
Summoning The Reich: A Tale of A War-Torn World And Its Inhabitants.

(ON HIATUS) 1944, the Axis Powers are on the run, the Soviets have pushed the German Reich all the way back to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland fiercely fights off the Red Menace in the Balkans whilst Italy is on its last legs after the Allied Invasion of Sicily, but suddenly on that day, on June 6th 1944, as the Allies successfully retakes Normandy on D-Day, a massive Earthquake occurs whilst the OKW and Allied Forces fight, all of a sudden, a big flash of white light comes down on the entirety of the European Continent, many did not know what had happened but one thing is for certain, they are not on Earth anymore.

Anzai_Chiyomi · Derivasi dari karya
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27 Chs


Falmus, a boy who was destined for greatness, he was a smart yet naive boy who ventured into the world, a sword in his hand and a pouch in another he set foot into this cruel world.

10 thousand maybe even a hundred thousand or so years ago, he couldn't tell when but he knew that it was a time when guns weren't invented yet, sophisticated magical theories reigned supreme in this world, back when the Gods have loved their creations, from the Floating Fortress Merippa, the castle of the Gods, it has for the entirety of the Worlds recorded history always hovered above this young planet, it would send the natives all sorts of gifts, from the gift of knowledge to an introduction to the arcane or maybe a new companion the Gods had created in the floating fortress

It was because of this that religion worshipping the Gods above reigned supreme in this worlds natural law.

Falmus wasn't a believer though, a blasphemous proclamation to everyone, that was punishable by death, they ridiculed the poor boy who stripped him of everything, his parents abandoned him, leaving nothing to spare, and his lover betrayed him by committing adultery with another man, his pet lizard, Gerima, was burnt alive and finally he himself, he too suffered from the prejudice, people hunted him down just because of this, had he chosen not to blindly believe and trust his so-called comrades to keep his secret he wouldn't suffer, lose nothing from this.

But alas. He chose to.

"Awaken human" a dark voice echoed in his mind, but as he opened his eyes, to his surprise he saw his battered and bruised body, his missing teeth, his eye that had been punctured, his feet that had been amputated, everything was there as if nothing happened.

"Tell me your name human boy" Falmus turns to his side, he looks at the ground and sees a black robe lined with clear gold, it was as clean as if it was brand new, with not a trace of dirt nor a smudge of mud, he slowly looks up, he sees an amulet of a skeleton's finger with a ring on it suspended by a green crystal, he looks up more while squinting his eyes, and there he saw.

A demon...

He was petrified, as if he was made of stone he couldn't move, he was scared to his core, he wanted to flee but he couldn't.

"Well?" The demon looked at him with his black pupils as if his pupils were made of charcoal, his horns shaped like a Bull's horns just looking at it made you feel like you've been impaled by it, but as he stared at the demon, no matter how terrifying it looked, it had an odd atmosphere, soothing his mind despite the demons appearances.

He is my benefactor, my savior.

Falmus thought, he had kept his savior waiting for him to say his name this entire time, he felt shocked that the demon didn't even kill him by how long it took, as if it was some sort of awkward staring contest.

"Uh-uhm. M-M-My name i-i-i-is Fal-Falmus sir! Tha-Thanks for saving a huma-human like me!" He could feel his cheeks burning from such a buchered introduction and thank you, he knew that this was probably the final straw.

"Falmus hmm, that is a strong name young Falmus, tell me, what are you doing in my country?" Falmus gasped at the words the demon said, his name was strong? This isn't the Iluia Kingdom anymore?

"EH?? This isn't Iluia?"

"I am sorry to tell you this but the Iluian Kingdom has ceased to exist 10 years ago"

"But-but that's impossible? How come I'm still a boy then? My coming of age ceremony would have turned me into a man by then"

"I am unfamiliar with human customs, but one thing is certain, I have resurrected you, the peculiar sight of a young boy's skeleton piqued my interest so I asked you why you were here in such a large forest, now tell me."

"It-it was because I was branded as a Blasphemist sir, I disregarded the teaching of the Iliuan faith and I remember being chased by a bear because of it"

The demon nodded slowly, Falmus would just track his head as he nodded, every second he was with the demon the more he knew, he moved methodically not even giving any hints at to what his next move was, for a second he could be happily chatting with the gentleman then he would be killed suddenly, the boy hadn't moved an inch from his spot, he was afraid that he would startle the demon or something along that line of thought.

A drop of water, it was cold yet it felt nice, that was when he looked down and...

"I am sorry! For letting you lay your eyes on my bare skin, I'll cover myself up with those leaves over there" But before that he had to get off the dirt that was slowly turning into mud, the rain made the boy shiver, but the demon, unexpected of the mortal enemy of man, gave him something.

"Wear this, you need not strain yourself any further"

"Is it really alright? Something as expensive looking as this is..."

"No need to worry, Can you walk young Falmus? We should seek shelter from the rain since you are still as fragile as sand."

"Yes sir, I can walk" But the moment he answered beasts from the forest appeared before them, a corrupted raven and a ten-foot bear, both were eyeing the bare boy.

"Fall" the demon raised his hand and uttered the word, in an instant the Raven and bear fell to the ground with a heavy thud, he was shocked at the power of the demon.

"We should head to my castle, more of the beasts' kin might arrive" picking up the raven and bear with one hand he scooped up the boy with his other hand, 'such strength!' the boy marveled.

The demon suddenly lifted off, and the boy grabbed the demon firmly hoping not to let go, which amused the demon.

"You should open your eyes young Falmus" the demon said with a kind tone and the boy opened his eyes, the forest! They were really flying! Only a small amount of mages could make use of wind magic to float let alone at high speeds as the demon.

"That there is my castle young Falmus" urking his sharp chin forward Falmus saw the castle, it was larger than the Palace of the kingdom the boy could only open his mouth in awe, the wind was cold as well but the robe of the demon shielded him bringing him the warmth of another person it was something he had forgotten, the castle was illuminated by floating lights, upon closer inspection the lights were being carried by winged demons that once they saw the demon, his benefactor, shone a blood red light and bowed their heads, this was strange.

"Uhm, Sir... Are you perhaps a noble of the demons?" The awkward tone Falmus used made him even more embarrassed but he had to ask just in case.

"HAHAHAHA" the demon laughed haughtily with him wiping a single tear from his eye, he looked at the boy with a warm smile on his face,

"You could say that, I forgot that the horns would probably mean nothing for the Humans who don't understand or know my culture" this made Falmus' blood cold, has he been rude to a noble of the demon realm this entire time???? Oh, the humanity! Falmus could only breathe in and out slowly trying to make sure that he had not been rude to the noble demon, but after landing on the flat surface of the castle made him think he was right.

"Good Evening Lord Hiuya" Servants as far as he could see lined up at the sides as they all bowed in unison, the middle being the path for the demon, he immediately tried to separate himself from the demon, but his strength prevented him from doing so, he could only struggle against the demon who had a firm grip on the boy.

Until he finally gave up, the demon suddenly released him from his embrace and the boy dropped down on his face. The boy could hear the servants shocked expressions, he could even hear some unsheathing swords, he sat up and rubbed his nose, but it oddly didn't hurt as much. He didn't know why.

"Come young Falmus, your restart has finally begun!" The demon said enthusiastically but the boy didn't understand with question marks floating above his head, ignoring the death stares of every single servant watching the boy walk clumsily to Lord Hiuya.


Falmus and the beasts who had finally awoken were being escorted by a large demon servant, Falmus took a look at the demon's head and there were stubs, in comparison to the large horns of his benefactor Lord Hiuya.

"This is the changing room, the tailor will take measurements for your clothes so step in please," the servant said and waited outside, Falmus and the beasts still didn't know what was going on, all he knew was he was reincarnated, and is now here, the beasts understood the gravity of the situation though, instantly being cautious of the servants, maybe the demons here were so powerful and Lord Hiuya was the most powerful among them...

After an hour of tailoring and the outfits were done, Falmus' outfit was a standard dark suit, it felt nice and comfortable and the quality of the silk was soft, as for the Raven and bear they both got outfits just like Falmus, this confused him since he didn't think it would fit them, especially the bear that was shrunk by Lord Hiuya.

Knock knock.

Knocking on the door Falmus' attention was directed towards the door "Yes?" Falmus asked

"Lord Hiuya would like to see you" Falmus tumbled over the furniture when he heard that, the beasts on the other hand just watched him with pity in their eyes, how could such a clumsy human be born? Was what he probably thought was going through their minds.

He didn't had time to worry about that though, he fixed himself up and urged the beasts to come with him, he didn't know what convinced them, was it from the way he said it? Or from the imitation of a powerful demon asking for them.


"Allow me to formally welcome everyone! I am Hiuya dis Dracenia, Emperor of the Demon Realm, the Harvester of Souls and the Guide to Deaths lake and blah blah blah" From all of that seriousness at the beginning of the Lord's introduction, maybe from boredom or to speed things up this unusual display of the Emperor made Falmus rethink his mental image of what the Demons were like, but looking around the room where what he has assumed were hundreds or so demons gathered all with horns not even holding a candle to the gigantic horns of Lord Hiuya, he hasn't decided if he should call the Demon Lord Hiuya or Emperor Hiuya.

"The forest young Falmus stumbled upon was at first part of the human Kingdom of Iulia yes, but was destroyed by my army after a failed assassination attempt on my life, but bear in mind that I have no ill will towards young Falmus since you have been through a lot yourself right?" 

Falmus nods.

"Then that settles it, you will officially become a part of my kin" Everyone immediately looked at Hiuya, this all-powerful demon king would hand him, a human, the key to such immense power nonchalantly?

Was that really possible? Has Magic really improved that much in three years that you could pass on such a title with ease? What about the gross ramifications of the ritual not succeeding? What about the rest of the world then what would they think when the Demon King, however far in the future that time may be, hands a portion of his power to an immature boy.

Obviously, everyone in the throne room looked at each other and the king with confusion, all of the well-dressed demons with sizeable horns were probably demons of higher ranks, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that their eyes showed visible disgust towards the trio who were bowing to the Emperor being given such high levels of power in such a nonchalant and ill-prepared ceremony.

"Uhm, may I speak your majesty? Highness? Lord?"

"Just my name would be fine" flabbergasted, shock and veins popping could be heard throughout the throne room packed with demons and monsters, why was it that the His majesty the Emperor favour such a boy, a boy that was from the Kingdom of Iulia of all places, it truly bewildered everyone in the audience.

"Uh, yes, Sir Hiuya, why are you favoring a human boy from Iulia? The Kingdom that attacked your Realm and all of this, this is a bit too much right?"

The demon took a thinking pose for a bit then opened his mouth "I saw something in you, when I peered through your memories while I was reviving you, I saw a boy who would be kind, honest, and merciful to Demons and Beasts, it has benefitted you many times but many times it would harm you, coincidentally you saved my Daughter's pet, that Raven over there back when you were still enthusiastic about your dream of helping everyone, ah such ignorant bliss" Falmus looked at the Raven with a shocked expression, the Raven just looked at the shocked boy and nods, then why was it going to attack them?

"Then why did you ask me before? About what was I doing in the forest I mean"

"It was just to make sure if you've gotten your memories back, no biggie and all of that"

"Well besides that, You're asking why the Raven and the Bear were going to attack right? Well, the Raven was trying to protect you from me" The Demon Emperor chuckled 

"The Raven hasn't seen me ever since it was just a hatchling so it wouldn't remember me, but she surely does remember you and my daughter" Falmus only looked at the Demon Emperor with his mouth agape and his body shaking, has he really done that much to deserve this kindness being shoved into his face?

"This is basically a loop right young Falmus? This time, for saving my daughter's pet I will save you from your trauma, a little thank you for being so kind to her" suddenly the throne room was engulfed with a bright red light, the ceremony was starting as a large and complex magical circle with a rune-like language being inscribed in a pure crimson light, triangles, and squares formed inside of the circle under the feet of Falmus and the beasts, peering from the intense light Falmus looks at Emperor Hiuya, Emperor of the Demon Realm, he looks at him with a worried smile, but he just smiles, the same caring smile.

"By my order! Falmus the Iulian boy shall be converted into the Highest Order of the Necromancer Class! Accept this title and be reborn as my kin! Lord of the Dead Falmus dis Dracenia!" Shouting as the Emperor decrees, the room was now shining, the pitch black darkness of the outside now turning bright as the Castle was turning brighter and brighter by the second, a testament to the almost infinite mana pool of the Demon Emperor.

"Rise Lord Falmus" he rose, and his suit was turned into a robe, the boy had aged from 13 to 20 in just a few minutes, his face covered by the hood of the pitch-black robe, he looks at his hands, pale as snow and cold to the touch, not an ounce of body warmth from his body, he had rings on his fingers emblazoned with markings of death and the majestic crest of the Demon Realms Imperial Family, he felt the powerful surge of mana flowing through his veins, just as easy as breathing he felt that he could bring corpses back to life, as was the rings whispered in his head.

"How do you feel Lord Falmus?" The Emperor asked whom said person looked at him with a huge smile.



"What are you thinking about this time Lord Falmus?" A voice of a very familiar person, Falmus turns around and sees Opi, her appearance was as bewitching as ever, her wings as dark as a raven and her appearance suited her, her red eyes that could kill a person who wrongs her in any way, she walks slowly towards Falmus who was sitting on a chair in a tent.

"Just reminiscing about the past," Falmus says as he closes his fist and shoves something in his pocket.

"So what happened to Lord Fozl?" Changing the subject he looks at Opi with the same enthusiastic and kind eyes he has had in his time serving in the Demon Realm.

"My children couldn't find him, but we have found a trace of his magic signature a hundred thousand paces behind the enemy.

"Quite a long way, keep sending scouts to find him, I believe we will need his power with what the humans have unleashed onto the battlefield"

"They have unleashed what exactly?"

"I am not so sure myself, it looked to be a dog encased in metal that could breathe fire, it could also shoot the same metal projectiles as their rifles at longer distances and there was a large floating fortress with the same flag as the ones those human soldiers had, I don't sense any mana so I am not sure if they've created the fortress on their own or there was some outside intervention, it is a very loud fortress from what I've experienced earlier"

"How about we make contact with our allies first? That was our primary task in the first place, something isn't right about this human army, they are unlike anything we've dealt with"

"Yes, your right, Sorry I've been out of it these past few days Opi" Falmus hung his head low, a massive blunder on his part "I really shouldn't lead, why did our creator, Lord Hiuya, want me to wield such power? The rings keep whispering that this was my destiny, w-w-what has happened this year has overwhelmed Sir Hiurya, I ju-just can-"

"Shhh" Opi gently embraced the necromancer, the feathers were stuffy but Falmus liked it, the embrace has cleared his foggy mind for a bit, caressing the head of her Lord.

"I know, your hatred for the humans is justified, our creator has said to treat you, to spoil you, to follow you wherever you go, so if you want to end this battle, let's end this together" Opi caresses his head, her hug tightening as she tries to fix his traumatized mind clouded with hate, she too hated the humans, especially for what they did to Lord Falmus, but slaughtering the humans would only leave an empty hole, especially if you leave it for too long it would expose you to many vulnerabilities "Lord Falmus, you can tell me what happened, I'll listen"

"No, let's save it for later, we really need to go to Fozl and help our allies" Gently pushing Opi away, he declared so. It has made Opi sad, maybe even hurt by the action, but her Lord is right, they needed to find Fozl and go to the Elves immediately.


The air was stagnant, unlike the hours before, it has remained stagnant for a while, as the town kept being pummelled to the ground by constant artillery bombardments, but the dreaded sounds coming from the Anti-gravity thrusters of the Ausmerzer has even required the soldiers and the civilians to wear ear muffs and communicate via hand-signals or through writing.

It would be a matter of time before General Von Bock would be able to secure the town.

A perimeter was established to ensure that strict quarantine and surveillance around and inside the town would be kept until the occupation forces could arrive, High Command has ordered the swift extermination of the devils by bathing them in Fire and explosives.

"Wulf!" Alta leader shouts at the Panzer IV commander currently having a nice cup of coffee outside of the tank.

"What are you doing over here Wulf? I thought command has ordered all armor to secure the town?"

"Well we have already done that, those metal hounds have done an excellent job at keeping the locals docile for now, to be honest, I might request one for my son once the war is over"

"Those things have really done a huge number on the devils huh? I bet we would be sent outside of the old world, somewhere out there beyond the Ocean"

"If we are fighting the devils again then count me out, they've smashed my Beautiful Melusina" caressing the Panzer IV with his gloved hand whilst taking a sip of his cup of joe.

"So what now then? Are we actually going to stand by?"

"I don't really mind standing by, the winter is coming so we have to hunker down, the town is the perfect spot to set camp in"

"What about the locals that have left the town?"

"Look, we shouldn't try to bite off more than we can chew, worrying about every single minuscule detail such as that is nothing, we are fighting a Just war against Bolshevism, in fact, the US should thank us for standing against their worst enemy"

"When did this turn into an ideological debate? Look I was just asking why we aren't doing anything about the ones that left?"

"Who cares anyway, thats what I think, it would really help if you don't think about it" Looking like Wulf wouldn't shift his stance Alta Leader bids farewell and heads back to their camp, looking at the snowflakes dropping down to the ground he casually looks to the right. "Children still playing in such a weather" Koff suddenly spoke from behind with a bottle of beer.

"You shouldn't drink that" Wulf ordered, Koff on the other hand was in laymans terms already piss-faced 

"Alright now Koff give me the beer" But as Wulf tried to grab the beer to discard it another person popped out of the tanks hatch 

"Komandant! The devils have attacked the Artillery company, we are to prepare for a major counter offensive by the devils again!" Again?!? When Koff is intoxicated as well?!?! 

"Fuck!" Wulf cursed as he took the bottle from Koff and smashed it against the snow, the children were startled by the noise and ran away. 

"Alright Koff get in, the devils might attack" without even heeding the orders of the Komandant as he struggled to even communicate with the drunk gunner, from a distance away a little dot darted around, Radio operator Luka looked at the thing flying in the sky with confusion plastered on his face.

"The fu-" SMASH.

A deathly aura pierced everyones skin, they all looked at the robed figure with what looked like a plague doctors mask, he looks at the exposed crew of the Panzer IV and walked up to them but the Panzerhunds were there, forming a circle around the robed man with a mask.

"Were you the ones who hurt Fozl?" His rage could be felt from the voice of the man alone as he kept walking towards them.

"DRIVE! DRIVE!" Wulf orders and without haste the Panzer drove away. Reporting everything that had happened to HQ.

"This is Wulf, we are being chased by a man in dark robes with a Plague doctor mask"

"What? How did he get through the perimeter?"

"He just smashed down! I think it even left a crater on the ground, I am not sure just how powerful he is but I think he is pretty powerful, just send backup!"

RAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! A blood curdling scream echoed throughout the Town, Wulf deciding to peek through the hatch looked at where they left the strange man. 

"WHAT THE HELL!?!" His face blank as he looks slightly up, 

"So was it you?" Grabbing Wulf by the collar after yanking the hatch out, Wulf was struggling as he pleaded the strange man with his eyes, an indescribable pain was being inflicted upon his entire body.

"Answer me!" The man ordered, Wulf kicked the man's crotch in return but it did nothing to the man.

"I-I don't know anything!" Grasping the arm of the man, Wulf says to the man.

"HALT!" Suddenly a pack of Panzerhunds as well as those strange floating things with machineguns on it circled the stopped Panzer IV, Wulf inwardly celebrated as backup had arrived as a group of all sorts of soldiers and tanks arrived at the scene a bit later, all their guns aimed at the man who stood ontop of the Panzer IV.

"Hmmm..." The man stood still, probably processing the predicament he was in, Wulf on the other hand feared for his life once more since the Panzers have their sights on his captor possibly harming him in the process once they opened fire.

"I.. have calmed down now" The man lets go of Wulf, after about an hour of him being grasped by the man who came crashing down from the heavens, he had finally been allowed to go. 

"Tell me humans!" All of their guns aimed at him as they awaited the order, the sudden shout tensed them up. 

"Do you know about the Elven nation of Meriavel?" A strange question they thought, Koff immediately comes up from his post and hands him the newspaper 

"We know what that nation is" Wulf answers as he brings out a newspaper he had saved in his coat for toilet paper substitute and gives it to him.


An hour after the predicament and now two strange figures sat besides each other inside of a tent, the flag of the Reich flowing gracefully as men prepared their equipment, checked their rations and mentally prepared themselves.

"A strange army" was what the robed woman said, Falmus thought the same, they have such a strange attire and yet it looks familiar, their weapons such as the metal dog intrigued them the most, it has a very terrifying combat potential similar or even greater than the hellhounds he had grown accustomed with, the floating fortress hovering kilometers away the town was larger than even Gerima and their interesting way of fighting, instead of using magic and engage in physical sword to sword combat this army prefers to fight from afar with overwhelming firepower, or maybe he was just outdated on the newest military strategies, sure he was comparable to a skilled general but he has very weak control over his emotions leading him to rampage, luckily Opi is here at all times, to calm himself and to help him think more rationally, but then when Opi reported the news, he felt rage, bloodlust, his rings took over.

"I still cannot believe I have done all of that. Years of Anger Management training wasted!" Falmus exclaimed, Opi being Opi comforted him again, he really needs to treat Opi to something once their mission was over.

"Lord Falmus, Lady Opi, General Von Bock is ready to see you now" A messenger spoke and guided them inside, "Let's make this quick" Falmus said as he stood up and entered into the room.

"Welcome to my Headquarters Lord Falmus and Lady Opi, I am General Fedor von Bock of Army Group Center Command, let's get down to business shall we?" Introducing themselves they all sat down, Falmus and Opi had a neutral face on them, not showing any emotion that would give Von Bock insight into their psyhce, "If you could please state your business".

"We are here to pick up the corpse of my friend you are displaying outside right now" Falmus spoke, his face and tone still neutral but von Bock could feel the anger in his words, of course he would feel the same too if an enemy did that to his friend.

"He was the one who attacked us first when we were passing through, we responded in kind, that ambush alone has killed many of my soldiers because of it" von Bock spoke in a matter of factly tone, but his words have caused a shift in the robed mans posture for a split second that for a normal person wouldn't notice.

"We want Fozl" Falmus said as he locked eyes with the general where under those eyes dyed in bloody red was a power capable of committing atrocities even Unit 731 would shudder at. "If you let me get him home then we won't stand in your way" but despite that the general seemed relatively unfazed, he had already heard the reports of how powerful of a being the robed man was, so he tried a little something on him.

"I've heard you have the strength to face off atleast 6 of the Reichs Panzerhunds, not even a single one of my soldiers have disabled one, that feat alone makes you a very dangerous existence to the Reich's plan"

"What are you getting at General?" Leaning on the desk he places his hands on the table and starts twirling his pen.

"You help us and we let you have your friend back" He spoke with a arrogant tone, two could play this power game, Von Bock wasn't one to scoff at the devil for sure, but he would if he could get his hands on such power.

"I don't think you know what you're saying 'General' why would I help you? A human of all beings?"

"I know what I am saying, if you comply with my orders until the duration of my war then we will let you do as you please, you can live in Deutschland or anywhere within the Reich's Sphere of Influence if you want"

"I don't see any value serving under a human leader, I have sworn my loyalty towards my Lord, the creator Hiuya" von Bock shrugged it off, if the robed man wasn't going to budge then he would switch to another strategy.

"Then disregard what I have said just now, what I want is your cooperation, your loyalty can remain with your Creator and what not, we just want you out of the picture or on our side"

"Then give me my friend back, like I've been saying. I want my friend back and we will leave you alone, your human affairs are of no concern to us unless you challenge our status quo"

"How can we guarantee you wouldn't leave the Reich alone? You have the title of Lord but someone is above you, the one you call the Creator, how can we be assured that they wouldn't meddle with the Reich?"

"I assure you that the creator wants peace and abstains from war, we want to get our friend back and be on our way again"

"Tell me why you are so eager to leave then?"

"That's none of your business, I am here to negotiate about the extradition of my friend, you have no right to ask such questions"

"It is if your friend over there is involved"

Their piercing glares locked at what Opi thought were lightning bolts striking each other in a stalemate, no one giving anyone a chance, but this has gone on long enough, she wanted to leave already, so too did Falmus had the same idea, but killing the humans would lead to another war, this time with a strangely powerful human nation, this was something that might give the Demon Realm a run for its money..

"How about you give us some information about the other nations instead? In exchange with that information as well as YOUR neutrality in the Reichs affairs can we finally get this over with" It looked like Von Bock had the same sentiment. Falmus and Opi looked at each other and nodded, all they had were outdated information about the Great Nations of the Western World, nothing special to be brutally truthful.

"We can agree with that, well then what would you like to know?"

"Everything there is to know about the other continents, anything useful about their technologies as well as their politics and territory."

"Sure that sounds fine with me," Falmus said, it was just some mundane information about those human nations in the West, nothing too special.

"Hold out your hand" Von Bock did so, Falmus puts a small orb of light in his hand, Von Bock looked at the thing with curiosity and looked back at Falmus with a confused look on him.

"You swallow that, it's a knowledge pearl, its something only we can produce so its very valuable in the worlds black market" Von Bock looks at them this time with shock, something that could transfer knowledge in an instant just by swallowing this pearl? If they could do that there wouldn't be a need to train fresh troops from the ground up anymore well at least in educating them on how their weapons work and basic fighting styles, but still the future of education would be at the whims of the pearl.

"I will keep it for now, alright come with me" stashing the pearl in a chest the size of a normal person's palm he stores it inside of it before locking it in the drawers of his desk.


"Your army really intrigues me General, what is your nation like to maintain such an army?" Opi asked as they kept walking towards the bears' display, always a seductress at heart as the old General blushed a bit when asked such a question.

"We are a proud nation under der Fuhrer, Herr Adolf Hitler, this country was at the brink of ruin because of the great depression upscaling inflation rates making even a loaf of bread worth millions in our currency, but because of the economic reforms of the Fuhrer we are able to live happy lives, the Fuhrer loves Germany as much as I do, we will crush the enemy, those who stand against Germany shall be crushed under our leather boots." Proudly proclaiming as he walked to the head of the bear, Falmus swore he could see the nose of the German general grow bigger a few inches, but that was probably his imagination.

"Well, we will take him now" raising his hand towards the corpse of the bear, his dearest friend Lord Fozl, and suddenly with a blink of an eye levitates.

"What the -" Von Bock was surprised by this, and so too was everyone else besides the pair of robed figures, they who had learned the ways of magic, the power of the Gods from the floating fortress Merippa had given them millions of years ago, 

"We will take our leave now, hold out your hand again General Von Bock" the general holds his hand out "This here is the whistle of corpses, you can find these from the corpses of practitioners of necromancy such as I, it can summon a horde of skeleton knights and a group of lower liches, use this sparingly" but as Von Bock looks at the strange whistle with the shape of a skull the pair flew away with the cartoonishly large bear in haul.

"Uhm Sir, the Artillery Company..." Von Bock looks at the messenger, his mind exhausted from all of this, but he knew that something regarding the Artillery company was going to be important so he listened closely. "The company is alive, they have suffered no casualties but the artillery pieces have been destroyed" Eh? But Von Bock has received the casualty report stating that the entire company was killed with no survivors, unless...

"That's great news, tell them that replacements from the Ausmerzer are available in storage with the latest artillery pieces" the messenger nods and runs elsewhere, leaving the General alone out in the field from where the Bear once stayed.