
Strongest Psychic Trainer in Pokemon World

"Where am I?" When I woke up, I found myself in a world where Pokemon and reality coexist My Grandpa is an elite trainer who guarded the northern border My Grandma is a renowned Pokemon expert in the industry My Father is an elite trainer who owns his own gym brand. My Mother is a renowned elite breeder in the industry. Nothing can stop me from achieving my goal of becoming number one! ----------------------- Schedule: 5 Chapters/week (This is my minimum estimate, but there may be more depending on how busy I am) ----------------------- You can vote for this novel, leave a chapter comment or paragraph comment, suggest some ideas (preferably in the latest chapter), give this novel a review, recommend my novel to your friends or people that you know, or just simply send a gift to this novel. Thank you ^^

Hellowkun · Komik
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50 Chs

Shiny Beldum

Jun crouched in front of Bagon and rubbed its round head. Bagon also snuggled into Jun's hands as it is still in its Pokémon infancy, its traits and personality still not fully developed yet. Bagon, in its infancy, is still cute, with its large, round snout, triangular eyes, yellow circular ears, and its round head.

Jun remembered Bagon's quirk of bashing its head against large rocks because of frustration over its inability to fly. This process of continually bashing its head causes it to become as hard as steel.

Jun stood up and looked at the LuxuryBall in his hand and with excited thought, "what pokemon coul it be? if the previous one is Bagon one of the Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon then does it men this pokemn also on of Pseudo-Legendary pokemon?"

Jun want to released the pokemon inside however before he can pressed the LuxuryBall,


Jun staggered a little and looked back to see a little round head already slamming into his calf.


Seeing that Bagon was still trying to bash him, Jun quickly crouched and lifted little Bagon, giving it to his aunt.

"Aunt, has Bagon already awakened its quirk in its early infancy?" he couldn't help but ask.

Before his aunt Mia could answer, Jun's mother spoke up, "Of course, it's not a simple quirk for Bagon since its behavioural development involves both genetic and environmental factors." She then grabbed Bagon and examined its head and neck to check on it.

"Oh, by the way, whose Bagon is this? Did you prepare it for little Yuna?" Jun asked curiously.

"No way, Yuna is still too young to have a Pokemon. Especially a Pseudo-Legendary Bagon, I don't think she can handle a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon yet," his aunt quickly denied.

Jun was surprised. There were rules in the alliance that stated only children at age 11 could receive their first Pokemon, but Families could also apply for early Pokemon selection for their child before the age of 11. However, this process was a little bit complicated since they must enter a strict screening process. The alliance wanted to make sure that the child was ready for their new Pokémon and able to handle the responsibilities that came with it.

"It's your aunt Bagon" Mother Vanessa stated

This answer surprised him. He couldn't help but look at his aunt and felt a pain in his heart. He knew that after that incident, his aunt had basically refused to accept a new Pokémon. Based on what he remembered, his aunt only had four Pokémon until now, which was not enough for her to become an elite trainer. Because of that, she decided to shift gears and become a teacher instead. But now with Bagon, maybe his aunt is ready to open a new chapter of her life?

But Jun knew it was not appropriate to ask her about that. What was most important now was his new Pokémon. He pressed the LuxuryBall, and a beam of red light fell to the ground. A silver Pokemon with a strange shape appeared in front of him. It had a long torso with a crown above its head and a huge claw on its hip.

The Pokemon floated quietly in front of Jun, staring at him with big red eyes.


[Type: Steel Psychic]

[Gender: -]

[Species: Iron Ball Pokemon [Shiny]]

[Potential: Elite]

[Abilities: Clear Body, [Light Metal]]

[Level: 5 [0/100] (Rookie)

[Moves: Tackle]

[+ Tap for breed scheme]

"Elite shiny Beldum!" Jun exclaimed

This is basically a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon with a mutation. Countless thoughts were flashing in Jun's mind right now. A Shiny Beldum is extremely precious. He didn't know previously if there were any differences between normal Pokemon and Shiny Pokemon, but based on the data [Species: Iron Ball Pokémon *Mutation], just like his Eevee who already underwent a mutation, it must have additional value compared to regular Beldum.

'Maybe its value will double, similar to the effect of Pokerus?' Jun thought to himself.

"Kyuu~?" Eevee looked up at the Beldum in front of him, blinking its dark eyes, and filled with curiosity.

"From now on, it will be our partner," Jun said with a smile.

"Kyuu~" Eevee nodded thoughtfully, then opened its mouth and wagged its tail to gesture goodwill.


Beldum made a muffled sound and stared at Eevee with its huge red eyes, as if responding to Eevee's overtures.

The two Pokemon began to communicate friendlily, and Jun began to study Beldum's data.

As expected of a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon, it has already unlocked its hidden ability. The ability [Clear Body] prevents ability reduction, meaning Pokemon with lower level/stats than Beldum can't lower Beldum stats. Meanwhile, [Light Metal] hidden ability halves its weight.

At this stage, it's a little difficult since its skill pool is a bit scarce. However, since this Beldum is only in the very early infancy stages and only knows Tackle, with frequent training and leveling up, it can learn Iron Defense, Iron Head, Take Down, and even Psychic moves like Zen Headbutt.

"This Beldum is extremely precious." he said

"Of course, your grandfather put a lot of effout to subue it" Mother Vanessa chimed in

His aunt Mia grinned and patted his shoulder, "Do you know why he chose Beldum?"

Jun only shakes his head.

"Because Beldum's final form, Metagross, has more computing power than the Megacomputer, it is the Pokemon scholar's right-hand man," his mother explained.

Jun thought back to the information he had learned about Metagross. Metagross is the result of two Metang achieving fusion and has four brains in total. Combined, the four brains can breeze through difficult calculations faster than a supercomputer.

"So whether you want to become a Pokemon scholar or a trainer, we will support you unconditionally," Mother Vanessa continued.

Jun's eyes flashed, and he was silent for a while before suddenly asking, "Do you have a way to train Beldum faster?"

"Beldum's Psychic training method is very simple, focusing on development in the early stage and control in the later stage," Mother Vanessa explained.

Seeing that Jun was somewhat puzzled, Father Leonard smiled and explained carefully, "The Beldum race has great potential, and now we just need to let it develop on its own. When the development reaches a certain level, the magnetic force in the body will grow stronger, and then you can start to use magnetic force to control objects and launch attacks."

Jun nodded and understood what his mother meant.

Metagross, a Pokemon, is dominated by the steel type and supplemented by the super energy type. Its physical attack value is far greater than the special attack value, which means that the steel type skills are its main means of output.