
Leaving the Lab

Pair of brothers could be seen walking through dimly lit corridors of underground lab complex. Peculiar thig about one of them was not so subtle golden glow emitting from his body.

Turning his head a bit Sandro asked - "How does it feel? ..I mean magic. Can you control it a bit? like intensity of glow?"

Saba didn't answer immediately. After small pause he sighed.

"I have no idea, maybe I should feel something different, but everything feels just normal" - Said Saba looking at his hand, that gave of dim light. - "What do you think?"

His tail stopped swaying around and turned to boys - "#What can I say? It's not like I'm some kind of helper given to you as a guide.#" - he twisted his body and moved to Saba's left, to have a better view of them, while brothers halted their walk looked at tail's direction - "#I have same information as you, well I'm you. Anyway I think you can't feel anything 'different', because everything is like it should be.#"

"You mean?" - asked Sandro, even through he approximately understood what snake meant.

"He means, like every creature this body also had predetermined reflexes and when my consciousness or soul entered it just added my memory there, but reflexes still work." - added Saba.

"Hmm.. Seems like you are on to something. So that's why I adapted to new body so quickly." - Said Sandro and placed his right fist on his left palm.

"#Pretty much yeah. Also fact that we glow is just subconscious reaction. There is also possibility that you simply don't have any magic or we are just that good.#" - stated snake with smug face.

"Yeah whatever. We should get going, after we visit the room maybe we can find some clues" - said Sandro with a bit irritated voice and resumed walk - 'Reincarnated In fuc%$in fantasy world not having a magic, how unlucky one must be.' - he thought for himself.

After some time of walking back, brothers entered the room which was starting point of their new life. But this time Orochimaru woke up and told himself jokingly.

$Never thought that you were so considerate about me, I got to say that I see many fine asses here$

Saba stopped and looked down at his dick with perplexed and flustered look.

"C'mon bro are you that desperate ?" -said Saba while his eye color changed and radiated little more heat than before.

$What do you mean? If there is a hole then there is a goal >:D$

"They are dead!!!"

$So were you$

"..." - Saba was lost for words

"#Did you just lost argument with your dick?"#

Meanwhile Sandro was inspecting dead bodies.

"What do you mean?!?! Look! there are just bunch of skeletons, where are you even going to find moisty cave?!?!"

"#$ Skeletons?!? $#" -Said Snaky and Orochimaru in unison.

"Yes skeletons, look one even died as if proposing to someone"

"$ Interesting... so you see proposing skeleton poking someone's bones?$"

"Well... yes"

"# I think you have some kind of X-ray vision #"

"$ Whoa! cool cool$"

"Bro where are you?"

the proposing skeleton turned around and looked at Saba

"HOLY SHIT" said Saba

"Ha...? what happened?" -said confused Sandro

"I have... a good news... and bad news? in fact 2 bad news" said Saba

"okay? so what is good?" -asked Sandro

"I unlocked X-ray vision and only thing I see is bunch of skeletons laying around"

"Oh great, now look left, can you see through the wall?"

Saba observed his surroundings, Looked left then right, he observed the door they just passed through.

"Okay... on left side I see some pipes but it seems I can not see through entire wall, on right side is same, but when I looked at wall where the door used to be, I see as if there is almost nothing there"

"# So it's like limited X-ray #"

"I am not even sure if X-ray works like that, but not seeing through thick walls is expected" -said Sandro

"And now tell me the bad part"

"So number 1: I have no idea how to turn it on or off, as for problem number 2: I think you have a cancer, more specifically chest area"

"$ Damn... reincarnated and already have achieved cancer status effect $"

" What? what makes you say that?" -Sandro almost cried out

" I mean... I am not a doctor... I just see what I see... and I can not see through you"

"For the fucks sake Kakyoin, stop saying nonsense and lets get out of this place"

"Okay, okay man, calm down man"

Sandro narrowed his eyes and veins on his neck threatened to pop out, but he still managed to calm down and procced to say

"Never mind, since you have this ability, maybe we can find some hidden passage out of this laboratory"

Thus brothers proceeded to find hidden passage through laboratory, Saba was trying to understand how his ability worked and was learning how to control it

They found big area and started to examine it

"Hey bro come here look" -said Sandro

Saba started walking in his brother's direction, he saw something fascinating behind his brother's back, he was happy as if he found freedom in lost labyrinth, Saba looked at his brother while he was walking and wanted to share good news, but for a second he somehow turned off his x-ray and saw his brother's face which showed many emotions, such as expectation, wariness and lastly satisfaction with devilish smile.

Saba was confused but soon he understood... he understood that *BUMP*



"# Lol #"

Saba almost tripped over by box half of his size... he leaned forward and placed his hand on surface of box to stop the fall...

"$ Wtf? man look where are you going $"

"# Pfff... #"

Sandro was blissfully watching everything unfold, he was feeling good and delighted as if he already ascended to heaven from revenge, well they do not say Karma is a bitch for nothing.

Saba grabbed Orochimaru and said

"Listen here you little shit... this is our problem not only mine"

"Oh already started spreading the way of soviet union this early in this world?" -said Sandro who still had blissful smile on his face

"I will remember this" -said Saba with narrowed eyes, which was shining bright red as if shooting laser and continued

"This will wait but I think I saw something behind you, which might be an exit"

"So... Wait, might?"

"X-ray vision is now turned off, but I think I saw some kind of door"

"I am sure that we can't punch this wall, maybe try to turn them on again somehow?"

"...What do you think I am? A magician? I do not know how to turn it on again"

"#$"..."$#" -everyone was looking at Saba with -_- face

"$ Listen try getting mad, you changed because of your emotional disturbance $"

"# ye he got the point... you sure that you and Orochimaru did not change brains? #"

"okay bro... I am not in the mood of that kind of jokes" -said little pissed off Saba and his eyes shined white-bluish color which indicated that X-ray vision is back

"$ Oh... nice work, Hmm... but that hurts you know? $"

"I have seen man training his dick but not in reverse" -said Sandro with a smug expression

"#$ You have seen man training his dick? #$"

"This backfired pretty easily..."

"Anyway, look there.... just follow me" -said Saba and led party to a what looked like an elevator

There was no button next to supposed "doors" and Sandro asked Saba

"Are you sure that this is an elevator?"

"Well yes because I see tall square tube, that has something that looks like an elevator with a leaver"

"# Ye but how do we call it? #"

"I do not know" -said Saba when suddenly he noticed some wiring from elevator doors to some random place at the wall

"Okay I see something, maybe we should try poking it?" -Said Saba as he pressed on the wall

Suddenly wall started to split only to stop shortly after, leaving small gap around 10cm wide.

"# I think we should force it open #"

"Judging by thickness of the wall it won't be easy" -commented Saba

After taking positions Orochimaru started count down

"$ okay boys 1... 2... 3... PULL$"

Expecting big resistance Saba pulled with all his might but it seemed that it was easier than he thought

#We are stronger than I thought# -thought Snaky

and in that moment there was sound of something breaking, startled Saba looked where sound came from and saw that Sandro's side of wall was ripped off from its frame, and broken into few large pieces

"Can't break through walls huh? Fucking barbarian"

equally startled Sandro looked at his hands and then Saba

"I have no idea man, who knew that wall is... well was fake?"

Snaky bit piece of broken wall and said

"# I do not know man, it seems pretty hard to me #"

"okay lets continue" -Said Saba as he opened the double doors

"Excellent, this seems elevator shaft, we can move up"

Brothers started to climb and soon they managed to get to the surface.


Dense forest was surrounding cliff where passage to laboratory was located. As brothers moved out of small cave all they could see was sea of green.

"Looks like we are in the middle of a forest" - commented Saba

"Yeah seems like it" - added Sandro.

"# So this is our new start, I guess #"