
Sub zero in MCU

Our mc died and found God who gave him a wish. Our MC chose to have the powers and techniques of sub-zero God then sent him to Marvel. If I write a wrong event just treat it like errors in the universe and don't keep playing in my face.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Filem
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41 Chs


The general entered an interrogation room where a man was handcuffed to the chair, he walked and sat in front of the man while spreading his documents across the table.

The man who was handcuffed in the chair did not react to this and just stayed there, half of his face was covered in red blood bandages and there were several small wounds all over his body.

The general finally finished packing and spoke.

"Let's skip the introductions, could you tell me what happened at the base again?" When the words came out of the general's mouth, there was a slight reaction from the man who was arrested.

"Haven't I told you yet?" The hoarse, dry voice came out of the man's mouth, it looked like someone had frozen his throat the way he spoke.

"Yes you already told us, but I want to hear the story in person" This time the man did not question again and started to tell the story.

"As you already know, I was a hired mercenary sent to steal the serum!"

(Flashback noises)

"My team and I invaded the base along with several other forces and started fighting for the serum after neutralizing the resistance!" The man continued to tell the story normally, but his eyes will waver when it is time to continue.

"We lost some men but the fight was still balanced, it didn't look like it was going to end anytime soon, but that's when it happened!" Fear could be heard in the man's voice, the general who was listening adjusted his posture in the chair and paid attention.

" What happened?" The general asked but the man remained quiet for a few seconds before continuing to speak.

"The ice demon has come!" His voice was almost like a bad omen could happen if he spoke the name of the one who left him like this.

"A cold, blue fog started to spread through the lab's corridors, at first we didn't really care because it was just hindering our vision but that was our mistake!"

The man started to remember the scenes that happened on the spot.

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"What is this blue fog?" A mercenary asked innocently as he continued to shoot other mercenaries.

"I don't know, but don't breathe it could be gas!" One of his companions responded while reloading his weapon.

"Hahaha, I don't think they would be stupid enough to throw gas with everyone trapped down here!" Another companion spoke and everyone laughed a little at that.

"AHHHH!" A blood-curdling scream came from the opponents they were facing and it startled them, the mercenary who made the joke peeked lightly down the hall.

He saw a shadow attacking the soldiers and before they could even shoot, they were killed and their bodies fell to the ground, the mercenary who looked up wasted no time and opened fire.

Bring it! bring! bring!

"Hey, why are you shooting!" One of his companions shouted but it was too late.


(Impaling sounds)

An ice spear penetrated the mercenary's head and the game back.

"My God!" The team's recruit shouted when he saw what happened to his teammate, the other mercenaries said nothing but their hearts went cold and they felt a death threat hanging over them.

" Pay attention!" The leader of the group shouted and raised his weapon towards the corridor where his companion had died, the rest of the group followed suit and pointed the weapons there.

The tense seconds passed, sweat falling from the bodies of the mercenaries every time they heard someone shout at the base, which before was extremely noisy started to become quieter and quieter.

The leader of the group thought for a while and went forward with his men following behind, when he turned the corner he saw something that would be etched in his mind for the rest of his life.

There were dozens of frozen bodies, stabbed, impaled, dismembered.

Their blood was frozen, giving the scene an aura of death that agonized the group of mercenaries.

"Keep moving forward, whoever did this is not here now but that does not mean that he will not return" With the words of their leader the group suppressed their fears and continued to advance through the corridors.

Wherever they passed bodies in various states they met but most were frozen and expressions of fear and horror were on their faces.

The group passed through some rooms and the fog was getting thicker and thicker as they advanced, the men began to feel a cold that touched even the deepest places of their bodies.

after a while they arrived in front of a gate marks of frozen blood was staining the door, the captain swallowed a dry one and approached to open the door.

He put his hand under the gate and took a deep breath before lifting it.

(Loud wind noises).

By the time the proton was opened a large amount of fog passed through them, there was the laboratory but instead of a tidy and full and lighted place was a place with a frozen floor, dismembered body parts were scattered all over the place .

On one wall the heads of the dead soldiers were on skewers of ice, you could still see the horror in their eyes.

The recruit could not stand it and vomited but his companions did not judge him for that, the captain continued to advance and observe the place.

Soon he found a figure that everyone in the world of assassins knows, the winter soldier was leaning against a wall with an ice ax stuck to his leg he was still alive and breathing but he seemed to be in a lot of pain.

The mercenary captain hesitated to help or kill him but after thinking for a while he clenched his teeth and decided to help him even though it might bite his ass later.

Bucky also saw them approaching and waved his hands in resistance.

"Calm down, we're trying to help you!" The mercenary captain spoke in an attempt to calm him down, but that only made Bucky's desperate attempt even worse.

"No! You have to get out of here!" Bucky said his voice was hoarse, the mercenary captain hesitated but once and asked "Why do we have to get out of here?"

Bucky grabbed his shirt sleeve and dragged him close.

"He's still here! Run!" The mercenary captain understood immediately what he meant and got up to run and warn his men, but it was too late.

An ice pack wrapped around the leg of one of his men who was near the exit and pulled him "Ahhh, help me!" The man screamed in despair as he tried to hold on to anything he could.

The recruit saw his companion was being dragged and went to try to help him but the captain held him.

"We have to help him!" The recruit shouted trying to free himself from the captain's hands but the last one raised his weapon and shot at the place where his companion was taken.

Bring it! Bring it! Bring it!

His companions soon followed suit and started firing as well, the smell of gunpowder filled the place as they fired desperately until the ammo cartridge ran out.

" He died?" One of the men asked, the captain waited a while and gestured for another of his companions to take a look.

The man hesitated a little before walking towards the exit door that was full of bullet holes.

He slowly opened the door and looked inside, there was the corpse of his companion frozen on the floor but there was nothing else.

He looked a little more before turning to his companions.

" There's nothing here!" His voice made his companions more tense and they began to look around more cautiously.

At that moment the captain saw a shadow appearing near the mercenary at the door.

" CAUTION!" But it was too late, the man turned to look only to see an ice ax coming down at him.

Slash! Crack!

The ax dug into the man's skull and before he could fall to the floor Wiliam pushed him forward and rolled into the room.

Several shots were fired at him, however as they were fired in despair none hit.

Wiliam did not miss the opportunity and shot 3 ice shurikens at the men who were deepest.

Swoosh! swoosh! Swoosh!

(Cutting sounds)

The shurikens flew and dug into their necks, Wiliam wasted no time in checking their deaths and made an ice spear and tossed it towards the captain.

The captain saw death coming near him but it never happened.

(Spear sounds piercing).

The recruit went in front of the spear and it ended up trapping him in the chest, he spit blood and started to fall to the ground.

"RECRUIT!" The captain screamed and shot Wiliam with blood in his eyes, Wiliam didn't care at all and kicked the gun.


The captain did not bother to hold the gun and pulled the pistol immediately afterwards, Wiliam grabbed the barrel of the pistol.



The bullet froze in the air and despair was etched on the man's face, Wiliam wasted no time and kicked the man's leg and when he fell Wiliam grabbed his face.


"AAAAHHH!" The man cried out in pain when Wiliam started to freeze his half of his face.

The freeze lasted only a few seconds before Wiliam pulled his hand over the man's frozen face.

(Sounds of meat being pulled out.)

(Disgusting but brutal)


The captain's body fell hard to the ground, he lost consciousness because of the pain. Wiliam took one last look at the body before turning to Bucky who was using what was left of his strength to get up.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you now!" Wiliam's cold voice rang in Bucky's ears but the latter did not stop his attempt to get up.

Wiliam laughed at his last resistance and grabbed his neck.

"But believe me, if we meet again, you will be trapped in a block of ice forever!" Wiliam stopped playing with Bucky and left the place, his mission was accomplished and now he is going to take a break.

No one shows it, but on Wiliam's waist was a set of bottles of different colors.