
Succubus? Mermaids? Nymphs? - Eros levels up to immortality

[New quest received] [Perform Sexorcism on target] [Reward - ??] [Penalty - Erection for four days] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Eros, mortal desires are such delicate and intricate strings. Would you like to play?] He chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "They can't be as hard as I am right now. Let's pull some strings," ______________________________________________ Eros who was once the god of love finds himself condemned to the abyss after receiving the "Bitter Ending" Curse for a crime he didn't commit. Stripped of his divine powers, he was reincarnated by his devoted lover, Shiva, who had to sacrifice her soul to the Lord of the Void in a desperate attempt to save him. To save her, Eros strikes a fateful bargain with the seductive goddess of Lust, a powerful deity with her own vendetta against Zeus. Tasked with toppling the All Powerful Zeus, Eros is granted a fraction of the lust god's irresistible power and a mysterious system to navigate his newfound abilities. [Skill Achieved - Heart Strings] Now reincarnated into a magical world brewing with succubi, mermaids and nymphs, Eros must pull at their heart strings to gain strength, inching him closer to godhood and of course, reclaiming his lost love. =======≠==≠==========≠========== "Which one to pick?" "There are so...so many varieties!!" "Succubi? Mermaids? Nymphs? Fuck it, I'll have them all!!" *STRONGLY CAUTION ANYONE AVOIDS THIS IF THEY AREN'T DOWN TO HANDLE R18 SCENES, GORE AND STRONG LANGUAGES. #No incest #No rape #No underage sex #NO NTR #No YURI *Join discord and support this book, let's grow together!! *Disclaimer!! cover isn't mine. Found it on Pinterest!! https://discord.gg/HK2h8R9skE

Dark_knight234 · Fantasi
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77 Chs

Strange visitor

Ethan and Lara waited a few more minutes and soon, Captain Kirk and Jake strolled out of the building together.

Ethan pushed off from the vehicle, standing upright as Captain Kirk and Jake emerged from the building. Kirk's expression was stern, his demeanor indicating something grave.

"Well… now you've done it, Ethan. The Headquarters just issued an Emergency General Unit Meeting and you… you're the subject matter in the meeting agenda," Kirk announced.

Ethan's expression didn't change much, but there was a hint of annoyance in his eyes. "What is it they want with me?" he asked, his tone flat.

Kirk ran a hand through his hair, a sign of his own suppressed anger. This nonchalant attitude of Ethan's was one thing that pissed him off among other numerous things.

"It's about your abilities. They're concerned, Ethan. And frankly, so am I. You're not just any demon hunter anymore. After today, you're a topic of national security."

'And this game you're playing, this attention… it's something I, the Captain should be getting, not you.' he added that last part in his head.

Lara interjected, her voice cautious, "Isn't this a good thing? Ethan's abilities could be a game-changer in our fight against the demons."

Kirk gave her a skeptical look. "Or it could be a threat we don't understand. Power like this... it's unprecedented. We need answers, Ethan. The higher-ups need to know what you're capable of, how it works, and whether it's a threat."

Ethan's expression remained stoic, but his jaw tightened slightly. "Understood, Captain. When is the meeting?" he asked, his voice betraying none of the turmoil he might have been feeling inside.

"First thing tomorrow morning," Kirk replied. "Why gather so much attention? This... resurrection, the healing... You're just stirring up a lot of unnecessary questions. Questions that I don't have answers to."

Ethan nodded, a grim acceptance in his movement. "I'll be there."

Jake, who had been silent up until now, finally spoke. "Ethan, they're going to grill you. That's for sure."

Ethan looked at Jake, a hint of irritation tugging at him. "And since when did you care? Or ever cared at all?"

Jake shrugged, "Someone's got to prepare your mind, right?"

"Let's head back," Kirk finally said, breaking the silence. As they climbed into the vehicle, Ethan's mind was racing. The meeting, the future, the implications of his powers – all of it weighed heavily on him. His mind drifted briefly to Shiva, her smile, her body, her… everything.

He was beginning to miss her alot. With a deep sigh, he comforted himself; all these was for her, to be together with her.

Ethan dragged himself towards his room at the demon hunters' station, his clothes and scythe splattered with blood and gore. The station was a grim place, with dim corridors and walls hung with weapons and relics.

Entering the room, he tossed his battle gear on the floor, not caring where it landed. He felt a surge of emotions as he looked at the metal and leather that had protected him from death.

Turning away quickly, he headed for the shower. He needed to wash off the dirt and sweat, the blood and tears, the memories and nightmares.

As he stepped into the hot water, he let it soothe his aching body. The steam fogged up the mirror and the tiles, hiding his reflection and his scars. He closed his eyes and tried to forget, for a moment, the harsh realities of his life as a demon hunter.

After a few minutes under the stream of water, Ethan turned off the shower and stepped out, beads of water trailing down his skin. He moved to the fogged mirror, wiping it with his hand.

His reflection stared back at him, unmarked by the day's events. His gaze fell upon his cheeks, once marred by battle, now miraculously healed, showing no trace of injury.

He sighed deeply, a sound that echoed slightly in the tiled confines of the bathroom. Turning away from his reflection, a movement born out of a desire to escape his own thoughts, Ethan was startled to find a figure standing silently behind him.

Lady Death herself.

She stood there, in all her sexual and seductive might, wearing a black gown that barely covered her breasts and ass. The fabric was so light, so delicate, that it seemed to merge with her skin, revealing more than it hid, leaving nothing to one's imagination.

Her dark, glossy hair flowed smoothly down her shoulders, ceasing gracefully at her waist. Her skin was a striking pale canvas, and her face bore a sexy smirk that hinted at both danger and allure.

For a moment, Ethan stood frozen, caught off guard by her sudden and provocative appearance.

"You always manage to surprise me, Eros," Lady Death said, her voice a melody of dark tones, her smirk widening slightly.

Ethan, regaining his composure, responded with a measured caution, "Lady Death, to what do I owe this unexpected... visit?"

She stepped closer, each movement fluid and captivating. "Curiosity," she began, her eyes locked onto his, intense yet cryptic. "You fascinate me, Eros. You stand apart from others, enduring what would destroy them."

Ethan, still damp from the shower, felt a chill run down his spine. "What do you want?" he asked, his voice steady despite the surprise.

Lady Death smiled, a gesture that seemed out of place on her otherwise impassive face. "I've come to talk, Eros," she said, her voice like a whisper yet carrying an undeniable authority.

"About?" Ethan was cautious, knowing that a visit from Lady Death was rarely without significant reason.

"Well, for starters, I came to see how you're doing in this new world. Then also talk about your path, and the choices you will soon have to make," she replied, moving closer. Her movements were graceful, almost like a dance.

Ethan tensed, "I make my own choices."

"Yes, but even you can't escape my grip," she countered. "You've been marked, Eros. You're at a crossroads, and your decisions will affect your goal."

Ethan's expression hardened. "I'm not interested in riddles and games."

"It's not a game, Eros. It's a warning," Lady Death's tone grew serious. "I'm fulfilling my own end of the bargain; so make sure you do same. Your role in all this is crucial."

Ethan frowned, "And what role is that?"

Lady Death paused, looking into his eyes, "One that could either save your beloved or damn her for all of eternity."

Ethan's jaw set. "I know what I'm supposed to do."

Ethan's mind raced, yet he remained silent, unsure of how to navigate this conversation fraught with hidden meanings and veiled threats.

"Consider this," Lady Death continued, her voice dropping to a whisper that seemed to caress the very air, "your gifts, as remarkable as they are, can also be your curses. Tread carefully on the path you've chosen. The battles you face are not just against demons, but also against the very nature of your existence."

Lady Death took a step back. "I will be watching, Ethan."

With those final words, she vanished as suddenly as she had appeared, leaving Ethan alone in his room, the silence now heavier than before.