

In 1944, with the Fatherland teetering on the brink of destruction, its allies—among them, the Socialist Republic of Italy, the Tsardom of Bulgaria, the Kingdom of Romania, Greater Hungary, and the Republic of Finland—stood united against the looming threat of the Red Menace and its abhorrent ideology.

Deep within the heavily fortified and secretive Wolf's Lair bunker, Adolf Hitler, alongside high-ranking officials of the Nazi Party, sought refuge and a command center for strategizing offensives and counteroffensives against their adversaries.

The bunker's interior exuded an air of eerie normalcy, with well-lit chambers and lavish furnishings where people sat, seemingly untouched by the grim realities outside. A long table, adorned with fresh flowers, commanded the room's center stage. Hitler and Heinrich Himmler occupied seats in close proximity, while Eva Braun observed from a respectful distance.

Amidst this unexpected tranquility, an elderly gentleman stepped forward, clutching a blueprint that promised to change the course of history. The diagram depicted a colossal machine with a central aperture large enough to accommodate an entire aircraft carrier. Intricate cables and wires crisscrossed its metallic frame, hanging like a spider's web from its sides.

The old man's voice quivered with excitement as he unveiled his audacious vision: "With this machine, we shall conquer not only foreign lands but the very cosmos itself. The time approaches when the Reich shall ascend to the stars, and we shall colonize planets akin to our Earth."

Hitler's keen interest was evident in the way he leaned in, captivated by the prospect before him. He paused briefly, then encouraged the old man to continue.

"Please, proceed."

The elderly visionary, adjusting his glasses, resumed his explanation. "Mein Führer, this marvel we call the 'Escherich Gate' represents the pinnacle of our technological might. It serves as a celestial gateway, a conduit to distant worlds, potentially suitable for colonization."

With measured gestures, the man pointed to critical components on the blueprint. "This central aperture here is where we shall forge a stable wormhole, a corridor through the fabric of spacetime itself. Powered by groundbreaking energy sources, this machine will conjure and sustain this miraculous passage."

Hitler, entranced by the diagram and the promise it held, sought further details. "Explain the mechanics."

The old man obliged, "Our device relies on advanced physics and a labyrinth of electromagnetic fields to stabilize the wormhole. Extensive theoretical groundwork and promising initial experiments underpin our confidence. Once operational, we can dispatch unmanned probes through the wormhole to explore other worlds, extract vital resources, and establish colonies."

Hitler nodded contemplatively. Expanding the Reich's reach beyond Earth's boundaries was indeed an audacious dream. It resonated with his vision of a greater and more formidable Germany. "What challenges must we overcome to realize this ambition?"

The old man's countenance grew graver. "Mein Führer, the obstacles are formidable. We face daunting technical hurdles, insatiable energy demands, and the enigma of interstellar perils. Moreover, constructing the Escherich Gate requires vast resources and a dedicated team of brilliant minds."

Hitler reclined in his chair, immersed in thought. The potential benefits were immense, but the risks equally profound. He recognized that decisions of this magnitude demanded meticulous consideration.

"Prepare a comprehensive plan," he decreed. "Summon our foremost scientists and engineers. We shall explore every facet of this endeavor, assess its dangers, and weigh its merits. If this venture secures the Reich's future, no effort shall be spared in its realization."

And so, within the walls of the Wolf's Lair, the destiny of the Escherich Gate project remained uncertain, as Hitler and his inner circle deliberated the fate not only of the Nazi regime but also the course of the world itself.

But it was only Hitler and Himmler who seemed the most excited, the others had their reservations about such a project, after all, this was all still theoretical, german science hasn't tapped on the vast ocean of knowledge that lies ahead of this endeavour. If it fails, resources and men would be wasted on this project, the man known as the Fuhrer had a reputation for green-lighting the other wunderwaffe projects. So if this were to proceed...

"You say that this machine will enable us to conquer other worlds similar to our own? It sounds very interesting, but on what basis should we believe you? For all we know you may embezzle the Reich's precious and scarce materials, materials we need to fund the War effort" The Scientist smiles sinisterly and takes the box a soldier has been carrying for a while now and place the contents of the box on the long dark oak table and presents it to the audience of 20 or so people a film and a collection of photos could be seen.

The sinister smile that had initially crept onto the scientist's face began to fade as he faced the scrutiny of the generals and the other party officials present. The future of this audacious project hung in the balance, dependent on the evidence and explanations that Herr Escherich would provide.

As the scientist unveiled the contents of the box, including a film reel and a collection of compelling photographs, the room fell silent, and all eyes were fixed on the visual evidence before them. The photographs showed scenes that defied comprehension—a man being cut in half while going through a smaller version of the portal and then a Volkswagen passing through the same portal. It was a glimpse into the seemingly miraculous capabilities of the Escherich Portal.

Herr Escherich's voice was filled with confidence as he presented his findings. "Herr Hitler, what you see before you is not a mere promise but a reality. My studies have yielded results that can revolutionize our resource challenges and advance our conquests. The Escherich Portal will allow us to create interconnected gateways throughout the Reich, enabling unprecedented mobility and access."

He distributed copies of the photos and a detailed document explaining the phenomenon to the audience, who were now nodding in agreement, their initial skepticism giving way to excitement at the vast possibilities this invention offered.

"I call this the Escherich Portal, named after yours truly."

Hitler, recognizing the potential of this breakthrough, was ready to act. "Herr Escherich, your work is impressive. I shall allocate the necessary resources to fund your project. We must harness this technology and ensure that the Escherich Portals are fully operational as soon as possible. Time is of the essence, especially in these dire times."

With that, Escherich extended his hand, and Hitler reciprocated with a firm handshake. It was a moment of mutual understanding and shared determination to harness this revolutionary invention for the Reich's advantage. The future, it seemed, held extraordinary potential for the Nazi regime, and the tide of war might yet turn in their favor.


June 6th, 1944, marked a pivotal moment in the midst of World War II. On that fateful day, as the Allies launched their momentous invasion in Normandy, Hitler was abruptly awakened and confronted with the grim news of the assault. It was against this backdrop of impending crisis that Stefan Escherich, the brilliant scientist, activated the colossal machine personally ordered by the Führer—a machine that held the promise of altering the course of the war.

As the Allied forces advanced and the Eastern Front faced the harsh realities of the Russian winter, the Wehrmacht was in dire straits. Armies were being decimated, and the situation grew increasingly desperate. To counter the Soviet onslaught, hastily constructed fortifications known as the Duden Defense Line were erected, featuring trenches and ambush pits that offered temporary respite against the relentless advance of the Red Army.

Hitler and his generals, huddled in discussions, recognized the urgency of activating the portal, given the Reich's dwindling oil reserves and depleted resources. The decision weighed heavily on their shoulders, and the outcome of this endeavor held the key to their survival.

In the midst of this turmoil, Hitler engaged in a solemn conversation with Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, known as the Desert Fox. They sat in Hitler's office, contemplating the dire state of the war and the impending collapse of the Reich.

Rommel, with a somber expression, spoke candidly, "Mein Führer, the pressure from both fronts threatens to crush the Germany. The situation is dire, and it's increasingly doubtful that we can achieve victory. The dream of a unified Aryan Europe, and beyond, may remain elusive."

Hitler's face displayed a complex array of emotions, reflecting the gravity of Rommel's words. He was clearly troubled by the bleak assessment but remained steadfast in his beliefs. "Why is that?" he retorted, his voice filled with conviction. "Do you doubt the Reich's potential to unite all Aryans in Europe and, ultimately, the world?"

The room was steeped in tension, as the weight of the war's outcome hung in the balance, and Hitler's unwavering determination clashed with the sobering reality of their situation.

"I do not, it would only be a matter of time before the Americans and the Soviets reach Berlin, we are fighting a losing battle"

"But I do not see that, I believe that we will be the victors of this conflict, see the bigger picture and you will know what I am talking about Herr Rommel"

That was when suddenly.


The sudden and deafening explosion, a cacophony that seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality, sent shockwaves across the entire continent. It was a horrifying sound, an otherworldly noise that resonated for a harrowing thirty minutes, sparing no one. Men, women, children, and the elderly all felt its devastating effects. Planes fell from the skies as if they had been struck by some celestial force, and an inexplicable light descended upon Europe, initially faint but steadily growing brighter until it became an overwhelming, blinding golden radiance.

People stumbled and fell, covering their ears or attempting to burrow into the earth, seeking refuge from this inexplicable and agonizing experience. But it was in vain. After another half-hour of torment, the light subsided, and survivors rose to their feet, shaken and disoriented. The majority of the fighting ceased, as if the world itself had paused to catch its breath. The Germans and Soviets continued their brutal struggle, but the British, French, and Americans in Italy halted hostilities, transitioning from the chaos of battle to an uneasy peace, marked only by harsh words and insults.

For a time, there was an eerie calm at the Western Front, but this fragile peace could not last. Unprecedented seismic tremors shook the very foundations of the Earth. Buildings and landscapes trembled, though miraculously, major damage was avoided. People stumbled and swayed, trying to regain their balance in the aftermath, and nervous laughter broke out among some, as if the absurdity of the situation offered a brief respite from the chaos.

Meanwhile, deep beneath the Earth's surface, an old scientist with piercing blue eyes and a chilling grin watched events unfold on a pocket watch. His office, adorned with medals and portraits of renowned German scientists and philosophers, exuded an air of sinister intellect. Bookshelves, brimming with volumes on biology and engineering, lined crimson walls.

"This world," he mused with a calm, calculated tone, "is no longer suitable for the Reich. It has been tainted by opposing forces, and now, it's time for the Reich to set its sights on other worlds—a place where science and magic can flourish. And I have just the world in mind."

His laughter resonated within his crimson-walled chamber, echoing a disturbing certainty that the world was on the precipice of a profound and unsettling transformation.



Rutra, a world of astonishing diversity, where cultures and life flourish in a fairytale-like tapestry. It's a place where Demon lords and High Angels, Gods and Devils, engage in near-daily battles. These celestial conflicts have torn the supercontinent into four distinct regions: the Gromm Continent, the Paciland Continent, the Swazzu Continent, and the Jun Continent.

Nations and city-states dot these vast landmasses, and while wars may not be as devastating as those on Earth, the struggles between celestial forces and mortal realms have taken a heavy toll. Even so, the nations of Rutra persist in fighting amongst themselves.

In the midst of this turmoil, a concerned man named Keon, with striking blond hair and a pleading tone, addressed a council of four elderly figures. These Great Elders possessed defining features such as brilliant blue eyes, golden hair as rich as wheat, pale white skin as pure as snow, and elongated ears, reflecting their unique heritage and wisdom.

"Great Elders, we stand at the precipice of ruin! The Beasts of the North have ravaged our farms, and barbarians from the east have invaded parts of the Great Eastern Forest. We face destruction if we continue to remain passive!" Keon implored from the elevated platform, his voice filled with urgency.

The council listened, their expressions reflecting deep concern. One of the Elders, his voice echoing through the grand hall inside the Tree of Virtue and Discipline, responded, "We comprehend the direness of our nation's plight, Sir Keon. Yet, we are constrained by our limited resources. It would take nothing short of a miracle to save us from this predicament."

Undeterred, Keon beseeched the Elders, "We must find allies to aid us! Our great nation has thrived for millennia, and it would be a grave disservice to the Ancient Ones if we allowed it to crumble."

One of the Elders responded with measured rebuke, "Do not lecture us, young one. You are but a century old, with much yet to learn from the world."

Keon pressed on, citing the support of their allies—the Kingdom of Uila and the Duchy of Pagu—providing weapons, minerals, wyverns, and manpower. However, his pleas were met with the Grand Elder's solemn response.

"The assistance from our two allies is already a generous boon. We must make do with the resources they can spare. If the barbarians threaten our eastern industry, we shall face the challenge together."

Keon, though frustrated, had no choice but to leave the World Tree. The Elders' resolve was unyielding, and their decision was final. The gesture of silence from the Grand Elder halted further discussion.

Leaving the sacred halls, Keon simmered with frustration. If only the Elders could witness the true gravity of Meriavel's situation, they might reconsider their stance. For now, he could only vent his frustrations and seek alternative solutions to save their beloved nation from impending ruin.


Somewhere in the Ocean of Maru

Above the Ocean of Maru, wyverns soared through the turbulent skies, their powerful wings slicing through the salty air. The thunder rumbled ominously overhead, striking fear into the hearts of these genetically modified 2nd-generation wyverns. They had been enhanced by the Federation to combat technologically advanced colonial powers, boasting formidable scales that could withstand ballistae and catapults, and impressive speeds rivalling those of BF 109 fighter planes from Earth's history.

It was in all respects, a better wyvern overall, so it was numb to the terrifying booms of the thunder and the lurking possibility of it striking at the 2nd generation of wyverns. 

Wyvern 01 Ilga was flying high with her wyvern named Ilga junior, named after Ilga herself, she was the top of her class in charm magic, had exceptional flight magic performance, and is decent in conventional weapons and hand-to-hand combat, she was reviewing the map of the Ocean while maneuvering her wyvern.

It was business as usual for Ilga but the moment Ilga relaxed new orders came from her mana comms, a rudimentary radio while not as high quality as radios in our world when it came to input and output quality, it was handheld and can be hidden anywhere making it very versatile in ergonomics in comparison to radios in the World War I and World War II Eras.


Ilga thought for a second, what did Wyvern Command say? A Strange Golden Light was spotted on an insignificant island. But it was ordered by command so she had to obey.

Due to the wind blasting on the microphone, she shielded the radio and shouted into it.


"GOOD LUCK OVER THERE!" the small box spoke loudly and was quickly turned off with a push of a button by the Rider named Ilga.

Hours passed since her departure, and uncertainty lingered over the unusual mission. Little did anyone know that this mission would set in motion a series of events that would alter the landscape of Rutran World Politics.

Inside the Pride of the Fleet, the largest carrier in the Federation, the MES (Majestic Elven Ship) Jenpanya named after the Elven Goddess of Wind and Flight, it was comparable to the USS Jupiter, a WWI carrier that had a length of 542ft or 165m with a displacement 19,360 tons, it was befitting of the name Jenpanya for its use of advanced wind magic and mechanical technologies, a mixture of the Arcane was what one newspaper said when the flagship was launched just a few years ago.

Men scrambled across the metal and wooden floating fortress, the shouts of men as 2nd generation wyverns take off to commence their third or fourth patrols, it was the same as always in the Elven Federation Navy, 

The Chief Naval Commander sat on his sofa while his maid poured a cup of tea for his visitor and himself, pastries fresh from the oven sat on a ceramic plate atop of a finely furnished table. He thanked the maid for the pastries and tea and sent her off, he looked at the man who wore a dark trench coat and a fedora whilst taking a brownie from the plate. After munching on the brownie for a bit did the Commander spoke.

"Where is Wyvern 01? She should have been back an hour ago." a hint of anger laced the Commander's words.

"She is on a special patrol mission right now, she will be back when I give the word" The man in the trench coat spoke calmly as he took a sip of his tea.

"What about the Wyvern then? even though it is a 2nd generation wyvern it is still a living being that needs food and rest, it takes at least 30,000 to 50,000 calories to feed just one of these war beasts"

"Your concerns are of course noted, losing such a precious beast to attrition would not only waste essential beast resources but also losing such a young and talented elf in which our studies have suggested she will be the second coming of the famed ace wyvern rider Sir Leidos of the Wind and Fire who was worth over a million or so wyvern lords and had dragon blood"

"Then what's the point of this special patrol mission? The navy and wyvern air service are stretched thin, stretching it, even more, won't be beneficial for us" Commander Waldschmidt raised a valid concern, questioning the rationale behind the special patrol mission at a time when both the navy and the wyvern air service were already stretched thin. He expressed his worry that overextending their forces would be detrimental to their efforts.

"It is because of the light we have detected, it was off-putting first reading the signature," the man in a trench coat said as he sat down on the sofa inside of the Commander's lounge.

"It's just the Gods playing around with their magic, there's nothing to worry about"

"I know about Ilga's familial ties with you, Sir Waldschmidt, she is, of course, your adopted daughter after all." The mention of Ilga's familial ties with Waldschmidt shifted the tone of the conversation.

"Then you know why I should be worried about her, as a father seeing her off every single day flying in the sky shooting down the enemy risks her being shot down herself, it was her decision to join the Wyvern Air Service so I respected it, but get another rider to do the job instead, leave her out of it" The Commander, now named Waldschmidt, was irritated by the sudden unauthorized deployment by the mysterious man since even though High Command said so, he still needed to give his approval to deploy wyverns.

As the conversation between Chief Intelligence Officer Farmuth and Commander Waldschmidt continued, the air in the lounge was charged with tension. Farmuth's role as a messenger for High Command and the Queen underscored the gravity of the situation.

"A very valuable messenger, Chief Intelligence Officer Farmuth," he remarked, his voice laced with a hint of annoyance and anger.

Farmuth, however, sought to dispel any ambiguity. With a wry smile, he declared, "Enough of this drama, you want to know why I am here, yes?"

Waldschmidt, momentarily taken aback, replied, "I thought it was just to relay orders from Command to me."

Farmuth's response was both enigmatic and intriguing. He leaned forward, his eyes locking with Waldschmidt's, and asserted, "That isn't all."

With an air of intrigue and anticipation, Chief Intelligence Officer Farmuth summoned an interdimensional pocket and retrieved a map. He deftly spread the map across the table, inviting Commander Waldschmidt to examine it closely.

Waldschmidt's eyes fell upon the map, and he immediately noticed something amiss. He leaned in for a closer look, his curiosity piqued. He gestured towards a particular landmass at the northeastern side of the Ocean and inquired, "What's that landmass over at the North Eastern side of the Ocean?"

The map depicted an unknown and enigmatic landmass that had recently appeared, its presence shrouded in mystery. It was a tantalizing clue in a puzzle that promised to unravel secrets of profound significance, and Waldschmidt was eager to learn more.

Farmuth proceeded to elucidate the mysterious landmass that had captured the attention of the Government and Elders alike. He explained that the Elders had sensed the presence of a God Tier Magical spell being cast at Grid A05 around 20:30, a revelation that heightened the intrigue surrounding this phenomenon.

The landmass, situated in the northeastern expanse of the Ocean, was of a size reminiscent of descriptions from ancient texts, which depicted it as a war-torn region. However, the true nature of this landmass remained elusive. Its sudden appearance had thrown authorities into a state of confusion and left them grappling with a host of unanswered questions.

Farmuth's voice carried a tone of caution as he continued, "I believe that most of the Great Powers are already aware of this development. However, for the time being, we must remain calm and composed. It's imperative that this information doesn't leak to the general populace."

The revelation painted a picture of profound significance and uncertainty, and Waldschmidt understood the gravity of the situation. It was a secret that could reshape the world they knew, and he was now entrusted with a role in uncovering the truth behind this enigmatic landmass, Europa.

Waldschmidt could only stare in disbelief when he dropped that large bomb of information, but he knew that if the books of old were actually accurate about this new continent then what his daughter would encounter....

Waldschmidt absorbed the gravity of the situation as Farmuth elaborated on the potential ramifications of this new continent's discovery. The Eastern side of the world, known for its abundant mana resources, was highly coveted by distant Western powers. The sudden emergence of a continent, as described in ancient texts, held the promise of untapped wealth and resources, particularly the mysterious black liquid.

He understood that not only the Elven Federation and its allies but also formidable entities like the Empire of Veridora and the Grand Empire of Gromm might seek to establish colonies and exploit this newfound bounty. The prospect of a global scramble for control over that continent and its resources loomed large, and the delicate balance of power in Rutra was at stake.

As Waldschmidt contemplated the implications, he realized that their actions in response to this discovery could shape the future of their world. It was a pivotal moment, and he was determined to play his part in ensuring the safety and prosperity of the Elven Federation amidst this unfolding chaos.

"So, Sir Waldschmidt, either you help me help Madam Ilga in discovering this new continent we named Europa, or you will keep your mouth shut and continue doing your duties" The weight of the decision hung in the air as Farmuth presented the ultimatum. Waldschmidt understood the gravity of the situation and the choices before him. Either he could help Farmuth and Madam Ilga in uncovering the mysteries of Europa, or he could remain silent and carry on with his naval duties.

Waldschmidt just looked at the map and back at Farmuth, he knew that whatever lies in this landmass is a power from another world, but just maybe he can get that power on their side, with this thought in mind he looked at Farmuth once more and opened his mouth.

Ultimately, Waldschmidt couldn't stand idly by. The allure of the unknown, the potential power hidden in this newfound landmass, the worries he had for his daughter, Ilga, and the implications for the Elven Federation were too compelling to ignore. He believed that his involvement was necessary, and he stated firmly, "Either way, I am interfering in this. You can't just leave me out of this when this job is perfect for the Navy."

Farmuth's smile conveyed approval, and he extended his hand. Waldschmidt reciprocated with a firm handshake, sealing their agreement. They were now united in their mission to explore and understand the enigmatic continent of Europa, embarking on a journey that would test their wits, courage, and the fate of Rutra itself.

Next chapter