
Unexpected Arrival

Back to room filled with dead bodies, another humanoid figure started to move. After few tries figure managed to sit up, holding his head with one hand.


'My head is about to burst open. What the hell did I drink last night.' - thought figure.

#I told you not to take gramps's drinks out, didn't I?# - thought popped up in figure's head, that 'sounded' a bit different.

'Yeah, that stuff is lethal, how could he even drink it at his age??'

#One of the mysteries of life, I guess#

Figure stood up with difficulty, seemingly not bothered with other voice in his head, he looked around and tried to at least understand where he was. After not finding anything but bunch of naked bodies laying around and open exit, he started to walk.

'Seems like it was one hella party! So many people laying around dead drunk and naked??? Wha..' - at this moment headache assaulted once again, cutting of his thoughts.

#Whatever, let's just get out of this room# - popped thought of other voice again.

Figure resumed walk while still holding his head with his hand. While walking he noticed something was dragging behind him, thinking it was just blanket, he ignored it and continued movement.

When figure approached door, he noticed that door wasn't just 'open', it was ripped of from hinges and laid on the floor.

'Barbarian, I bet it's his work' - thought figure with half closed eyes.

'Okay time to find him and leave this place.' - he started to move through hallway while thinking which route should he take - 'Hmmm I think, that way. I can practically feel where he is'.

After few minutes of walking through the hallways of the lab complex, figure finally got to the central lobby. In lobby he saw figure of naked man with dark red wavy hair and really pale skin tone.

'It's definitely him, but what's with his hair? Did he break his head and it become bloody?' - thought figure with half open eye.

#Donno man, seems natural to me#

Moving closer to man with red hair, who seemed deep in thoughts, he said:

"Sandro why are you standing here confused and naked? Did you hit your head so hard that you can't even put some clothes on?" - Said figure with smirk.

Hearing question, man with red hair turned around with confused and somewhat wary face.

"Youuu..." - He said while pointing index finger to figure.

"What? Can't even remember your own brother? You really hit your head hard." - said figure with mocking tone.

"Saba is that really you?" - asked Sandro with confusion.

"Who else would I be? At least put something on Schwarzenibbus." - exclaimed Saba with annoyed tone.

"What? What do yo..." - seeing Saba's gesture on his member, which was ready for war, he exclaimed - "Oh.. What the hell?"

After few unsuccessful attempts of calming down his member, Sandro gave up and observed new arrival. Saba was head taller than him, he had curly golden hair that seemed to glow, his skin tone was bronzish closer to golden color, figure's eyes were little weird, they didn't seem to have pupils and were entirely colored dark red and weirdest thing of all was....

"Orochimaru is that you?" - Sandro couldn't help but exclaim.


"#What do you mean?#"

"$Aaaah.. Why so noisy?$"

Three different voices rang through central lobby and at that moment Saba understood that something was not right. He turned his head in the direction of first voice and what he saw shocked him. There was snake with red eyes and white shiny scales, but when he observed a bit more snake's body was connected to him like it was tail.

"#What are you looking at?#" - asked snake.

"$Guys quite please! I'm trying to sleep here$" - sounded another voice and when Saba looked at source, he almost freaked out, because voice came literally from his junk. Seemingly reading his thoughts snake like member, no, more like worm considering the fact that it didn't have scales, turned as if looking at him.

"$Why are you even freaking out?$"

Saba was lost for words, what kind of insane dream was this? Talking snake tail? Talking member? What in the name of holy hell was going on here?

"HAHAHAHA" - loud laughter was heard in lobby.

"Welcome brother to.. Whatever this place might be" - Said Sandro with opening his arms and grin on his face.

Annoyed by his brother's carefree attitude Saba lashed out.

"There is no time for foolish jokes man, the hell are those things?" - asked Saba while pointing two talking parts of his body.

"#That's offensive man!#" - protested snake with angry tone, while slithering his tongue.

"$Yeah, I'm not 'thing' and you can ask if you want to know$" - followed up by 'worm'.

"Heheh saying: thinking with brain between your legs takes whole different meaning for you, don't you think Saba?" - Asked Sandro with mocking tone.

"Fu%$k of, will ya?"

"Okay, okay, calm your tits man and let me explain what I understood thus far" - stated Sandro, folded his hands and proceeded to explain what he gone through in details.

"Sooo.. let me get this straight. We seemingly are 'reincarnated' into different world and magical at that.. Why magical though?"

"Bro you have snake tail, worm junk and both of them can talk. Forget about lil one, how the hell can snake talk human language, well if it's human language, anyway he doesn't even move mouth, it opens and just voice comes out. As if it wasn't enough you are literally glowing." - stated Sandro.

"#You know he has a point#"

"$Yess, that glow is annoying! personally I prefer dark and wet caves, not gonna lie$"

After the announcement Saba stared at his member few moments in silence.

"$What?$" - asked lil one.

"Fine fine, let's assume it's true and looks like me and you have gotten new bodies. That also explains your reptilian eyes or cat eyes? Also color is now golden"

"Huh good to know, By the way those guys... Are they separate entities or part of you?" - couldn't help but ask Sandro.

"Hmmm... Good question"

"#We are same, I mean, I'm Saba lil one is also him and vice versa#"

"$Yeah. Kinda, imagine us like a computer cluster, of course there are some differences between us here and there depending on 'position', but basically we are same$" - explained lil one.

"He is correct, well at least that's how it feels for me" - said Saba.

"Soo, you are some kind of hydra? Weird one for sure, but still hydra"

"#I'm not exactly fun of that analogy but yes#" - said snake.

"$Okay I'm gonna sleep now, bye$" - after saying this lil one curled and made himself bit smaller.

"Okay, now that you are here let's search for exit, I couldn't find it till now" - Said Sandro and started to walk in random direction.

"Fine, but first let's see room that we woke up, maybe we missed something" - stated Saba.

"Okay, let's go"

And they walked back in direction of room with bodies.