
Stuck in a white room for years

Izuku Midoriya after his usual beating by Kacchan came home only to receive another scolding from his mother because he brought dirt inside the house so he was thrown out, it was just an excuse to see her lover, trying to find a place to pass the night he met an old man who asked a weird question but it was that question that changed everything mha/Genius MC/Crazy MC/

daoistofeverything · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Small talk, and U.S.J Incident

After the battles ended Izuku was called on the principal office.

Izuku entered the room, inside of it there were all of the teachers.

Nezu:'' Good morning Midoriya-san, my name is Nezu and I am the principal of the UA.'' He then pointed towards a seat inviting him to seat down.

Izuku sat down and suddenly felt a stare coming from Aizawa.

Izuku:'' Aizawa-sensei it is useless for you to try to nullify my quirk.''

Aizawa deactivated his quirk due to the stress in his eyes he began rubbing them.

Midnight:'' What is your quirk?''

Izuku:'' Since you are a beautiful woman I will answer.''

That caused a small blush on her( She is still a virgin, she is just an exhibitionist).

Izuku:'' I quirkless and the only reason that I am so strong is that I have been through hell and got out of it alive .''

A dead silence fell

Aizawa:' What the hell has he been through to become so strong.'

Nezu:'' I am sorry for what you have been through if I can do anything to help you just ask.''

Izuku had a small smile, what Nezu said was the truth he also felt a sense of concern coming from everyone.

Nezu:'' You can go.''

Izuku:'' If you excuse me.''

While going outside

Izuku:'Jeff leave as a gift from an unknown donor 10.000.000. yen.'

Jeff:'' Are you sure that would remove 0.0000001 of all of your money.''

Izuku:' I am sure on how many fucking are you making.''

Jeff:'' In total, you have made 999.999.999 dollars.''

Izuku:' Why do you hate me?'

Jeff:'' I don't know what you mean.''

Izuku:' Never mind.' He said with a depressed look




It had been a week since the mock battle training, Bakugo's character didn't change much, he was still arrogant but he didn't treat people as badly as before, for example, he doesn't call other people to side characters.

Izuku could be seen walking towards the entrance of the UA grounds, thinking of different ways to train faster, When he was in front of the gates a wave of journalists stopped him.

Journalist 1:'' Has all might seriously become a teacher?''

Journalist 2:'' Is all might a good teacher?''

Journalist 3:'' What's your number?''

Izuku:' Did that journalist just asked my number?'

Having enough it Izuku jumped, evading all of the journalists, and landed while doing a T pose just to show his dominance.

When he entered the classroom he was hugged by Mina while Ochaco and Momo where in front of him

Izuku:'' Hi Mina''

Mina has an enormous smile on her face

Izuku:'' Good morning Momo.''

Momo:'' Good morning Izuku:'' She had with a small smile

Izuku:'' Hi Ochaco.''

She neared him and gave him a huge smile

During the whole week Izuku the relationship with the girls advanced by a lot, but there was a small problem… all the girls developed a crush for him, he loved all of them at the same level but he didn't know what that would cause to his relationship with the girls so he stayed silent for now, even Feud didn't know how to answer.

He also discovered that his English teacher (Midnight) had a kink towards younger boyfriends, so yeah… he became the objective of her temptation.

In the beginning, it was just a joke but they soon became more r18 rated even her showing some of her skin and it seems like she has taught something to the girls or at least Mina because she is becoming bolder the more time passes, not that he didn't like( IZUKU ISN'T A REGULAR HAREM MC).

After that, the whole class were called by Aizawa

Aizawa:''You have to get ready, we will go to the… Unforeseen Simulation Joint or also known as the U.S.J.

Everyone began screaming due to happiness

Izuku:' Why do I feel like something bad will happen.'




Everyone could be seen inside the bus going towards the U.S.J. Izuku was seated near Momo, Mina, and Ochaco with some of the girls behind his seat and Kirishima on the other side.

Tsuyu:'' AH right, I always wanted to ask, what is your quirk? *kero'' She asked while leaning her head on the side

Izuku:'' Mhhhhh let's just say that I have trained a lot and that I can adapt fast.''( only when important he will say that he is quirkless)

The girls stayed silent knowing the truth

After thirty minutes they arrived at the U.S.J., it is a glass-made dome with concrete walls and on the outside, there was a big golden insignia with the letters of U.S.J.

Everyone went inside the facility consists of a dome-shaped building composed of eight main sections, after that we went towards the central section of the U.S.J. before they could arrive there a woman with a spacesuit could be seen waiting for us

Thirteen:'' Good morning to everyone I am the space hero Thirteen.''

When Ochaco heard her name and recognized her costume she began jumping up and down with her quirk activated so she jumped even higher.

After she calmed down they were lead towards the center area, only to be stopped by a black substance appearing in the middle of the plaza.

A man with blue hair, a man with his head coated in black smoke and wearing formal clothes, and several other ominous-looking men and women.

Azure haired man:'' Good morning to you all, we are the league of(legends) Villains, and we are here to show you all that All might isn't undefeatable… Where is All might.'' He looked towards with stress in his eyes, he soon began stretching his neck removing skin from it.

Man with a black smoke head:'' Don't stress yourself, All might is just late.''

While they were talking Izuku turned towards Iida.

Izuku:'' Iida run towards the door and go ask help to the teachers at the UA.'' Izuku whispered

Azure-haired man:'' Well never mind we will just need to cause enough chaos to make him arrive.'' He said while not noticing Iida going towards the door

Azure haired man:''Kurogiri scatter them.'' He said while indicating them

The man named Kurogiri then raised his hand pointing it towards us, black smoke formed on the feet of the students.

Izuku:'' As if I will let you do that.''

Before the black smoke coated everyone Izuku had already taken out his railgun, it was shaped like a normal gun and his strength was set at the mini-explosion


Izuku fire at the feet of Kurogiri causing him to fall on the ground without his feet, which were slowly reforming, and be stunned this way the black smoke stopped forming.

Azure haired man:'' What the fuck was that? Who the hell didi t?''

Izuku began going towards them only to be stopped by Aizawa and thirteen

Izuku:'' Don't worry I can take care of myself.''He said while his body disappeared.

Izuku could be seen in front of all the villains.

Azure haired man:'' Ohhh a kid wants to be a hero? Attack him.''

All the villains dashed/flew towards him, Izuku simply walked towards them


All it took to take out all the Villians was one second, Izuku's body faltered and then all of them fainted.

Azure haired man:'' W-W-W-W-WHAT? YOU CHEATER?''

Izuku:'' What I am not a cheater I just ground a lot you are the cheater, you arrive here with more than 50 villains and with someone than can teleport,''

Azure haired man:'' KUROGIRI TAKE NOMU OUT.''

Kurogiri:'' It is supposed to be used against All might.''

Kurogiri:'' I DON'T CARE.''

Izuku:' Damnnnnn he surely is a try-harder.''

From the same black gate where they came from a scary-looking black thing with his brain visible and with trained muscles.


Izuku's eyes become dark, he felt that the thing that was right now in front of him was a man before and that he was now being controlled.

Nomu dashed towards him while screaming, he raised his punch aiming for Izuku's head.


The punch was stopped by Izuku's hand.

A tear was flowing from Izuku's right eye

Izuku:'' I am sorry.''

Nomu's body then simply fell to the ground, Izuku used his mana to turn off his heart and brain, a painless death that had gone through hell, a thing that he wished before.


Kurogiri teleported behind the man and took him inside the black fog.

Izuku then went back to the teachers, the girls were the first one to go near him

Izuku:'' I hope I didn't scare you all.''