
General unit meeting

[Task Failed: Pull a string successfully]

[Punishment: Halved strength for 24 hours]

[Task Completed: Reap the demon's soul under 15 minutes]

[Reward: 5 Lust Points]

[Task Completed: Engage the demon without a weapon for the first 3 minutes]

[Reward: 5 Lust Points]

[Total Points Available for Upgrade: 10 Lust Points]

The notifications flooded Ethan's holographic display as he exited the building. "Ethan… Ethan, wait up." Ethan turned, his boots crunching on the debris scattered around the dilapidated building's entrance.

Jake was panting as he caught up, his face etched with concern. "Ethan? Captain Kirk wants to have a word with you…" he said, his voice trailing off. "...now," he added, emphasizing the urgency.

Ethan nodded, "Give me a minute, Lilith," he murmured to his system. He let out a heavy sigh and turned back, re-entering the building.

"[I sense trouble coming up…]" Lilith's voice echoed in his mind.

"Whatever," Ethan muttered dismissively, his footsteps echoing in the now silent corridor.

Reaching the battle site, he found Captain Kirk and Lara, standing a few distance from the spot where Lara had packed the demon ash. The air was still thick with the scent of burnt demon ash.

"What's up with you, Ethan?" Kirk asked in a stern voice as soon as Ethan was within earshot, his eyes searching Ethan's.

Ethan paused, his brow furrowing slightly. "What do you mean?" he asked, genuinely puzzled.

"What do you mean by 'what do I mean?'" Kirk retorted, subconsciously adjusting the strap of his weapon. "You exorcised a demon and healed the possessed a few hours ago. And now you reaped it? What am I missing here?"

"It's not that simple, Captain," Ethan replied, his eyes glancing towards Lara, who stood silently, her expression one of worry.

"Then simplify it for me. Make me understand. Or was it because we were here with you? You don't want to reveal your new trick to us, right? That's it." Kirk concluded.

"I'm facing heat from all sides – the media, other units, the higher-ups. They think you're some kind of Messiah after your death, resurrection and miraculous healing. And now this?" Kirk's voice rose slightly, his frustration growing. How do you suppose I explain that it was a one-time miracle? Because it's clear you can't perform it again."

Lara, sensing the growing tension, stepped in to take rein of the situation before it went out of proportion. "Captain? Maybe this isn't the best place for this conversation."

Kirk sighed, his gaze shifting as the sound of approaching footsteps and voices became audible. "Fine. We'll discuss this later. Let's regroup outside, but this conversation isn't over, Ethan. Now go, I'll be out in a minute." he said before turning around.

Ethan, who was eager to leave his presence in the first place, didn't wait for a second invitation before turning around towards the exit. As he made his way out, Lara caught up with him. "Ethan, are you okay?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Don't you need to be checked? The possessed landed a few scratches…" she stopped her statement mid-way, her brows furrowing in confusion as she stared at Ethan's face.

'Are my eyes playing tricks on me? It was there a few minutes ago. I'm sure of it.' Lara's mind was reeling as she thought within herself.

Ethan noticed Lara's confused gaze on him and he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under her scrutinizing eyes. "What is it? Are you planning to devour me with those eyes?" He asked.

"Your wound… it's gone. There was a shallow cut on your cheeks then… but… it's gone… like it wasn't there." Lara stammered, still trying to make sense of what she was even saying.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Lara." Ethan replied, trying to dismiss her. Truth be told, he knew exactly what she was saying though he was as confused as she was.

He remembered the possessed clawing at him and in his attempt to evade the attack, it had grazed his cheeks. He remembered the scratch and the sting. What he doesn't understand is what Lara was saying about it not being there.

"[It's a little gift from Lady Death, herself. Her own way of protecting her asset.]" Lilith explained.

'Hmmm… I see.' Ethan processed this new information silently. 'So, Lady Death is keeping an eye on me,' he thought, a sense of unease settling in his stomach.

Ethan kept his expression neutral as they continued walking. He knew he needed to be more cautious in the future; his regenerative abilities were a secret he needed to keep.

They reached the armored vehicle parked outside, the evening air crisp and cold. Lara was about to speak again when her phone rang. She excused herself, stepping behind the vehicle.

"Hey big sis," she answered, her voice a mix of surprise and relief.

Lara stepped away from the buzz of activity around the armored vehicle, her phone pressed against her ear.

"Hey, Lara, is it true?" her sister's voice crackled through the line, tinged with a mix of excitement and concern. "I heard about Unit 7... about the dead demon hunter who came back. And now, he's healing the possessed? He's in your unit, right?"

Lara glanced back at Ethan, his figure silhouetted against the vehicle's headlights, and sighed. "Yes, it's true, Ava. Ethan... he's different. I've never seen anything like him."

Ava's voice softened. "I can't believe it. In all my years as a hunter, I've heard of resurrections in old legends, but to actually witness one..."

"It's more than that," Lara said, her voice low. "He's not just back from the dead. He's... changing things. Not to understate, he healed a possessed, something we thought was impossible."

There was a pause, and Lara could picture her sister processing the information, her brow furrowed in thought. "Lara, be careful, okay? This... All of this sounds sudden, dangerous. Unnatural, even for our line of work."

Lara nodded, though Ava couldn't see it. "I know. It's a lot to take in. But Ethan, he's not a threat. He's still one of us, just... with something extra now."

"I hope so," Ava replied, the worry evident in her tone. "Promise me you'll stay safe. And, Lara, keep an eye on Ethan. If he's really got these powers, who knows what attention he might attract – from both our world and theirs."

"I will, Ava. I promise."

"And hey," Ava added, a hint of a smile in her voice, "I'm planning to come over soon. Maybe I'll get a chance to meet this miraculous Ethan in person."

Lara smiled, the tension easing slightly. "I'd like that. It's been too long since we've fought side by side."

"Too long indeed. Take care, sis. And remember, we're always stronger together."

Lara ended the call and began to head back to the vehicle where Ethan was. He was still in the same reclined position she had left him in, his gaze distant, seemingly lost in thought.

"Lilith?" Ethan said in his mind, calling up his system.

"[Yes, host]"

"Show me my stats."

"[Here you go.]"

[Name: Ethan Carter]

[Age: 25]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Human]

[Occupation: Demon Hunter]

[Rank: B]

[Affiliation: Unit 7, Manhattan]

[Status: Alive]


*Attack Power: 130

*Defense Power: 105

*Agility: 118

*Luck: 110

*Intelligence: 60

*Charisma: 15

Skill Levels:

*Weapon Handling: 40

*Demon Vision: 10

*Trap Handling: 40

*Speed: 28

[Skills: Heart Strings]

[Inventory: None]

[Lust Points: 10]

"[Ready to spend your lust points?]" Lilith asked.

"Not yet," Ethan replied. "That will be all for now." He dismissed Lilith.

They waited a few more minutes and soon, Captain Kirk and Jake strolled out of the building together.

Ethan pushed off from the vehicle, standing upright as Captain Kirk and Jake emerged from the building. Kirk's expression was stern, his demeanor indicating something grave.

"Well… now you've done it, Ethan. The Headquarters just issued an Emergency General Unit Meeting and you… you're the subject matter in the meeting agenda," Kirk announced.

Next chapter