
Super Gene Immortal Chapter 4

After the events of the exhibition match, Lux spent at least eight hours a day practicing the Jade Skin Geno Art, while stalking the area around the Steel Armor Shelter looking for Mutant creatures and eating every plant he could find. From truffle-like things to roots, berries, grasses and even sapling trees, no plant or fungus was spared being eaten. He had gotten lucky and found a couple more things that had given him buffs, but again the system wasn't sure what they actually did.

He would check on the Swift Mantis that was developing in his room occasionally. It had taken the Primitive creature fourteen days to evolve into its Mutant level, which meant that he was pretty much only saving the time that the previous evolution took by starting off with a Primitive creature instead of an ordinary. And thankfully the Swift Mantis was showing no signs of regrowing its limbs.

On top of the hunting, Lux had also offloaded the vast majority of his beast souls onto Su Xiaoqiao, who was in awe at the sheer quantity and variety of beast souls. Lux also ended up contacting Zhang Danfeng's dad who was a lawyer that had worked for Han Sen's fathers' company and started the legal proceedings to officially get full and complete ownership of the old Han family Manor. And once that was done Lux was pretty happy with the outcome. It had been far easier than he had imagined it would be with his aunt and uncles practically bending over backwards to make sure everything went smoothly.

With all of that going well, Lux did as much research as he could on the various shelters and the known creatures around them and what Beast Souls they dropped. On top of that, he learned the programming languages that were used by humanity and would spend an hour or two a day trying to recreate candy crush, clash of clans, and a few other apps that he remembered that were incredibly popular back on earth. And at the same time, he was doing as much research on who was who as he could. He was tired of not knowing who people were and how they related to him if at all. He really didn't mind how the people of the shelter shunned him; it was easier to be ignored, and have derisive comments thrown your way by complete strangers. That stuff lacked the sort of bite that was necessary to get under Lux's skin. But he still needed to do some research to find out about the people around him.

A creature that was near the Steel Armor Shelter that was not a popular thing to hunt was Quartz Scorpions in the Barathrum Caves. Though it was not a popular creature to hunt, its beast souls tended to sell at a price as if they were a rank higher, because it was a poisonous dagger beast soul that made hunting much easier. The same reason why the beast soul was highly sought after was why the Quartz Scorpions tended to be left alone, their sting was packed with a potent venom that was lethal to anyone who hadn't maxed out their mutant geno points, and the mutant versions of the creature were worse as even maxed out mutant geno points wouldn't save you from their sting. Meaning that hunting these creatures was incredibly dangerous.

Lux was confident in his sacred-blood black beetle armors ability to defend him against the stingers of the Quartz Scorpions, unless he happened to run into a sacred-blood rank Quartz Scorpion or a Super one, which seemed unlikely. And entering caves to look for more stuff to give him buffs seemed like a good idea. Not to mention that even without the armor Lux was immune to poison because of his systems debuff deletion. There might even be a buff in it for him if he let one of them sting him. You never know what kind of beneficial effects might accompany a poison or venom because overall it has too negative of an impact on the body. But Lux determined to at the very least ingest the venom sacks to see if they gave him a buff. Plus, he could make a couple million off of selling the beast souls that he would collect. Then there was the fact that with [True Sight] Lux had an immense advantage in dark places, he wouldn't be hindered by a lack of light. So, he set off to the Barathrum Caves to hunt. And hopefully he would find a few Mutant Quartz Scorpions to really start filling out his Mutant Geno Points.

The Barathrum Caves were pretty inconspicuous, the entrance to the cave system was fairly small and hidden behind a wall of trees. The cave system itself was extremely large on the inside though, there were very few records of people having explored it, and even fewer with any sort of mapping having been done, but all the accounts agreed that no one had explored the place fully. Lux was about to delve into the deepest parts and see if he couldn't find some really juicy mutant creature farms.

Walking into the cave Lux marveled at his ability to see perfectly fine. He had obviously already noticed this whenever it was nighttime, but it still was strange to be able to see perfectly clearly while also knowing that his surroundings were pitch black. He'd barely gotten a few yards into the cave when he spotted the first Quartz Scorpion. This was another feature of [True Sight]. The Quartz Scorpion that he spotted was perfectly camouflaged where it was, but [True Sight] made it so that he just knew that it was a creature that was camouflaged. Stealth didn't really work against Lux if he was paying attention. This was because with [True Sight] he had an instinctual understanding of whatever he was looking at. Combined with [Machine Learning] it was a potent tool, able to help him learn and map out his own environment at an astonishing pace.

The scorpions were fairly large for being scorpions. But that was the case with most creatures in the Gods Sanctuaries. They were about ten inches long and had rather slender claws that seemed pretty useless when compared to their curled-up tail that could strike at lightning speed. Also, these Quartz Scorpions were pack hunters and smart enough to set up ambushes where they had a numerical advantage.

Lux didn't have any problems with the scorpion ambush though. Their stingers were utterly incapable of piercing the black beetle armor that he wore. And their positions were completely revealed to him despite their attempt at hiding away. So, Lux literally just stomped on them one after the other. Collecting multiple beast souls as he went down the tunnel.

Sanctuary system notifications were ringing in his ears with that strange voice as Lux methodically killed every scorpion that was unfortunate enough to be on his path. Stopping only to collect the corpses of the creatures and put them in his pack and to gobble up random fungi that he spotted here and there along the tunnels.

Lux was humming a tune to himself as he came up to a sharp bend in the tunnel when a voice suddenly cried out.

"Hello! Is someone there?" a distinctly feminine voice sounded in his ears.

Rounding the corner, Lux spotted a woman leaning against some stalactites. Her ankle was swollen and purple, and she appeared to be in quite a bit of pain, but she was holding a dagger out in front of her and peering into the darkness from her little pool of light that seemed to be generated by a bundle of glow sticks.

Lux recognized this woman because he had researched everyone he could in the shelter, and she was rather famous. Qin Xuan was popular because she very accomplished in the Steel Armor Shelter. She held the top position in the shelter as the most powerful combatant in the yearly competitions and it was well known that she was holding off on evolving and going to the next Sanctuary until she had all of her Sacred-Blood Geno Points filled out. She was also hot as sin. Long silvery hair with amber eyes, clear smooth skin, and an almost impossible hourglass figure that would bring most men to their knees. So, bonus popularity for the immense sex appeal Lux figured.

"Howdy there pretty lady!" Lux called out from the darkness as cheerfully as he could to try and not freak her out too bad, "Don't you worry about a thing little miss, I'll clear out any scorpions in here and get you out of this cave lickety split."

Lux surveyed the area quickly, as the lady was currently poisoned, and every minute counted. He quickly dispatched four scorpions and collected the bodies of not only the ones that he had killed but also the bodies of multiple other scorpions that Qin Xuan had killed, including a Mutant Quartz Scorpion. After the quick collection of the corpses, Lux revealed himself by stepping into the light that Qin Xuan had with her with his hands raised to show that he meant no harm. Though he was still wearing his armor to hide his identity.

"Who are you?" Qin Xuan asked threateningly while aiming a dagger at him, "And what do you want?"

"Well, I'd say that I just want to make sure you get back to the shelter in one piece. Looks like you got messed up pretty bad and this a dangerous place to be alone." Lux replied, "And you can call me Lux if you want. Now put away that knife and let me get you out of here. I swear on my father's grave that nothing untoward shall happen to you and I'll get you back to the shelter safely."

Qin Xuan looked perplexed and relieved, "Some help would be very much appreciated. I'll even pay you."

Lux shook his head, "No need missy. Just cutting my hunt a little bit short won't hurt nothin. I Ain't strapped for cash, but I wouldn't turn down a Mutant Beast Soul or higher if you feel the need to give me something. Otherwise, just relax and let me get you out of here."

After a few moments Qin Xuan dismissed her dagger and tried to stand a little straighter. But Lux just walked forward and swung her up into a princess carry as she sputtered something that he ignored. Han Sen would have probably blackmailed her since she was the chick that he had stabbed in the ass that had started his social exile. But honestly, Lux didn't care. She was hot and saving her would probably get him some brownie points.

"So what were you up to down in these caves all alone sugar?" Lux decided to make some small talk as he retraced his path back to the exit of the cave.

"My name is Qin Xuan! Not Sugar!" she slapped at his armored chest ineffectually to express her dislike of Lux breaking basically all of the social norms.

"Whatever you say Baby Girl." Lux laughed as she slapped his face piece in indignation, her face turning red.

 With a humph she seemed to get over his teasing and move on, "I was down here to hunt a Mutant Quartz Scorpion. It's the one that stung me. And it was smart enough to rally the primitive scorpions to block off my escape route. It was relatively safe because I had an incense that scared away all the primitive scorpions, but I messed up and got lost down here and ran out. That's when the Mutant leader struck."

"Hmm…" Lux nodded in acknowledgement, "I can see how it would be easy to get lost. Has anyone ever told you that you should probably eat a few more sandwiches? You are light as a feather girl. I could carry you all day."

She really was abnormally light, she practically only weighed about a hundred pounds. And she wasn't tiny, she probably stood at about five foot five. So, her extremely light weight was a bit surprising. He bantered back and forth with Qin Xuan for the entire trip out of the cave and then beyond until he got her back to the Steel Armor Shelter.

After delivering Qin Xuan to the shelter she actually did give him a Mutant beast soul. Without even looking at it Lux immediately turned back around and went back to the cave system. He'd wasted a little time on his rescue mission, but he still had most of the day left. He would go check out the dead drop point as soon as he got back from this excursion and see if Su Xiaoqiao had delivered any more cash.

Delving deeper into the cave. Lux pulled the corpse of the Mutant Quartz Scorpion out of his pack and with a grimace started eating the thing whole. But like most of the monsters it actually tasted pretty good. Lux just had an aversion to eating bugs… and before you say it yes he knows that scorpions are technically classified as an arachnid or whatever, its still a creepy crawly bug in his mind.

Lux was pleasantly surprised to receive the full Ten Geno Points that he could get out of the Mutant Quartz Scorpion. He might be able to squeeze out about half of his Mutant Geno Point capacity on just these creatures if he was lucky before they stopped giving him points. After a few hours of exploring deeper into cave Lux didn't run into anything more than Primitive Quartz Scorpions, but he did find a variety of different colored glowing mushrooms that all gave him buffs.

Name: Lux Luxor

Title: The Immortal

Traits: [Adaptive Regeneration] [True Sight] [Machine Learning] (3/9)

Skills: [Genoverse Common: Super], [Jadeskin: Primitive]

Active Buffs: [Satiated], [Quenched], [Shapeshifting Type Beast Soul Nurturing], [Poison Beast Soul Enhancement], [Arrow Type Beast Soul Enhancement], [Recovery Enhancement], [Pet Type Beast Soul Nurturing], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???],

Deleted Debuff log: See list…

 An interesting thing to note was that his skill levels seemed to follow the same ranking system as the creatures of the Sanctuary. Ordinary, Primitive, Mutant, Sacred-Blood, and Super. The language skill had rapidly shot up through the ranks when he got ahold of some teaching materials about the language. Jadeskin had started off at Ordinary but as he practiced the Hyper Geon Art, it had risen to Primitive.

The new buffs that he could actually read their effects were interesting. [Shapeshifting Type Beast Soul Nurturing], and [Pet Type Beast Soul Nurturing] were particularly incredible buffs if the feeling that he was getting from them was what they truly did. Supposedly the buffs would slowly nurture and grow Shapeshifting or Pet type beast souls. Allowing them to go beyond what he first got them as. Essentially turning any Shapeshifting or Pet type beast soul into growth beast souls. Lux wasn't sure how long it would take to develop a beast soul to Super status, but he was damn happy about this particular buff.

 [Poison Beast Soul Enhancement] gave Lux the strong feeling that any beast soul that he used that had a poison aspect to it would see that poison enhanced by a large degree. [Arrow Type Beast Soul Enhancement] was similar, but it applied to the entire archetype of weapon beast souls that were arrows, enhancing them beyond their natural state wholistically. And the two buffs would stack if the arrow was a poison type. Lux wasn't sure how big the enhancement was, but he got the impression that it was by a lot. And Lux already had an Arrow that would benefit from both buffs the Primitive Yellow Winged Wasp beast soul was an arrow containing a paralytic poison.

 [Recovery Enhancement] was the one that Lux was most excited about though. It was basically a healing factor, though he wasn't sure by how much, having anything that made someone heal faster than normal was better than not having it.

 With a full eight buffs that Lux and the system didn't know how to quantify. He was looking forward to getting his hands on more rare beast souls. He was pretty sure that the unknown buffs affected other beast soul types that he didn't have so the system didn't know what they did yet.

 A quick check in of his room to make sure that everything was ok with the Swift Mantis and Lux peaced out of the Sanctuary for the time being to return home. He wanted to practice more with the Jade Skin Hyper Geno Art and maybe get his mother to teach him the Falsified Sky Sutra. The more Hyper Geno Arts he got hold of the better.

 It was only early in the afternoon when Lux returned to the family manor. "Mother! Sister! I have returned!" He called out dramatically as he swept into the mansion.

 "What is the occasion?" Lou Sulan asked as she greeted Lux.

 "Come, let me show you." He said dramatically and guided his mother and Han Yan who had just shown up to see what was going on.

 "As you both know. I managed to get the vultures to stop targeting us." Lux said referring to the extended family whom he didn't care to actually name, "But what you may not know, is that I have… discovered a secret, shall we say. Because of that secret I've been making money hand over fist."

 With that Lux revealed his stash of cash from all the sales of beast souls through Su Xiaoqiao.

 Lux counted out half of the money and handed it over to Lou Sulan, "You've taken care of the family for as long as I can remember mom. I want you to have enough to make sure Yan can get into the very best of the best school. And don't argue about it either. I have a steady and reliable stream of income that will make this amount look like petty cash."

 Lou Sulan looked torn as she accepted the money. There was a self-deprecating look to her, like she felt that she was guilty of something. But Lux wasn't having any of it.

 "Alright, lets go do something as a family." Lux said with a smile.

 Han Yan wanted to go get ice-cream so that's what they did. The place they went was terribly expensive. What kind of ice-cream cost 10k per serving? Sure, it was probably the best thing that Lux had ever tasted. But seriously, that price was high for no reason. Anyway, Han Yan and Lou Sulan seemed to have a good time, even if they did get rejected from going up to the second floor of the ice-cream joint. Apparently the second floor was only for distinguished or aristocratic guests. Again, an ice-cream parlor should never be designed like that, but Lux just shrugged it off as one of the many retardations of this society he now found himself in.

 That evening Lux decided that it was time broach the subject of the Falsified Sky Sutra with his mother. The talk did not go well, and we will leave it at that. Suffice it to say that Lou Sulan refused to teach him, citing that he didn't understand the responsibilities, and consequences that came with it. Lux knew enough that he decided to drop it. He would bring it up again when he was ready to ascend to the 2nd Gods Sanctuary.

 The next morning, Lux found himself on the train heading for the teleportation station like usual. Minding his own business when the train jerked forward unexpectedly instead of its usual smooth acceleration. Lux staggered slightly at the jerk and ended up coping a feel of a woman in a military uniform. It was completely accidental, so of course he quickly apologized.

 "Sorry abo-" He didn't get to finish his apology as the woman in question snapped out with a fast and sharp elbow, aiming for Lux's face.

 Reacting instinctively Lux caught the woman's arm, a little surprised at how strong she was.

 "Whoa there little lady!" Lux called out, "I was just about to say sorry before you just attacked me out of nowhere. It was an accident, half the people in the car fell over when the train jerked like that."

 "My name is Qin Xuan! You do not have permission to call me anything else Ass Freak." She practically shouted, her eyes narrowing even further as she recognized Lux.

 "Ah, well, I did already apologize… both times too." Lux stated calmly, "I apologized for mistakenly stabbing you in butt when it happened. You beat the shit out of me for it. Which I suppose is fair. Though I did end up having to go to the hospital after that. Then you let your little boytoy Son of Heaven ensure that my life is hell inside the sanctuary for the past like three months. If either one of us is an ass it's you."

 "I did nothing of the sort!" Qin Xuan sounded outraged, "Son of Heaven is nothing to me. Whatever he did, he did it on his own."

 "Well, he made it so that none of the people in the shelter will sell to me or join me in hunts. He routinely finds me to beat me up, and its all because of you. So, you'll excuse me if I don't believe you." Lux shot back. That had been true for Han Sen, but Lux had pretty handily avoided the stupid young master of the peng clan.

 "That… has nothing to do with me!" Qin Xuan denied, "And that still does not excuse you touching me!"

 "Look lady. I apologized; I'll apologize for it again if you want. But it doesn't change the fact that it seems like you are just being a bully. Looking for an excuse to beat down a man whose life you already ruined. I'm sorry for accidentally touching your chest." Lux said with a huff, then proceeded to ignore the woman. She may be hotter than sin, but that personality needed a makeover.

 Entering the 1st sanctuary the first thing that Lux did was check on the Mutant Swift Mantis in his room. Seeing no change in its completely limbless state Lux shrugged and started making his way out of the shelter. He was going to check out an area that supposedly had those Triceratops-like mounts. Beast Soul mounts were expensive and if he could get ahold of a mutant level one, he would be able to sell it for enough money to afford a small spaceship.

 However, it seemed that Lux's luck had run out today. Son of Heaven and his gang were apparently on high alert and looking for Han Sen. He wasn't sure exactly why, but there was no escaping as they were out in force, and Lux didn't want to risk revealing his hand. So he followed along as the lackeys of the gang forced him join a gathering at the shelter gates.

 Apparently, this was an expedition into the mountains to hunt a Mutant creature that had been spotted in the area, but it didn't really make sense that Son of Heaven would gather so many hunters to try and take out a mere Mutant. Damn near all of his lackies had the equipment necessary to take on a single Mutant creature by themselves, let alone Son of Heaven who was sporting enough high-quality gear to kill a Sacred-Blood rank creature single handedly. Especially with that giant golden axe that he was walking around with.

 Lux and a large group 'mercenaries' were essentially frog marched out of the shelter and into the mountains. Lux was curious as to where this was going. He kind of remembered something about sacred-blood creature eggs at the end of this expedition. He was pretty sure that he would be able to get away with the eggs himself. He could also take advantage of the chaos to steal the golden axe from Son of Heaven. It would be a two for one! Son of Heaven had made a mistake by turning Lux into an enemy. Lux had been content to leave the guy alone before, but this was just forcing him into a situation that would likely kill him. Son of Heaven could kiss his ass goodbye.

 The hunting squad proceeded to travel through the mountain range for nearly eight days before they arrived at a canyon, so deep and dark that no one could see the bottom… except for Lux that is. At the bottom he could see a river flowing but that was about it really.

 Lux and the rest of the hirelings were forced to make their way down into the canyon ahead of Son of Heavens Gang to be meat shields should anything crazy be there to greet them. The entire troupe made it to the bottom of the canyon and arrived before the river that he had seen from above and gathered at the banks.

 It was very dark down here, people were lighting torches to have enough light to see by. One of Son of Heavens lackeys pulled out a bunch of inflatable rafts while the other was yelling at everyone telling them to get a boat and row towards a cave on the other side of the river.

 The first raft took off, four people sat atop it with makeshift oars as they made for the cave. Then a second, and third. Soon the majority of the mercenaries were on rafts and rowing across the river. When the first two arrived at the midway point was when the shit hit the fan.

 All of a sudden, with a great splashing sound, a dark creature emerged from the water. Lux could see the enormous, pitch black, snake-like body rising out of the water. This situation reminded him of that old movie Anaconda. The snake was so large that he was pretty sure that it could pretty easily swallow a cow whole without issue. But in leu of a cow being available it took the next best option and lunged at on of the guys on the forwardmost raft. Its gaping maw opening so wide that its target was swallowed completely whole in an instant before the snake smashed through the raft itself and disappeared beneath the water's surface. The raft exploded and launched the remaining occupants into the water.

 Everything had happened within the span of a second. Everyone froze for a moment. Even Lux was astonished by the sudden and extreme violence. Then everyone started freaking out. That snake was obviously a Sacred-Blood rank creature. And it was in the water. the people on the rafts started rowing back towards shore frantically and two guys who had yet to even enter their raft just turned and started running.

 One of Son of Heaven's lackies whipped out a knife and in an instant turned and beheaded the two runners. Much to everyone's astonishment. "It's only one monster, whoever reaches the cave can live. Anyone who tries to flee will die!" the lackey yelled as he brandished his knife over the two corpses.

 That was when Lux put two and two together. Son of Heaven's plan all along was to feed the mercenaries to the snake so they could get past it. Lux wasn't afraid of dying. He was immortal. But the threat of certain death or maybe death really motivated the rest of those on the rafts. Lux was already on a Raft himself.

 This situation was utterly nerve-racking though, regardless of whether he would survive. There was a sort of primal fear of deep-water predators in humans and nothing could shake the feeling how helpless he would be inside the water. But Lux didn't let that primal fear control him. He started rowing and yelling for the others to do the same.

 "Row harder if you want to live!" Lux yelled a second boat was popped by yet another attack by the giant black snake.

 When they passed the midway mark of the river, the cave on the other side of the river became visible in the light of the torches. Lux could see it ever since they had gotten down there, but he wondered how Son of Heaven and gang had already known about it. Even at midday, this place down here in the canyon would be dark as hell due to multiple overhanging rock formations that jutted out of the canyon walls, even the river itself was technically underground because it was in a slanted section of the canyon. At least this portion of the canyon anyway.

 Just as Lux was contemplating all of this a familiar form reared up not six feet away from the water beside his boat. The Serpent looking like it was just orienting itself to strike. Lux didn't even think about it, he launched himself off the side of the boat and into the cold water of the river. Summoning his black beetle armor as he sunk beneath the surface.

 Lux swam beneath the surface of the water, and he soon reached the shore at the cave where he decided to maintain the utmost of stealth. Best to let everyone forget that he was here. Hell, it was probably best if Son of Heaven and his gang thought that he was dead.

 When all was said and done, and everyone that was going to make it to the cave had made it, Lux only counted seven of the mercenaries still alive. Son of Heavens gang had not suffered any casualties though. Apparently, the snake had eaten its fill and was not interested in bothering the gang as they crossed the river after the mercenaries. Lux shuddered at the thought.

 The now greatly diminished group started heading deeper into the cave, Lux following from the shadows behind. One thing that was surprising about Han Sen's body was how naturally inclined and talented it was at stealth. It was surprising because Han Sen was freaking tall as hell. Standing at roughly 6'5(2 meters in canon) Lux could say that his knew body did not look like it was designed to be talented at subterfuge or stealth. But somehow, Lux had found that he had a particularly great talent for going unnoticed.

 Lux followed the group unnoticed for about half an hour through the cave before they came to an obvious dead end. At the far end of the cave was a large pool of water, and directly beside it was a massive nest within which sat two ostrich sized eggs that were speckled with black patterns.

 "Ha-ha, Awesome!" Son of Heaven exclaimed, "This out to get my Sacred-Blood points over 80."

 Lux watched as Son of Heaven sent the mercenaries to retrieve the eggs. Two of the seven that were left made their way into the nest and grabbed the eggs, before scurrying back to get out. But before they could get out of the nest a serpentine form rose from the pond and they both froze in front of the gaze of the massive predatory whose eggs they clutched in their hands.

 "Damnit! Throw the eggs over!" Son of Heaven shouted at the two in the nest, but they seemed petrified and glued to where they were standing, staring at the inevitable death promised by the massive snake before them.

 "Useless motherfuckers!" Son of Heaven screamed as he tore off towards them brandishing his golden axe. His gang followed, all of them summoning up their beast soul weapons and charging towards the snake and mercenaries that were panicking.

 Son of Heaven wasted no time in grabbing the eggs from the two terrified mercenaries. Axe in one arm and two large eggs clutched in the other he turned and fled towards the cave exit. That was when the snake made its move, charging after Son of Heaven like a bull seeing red.

 "Block it!" Son of Heaven shouted as his gang got between him and the encroaching serpent.

 Lux could see his opportunity coming up. Son of Heaven's gang was busy throwing the remaining mercenaries into the path of the oncoming snake, Son of Heaven himself was now alone for the first time since the start of this whole ordeal.

 Lux wasn't going to take any chances here. If he broke the eggs fine… he would really rather not, but if it happened it would happen. Already clad in his Golden Armor Lux transformed into the Bloody Slayer and ambushed Son of Heaven. The strength granted to Lux by the transformation was no joke, he burst from his hiding place and jerked the golden axe from Son of Heavens grasp before the guy knew what was happening and then swung the axe down at the panicking Son of Heaven.

 In a flash, Son of Heaven was screaming and on the ground. An arm short, and Lux grabbed both the eggs before turning and fleeing. If he could maintain the shapeshifted state for a long time, he would have stayed to finish off Son of Heavens gang. But as it stood, he could feel that the transformation would only last a few minutes. His body was not powerful enough to use the shapeshifting beast soul for long periods of time yet.

 Still in centaur form, Lux hopped onto one of the rafts as a black snake rose from the water to greet him. Lux's eyes widened as he suddenly realized that there were actually two snakes here and not just a female guarding its clutch. Seeing as one was coming up from the rear and this one was here in front of him.

 Lux did the only thing he could think of and swung the golden axe with all his might straight for the massive snake's head. The axe head cleaved through scale and bone with a squelching thunk, and the snake jerked back fiercely enough that Lux in his centaur form was launched into the air towards the opposite riverbank at a rather impressive speed.

 He could hear the sanctuary's voice resounding in his mind, but Lux remained focused on the task at hand and landed in the shallow water by the edge of the river. Without pause he started the ascent to leave canyon at full speed.

 Once he cleared the top of the canyon, Lux charged into the mountains and shifted back into his human form once he was out of sight of the canyon. He was not going to head back to the Shelter right away. If Son of Heaven and his gang had managed to get out of the cave and across the river which seemed likely as Lux had killed the snake that was guarding the river, then they would probably be able to run him down, and the first direction they would check was towards the shelter. They had to know that a person had just stolen from them. They would have recognized the Bloody Slayers form and the Golden Armor that had covered his form would probably lead them to Lux, seeing as he had brought Qin Xuan back to the shelter in the same Golden Armor. It wouldn't be long before they put two and two together, and Lux was fairly sure that they had already been investigating who Lux was since he had saved and been in the company of Qin Xuan.

 So, Lux decided to hide and let everything blow over for a few days before he headed back to the shelter. It would give him time to eat the eggs that he had managed to get hold of.

 That night, Lux found a nook hidden away from the wind and gathered up some firewood and mud. He sealed one of the eggs up in the mud and set it to cook over the small fire that he'd built. After a few minutes Lux smiled when the sanctuary's voice sounded in his head.

 [Young Obsidian Dragon killed. No beast soul gained. Eat it to gain zero to ten sacred-blood geno points randomly.]

 Lux was a little surprised that he hadn't gotten the beast soul, but he still had one more chance. He was also surprised that the creature was a dragon. Assuming that the snake creatures had been its parents, it seemed like their offspring were an evolved version of them, because as much as he hadn't been paying attention when he'd killed the one in the river, he distinctly remembered it being called an Obsidian Wyrm. Which while close, was not something that would that actually be called a dragon. He guessed that it made sense in a way. The Sanctuaries were there to promote evolution after all.

Han Sen(Lux Luxor): Not Evolved.

Status: None.

Lifespan: 200 years.

Geno Points Required for evolution: 100 Geno Points.

Geno Points Gained: Ordinary 100, Primitive 100, Mutant 9, Sacred-Blood 14, Super 0

Beast Souls Gained: Sacred-Blood Black Beetle(Armor), Sacred-Blood Bloody Slayer(Shapeshifting), Sacred-Blood Obsidian Wyrm(Weapon-Spear), Mutant Three-eyed Cat(Pet) Primitive Green-Scaled Beast(Weapon-bow), Primitive Swift Mantis(Weapon-Dagger)X2, Primitive Yellow Winged Wasp(Weapon-Arrow)X10

 He'd actually gotten ahold of the obsidian wyrms beast soul, and it was a spear. It was fantastic to have a full set now. Between the shapeshifting, armor, and spear Lux was confident that he could take on a much greater variety of hunts. Eating the first egg had netted him six sacred-blood Geno points. The lack of Mutant Geno points was starting to feel like an insult to his character though. He'd gotten nine Mutant Geno points from eating the Quartz Scorpion, but he hadn't even hunted that himself. But Lux was happy about the mutant beast soul that Qin Xuan had given him when he rescued her from the caves at least, it would be awhile before he managed to level it up and unlock its combat form, but having it would help a lot for mutant hunting.

 Eating the eggs contents had been demanding on his stomach. So, Lux curled up and got some shuteye with his armor deployed around him for safety.