
Summoning The Reich: A Tale of A War-Torn World And Its Inhabitants.

(ON HIATUS) 1944, the Axis Powers are on the run, the Soviets have pushed the German Reich all the way back to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland fiercely fights off the Red Menace in the Balkans whilst Italy is on its last legs after the Allied Invasion of Sicily, but suddenly on that day, on June 6th 1944, as the Allies successfully retakes Normandy on D-Day, a massive Earthquake occurs whilst the OKW and Allied Forces fight, all of a sudden, a big flash of white light comes down on the entirety of the European Continent, many did not know what had happened but one thing is for certain, they are not on Earth anymore.

Anzai_Chiyomi · Derivasi dari karya
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27 Chs

A Critical Situation

"Status on the offensive?" Hitler asked as his health deteriorated even further, his hair was disheveled and his symptom seemed to worsen by the day. 

It was June 13th, 1944 on the Gregorian Calendar, the tide of the war suddenly and violently shifted from the worse for the Allies and the best for the Axis.

Fascist rebellions sprung up in Hungary and Romania who at the time were just puppets for the Soviet Union after the usurpation of the old fascist governments, it was essentially a civil war between the Reds and the Blacks in the Balkans, the lowland countries and France are being reconquered after the battle of Hague where a majority of the Allied forces were liquidated in the Hague Pocket, a maneuver Field Marshal Heinz Guderian and General Rudolf Schilt planned and executed.

"We have pushed back the Allies and the Soviets, they are facing the awakened ferocity of the Wehrmacht, our factories are still being bombed however and our Anti-Air defenses are still being repaired by our Engineers, we expect the war to be done later this year or next year at its earliest" A General reported enthusiastically, but the moment he went to the second part of the report Hitler's mood changed.

"Still nothing then. Report to the German people about the highlights of the current situation of the war, lower the conscription rate and focus on providing enough rations and weapons to the fronts. Don't let this opportunity go to waste, by the time we have conquered the Italians and French the sooner we are to glory" Hitler ordered Goebbels, as for the General, he accepted it as is.

"Loyal subjects of the Reich, it is no secret that I will meet the reaper in the foreseeable future, but before that happens I would like to see the Reich attain its dreams, the dreams I have planted within the German people who are working so hard for the Reich, that is my wish, to proclaim and see the founding of Das Großdeutsche Reich"


Same Time on the Eastern Front (920.8 km from Moscow)

It was chaos in the Soviet Union as the Germans slowly advanced to Kiev after the sudden transference phenomena that took place in the entire European Continent, resources were being turned into guns and ammunition, tanks and planes, and other sorts of fighting and support vehicle in order to stop the Germans.

"Comrade Stalin, the Germans are most likely trying to make a spearhead to our major cities, our garrisons are being pulled out of Finland to support the Invasion of Norway and to get Sweden to join the Comintern or the Allies, we are running out of able-bodied men to join the war."

"What about the reserves?"

"They are being reactivated as we speak, but we don't know if we have enough weapons to support the sudden uptick of the reserve force accompanied by the huge deficit in our Military equipment"

"What about the Air force? Any success in destroying the Luftwaffe?"

"Yes, the Airforce is having some success in destroying important infrastructure and railroads leading to the frontline, but the Germans are utilizing their V2s to deal an equal amount of damage to us"

Stalin smashed his fist against the wooden table, the pieces tumbled over as the Generals jumped at the sudden strike, it was clear to them that they will lose the war once Japan joins against them.

Stalin once again looks at the map with an exhausted expression.

"So we are at a disadvantage. Hitler is trying to get to our oil and our factories, intentionally open up parts of the front and consolidate some of our forces to destroy the Germans who took the bait, making and destroying small pockets of the Wehrmacht and pushing our frontline back" The sweaty generals only nod and take down notes.

Stalin pours a glass of vodka and drinks before continuing.

"Then we lead them to the Defense Line we have built around Central Russia thus forcing a stalemate if we do not have any internal or external factors that could collapse this operation"

The Generals agree to the Operation since it was just a measure in order to fully supply the Armed Forces in the long run.

The Meeting is adjourned and everyone leaves the Meeting Room except for Stalin, he looks at the map detailing the current situation, and he can't help but stare coldly at the pockets of the Red Army encased by the Wehrmacht.

"The War was over when we pushed the Germans back to Eastern Poland, but this event has doomed us all, it has doomed the Motherland, It will only be a matter of time before I am dead"

Stalin sits down and lowers his head, he sat there unmoving, listening to the ticking of the grandfather clock and the shouts of the Motherland's brave soldiers reinforcing Moscow with sandbags and emplacements.


Same Time Western Front.

The Low countries and France are being pushed all the way back, at first the reclamation of Cherbourg and Brittany but now it was the retreat to the British Isles, the USA was a defining force that changed the tide of the War similar to the Soviet Union with its Lend Leasing of important military equipment and other sorts of aid, but now that the Giant is gone the Allies ran as far away as they can, with the Allies adopting scorched earth tactics in order to slow down the german war machine from taking the important port city of Cherbourg.

The British, French, and Americans first reclaimed Cherbourg, One of the most important ports of France, but the Germans wanted that, they immediately initiate Operation Kehrkante, the combined force of Mechanized Infantry, Panzers and Air force to decimate the thin front line of the Allies in the Lowlands, after the transference event there were still units who were dazed and haven't recovered, the Germans took advantage of the confusion and launched the Counteroffensive along with the fact that many planes met their ends when the light and sound dazed the pilots immediately resulting in air to air collisions, running aground and crash landings, this was a fight to see who could outpace the other in how many war machines they could produce at a limited time.

It was only a matter of time before France and the Western Nations submit to the German Boot.

"The front is collapsing!"

"We need a plan now or else we will be forced to retreat out of France!"

Murmurs and other sorts of discussions happened in the background of the Allied HQ stationed in Caen. Panic and Hysteria plagued the atmosphere of the Allied HQ.

"Sir. we need to do something or else our efforts would be for naught"

General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force just stared at the map, it detailed the reclamation of most of Middle Italy and the devolving state of the Fronts, it was only a matter of time before Spain would join on the side of the Axis, so too was Sweden, Turkey has already joined on the side of the Axis and has sent troops to North Africa and Russia in which the Germans did not know was transferred with the European Continent, ghost transmissions from lines stretching to Asia could also be heard but they couldn't do anything to help their men in Asia.

He looks up and looks at the worried faces of the British and French Generals in the building, he could only look at them the same way they felt, without supplies, it was a matter of how long they would hold, the Allied armies in France outweighs the production capacity of the British Isles and Ireland as well as some parts of France and Italy, it wouldn't matter. at best a hundred or so factories would be available for service, an endless cycle of the troops eating too much into the stockpile.

"Gentlemen, I think it is about time we build bunkers and try to hold on to at least Normandy and Sicily, we can consolidate our armies and use the troops not able to be given arms to just train the locals on how to defend themselves and use guerilla tactics, at least with that we would be able to strike at the Krauts buying some time for us to retreat to Britain" Suddenly, a smack on the table, chess pieces toppled over as the sudden force was quickly dissipated, everyone had their eyes on the French General who had done the action.

"So you are suggesting we leave my country?!?!! After everything we have done to resist, we will leave just like that?!?!" A French General yelled as he looked at the saddened face of the Supreme Commander who was just looking down trying to avoid eye contact.

"Its the only way, Sicily can still hold since it's still a massive island, blow up the bridges leading to Sicily and we can try to use submarines from the US Navy or the Royal Navy to transport valuable weapons and vehicles and other sorts of aid"

"I have seen the conditions of my countrymen when we liberated Caen, they were cheering for us as we drove our tanks, then this light appeared and suddenly I hear America is gone, I say we fight honorably!"

Some of the Generals agreed to the suggestion of the French General, but Eisenhower couldn't and shouldn't agree, there were still other options that could help them win the war in the long run, the Oil situation of Germany and the draining of resources in Russia was what Eisenhower was hoping for, but it looked like the Krauts had Oil and the resources to construct more weapons and vehicles where it made him believe that the Caucasus and most of Russia's resource-rich regions had fallen to the Krauts.

'Is this seriously the situation of the Allies right now? Our best bet is to abandon Europe and sail back to the Brits, losing any more of our precious guns and tanks will have serious consequences in the mid to long run' Eisenhower pondered and pondered, suggestions and other ideas were thrown in the raffle but all of it had major repercussions in case the situation becomes worse.

"The Krauts don't have a functioning Navy anymore, at best there would be some destroyers and U-boats in the channel but with the Royal Navy and remnants of the Atlantic Fleet, they could hold the Krauts at bay for a considerable amount of time, I believe that we should abandon Europe and defend Britain" Eisenhower tried to put up a calm expression, but his tone differed from that calm facade, he was shaking, they could see from his hands, was it fear? Was it anger? They couldn't tell.

The French General got up from his seat and stood right in front of the now-standing Eisenhower, he stared at the Supreme Commander, his eyes full of anger and yet it was also full of sadness and sorrow, Eisenhower just watched the General waiting for him to say something.

"My Family," the French General said in a sad tone.

"They are in Marseille, I promised them that we would come and liberate most of France under Petain when we went to Algeria and connected with the British in Cairo. What should I tell them after they have waited for so long, Yankee? My son and two daughters would be heartbroken, and my entire family would be oppressed by the traitors of France and the Krauts, so no, I will not stand down and listen to this bullshit"

"Look, we are trying to consolidate our troops, we will liberate Europe once we have made our tactical retreat okay? Once we complete that we will give those sons of bitches a good whooping"

"On what guarantee? You Americans are not affected by the war so much so than the British and us, your family would still be alive and well once you return home, you don't know what your talking about!"

"Except that I don't have a home, America is gone! Europe, Africa, and Asia are here but not America, we can contact the Indians to try and supply our men in Africa through the Suez Canal or Somalia but we will have to wait for weeks maybe months! Britain is fighting in a sinking ship, either we wait here and risk attrition from U-Boat blockades, constant harassment by the Luftwaffe or the Italians, or we try to get the fuck out of Europe, consolidate our forces and make another major landing in Norway or Denmark and Belgium!"

"We are going to retake France, with or without you" the French General left the quiet room with his fellow countrymen leaving Eisenhower and the British generals, and other high-ranking officials of Allied Countries.

"That lad sure has some kind of fire inside of him ey?" one of the British Generals said jokingly trying to lighten up the mood, but it was met with a quiet reception.


June 20th, 1944 (A Week After the Emergency Meeting)

The retreat to the British Isles was a slow and tedious process that required the Allies to be coordinated as well as methodically and slowly retreating from a few acres of land to the next, the vast countryside and expanse of urban and rural cities and towns helped with that as German Commandos disorient and sabotage the roads and chokepoints leading out of some towns in France, the soldiers were confused and were quick to shoot at the general direction of the enemy, and with Francoist Spain fully committing to the Madrid-Berlin Pact, it has changed the tide of the war again in favor of the Axis, Portugal remains neutral until on the 15th the Spanish launched an invasion, a gruesome war is being fought in the Iberian Peninsula as Spanish troops flood in from Spain to France and Italy to help with the suppression of resistance fighters and guerillas disrupting Axis supply lines.

Eisenhower sat on his chair skimming through the Battle reports, all of which he wanted to deny, photos and detailed reports suggest something flying over the skies of Berlin taken by one of the Agents the British have deployed, it featured a long neck and had a wingspan of a typical zero fighter hinting at the maneuverability meaning it is very versatile in intense combat situations, the report continues by saying that the flying lizard now codenamed as the Wyvern touched down on an Airbase in Berlin, no shots fired from the Germans and the Wyvern was escorted to a Hangar, the wyvern also had two people riding on its torso, the gender of the 6-foot Armored soldier can't be verified but the Agent insists that it's female because of the way the armor curves a lot at the hip and chest whilst the other rider is the Son and heir of the famed Schmidt Heavy Industries and Transportation.

"This is certainly valuable Intel, thank you Soldier" Eisenhower dismisses the man and reads the rest of the report.

Features such as the loud howl it makes whenever it senses danger as well as the amount of food it eats was also noted, other peculiar traits is that it's scales are incredibly tough and lightweight hinting at a more advanced type of Armor that can be used by soldiers and combat vehicles, the report only gets worse and yet interesting at the same time by the time it details more about the features of the wyvern, incredibly friendly to humans who have blonde hair and blue eyes, it is very well trained and is also capable of firing balls of fire with the same payload as a 500 kg bomb, it was truly terrifying to see the damage it had caused on a Sherman and a Tiger Tank, the metal melted and exploded, it's a living and flying tank capable of self awareness.

He closes the report and gulps his saliva, his forehead was sweating and his hands were shaking, they already knew that the rest of the World was gone but it hadn't come to him until he was hit with this large amount of information about a enemy the size of two Volkswagen beetles, incredibly nimble and intelligent, understands human speech and can manipulate the results of a Battlefield with how many the enemy brings its wyvern.

"Get me to Churchill right now!" Eisenhower shouts as he prepares his things and brings the files with him in a suitcase handcuffed to his hand.

"God why are we here in the first place"