
Sufferin From Success

World changing entrepreneur and polymath retires after finishing their responsibility-bound mission and finally gets to continue pursuing their dreams; reincarnating to a more fantasy-like, more mysterious world to live the life they sacrificed. And their wish gets fulfilled in a way they could have never imagined. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reincarnation: Suffering From Success is a story that tries to question the perceived reality around us through characters, that have the means to question their own, and homes in on what truly matters in life. Experiences of the various characters will question world views through religious, philosophical, and scientific standpoints. Read about the joys of life and self improvement with a brutal fantasy twist.

SahariKempo · Fantasi
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11 Chs

That name is definately a reference.

"There are others?!" I try to say as I awake from my sleep with a jolt. In reality I only said:

"Tha ol os's!"

The images of a conversation with my father that I don't remember having created a picture in my mind. This world isn't an existence I understand. Which is a very pleasant turn of events. This is exactly what I need. Now I can question if this world really is just a simulation. Either the world has become conscious of my relationship to its creator or what my father said is true. One of which is in concept endlessly more interesting than the other. And since I have no way to prove which is true, I choose to believe in the more interesting one.

This is much more than a simulation. An entire universe with different set laws of physics! So much to explore. And this time with jally gally mally magic! It's a brand new woorld. A brand new world for me to exploore! I don't even need to feel guilty about staying in here for a few hundred, hell, why not a few thousand years. If I can bring out new possible opportunities from this world, the effects would compare to rising the level of civilization which I already have done! I could be a double legend!

Ugh. Then again, I don't wanna chain myself with more responsibilities again. If I figure it out, I'll figure it out. I won't suffer from success.

"You okay, baby? Did daddy hurt you?" I can… feel what my mother is saying?

What the hell happened while I was sleeping? What did you do, hatted man? Like the spinning sensation after spinning in place after a while, I can still remotely tell the thoughts of those that speak to me. I need to salvage this before it completely fades! I must demand for them to speak to me more!

"Aaa!" I shout demandingly. Mother is shocked. He throws a quick glance and her bond who stares at me in betrayal.

She closes in and whispers: "What did he do?"

It's a strange sensation. My ears can't tell what she says but my mind can. I focus on her words, try to feel the subtle differences in the emotion-like information that the forehead-gem tells me. Try to tell vibrations I must attach to get an idea of what she is trying to say.

"Baby?" She asks again. Subtle differences. The tone of her voice, the body language, the intention behind the eyes. Hmm? It's not so much as reading thoughts as it is reading intentions.

"Aab." I whisper back and stare daggers at dad while looking for his emotional responses. He shakes his head slowly as he sweats profusely. I'm sorry. It's for the greater good.

"You motherfu-" I can hear his voice in my head almost drop a F-bomb on his own daughter before he controls himself. I lift my finger judgingly. Guilty. The wind picks up. I can hear his thoughts, told by his body language and emotions and if I focus deeper on the emotions I can feel the ripples in his soul, the origin of emotions.

He fears: "Oh fuck! Please god! Think! Think, think, thinkthinkthink. Icantrytojumpfromthewindow. Surelyherloveisstrongerthanherhate. OhbutshemayjustletmefallbecausethatsajustpunishmentIdeserve. Thatsherthoughts. Sheknows. Thereisnohope. Doomisapproching. Isthisthepricefordoubtingmydaughter? Shemustbereadingthis! Hey, please, sorry, you must save me. She has a very severe lack of fear of consequences. That is why no one dared to get personally close to her before. I have the patience to not get mad at her but that's because I will die if she attacks me for real. Please."

Wow. He thinks fast. I barely catched a third of that. That was like he was thinking at 3 times speed. His eyes jumped around so much that he may actually just be thinking at three times speed. Time magic? Noted.

"Aa aab! Aab!" I make attention gathering noises. I demand your focus, dear mother!

The winds calm a little as she turns around to look at me. I point at dad, smile and do thumbs up.

Got it?

I turn to look at dad to do the rest of the communication. I'll use this as an opportunity to better understand how this mind reading works. Father speaks and I focus on the words, trying to discover their meaning.

"Our daughter has forgiven me! Right?" She looks at me. I show a thumbs up.

"So you did do something!" Mom turns back to father. The fire in her eyes unchanged.

Ooh, shit! shrug as fathers eyes return to look at me. That's on you, man. You took the misstep.

"She… Our daughter forgave me for being a fool!" Father pleads. The man is going for an emotional approach which works. Mother stops. Determination shines in fathers eyes. He found a hold.

"I admit. I wasn't sure that I could accept the being that resides in our child's body." He says, carefully. The winds get violent as the words leave fathers mouth. Bangs ring out as the winds slam into the walls, floors, and ceilings of the room. I observe that she has left the furniture and decoration untouched. She has rage but not unreasonable rage. She still stands and listens.

"But without doubt she is only our daughter and nothing more, nothing less. And this… skill of hers is only to her benefit. I see that now, just like you always did!" He assures her. His body language is convincing and convincing. He is clearly a speaker. He knows how to get people to feel the emotions he wants and understand his point of view. He's the kind of speaker that you want to believe.

The winds bend and they push mother towards father. In less then a second she arrives before father and with a flap of her wings she stops her momentum. Her hands grab father into an embrace. I can see fathers relief on his face as he raises his hands to accept the embrace.

I smile in the background, just watching. Behind them I see a view of the world tree and the city around it's roots. In the slow rain of green glowing leaves, the image burns in my mind. This is how it should go. Beautiful.

Father and mother start communicating as they embrace each other. But neither of them open their mouths. Neither does anyone make any understandable thoughts. Instead, I can sense an exchange of emotions. Their emotions flowing out of each of them like waves going in every direction, like expanding balls. As the waves collide they interact. After each interaction the speed, size, and direction of the waves change. As waves get stuck into patterns, pockets of emotional vibrations build up and interact with the surrounding emotional waves. Just imagining it is difficult.

Overall, the complexity of this interaction makes reading thoughts shrink in comparison. Thoughts are orderly and somewhat logical but this is a chaotic mess. While I can sense the emotions, I can't begin to understand what information is getting exchanged. Emotions have deeper meanings that get translated to the ego by a person's personal beliefs. Not to mention telling some emotions apart is way harder than thoughts that are translated to words. We can read the "emotional state" of the brain but is that the true physical nature of emotion? Or is it just a reaction to an emotion that puts the brain into the emotional state? Is the sensation of an emotion an effect or a cause of an emotional state of the brain?

So reading a discussion of emotions between two people is difficult. Incomprehensible to me right now.

The waves bounce and vibrate until they all slowly come into balance. The pockets of emotional waves get dissolved as all the waves take the same direction, size, and speed. In the end, only one emotion stays. Love.

How sweet.

My parents turn as I giggle. They smile and approach me. As they come closer I can sense my own emotions vibrate. There is a noticeable difference in the emotions that I sense through the forehead-gem and my own emotions. Emotions of others are more akin to thoughts, however my own emotions are the ones I feel in my heart, body, and mind. In the way that the hatted old man felt them.

So it's a very strange sensation as that familiar sensation starts to vibrate in interference. My emotions react to my thoughts and vice-versa but now there is something else in the mix too. So as the emotions vibrate so does my entire awarness. I can make up more abstract images and thoughts that can't be written nor drawn. A particular calmness washes over me. A certain heart warming sensation that makes seconds feel longer. Whatever the interference is doing, I like it.

My attention is in the moment. No thoughts. Just pleasant sensations. It's so nice that I may just fall asleep.

I wake up to see a bearded child standing in front of me. He raises his head to me, offended. Right, these guys can read emotions.

'Hello, I am daughter. Who are you?'

He just shakes his head at me and shouts:

"She's at least half as offensive as you are, Vilkas!"

"Fuck you, MIDGET!" Mothers words ring out from the middle of the room, behind the midget. The midget turns to look at me. The midgets eyes are cold. The midget may slap the child if he can handle the consequences. Ahh, the midget fears. Now now, don't look at dad laughing. Yes, midget, here I am. Now that the midget understands the hierarchy, perhaps the midget can introduce themselves.

'Albert, it's a displeasure.'

Albert. I look the man up and down. He appears to be dressed in a lab coat. Are you a physics scientist perhaps?

'I research the reality I live in so yes, I do research physics as well.'

"Hah." I make a low laugh which makes mi- Albert rise an eyebrow. Your name is a reference.

'Your memory is a reference.'

Fair enough. I still can't believe that the memories of the hatted old man could just be a fabrication.

'Yeah, disbelief is a common with your kind. Was your world named Earth?'

Yes. Yes, it was.

"Aaah!" I scream. There are others from Earth?! Is it my Earth? Can I meet them? Albert laughs.

'No, you cannot. There are none of them here. Barely anyone in history books as well. And, well, your situation is not ideal.' There is a hint of frustration and anger in his laugh.

Father carries a chair next to Albert and sits down. He has a heavy expression on his bony face.

Do you know where I could find another… Earthian? Both Albert and father raise their eyebrows.

'You don't wanna ask about your situation?'

No? I mean, I'm fine now really. Pretty hungry though. But what I really want to know is if I can meet those other Earthians. It could be very important towards understanding the nature of existence in this world. After all, in my memories, I was, if I may be so bold, a very successful scientist. I have a deep understanding of how that world worked. I could use it as a comparison to find out more about the nature of this world!

'Hmm, that could be interesting…'

"Albert!" Father shouts, shocked at how easily Albert swept the issue under the rug right after I showed an example.

"Ah, right." Albert coughs. He really sounds strange. His has that raspy 15-year old smoker voice.

"What the fuck does that even mean?'" Albert turns to look at father. Father gives him a look and Albert gets back on the rails again.

'Argh, anyway. You are what we have come to call "a reincarnated person". Our inspectors found, that you have a unique skill called "The wisdom of the Grand Leader" and a title called "The incarnation of The First Advisor". From that we could tell that you have memories of your past life.'

Interesting. I lift my left hand to my chin. But I don't see how that is bad for me.

'Well, it isn't. Or it shouldn't be. But sadly, our people, the Dragon Folk, really and I mean reeeally, don't like someone spoiling their name.' Alberts thoughts are covered in anger and hate. He throws his hands around to emphasize his thoughts.

'The Dragon Folk have a very privileged life as beings with natural high magical talent and a special organ for reading the reality in ways that most other races can't. Not to mention, we are few in number which makes as rare and thanks to our natural abilities highly valued. This creates a sense of respect from other species towards Dragon Folk. In order to upkeep our reputation as exceptional individuals, we have very strict rules. Of course, these rules have been made to make sure that they fit the personality of Dragon Folk so usually following them isn't an issue. However, what if there was a Dragon Folk, who's personality didn't fit the bill. So far, they have restricted these abnormal individuals.' Albert turns his head and raises his long beard. Under it, there is a medal restraint around his neck with runes written over it in a symmetric pattern.

'Still, in the end, even the weirdest Dragon Folk is a fellow Dragon Folk. Even the council won't go too far without a good enough reason. And here is a good enough reason for them.' He points at me.

'A reincarnated person that has received a title from the World by simply being born. Abnormality among abnormalities. Too unpredictable. Too heavy of a coin for the carefully balanced libra that the council has designed. They simply don't want to take the risk.' Albert pats his hand of fathers back. Father takes a deep breath. I can hear his words in my mind. Deep and sad.

'In another species, you would have been celebrated as a savior. A world changing hero. But here, among our people, you are feared and hated. The council has decided to make sure you won't become an issue. They have decided to execute you.' Father looks at me with anger in his eyes.