
The Rematch

{Day: Monday}

{Time: 8:30 AM}

{Location: Home}

"So you're saying this cream can help my looks?" I asked as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Yep. And it was on sale for only 300 Credits!~ You racked up hella credits from the last three days so I had to buy a bottle for you~" Rhea said and watched me.

"How many credits did I earn? Ardent didn't tell me from the last two dates." I said.


"Yeah, Ardent? Who's Ardent?" Rhea asked and crossed her arms.

"The...Black Lust System? I could've went with Eros, but—Anyway I'm getting off track. How much Credits did I earn?" I asked.

{Current Credits: 10,550}

"DAMN! Okay I must've did some impeccable work because that's a lot of Credits." I said.

"I mean you did take two women out on a date at the same time on Friday, and spent time with Elizabeth for quite a while and got her to really like you in a few hours, which gets into my next lesson for 'Ardent'. Likability and Relationship." Rhea said then summoned a piece of paper and a pen.

"So Relationship is pretty self explanatory, you have the different ranks. Acquaintance, Friend, Best Friend, Friends with Benefits, Crush, and Lover. Likability depicts those Relationships. Likeability goes by percentage actually. You can check how much a woman likes you by updating Ardent and checking those stats." Rhea explained.

I nodded and began to get the Likability information.


{Update Complete!}

{Generating Likability...}

{Likability Stats Obtained!}

[Isabella's Likability: 93%]

[Chloe's Likability: 80%]

[Elizabeth's Likability: 69%]

[Brianna's Likability: 85%]

[Janet's Likability: 60%]

"The higher the Likability the easier it becomes to reach a new relationship status with a specific woman. The lower the Likability, the harder it becomes to woo a specific woman and if you do bad enough, your relationship status will go down. Luckily for you, Ardent likes you so she's always gonna give you the best suggestions to keep Likability high." Rhea explained.

"Thanks Ardent." I smiled.

{No problem!~}

"Alright, now to apply the cream to your face. It says to apply the cream directly to your face and thoroughly wash your face and sleep for an hour to see the new progress made." Rhea read the instructions.

"Wow, so I'm gonna be a little late? You know how me and Isabella meet up in the mornings. She's gonna be mad at me if I don't appear in a timely manner." I said.

Rhea shrugged. "Do you want some bitches or no?"

"Yeah I do but—"

"Listen, Hun. You've increased damn there every other trait except Looks. If you do this, you'll be a finer man and you'll be able to pull these women to you just like that." Rhea said and snapped her fingers.

"Alright, I'll do it." I said and began to apply the cream to my face.

Rhea smiled at me and nodded. "Good, good."

{Time: 9:35 AM}

{Location: University Courtyard}

Isabella sat alone and sighed softly. She looked around for me and didn't notice me anywhere amongst the other students. She decided to text me one more time.

[Isabella: Kaddy, where are you? Please text me back.]

"Sitting by yourself huh." A male asked and walked up to Isabella's table.

Isabella looked up and noticed Tyler. She grunted and held her phone to her chest. "Tyler...wh-what do you want?"

"Your boyfriend ditched you? I'm shouldn't be surprised. He's probably talking to some other girl and ignoring the most beautiful one.." Tyler said.

Isabella scoffed. "You don't have Kaden's charms. Your smooth talk doesn't work on me."

"Kaden. That's all I ever hear. Why do you want to mess with some bum like him and not me, a man with actual wealth. Recently I just saw him with some scene girl at the mall and nightclub. He doesn't care about you at all." Tyler said.

"Hey, back up from her."

Tyler looked up and noticed me then grunted. 'What the hell..? He looks different..'

{Drastic Boost to Confidence!}

Isabella looked back at me and her eyes widened then a blush ran across her face. She stood up and hurried toward me and cupped my cheeks in her hands. "Kaden...this is you?"

"Yeah..~ You like the clear skin now..?~" I chuckled and stared at Isabella.

Isabella nodded and smiled at me.

"Wow, you get rid of some acne and think you're fresh as hell huh? I haven't forgotten what you did Friday night." Tyler said. "I will beat your ass right here.."

I looked at Tyler and chuckled softly. Isabella let go of me and watched me. I placed my hands in my pockets and stared at Tyler.

"Really..? If I remember...you actually lost that fight Friday. I got the last hit and walked away with my dignity intact." I said and shrugged. "You should be more focused on your career than someone like me."

Tyler glared at me and walked toward me. He gripped my shirt and tried to intimidate me. "You've got quite the nerve on you.."

I stared at Tyler and noticed Kofi grab Tyler's shoulder. I smirked and closed my eyes. "I think it's time for you to let me go."

"Let my boy go, Ty." Kofi said and grunted as Tyler pushed Kofi away.

Tyler let me go and pointed at me. "Meet me at the field at 5 PM today. If you don't come, I'm taking your bitches and me and my boys are gonna make you watch as we give them ungodly backshots."

Isabella grabbed my arm and stuck closely to me. I looked back at Isabella and smiled. I looked back at Tyler with a smirk.

"Alright. I'll meet you there." I said.

Tyler walked away and Kofi looked at me.

"Say hello to your enemies ma boii." Kofi chuckled and dapped me up.

I smiled and shrugged. "It's alright. Win or Lose, I'm only doing this to protect Isabella and the others. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt them.."

{Isabella liked that a lot!}

{Route Progression Possible!}

{Isabella's Friendship Increased: 560}

"Aye, expect me and the guys to pull up if anyone gets a little too silly. Orlando and his guys should be in the basketball court today so I'll definitely give them the heads up." Kofi said.

"For sure." I said.

Kofi hit me with a light jab on my chest in a playful manner and walked off. I watched Kofi walk off then looked at Isabella.

"Sorry it took me so long to get here...I was trying this new beauty products my guardian recommended. It's honestly pretty great." I said.

"It is...You went from a seven to a nine. Honestly, the more I'm with you the hotter you seem..~" Isabella giggled and held my hand.

{New Choices Available!}

[Flirt Back (Charisma: Charming Increase!)]

[Appreciate The Compliment (Charisma Decrease: Overconfidence Increase)]

"Mmm...I still don't compare to you~ You honestly have me wanting to act out of line sometimes..~" I chuckled softly and stroked her hair.

{Isabella loved that..}

{Isabella's Friendship Increased: 615}

{Reward Unlocked (Isabella): Geeky Glasses}

Based off that information, I could tell Isabella was more geeky than she led on which I was really fine with. She does seem to want to hide her true personality to fit more of a popular role, but the only one who can really pull off the Queen Bee role is Chloe.

"How about we get some breakfast and then head to class.." Isabella said and blushed.

"Yeah, I'd love to." I chuckled softly.

Isabella and I walked off together to get some breakfast and then planned to head to class afterwards.

{Time: 11:00 AM}

Isabella and I sat in the courtyard together and worked on a few easy assignments together on our laptops. Rhea watched us from a few distances away and scanned Isabella. She noticed a bit of lust energy from her body and smirked.

"I know this is a bit random, but what were you like back in high school?" I asked and smiled at Isabella.

Isabella blushed and looked at me. "Mmmph...Do I have to answer that?"

"C'mon..~ I can keep many secrets~ Besides I won't judge you.." I said and brushed her hair from her eyes.

{Isabella feels closer to you...}

"Okay...but once I tell you this, you can never escape from me.." Isabella said.

{New Choices Available!}

[Agree (Route Progression Possible)]

[Nevermind (No Effect)]

"It isn't like I want to escape from you anyway...you can tell me anything and I'll keep it a secret..~" I smiled.

"So uhm...I can definitely say that I kinda peaked in high school. Although I was the most geeky girl during my entire high school career, I was definitely popular because of my geekiness...but soon I started to get bullied a lot and my friends all kinda left me.." Isabella said.

"Uhm...after my junior year I kinda grew afraid of everyone because of a fight I had...which I lost. That's kinda why I've been trying to change my ways and become more...not me." Isabella finished.

"I don't think you should change yourself..~" I said softly and gently held her chin.

{Charisma Increase!}

{New Choices Available!}

[Keep up the pressure (50% Chance)]

[Back Off (Charisma Decrease)]

"I'd rather you be yourself around me...~ I don't care if you're geeky around me.." I added.

"Kaden..." Isabella said and held my hand. She gazed into my eyes and looked away a bit. "I don't know...I can be rather obsessive and perverted...and weird...and cowardly..and—"

"I'm not telling you to be perfect for me. I have flaws of my own such as my hypersexuality, and I can be weird too. I know you've seen me talk to myself sometimes...but what I see from you is an intelligent, beautiful, respectful, sweet, caring, funny—"

"Okay, okay...I get it.." Isabella laughed softly and gently squeezed my hand then looked at our hands. "Honestly...you're the sweetest and the most flirtatious guy I've ever met. I'm really happy that you came up to me..~"

I looked at Isabella and noticed her looking up at me. I smiled at her and interlocked our fingers together. "I wanna take you out on Friday if that's alright with you...just us.."

Isabella smiled at me and got even closer. "I'd love to...~"

{Isabella's Relationship Status Update: Best Friend!}

I noticed her look away and tuck her hair behind her ear. I gently pulled her closer and we grunted when we heard our laptops falling to the ground. We looked over and noticed Tyler and Joshua walking by our table.

Isabella stopped me from getting up and held my arm. "It isn't worth it...Leave them be for now."

"Oh sorry, we didn't see you love birds there!" Tyler laughed and dapped Joshua up.

Joshua chuckled and looked back at us then looked forward. "Fucking losers.."

I glared at them and looked over at our laptops. I picked them up and noticed they still worked. I looked at the time and sighed softly. "I'm sorry, Bella.."

"No it's fine..." Isabella said and looked at me.

I began to pack up my things and before I could grab my laptop, Isabella made me look at her then pecked my lips. I stared at her and blushed.

"Don't lose against him when you meet up with him..." Isabella said and smiled at me.

I nodded and smiled at Isabella. "I won't. I'll make sure I won't."

Isabella nodded and watched me get up and walk off.

{Isabella's Route: 15% Cleared}

{Time: 4:50 PM}

{Location: University Sports Area}

"Kaden wait!" Rhea said and stopped me. "Unlock a few new skills first. I recommend getting Fighting Instincts and Combat Perception as well as MMA Intuition so you can have more fighting techniques under your belt. I'm sure Tyler is coming at you stronger and harder."

I looked at Rhea and nodded. I pulled Ardent out of my pocket and began to purchase the skills Rhea recommended.

{New Skills Acquired!}

[Fighting Instincts, Combat Perception, MMA Intuition!]

[Fighting Instincts: The user can adapt to any factor of battle, maximize efficiency in offense, defense, evasion, and countering. This also let's the user resist pain, fear, and let's the user overcome limitations and adapt strategies and techniques to let one win the fight!]

[Combat Perception: This allows the user to understand how the opponent fights and uses that understanding to find weaknesses and flaws within the opponent and take them down with little to no effort...sometimes.]

[MMA Intuition: Kinda self explanatory, but this gives the user skills of Mixed Martial Arts. You still need to train these abilities however -skull emoji-]

"You did not just skull emoji in the description." I said and chuckled.

{Just trying to lighten the mood for a bit. You'll need it..}

I smiled and nodded then exhaled and walked forward. I walked outside and noticed Tyler and the others waiting for me. Kofi, Adam, Drew, and Jack watched me walk toward the field.

As I walked toward them, I took off my jacket and let it fall to the ground. I looked at Tyler and felt Rhea place her hand on my back to calm me down.

"So you actually came. I guess your pride was too big to allow yourself watch those bitches of yours getting their backs blown out by me and my boys. We would've gangbanged all of them.." Tyler taunted.

"It ain't Pride...it's me wanting to protect the ones I love. So let's get this shit over with. We've got a test on tomorrow." I said and got into my stance.

Tyler smirked and got into his fighting stance and moved around. "Bare knuckle only. I feel like breaking your face!"

Tyler threw the first punch and noticed me dodge it and grunted when I kicked his leg. He went for another strike, but I was able to see through it and evade the attack then countered with a gut check into a left hook then followed with a right hook. Tyler stumbled backwards, but I didn't let off the pressure. I rushed forward and perceived his defense then grabbed his arm and pushed it away then struck his stomach again. Tyler groaned and coughed a bit.

"Ayyee!! Let's get it bro!" Kofi cheered.

"That boy got the fucking hands!" Adam said and laughed.

"Bro what are you doing?! Beat his ass!" Joshua yelled.

"Oh God if you don't beat this pussy up bro!" One of his other friends said.

Tyler grunted and stood up straight. He glared at me then walked forward. He reached inside his pocket then threw dirt in my eye. I groaned and covered my face.

"Nah that shits cheap! Throwing dirt in his eyes?!" Kofi yelled and was being held back by Adam and Drew.

"All is fair in a street fight!" Tyler yelled and struck my stomach.

I groaned and coughed then grunted when he gave me a haymaker, knocking me to the ground.

"Roll to the right!" Rhea warned.

I rolled to the right and got up quickly. Tyler ran toward me.

"Duck!" Rhea instructed. "Uppercut!"

I ducked under his right hook then delivered a powerful uppercut to his chin. Kofi, Adam, and Drew were getting hyped and went crazy as they watched me evade Tyler twice and counter him. I wiped my eyes the best I could and opened my eyes, but noticed the interface of Ardent was all messed up.

{The contacts are damaged. Entering Repair Mode...}

{Repairing Eyesight....}

{Eyesight Repaired!}

I was able to see more clearly and wiped my eyes then got back into my fighting stance. "Fucking cheap bastard..."

{Stay calm. Fight with intelligence, not emotions.}

I calmed down and glared at Tyler. Tyler was quite surprised then ran toward me and went for a punch. I blocked his punch then pushed his arm to the side then countered with a punch of my own. I evaded his next strike and spun around, delivering a powerful spinning heel kick. Tyler spun around, in a daze then groaned when I swept his legs from under him with a kick then got on the ground and grabbed his shirt then punched his face.

"YOOO!!! Nah I got that shit on video!" Jack laughed and was hyped after what he saw.

"Nahhhh bro got hit with some Karate Kid shit!" Kofi laughed and hopped up and down.

I stood up and dusted myself off then looked back at Joshua and Tyler's other friend. "Y'all want some too?!"

"Nah man you got it." Tyler's other friend said.

Joshua sucked his teeth and looked away. "Bro ain't no way this fucking guy beat Tyler like that."

Tyler groaned and sat up. He looked up at me and huffed. He stood up and closed his eyes then walked off. "Let's go.."

Joshua and the other guy watched Tyler and followed him. My friends and I watched them leave and they all celebrated and dapped me up.

"When were you gonna tell me you had those hands for real?!" Kofi asked in a hyped mood.

"On me, brodie gave Tyler the work!" Drew laughed.

"Especially when he hit those Ultra Instinct moves! Nah I was like YOOOOO!!! That man unlocked Ultra Instinct!" Kofi laughed and shook me. "This is why he's the fucking goat!"

"You already know!" Adam laughed.

Brianna had watched the entire fight from a distance while on her jog and smiled after I had won.

{Brianna is even more interested in you...}

I looked at my phone and smiled then looked ahead to see Brianna on her usual jog. I looked back at my friends and they gassed me up heavily. We all went inside to play a bit of basketball to end the evening on a good note.