negotiation, but Su Xiaoqiao practically leapt at the offer. And within minutes Lux had the means to contact the guy both in the sanctuary and back in alliance space. With the agreement in place. Lux handed over thirty-one of the swift mantis beast souls that he had acquired from his hunt. Su Xiaoqiao's eyes seemed like they were going to explode from the shock of suddenly being given so many beast souls.

 Between the two of them they agreed on a dead drop location where Su Xiaoqiao would deposit the money from selling the beast souls at auction, minus a 5% commission. And with a few more words exchanged, Lux headed out with three of the corpses and a still live, though limbless, swift mantis.

 Lux beelined it straight back to the shelter, the only detour he took was to deactivate his black beetle armor in place where no one could see him so that he would remain inconspicuous. Once in the shelter he bought another cage and hauled it to his room before setting the live mantis in the cage and feeding it the black crystal.

 Once everything was settled and he had stored the primitive corpses, Lux headed out. He really wanted to take advantage of his insane beast soul drop rate. Beast Souls were money, power, and in Lux's opinion powerful tools. On his way out of the Shelter, Lux remembered something that had been mentioned in the novel.

 The plants of the first and second sanctuary were mostly poisonous to humans and there had been very little research into the applications of the various forms of plant life in either of the sanctuaries. But Lux was immune to poisoning because of his system. And there might be various herbs, berries, and fruits that have beneficial effects on top of their poisonous ones. He would need to keep an eye out as he explored outside the shelter and eat samples of everything. The potential of eternal buffs was too great to ignore.

 A day and a half of hunting later, Lux was walking out of the shelter to get his grind on once more when he heard people excitedly talking about a Sacred-Blood creature that had that had killed a bunch of people a few days ago and the fact that the three stars of the Steel Armor Shelter were banding together to go hunt it down today. When he heard about the hunt going down Lux smiled. He knew exactly what he should do. Another Sacred-Blood Beast Soul would always be welcome. Even if he was piling up massive quantities of lower rank beast souls already, higher ranks were harder to come by. And sacred-blood beast souls were especially difficult to come by.

 Lux wasted no time; he exited the shelter as quickly as possible and soon dawned his armor before running in the direction of the hunt. As he ran, he remembered a little about this particular sacred blood creature. It was a centaur beast if he remembered correctly, and its beast soul was a transformation type. It also had a 'Gear' with it, which was a weapon of the Sacred-Blood rank but was unable to leave the sanctuary or be stored like a normal beast soul weapon. Lux wasn't interested in the gear, but he was planning to kill steal the thing and get its beast soul. It should be helpful for getting around quickly to be able to transform into a centaur.

 Arriving at the top of a hill near the absolutely massive hunting party Lux was just in time to see the creature that was being hunted cleave a massive triceratops-like beast soul mount in half as its rider leapt off for dear life. The creature was basically a centaur as he had expected, but he hadn't expected it to have the head of a bull on top of the torso of a human. In the creature's human looking hands was a rather large double bladed golden battle axe.

 After splitting the triceratops-like mount in half, the centaur beast whirled around and sprinted through the throngs of hunters who were pelting it with arrows and all sorts of thrown weapons. Hundreds died within seconds as the centaur cleaved through the makeshift battle lines like a battle axe through a stick of butter. The power of this singular creature was truly frightening to behold.

 It looked like the hunters had planned to pen the creature in, but they had severely underestimated how dangerous it was. It broke through the encirclement and charged up the side of the hill that Lux was hiding atop before it turned around and assessed the gathered hunters looking smug as a monster could be.

 After a moment of assessing its hunters, it reared up and started tearing off in another direction. Lux wasn't sure if anyone was going to be able to stop the thing, when the guy who had been riding the triceratops-like mount suddenly manifested a bow and a menacing looking arrow. Lux could tell that the arrow was not a normal beast soul. It was probably one of those single use beast souls. At the same time Lux made his own beast soul bow and arrow appear in his hands and took aim. His goal was to hit the creature just after that special hit it.

 A moment later the special arrow from beast mount guy smashed right into the creatures chest and exploded. Lux's arrow loosed just a moment after that and soared through the air even as the creature was already dying.

 Lux immediately ducked down, not even bothering to watch as the arrow found its mark. Smirking as he heard the mount guy ranting about how the monster thought it could get away with killing his mount.

 [Sacred-Blood creature, Bloody Slayer, killed. Sacred-Blood beast soul Bloody Slayer gained. Eat-]

 Lux ignored the rest of the notification from the sanctuary resounding in his head. He had gotten what he came for. He thought about taking the golden axe, he could easily run down there and grab it. But further antagonizing the crowd of people didn't seem like a good idea and he already had more than enough income. He didn't need the axe to make money. Luckily, his position on the hill was concealed and he was able to slip away unseen.

 Lux was pretty sure that no one would connect him to the act, but just to be sure, he headed deeper into the mountains instead of returning to the shelter. These mountains were known as the Tekees mountains and were only a few hours north of the Steel Armor Shelter. People tended to avoid this place because its ecosystem was a little unstable. Areas where Ordinary beasts grazed and watered could be suddenly shift and a roaming Mutant creature could come out of nowhere. So this area tended to be hunted only by more experienced groups who were few and far between. He figured a day or two of hunting here would make it so that there was no chance of people thinking he was the kill stealer. Not that they would think that anyway, Assfreak had a reputation of being weak and bullied by the bigshots in the Shelter because of the incident where Han Sen stabbed a shapeshifted girl in the ass. One of the other bigwigs wanted that girl and decided to pressure Han Sen into oblivion for daring to harm his girl. It was a whole teenage drama thing that was taken way out of proportion, but Lux had managed to avoid most of the backlash so far by just not interacting with people.

 Anyway, Lux wasn't just going around the mountain slaughtering everything in his path now. He was finding small Primitive creatures that he could eat in one sitting and collecting a variety of beast souls. But aside from that, Lux was finding and eating samples of every plant that he could to see if any of them would give him a buff.

 Every plant that he ate so far was toxic as shit. But several of the berries actually tasted really good. Fortunately for him, the debuffs were instantly dealt with. Also fortunately, though rare, he had encountered two buffs already.

Name: Lux Luxor

Title: The Immortal

Traits: [Adaptive Regeneration] [True Sight] [Machine Learning] (3/9)

Skills: [Genoverse Common: Ordinary]

Active Buffs: [Satiated], [Quenched], [???], [???]

Deleted Debuff log: See list…

 The buffs were supposed to have only lasted for an hour each, but his system made them permanent. The system recognized the effects as buffs, but it didn't know what they were actually supposed to affect, hence the question marks. Lux figured that eventually he would know what it was, but for right now he was trying to find more buffs. Hopefully ones that the system actually named and had a definable effect.

 Other than that Lux's Sea of Soul was now a veritable menagerie of beast souls. If there was a limit to the number of beast souls that one could possess, Lux was pretty sure that he was going to be the person to discover it.

Han Sen(Lux Luxor): Not Evolved.

Status: None.

Lifespan: 200 years.

Geno Points Required for evolution: 100 Geno Points.

Geno Points Gained: Ordinary 100, Primitive 100, Mutant 0, Sacred-Blood 8, Super 0

Beast Souls Gained: Sacred-Blood Black Beetle(Armor), Sacred-Blood Bloody Slayer(Shapeshifting), Primitive Green-Scaled Beast(Weapon-bow), Primitive Swift Mantis(Weapon-Dagger)X2, Primitive Dart Wing Sparrow(Weapon-Senbon)X76, Primitive Copper-Toothed Beast(Weapon-Spear)X42, Primitive Yellow Winged Wasp(Weapon-Arrow)X33 Ordinary Black Beetle(Armor)x55, Ordinary Green-Scaled Beast(Weapon-bow)X23, Ordinary African Swallow(Weapon-Arrow)X25, Ordinary European Swallow(Weapon-Arrow)X25

 The sanctuary system voice had modified itself to comply with Lux's knowledge of the differing Geno Point types. Over the past several days he had managed to max out his Ordinary and Primitive Geno Points. But he hadn't actually found any mutant beasts. Mainly because he'd been hunting too close to the shelter. Mutant creatures didn't last long near the shelters at all with how coveted their geno points were.

 The next day.

 Lux had spent most of his efforts over the past day trying to find more buffs from plants. But he'd not had any luck as far as that was going. Then he'd spotted a pond with massive crocodile monsters in it and figured he should try and at least see what their beast souls were. So he was currently hiding in wait in some bushes, hoping to target one of the creatures when it came out to sun itself.

Lux was laying in wait when suddenly he spotted a young man in ragged clothes, covered in cuts and bruises all over and looking extremely tired, walking towards the pond and his eyes widened. He remembered this from the novel… how the hell had he forgotten about this until just now? He really needed to sit down and write out everything that he could remember. This was the guy that Han Sen got the Jade Skin Hyper Geno Art from. The guy was a total dick and Han Sen had had to fight him to the death. Lux wasn't going to engage in a risky battle with a psychopathic super powered young master. So, he calmly summoned his Green-Scaled beast bow, and a Yellow Winged Wasp arrow. Lux knocked the arrow, drew it back, and loosed it. All in one smooth motion while maintaining his stealth behind the bushes.

 The arrow cut through the air soundlessly and slammed home dead center of the guys back, burying itself completely through the guy and passing out the front of his chest before carrying on into the water.

 The guy immediately collapsed to the ground. Completely motionless. Lux suddenly felt sick to his stomach and bent over, wheezing as he realized what he had really just done. He'd just assassinated someone. And if he remembered correctly, an important someone. But that wasn't as important to his psyche as the fact that he had just committed murder.

 Suddenly, all of the negative feeling about having killed someone vanished like dust in the wind. Lux didn't know how he could have just… gotten over it… in the span of thirty seconds. He quickly looked through his personal systems Debuff removal log and found a deleted debuff [Extreme Psychological Distress] which explained why the feelings had just disappeared all of a sudden. But that actually worried him a bit. The system doing this was a good thing, but he wasn't sure if he should be completely ok with murder.

 Shaking himself, Lux quickly approached the corpse and rummaged through the guys pockets. Finding a wallet which contained and ID card and some premium credit cards. And a memory chip, which he knew contained the instructions for the Jade Skin Hyper Geno Art. Lux quickly pocketed the Geno Art memory chip an read over the information on the ID. Xue Longyan was the name of the person he had killed. Lux would remember that.

 Lux threw the wallet and its contents into the water where the crocs were and then did the same to the dead man. With that done, Lux decided to start making his way back home. He needed to start learning the Hyper Geno Art as soon as possible. Forget the beast souls.

 With a spring in his step, Lux made his way back to the Steel Armor Shelter with all the haste he could muster. He stopped in his room to check on the Swift Mantis that was in the cage. It was showing no signs of regrowing its limbs, which was something that he had been worried about possibly happening. Then, before he could forget, Lux quickly went to check the dead drop that he had set up with Su Xiaoqiao. He was astonished to find a briefcase in the spot. The guy had worked fast apparently. Ignoring the briefcase itself, Lux extracted the Levo Dollars that were inside, checking everything over to make sure that there was no tracking device or anything like that on the bills before he stuffed all of the money into his own pack and headed out.

 After that Lux beelined it home. The sooner that this memory chips contents were safely stored within his head, the sooner he could destroy the chip to make sure that it did not have any tracking mechanisms on it as well. Also, this would be a good opportunity to get the extended family off his new mother's back and probably start up his app making business to scam the addicted masses out of money with microtransactions.

 After arriving home Lux quickly sealed himself in his bedroom and plugged the memory chip into a smart pad and began going over its contents. The smart pad and comlinks were both capable of holographic projections and that was the medium through which a full tutorial was being displayed by and obscenely beautiful woman that was total nude. A hologram of one of the most perfect examples of female beauty that was entirely naked didn't seem like the best way to give information. But it sure kept his attention focused.

 The Hyper Geno Art practice involved a series of odd movements while reciting incantations. The holographic woman would also give detailed explanations of each movement, each inflection of the chants, and so on. Lux replayed the entire thing over and over again until he could see the entire thing in his mind. Until he could recite the whole thing from memory while copying all of the movements. After, Lux was absolutely sure that he had memorized the entire thing. He pulled the chip out of the reader and crushed it into powder before he threw the remnants into a trash bin. It had taken him barely sixteen hours to commit everything to memory which was pretty fast by his reckoning.

 Then he began practicing the Jade Skin Hyper Geon Art in earnest. As he practiced the Art, Lux noticed a strange change coming over his body. As he went, he felt more and more fit, as if he was gaining energy and vitality just by following these esoteric motions and reciting the chants. Somehow, along with the greater energy he felt coursing through him, his body seemed to be cooling down without negatively affecting his health. If anything he was feeling better and better as he cycled through the entire art.

 As he continued practicing his muscles seemed to undergo a transformation, he felt stronger and stronger, more and more fit. And surprisingly his skin was somehow becoming more and more smooth. It was almost like the name of the Hyper Geon Art was exactly what was happening to him. His skin taking on a smoothness that surpassed what was achievable through the best skin care routines… Lux was fairly certain that he could advertise this Hyper Geno Art as a beauty product, and it would sell like hotcakes.

 He was just about to start up another round when his commlink(Cellphone) rang, and the caller ID showed the name Zhang Danfeng. Lux recognized the name as Han Sen's childhood friend. But that was all. He almost wearily answered and a holographic image of a handsome long-haired man with a big smile on his face popped up atop the commlink.

 "Han Sen! What have you been up to lately? It's been too long since we've hung out. I'm outside! Get your ass out here and lets go!" Zhang Danfeng chided, "Han Hao and Xue Xi are here too."

 "Ummm… Ok…" Lux didn't really know what to do, "Where are we going?"

 "Just get out here and we'll tell you on the way." Was all the answer he got before Zhang Danfeng hung up.

 "Shit!" Lux grumbled as he quickly changed his clothes and headed out. Not knowing how this would go at all. He had already brushed up on his family tree, so he knew that Han Hao was the Karen bitch's son, and he wasn't sure if he was supposed to like the guy or not because he didn't know him personally. But he had no clue who this Xue Xi chick was which could be a problem if she was a regular member of the friend group. Lux was going to have a hard enough time with Zhang Danfeng enough as it was, but at least he had pictures of himself with the guy and knew that they had supposedly been best friends going way back.

 Lux soon exited the manor and found a freaking car from the jetsons with jet engines and everything parked outside. He hadn't really been paying much attention to cars and such in this world since he'd woken up here. But apparently jet-propelled flying cars were a thing. Which should have occurred to him sooner since this world also had advanced space travel technology. In the driver's seat was Zhang Danfeng who was waving at him and beckoning him to hurry up.

 Making his way over to the flying car, Lux hopped in shotgun, mainly to avoid Han Hao and Xue Xi. But he heard exactly what was being said in the back and it almost made him want to laugh out loud.

 "You should have seen the look on his face." Han Hao said excitedly as he recounted a story to Xiu Xi, "Son of Heaven looked so confused it was priceless! When he finally realized someone had stolen his kill at the last moment he literally puked up a mouthful of blood he was mad. No one knows who did it, so someone could be running around with a Sacred-Blood Bloody Slayer beast soul, and no one knows who it is. Son of Heaven had his lackeys interrogating everyone in the Shelter for days!"

 Lux put two and two together and realized that he was talking about the kill that he had stolen. He had known that he had forgotten the name of the first antagonist of the novel, but that was because the name was so fucking stupid. Who is named Son of Heaven? He was kind of surprised that Han Hao was in the same Shelter as him. Allocation between the shelters was random on the first teleportation into the sanctuaries.

 This also meant that Han Hao was at least sixteen years old, because for unknown reasons, those under the age of sixteen who teleported into the sanctuaries would suffer irreversible crippling damage, or just straight death. Because of this the Alliance had strict laws prohibiting anyone under the age of sixteen from even getting close to a Telepad.

 Looking over to Zhang Danfeng Lux asked, "Ok so where are we going?"

"To the Starlight Martial Hall. My idol, Tang Zhenliu, is going to be in an exhibition match held there in a little bit! He was the Chosen last year, and he's a monster with a broadsword!" Zhang Danfeng was a fanboy. But that the guy was a Chosen was actually a sign that he was pretty good.

The Chosen were those who managed to place in the top ten in a competition that happened once a year in the Shelters in first gods sanctuary. There were comparable competitions on each of the sanctuaries as far as Lux was aware, but just because it was the first sanctuary didn't mean that people looked down on that competition.

In this day and age, the biggest superstars of humanity were actually those who were the greatest fighters due to the influence of the whole sanctuary thing and the potential to reach well beyond natural human limitations. Movie stars, singers, and sports just couldn't compare. So placing in the top ten automatically made a person incredibly famous.

Chatting back and forth until they reached the Star Martial Hall, Lux was kind of surprised by how easy it was to get along with Zheng Danfeng. The guy just had a likable aura to him. He seemed like the kind of guy who was easy going, but if you got him going he would become a madman to protect people he cared about.

Anyway, the Star Martial Hall's exhibition center was crowded as hell with fangirls and fanboys. Some of them were holding signs. When Tang Zhenliu took the stage Lux even spotted a fangirl that got so excited that she fainted! Lux had never understood how people idolize others to such a degree. The only famous person that he would have ever been excited to meet would have been Stan Lee, and even then it would have just been to be able to thank the man for all of the awesome childhood memories the legend of comic writers had created for him.

With a mental shrug Lux focused on the exhibition match when it started. TZ was definitely a skilled fighter, and he was definitely a practitioner of some kind of premium Hyper Geno Art. The guy was an absolute master of his broadsword. The blade moving with extreme precision and speed that made it blur to the point that it was practically invisible when he struck,

TZ soon won the fight after summoning a beast soul and transforming into a three-meter-tall tyrannosaurus creature and smashing his opponent with a massive headbutt. The crowd went wild and beside him Zhang Danfeng went into total fanboy mode.

"That's the Sacred-Blood beast soul of the Raging Dementor! I would do anything for a beast soul like that." Danfeng gushed as he practically salivated while staring at the dino transformed human prancing around in the dueling arena.