
Summoning The Reich: A Tale of A War-Torn World And Its Inhabitants.

(ON HIATUS) 1944, the Axis Powers are on the run, the Soviets have pushed the German Reich all the way back to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland fiercely fights off the Red Menace in the Balkans whilst Italy is on its last legs after the Allied Invasion of Sicily, but suddenly on that day, on June 6th 1944, as the Allies successfully retakes Normandy on D-Day, a massive Earthquake occurs whilst the OKW and Allied Forces fight, all of a sudden, a big flash of white light comes down on the entirety of the European Continent, many did not know what had happened but one thing is for certain, they are not on Earth anymore.

Anzai_Chiyomi · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

About a Whistle

Deep in the catacombs of the bunker, a bunker that could withstand the might of even our modern nukes was where the Reichs top scientist worked, he had already unraveled the Ausmerzer and the Panzerhund, the flagships of this scientist along with other sorts of new weapons such as the STG-58, an upgrade to the STG-44, as well as other things, but weapons was not the only thing this bunker produced.

"And by the end of the year, we would expect to have already released Das Faust and Die Glocke, two other major machines, after teaching the factories and other manufacturing facilities within the Reich" Gertrude reported on the stage where hundreds of men in white labcoats attended, they all nodded and waited patiently for Gertrude to continue "Once we accomplish launching these two major pieces of machinery then we would proceed with our Space Program if nothing were to go south, once that is done we will colonize the moon of this planet and survey the floating fortress captured by this planets gravitational force, it is still an anomaly to us and despite our best efforts doing research covertly we will need to send probes as well as manned missions on this structure"

"The theory Herr Julius of the Biological Studies and Survey Department has proposed of Extraterrestrial Intervention in this worlds biosphere and the existence of magic has been widely accepted by Director Escherich but we would like to put it to the test, so once we accomplish the objectives laid out then we will proceed, that is all thank you" The meeting was adjourned letting the little worker elves of Escherich commit to the duties assigned to them today.


Escherich and Gertrude walked with each other along with their bodyguards, the old scientist would look around the testing facilities fitted with state-of-the-art testing equipment with the highest quality of standards everyone had to follow, on one window you would see men flying around with rifles shooting at targets with excellent accuracy whilst the other is a robot shooting lasers out of its hands and head, everywhere you see there would be experiments being conducted for the benefit of the Reich.

"Why are we still following this stupid plan? We would have conquered Europe and Africa by now if we let the Reich have access to our tech" A statement that surprised the Old Scientist as they were left alone by the bodyguards when they, the pair entered Escherichs Office, sitting down on the same old office chair he had grown accustomed with the past few days.

"Still having doubts? Well, I'll explain it to you" pulling out a holographic display as it shone to reveal an image of the entire old world.

"Listen, sweetie, it's to condition competition with the Asian Branches, the Japanese division is the leader of the Asian development program so if we have a lead on this then with them winning would be a spit in everyone's faces here" he replied sipping some water delivered to him by a mechanism in his desk.

"Is it really just for the competition?"

"It's not just because of competition, we want a Cold War with Japan"

"Huh? Like our Old World? Wouldn't that unnecessarily create tension between our countries?"

"That's the point, Germany would have a threat, sharing a land border with Japan through Central Asia is worrisome but see the opportunities there! There would be a competition that would lead to innovation, giving everyone out there those seeds would help that until they reach the point of passing us technologically, the Space Program is another one of those endeavors of artificially creating conflict to facilitate innovation"

"Yes, but what is the point if someone would give them the blueprints? Keys to everything we have worked on these past couple of days?"

"We are consistently monitoring every possible route to the outside 24/7 with bugs everywhere, nowhere within the Bunker can a splinter faction hide in"

"Is there really anything to worry about? Stressing yourself over nothing would rid you of your beauty"

"We both know that's impossible already, since you were the one that created me"

"Yes, you're an Android, but my love for you is real. It's a good thing that you are still learning about this world and you always ask questions, just like how I intended it to be"

"We are getting off-topic. Why would we want conflict with Japan if we have another uncertain power beyond our waters?"

"The new world is nothing to scoff at sure, there was actually a report a few days ago about a Necromancer or something like that, that could control undying monsters, impervious to rifle fire but are relatively easy to deal with if you burn or disintegrate them with a little explosion, but the necromancer is the one that I am worried about especially the gifts he had given to General Von Bock"

"The Whistle of Corpses and the Pearl of Knowledge right?"

"Yes, I have arranged a meeting with the Fuhrer and Himmler about the whistle, if possible I want to study it and the outcome it would produce if you whistle it just like the description and its effects the general wrote about"

"If the whistle could do something like that and be given away so easily, I imagine there are other, more powerful items that wouldn't hold a candle to it"

"I hope we find an answer soon enough"


A day had passed ever since the whistle was received as men in high places sat down on their chairs inside a large room within the Embassy building, this was for the first time Adolf Hitler and the visitor would meet.

"Greetings Herr Escherich, your work on the Uberconcrete and Uberstahl has benefitted the Reich to unmeasurable amounts, the Reich thanks you for your service!" Adolf Hitler said in a joyous fashion making Escherich who was just a big pile of wrinkles and bones a smiling pile of wrinkles and bones, Himmler, on the other hand, opened his mouth as well "We have received wonderous reports about the Ausmerzer on the Western Front, the Allies are surely quaking in their boots as the Panzerhunds and the Drohnes supporting the Wehrmacht and the SS with impeccable service, such an outstanding man as yourself would bring great change to Europe technologically" 

"Well, I believe in Aryan Technological Superiority, using my talent to satisfy my curiosity in building things has always brought about great results that has benefitted the Reich so far."

"Oh you surely have a talent for this kind of thing, what was this field of science called again?"

"Its called Robotiks Mein Fuhrer, the use of machines such as this would simplify work a hundredfold giving way for more precise control over production and quality, actually we are talking with several factories to use dedicated robots instead of humans in producing all sorts of goods using the power the Reich has given me and it seems to have been effective"

"How fast would it be able to produce things in a streamline?"

"Roughly a day or so it could produce at least 200 Panthers and Tiger IIs, but only if it is continually being fed materials" 

"And this was from one factory? What was the size of the factory and how much manpower did it need to operate at full capacity before?" An economist asked Escherich with expectant eyes.

"It was a rather large factory so about 10 kilometers that employed more than 10 thousand workers, the special thing about my machine though is that it is capable of running for extended periods of time without rest meaning that you could keep producing large tanks such as the Tiger II or even railway guns for 100 years if the factory is cooled enough to prevent overheating, we are still working on the heating problem but it is safe and reliable to use"

Everyone was shocked by the machine that it could even be classified as a Wunderwaffe, the non-expressive face of the genius robotics scientist saying such things with confidence made them convinced that he had really made such a machine, if they could cool the facility down to prevent overheating then they wouldn't have to employ humans for a hundred years, this was a game changer in German Industries, something, not even the Allies would dream off.

But suddenly the door opens as everyone was still murmuring about the crazy invention of Escherich, in came a beautiful woman with intricately designed armor, her sword in her scabbard, and a rifle slung behind her, she scans the room without emotion and sits at an empty chair with a translator.

"A pleasure to meet you, Fraulein Waldschmidt, I am the leader of Deutschland, Adolf Hitler and allow me to welcome you to Deutschland" offering a hand to her, 

She shakes his hand with a smile as she opens her mouth to speak "Thank you for the warm welcome, I am 1st Lieutenant Ilga Hausen von Waldschmidt a Wyvern Rider from the Great Federation of Meriavel tasked with establishing a diplomatic channel between the Reich and the Federation" one by one everyone introduced themselves to the elf, some blushing as she shook their hands, the beauty of the elves would rival even models they would see on magazines, even for Escherich.

"Well then, we would like to talk to you about this whistle" opening a case to reveal it to the Elf, she looks at it with intrigue and then surprise in an instant, her face didn't seem to be scared of such a thing even though it had a miniaturized human skull as its design making it look somewhat impractical to use 

"Where did you get the whistle?" She asks as she fiddles with it. 

"It was given to one of my generals fighting a righteous war for our homeland, the giftor wore a black robe and spoke in a low voice he introduced himself as Lord Falmus, Lord of the Undead" the mention of the name made the elf suddenly tense up, a name that she herself made her sway by the mere mention of it 

"Is anything wrong Frau Waldschimdt?" Hitler asked worriedly, 

"He... Is a benevolent man... To my people and the beastfolk" She says taking a breath before opening her mouth to speak once more 

"But.. the human foes he has fought with.. he has no mercy when it comes to the humans, but seeing as he gifted you something like this, it is truly surprising not just to me but to the entirety of the world"

"Why does he have such a reputation?"

"It was a long long time ago, but he was once a human boy or so he has said" Sparking even more intrigue about the character of the necromancer, the proclaimed Lord of Corpses, but Adolf wanted to hear more so they shut up the murmuring audience and allowed the Elf to speak once more 

"But he was proclaimed blasphemous by the local church in his village, speaking against the human religious scriptures and their beliefs so they punished him severely to the point of dying in the forest until the Demon lord found him and raised him to be apart of his kin, he is capable of summoning undead soldiers to fight for him, skeletal beasts that look like toys compared to the entirety of the great forest, his combat abilities are also on par with Demon Lord Hiuya but luckily he isn't as blood thirsty as Lord Fozl the Beast of Frost and Lady Opi Queen of Ravens, so something like this" tapping the whistle with her index finger 

"Is something short of a miracle" Everyone was silent after hearing this, had von Bock been arrogant and did the wrong move Germany would most likely be the land of the undead, but thanks to him they now have a gift from someone with such, to what Escherich thought, was a bad ass title.

"What can it do then?" Himmler spoke this time with a sheet of paper in front of him. 

"It is capable of summoning at least a thousand or so undead and a hundred lower liches, it really depends on the mana capacity of the user, but for your people it would be useless since I don't sense even an ounce of mana wherever I go" those words disappointed every German in the room, something as powerful as that could easily wipe out an entire nation based off of the mana capacity of the user, but someone who doesn't even have mana nor any mana sources anywhere, it would be impossible to practice with it.

"Wait, if mana can't exist in our continent then how are you able to use magic?" Escherich asked he was curious because if this continent as the elf said couldn't support mana or doesn't have any mana producers then it is impossible to facilitate the use of magic.

"We Elves have a special organ that converts excess energy into mana essence, basically whenever we eat something that doesn't even have mana our bodies convert the energy from that into mana, allowing us to have a consistently replenishing source of mana and inject that mana into a catalyst say for example the whistle of the undead and the replication magic, but there are exceptions such as humans who mated with our kind where in some cases it worked and some cases it doesn't" fiddling with the whistle and turning to the german audience to speak once more.

"It would be best to use it in a mana-rich environment full of mana-producing beasts like the great forest or even the sunken kingdom of the goblins, those places would provide enough mana to summon half of what the whistle can produce since your human species don't have any special organ to produce mana" everyone listened to the elf's explanation, everyone was in agreement that the whistle wouldn't work, but another question lingered in the head of Escherich.

"Then what about the replication device? How is it able to replicate items if it requires mana? Wouldn't it be on par with the whistle?"

"I am not so sure about the replication magic as it worked just fine with Herr Reinhard and Herr Klaus, but I think it doesn't even need a large amount of mana to use because whenever I was with Herr Reinhard and we were testing the replication magic it would just shine, this is just a guess but I think it just has something to do with a human with the common ancestor as the great unifier and an elf to function"

"Did the great unifier have a spouse before?"

"Not to my knowledge no sorry, but it would be best to assume that he did since the unifier's private life and his marital status records were burnt down by the human empire that sought to colonize the great forest in the ancient times" stumped, the conversation about the whistle and the replication orb has fizzled out, but Ilga, of course, had a mission to finally meet with the Fuhrer to discuss.

"Well then we shall postpone this, the stenographer has already taken everything to note so it should be safe to move on to the next topic right?" The stenographer nods and readies her fingers. It was finally time for Ilga to commence talks, taking out the manacomms and placing it before everyone, soon enough the manacomms turned green, and an image appeared in a green transparent rectangle, everyone was spooked but kept their composure, the click-clacking of the stenograph machine could be heard in the background.

 "Greetings to everyone, my name is Juopa Helendarg Frettlebourg, Embassy leader of the Great Federation of Meriavel embassy department to the German Reich, I am assigned to facilitate diplomatic communications between our two nations"

 "I am the leader of Deutschland, Adolf Hitler a pleasure to meet you" everyone exchanged their greetings and introductions until no one was left out, then Adolf opened his mouth to speak "Herr Himmler and Herr Escherich has agreed to use the SS and the Escherich Division to support the affairs of your nation in exchange for the replication orb and a detailed description of every major nation close to our continent, after that you will have to wait for a week to prepare the SS on the voyage across the ocean, we will provide ample modern military training and a quick guide on how to use our weapons. Do you agree on these terms?" 

"We would also like to sign a treaty of non-aggression between our alliances, the alliance has no qualms with you since you've treated 1st Lt Waldschmidt with much respect"

"It was no trouble Herr Juopa, she has been most useful to us as well for guiding my nation through this unfamiliar world, we are hoping that until the time has come that we will continue a positive relationship between the Federation and the Reich"

"Yes, It would be most beneficial for the two of us in fact I've heard stories of the wonderful technologies your people have invented, a nation of pure science" It would take some time to get used to but the conversation went smoothly as the two exchanged information about their countries such as their cultures, but times were rough in this part of the world "We are currently receiving aid from our allies, but the ferocity of the barbarians are pushing even our combined efforts back, so if possible we would like the continued support of Germany until the end of the war"

"A nation on the brim of destruction with a culture similar to our own, it would bring great sorrow to Deutschland and its people to see a nation so similar to us suffer, as we too suffered from the oppressive treaties of the old world, you have the support of Deutschland and until we can find a way to transport the necessary troops across the ocean"

"We thank you, well then we will be off now, there are other pressing matters I have to attend to, stay safe friends" the manacomms cut off, no longer glowing green, everyone just stares at the manacomms for a bit, until Ilga spoke out.

"I will be taking my leave then, I hope that you have collected enough material from my Wyvern to support your studies, I see nothing but success coming your way" She then exits leaving the german men alone to collect their thoughts.

"I have luckily already invented something to transport those troops, the Ausmerzer Zwei" Escherich spoke out, it seemed like everyone was listening to him with eagerness showing.

"The upgrade from the Ausmerzer and the Ausmerzer Zwei is that it can support atleast 100 planes of various sizes and it is also capable of finding targets with a heat and thermal sensor, there are problems such as the noise but beyond that it is an excellent all-around defense and offense platform, it is more than enough to support the invasion of Britain and is also just enough to reach the Federations coast" Already? Adolf thought as just then they were talking about how to transport it, using the portal would cost lots of resources and it also needs a constant supply of energy making it costly to maintain, of course, they could use the Ausmerzer but it needs to consume large amounts of fuel to cross the Ocean making it a high-cost operation, maybe they could use their remaining ships, ah no, the sea monsters lurking underneath the calm waves would destroy the lightly armed destroyers and submarines, even the Royal Navy is scared of the sea beasts that could tear apart a Battleship with ease.

"Have you already conducted tests on the Ausmerzer Zwei? The Ausmerzer you have developed has given the Luftwaffe a significant and decisive battle-winning aircraft, but the noise it produces would alert anyone a mile away" A man part of the Luftwaffe Military Attache spoke prompting a reply from the old scientist.

"We have already done the necessary tests to prove its reliability, the noise problem has been resolved as well and we have developed a newer power source that could ensure stable power generation for a millennium, albeit with some concerns of where to place it and if the Reich has enough storage to house all of that electricity, and we are also commencing a special troop program called the Flugtruppen" It would take some time but the meeting went well overall, a report would be published in the future titled 'Elves in Berlin' written by the 1st Lieutenant telling her experience in the science and machine filled city, but that would have to wait for they had wars to win.


Over the span of just a week would Germany see another technological leap leaving behind the rest of its allies in the dust, except for Japan who was also releasing its own Wunderwaffe onto their battlefield such as the Tengu and the Miko Support Personnel, many would argue that another war would come after the 2nd Weltkrieg (World War) from the ashes of those warring nations there would stand the survivors of this horrible conflict the New World was unaware of, blissfully ignorant of the developments of the continent that had appeared, it was just a fad for the general populace when it first appeared, maybe they had forgotten? But of course, there were still factions amongst the New Worlds' countries who were wary of the might of the transferred nations.

"Look ma! It's the metal dog!" A boy would come up to the Panzerhund and allows the boy to pet its metallic head full of sensors and a variety of weapon systems in it. "I am so sorry Komandant, If it's alright we would like it if you forget about this"

"Ah nein nein, It's no problem, I was out to get some lunch with Bruta, stay safe now!" waving them goodbye, the boy looks at the Panzerhund with the same childlike eyes that are so full of fascination for this wonderful machine.

"Come in Muller" the radio suddenly chatters as he puts on his earphones to answer the call with a milkshake in hand.

"Ja? What's wrong?"

"There's a suspected Jew at Drebs Diner, you are the closest to the Diner so take care of it"

"A Jew? I thought that subhuman race was already eradicated. Well I'll go there now, provide backup if possible since there might be something suspicious there"

"Two other Panzerhund units are on the way so get going now"

"On the way now, Muller out"

Robots would manage the streets, the security, and production that have improved production times a hundredfold, there wouldn't be a factory or any sort of manufacturing facility where the automatons the scientist built aren't put in place anywhere, in actuality, it would be a rare sight to see a factory still employing human workers, this, of course, brought about new jobs that would mull down unemployment rates a bit, but for now, the working class was, in essence, a large pool of manpower as they no longer had factories hiring them.

At a certain building within Berlin.

"We have successfully defeated the Royal Airforce and the Royal Navy, the time is ripe for the invasion" A general spoke as he points to the report displayed on the screen with footage of a revolutionary type of aircraft called the Jet.

"Indeed, the Wolkenjäger is an exceptional aircraft, the only weakness of this however is that the Pilots are having difficulty adjusting to the Jet fighter, Herr Escherich has already prepared a more advanced training center for the Pilots to get used to the Jet" Hermann Goering spoke this time, his face full of smiles looking at the footage of the Black aircraft donning the swastika take out at least 4 spitfires with its internal gun capable of dispensing high-explosive armor-piercing rounds at 4, 200 rounds per minute or 70 rounds per second making anything that stood in its way into a mist in seconds.

"What about the combat capabilities of the Ausmerzer Zwei? That should give the people of England time to consider surrender, the psychological effects of the first model were shockingly effective back in Russia, so nothing should change if we follow the positives" A general spoke, his tone as jubilant as the leader of the Luftwaffe.

"The Ausmerzer Zwei has proved itself on the battlefield with its strike capabilities decimating an entire front with just its autocannons, the fact of the matter is that it is essentially a Floating fortress that could take out anything the Soviets have pitted against it, even bombing campaigns couldn't be compared to the utter destruction it has caused, a perfect display of German Science" everyone nods at the statement in understanding as another general raised his hand to speak, allowed by the Fuhrer he spoke.

"We have received reports from our spies that our propaganda leaflets have caused public disunity and are now in an open revolt" outlining with lasering locations within England that are in open revolts such as York and Bristol "Ireland has also agreed to support us in the war as a landing site to Haverfordwest, Wales and Bangor, Wales. After securing those locations we will link up with the Briton Armei led by General Wilhelm Hurtz and the Spanish 1st Army led by General Miguel Perlito Sanchez, the Italians have also committed to the Operation by promising to use the remnants of the Regia Marina as bait for Africa, making sure that the Allies would never leave the continent."

"Sounds good, once that is done we will deploy another robot Herr Escherich has produced named the London Monitor, the boys at the Escherichia Division must be working their asses off to think of such insane concepts as that platform" Adolf spoke as he munches on a strawberry shortcake from his personal baker.

"Any news on the Elves by the way?" The Fuhrer inquired

"The 12th SS Panzer Division 'Nordland' and the 1st SS Mechanized Division 'Adolf Hitler' are still preparing to embark, we have already allocated three Ausmerzer Zweis for transport and support, an airwing of Wolkenjagers and Todesengel for escort, and a combat assessment team would deploy the second-generation of the Panzerhunde, I've yet to see the newest model but I have heard from speculations within another lab that it would be far more deadly to the point of resisting even Armor Piercing shells from Anti-Tank Guns and the KwK 88 of the Tiger I, we've yet to see it come to fruition however"

"Just when I thought the Panzerhunde program was terrifying, now I hear they can withstand even tank shells. Mein Got" One of the generals in the background comments with many of his fellow rank agreeing and nodding in affirmation.

"Initiate Operation Sea Lion immediately, I want this war over with!" Hitler ordered with conviction, the Royal Navy and Air Force has been defeated, it is now time.


Ausmerzer Zweis flew above Wilhelmshaven and Brittany, this was the second time the Ausmerzer Zwei would be used to conduct landing operations, the first being the landing of Stalingrad, the Allies should know by now that resistance is futile.

"How are things on the deck? Have the Leopards been loaded already?" a man spoke as he sat on a menacing-looking chair.

"Ja mein Kommandant, a total of 200 Leopards have been loaded already, we are currently waiting for the Cougar APCs and the Wulfpanzer IFVs to be delivered"

"Good, I want to deploy as soon as possible, the Allies have nothing against our Ausmerzer! HAHAHAHA" 'Ah, spoken like a true villain' The Assistant could only shake his head, hoping that this wouldn't cause a massive tragedy.

"Have the soldiers briefed already, I don't want a repeat of that horrendous Stalingrad landing, things should be different and I intend to do everything to finish this fight on my terms"

"Don't forget about the other Ausmerzer Commanders please, It is essential to cooperate with them"

"I know, but we should hurry up now since the British are probably amassing a large volunteer force and are training their civilians. By now however the Irish should've taken over Northern Ireland right?"

"Um actually..... Ireland is on the verge of collapse"

"Of course they are!" The Commander shouted as he punched the armrest in frustration, such a weak nation as Ireland fighting a million Allied soldiers.

"Well the Panzerhunde Oberkommando West have delivered to Ireland should've held the haughty English off"

"I am unsure of what happened but for now we should launch the invasion as ordered, in case we forget we are supposed to land over at the Capitol, London, from there we will construct the Escherich Portal and use that to transport the rest of the Briton Armei and the Spanish. The Regia Marina will guard the Suez and Gibraltar. Italy should've already gathered a sizeable army to counter the Allied Occupied Islands of Corsica and Sicily."

"Yes we have confirmation from Mussolini" Beeping from the LED display, The Commander immediately accepts the transmission "Good Morning Kommandant Kertz, how are things?"

"Ah, Kommandant Otis, long time no see huh? Last time I've seen you was on that dreadful siege of Leningrad, terrible times truly. How are the kids? Eldest son still being disobedient?" Chuckling to himself "Haha, yeah, the kid is really a handful but he's alright" the middle-aged mans face started to lose its emotion, something must be wrong. Or so Kertz thought to himself.

"I've actually wanted to talk to you about this deployment if you don't mind"

"Fire away, what's bugging you?" Leaning forward a bit into the inbuilt desk with a framed picture of his family in vivid colors.

"There was an accident in one of the Hangar bays where something ignited the fuel, the jets are a mess because of this and I might be removed from my position." Otis had a strained look on his face, trying to keep it together knowing that because of this accident he would be dishonorably discharged, and yet, despite that, he still chooses to be strong

"Promise me, that when I do get replaced that you would keep that boy Dreik from falling out of grace, just a small favor from me if you don't mind" He still had that strained, hopeless look on his face.

"That's all? Sure I could do that" the middle-aged man smiled, his expression turning from despair to happiness in an instant.

"Just try to redeem yourself if you do have the chance, don't want my buddy to lose that bet we've made ever since we wore a younger mans clothes"

"What was that bet again? And hey! A man in his late 20s is still young you know!"

"Too far off you old hag, we're both over 29" Kertz argues back, he swore he could hear someone chuckling in the distance,

"Ahhh, I refuse to accept this!!! I hope that scientist could reverse aging aswell!" The middle-aged man dreaded, praying for Escherich to fix aging as well,

"That would be akin to drinking the elixir of the Gods, granting things like eternal youth would make life boring" Kertz spoke like a true old man, despite being at least 35.

"You've always loved to suffer, you damned Masochist! Unlike you I've always loved living in comfort"

"Haaaah" letting out an audible sigh Kertz decided to give up, no use in talking with someone aloof like him and then there was that accident that happened.

"Thanks by the way" Catching Kertz off guard who was still in his inner monologue.

"What for? I basically did nothing"

"Nah, you've cheered me up a bit, alright I'll leave you be now, I've gotta convince High Command to let me command the Ausmerzer"

"Yeah that's impossible, but good luck on that"

"Yup, I'll get going now, stay safe in the air you old sack of flesh"

"Could say the same to you! Ahh he cut off" slouching back on his chair, the control room was silent again.

"That was an..... Interesting conversation to say the least"

"Tell me about it, wait I feel like I've forgotten something"

"The bet, you forgot to tell him the bet Kommandant"

"Ah" The assistant swore he just saw Kertzs' face turn to just a few dots, but it didn't really matter to him.

"Well I could tell him when the Operation is a success" Another beep from the LED display, he taps on the screen and suddenly the sight of a large man was displayed on the electronic screen.

"The Eagle flew, soaring through the skies as it eyes its prey, supper it thought" Kertz nods and the screen turns to black and displays the vicinity of the Ausmerzer Zwei, a detailed analysis constantly running as well as a list of available armaments on the side of one screen.

"Ausmerzer Zwei Kertz will launch!" Suddenly the entirety of the room shook, it didn't shake that much but everyone still felt it, the only thing they could hear was the air conditioning and the calm reports of the crew, Kertz looks out to the window as the shudders finally lifted, out it revealed the wide blue sky, clouds looked like marshmellows from where he sat.

"Tell the crew we will be enabling cabin roaming, turn off the seatbelt sign." The Assistant nods and pushes a button on his own device and stands up to stretch his legs.

"This is where my new war will start, let's hope the Brits don't notice us yet..." His eyes full of fire and ambition, a sneaking grin on his face as he checks the time from his watch.

(Quick Note from the Author: Panzerhund is Singular whilst Panzerhunde is Plural so if you read something that uses de in the end of the word its most likely in plural form)