
Strom of Fire: Trapped Together

The world is full of surprises and mystery. we know everything about our world yet there is nothing we truly understand... Humans always think that they are the most intelligent creatures on earth most of them didn't even believe in magic but are they sure? Humans are so ignorant that they don't even know about the most dangerous threat "The dark aura". Luna Morgenstern is an ordinary 17-year-old human girl whose life is going to change when she suddenly finds out about her true identity and feels a strange connection with an angel-looking man, who turns out to be her new teacher... Lucas Asmodeus is the strongest warlock of Alfheim; the place of magic. He is from the richest Asmodeus family and is a professor at the magic school. When the queen gives him the order to find half-humans he travels into the human world to find them. What will happen when Luna is one of them, will she join the magic school and leave her family friends, and the love of her life alone or will she fight for her freedom? And what will happen if a forbidden love blossoms in all this hatred, a dangerous love that no one is supposed to know about, not even the lovers themselves... ••• " Are you that naive to think that, I will let you go from here...alive?" He mocked and ambled towards me with that same arrogant smile on his beautifully sharp face. His sword gleamed like a dancing flame from the spell he radiated just now. I clutched my sword tightly, can feel the magic from my veins flooding the sword, merging us together like my own body part. And the way he is watching me with adoration in his dark eyes, I know my eyes are not blue anymore... I smirked, " I think after killing you, I can leave this arena, alive..." "Are you sure you can kill me, little fairy? " he replied, his lips tugged up in that same smirk. Ugh, how much I hate that I love it... "Of course, I can kill you. you taught me well, professor." I replied and stroked my sword at his left hand, I know that is his weak spot but he dodged my attack. I tried again and again, our shadows dancing at the rhythm of our rushed breaths on this dirty muddy ground. But he dodged my every stroke. Why didn't he attack me? And just like that, suddenly, he yanked my hand and turned me around. My back, pressing against his hard chest, and his both arms wrapped around my shoulder and waist like a seductive ivy on a tree. I wiggled to unwrap myself from his addictive hold, but his grasp was too tight that I couldn't get free, or maybe I don't want to. I am sick! He leaned lower, so close that I can feel his warm breath near my ears, shivers ran through my body like the shaky waves of the ocean, so erratic, so dangerous. I shouldn't feel like this, he is my teacher, and I hate him. But god, this feeling of his body wrapped in me, and his breath all over my flesh. I can't help but get drowned in him like some lethal addictive drug. Stupid, stupid, stupid, Luna, this is not the time to get aroused by your teacher, who is going to kill you too... I heard the audience, cheering and clapping like some maniacs. They all want me dead... I gritted my teeth as my eyes shifted to the queen. And she is fucking smirking like a bitch. Is that's was her plan the whole time...This wicked queen, she knows I can't defeat Mr. Asmodeous, no one can..he is like a god, invincible. He shoved his soft lips in my ear, dragging me from my hatred, " I told you, not to take part in this Death game... Are you a lunatic, little girl?" He whispered harshly, pulling my body more against him, and I felt like I'd been struck with a lightning bolt. So fucking...hot! I licked my dry lips, "I didn't know, I will have to fight you and you are going to be the deciding warrior " " What do you think, why I was stopping you earlier...", he growled, " Tell me what I am supposed to do now hmm...kill you or let you kill me?" •••

Rain_Droplet · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

Luna p.o.v.

I was standing there admiring that man's beauty that I didn't pay attention that the other man who was trying to open my car door is running away. 

" what you guys are doing with my car? " I asked

The man in front of me is looking like some kind of model. He is the most handsome man I have ever seen. He is so tall maybe 6'4. He is wearing a white shirt, black trousers, and a black long winter coat. I can see his defined abs and chest because of the tight shirt he is wearing. His skin is glowing due to the sunshine and he looks like an angel. God, where did this man come from?

His black hair is stuck backward. His eyes are bright green and he has light beard. his lips are so red I had a sudden urge to bite them. Calm down Luna you have a boyfriend I reminded myself.

He was also staring at me but when he noticed that his friend is gone he shook his head and take a deep sigh. He took out his mobile and started reading something. Then he sees my face like he is confirming something. What is he doing?

" So Luna Morgenstern, I have to tell you something important but this is not the right place. Can we go somewhere more private? "

" How do you know my name"

He rolls his eyes and shows me his mobile screen. There was my photo and my name, birthday, address, parents' name, and even my school name and school timing were written. Is this guy some kind of detective? Or stalker. He put his mobile in his pocket and raise one eyebrow.

" so now, can we talk" 

I was so shocked and scared at the same time. Should I go and call the police or should I listen to him first?

" baby, what are you doing here standing alone?" 

I hear James' voice from behind so I turn around to see him. He was wearing his sports shorts and sleeveless t-shirt. He must be practicing soccer. His huge muscles are visible and his t-shirt is stuck to his chest and abs due to sweat, giving me a full view of his muscular body. His brown hairs are messy which looks cute on his baby face. He is smiling at me showing his cute dimples. He came toward me and hug me tightly.

I see Mary coming from behind she put two fingers in her mouth giving me gaging expression. I poke my tongue at her and hug James more tightly. I hear someone coughing sound from behind then I remember what was I doing. Thank god they came now I don't have to be afraid of that angel-looking stranger.

" James, Mary thank god you guys came. Look this man is coming from nowhere and..."

" which man babe, there is no one" James replied while seeing behind me.

I turn around and see that man standing behind me glaring at me with an annoyed expression, his hand on his pocket and tapping one foot impatiently.

" This man. Did you not see him? "I asked and point my finger at the man.

" There is no one Luna, what happens are you alright?" Mary asked me with concern in her voice.

" you guys are kidding, right? This is not funny. Is this a prank? Where is the camera?" I asked them. 

I am so panicked right now. Imagine suddenly a god-like man comes to you and only you could see him. Either I am hallucinating or this man is seriously some kind of angel. Am I going to die?

"They can't see me. No human can. That's what I want to talk about " that angel said.

" But I can see you. Are you...are you an angel? " I asked while stuttering 

The angel started laughing at me. He is making fun of me. Bad angel

" Who are you talking to babe? " James asked and go in front of me. He walked directly in front of Angel and walk inside of him and come outside from his body. Like he is just air. 

"Look no one is here," James said

I also walk in front of him and tried to do the same. If he is just my imagination then Maybe doing it made him disappear. I walked directly into him but instead of walking inside of him, I collapsed into his hard chest. His chest is glowing in red color. It's not lightning it's something else like a red fog that is coming from inside his body.

I tilt my head upwards to see his face. His eyes are closed and he is taking deep breaths. What is happening? I turn around and walk towards the class. This all is my imagination. I am hallucinating. I will go and see a therapist after school. Yes, I am going insane I need a doctor.

I was walking quickly and Mary and James were also following me. I hear him calling my name from behind but I didn't stop. He is just my imagination. He is not real. Suddenly I bumped into something hard. I tilt my head upwards and see him in front of me.

" wow Luna, your necklace is glowing. Is it electronic?" Mary said

I bent my head to see the necklace. The gems are glowing in a beautiful purple color. How is this possible. I see in front of me, that the angel's chest is also glowing in red color. He is real. 

" I am not feeling okay. I am going home" I said to James and Mary and run away from there to go near my car. I hear them calling me but I ignore them. Angel was following me so I open the passenger door of my car for him to sit.

"Sit" I whisper to him and he sits inside my car. I go inside my car and started driving. I see Mary and James were still standing there looking shocked. I will explain them later.

" Are you going to speak something or are you just going to drive like a crazy woman? " the Angel asked 

I was driving for the past five minutes and he was just staring at me and smirking at me. His behavior is nothing like an angel. Angel should be gentle and polite but the way he is smirking at me evilly, he looks more like a devil.

" you said you want to tell me something. Now speak" I spat 

" shouldn't we go and sit somewhere? I am afraid if I tell you everything you will be shocked and crash the car"

" Why are you afraid? Angel can't die, right? " 

" I am not an angel, little fairy " he replied while chucking

Little fairy. It's a cute name I wish James call me that but he always calls me babe. He never gives me any cute name. Ugh, it's not the time for thinking about my relationship.

" so what are you then?"

"I will tell you when we go somewhere private where we can talk freely" 

" I know a good  cafe we can go to there." 

" I am okay with that as long as you don't have any problem looking like a psycho who is talking to air. You know no one can see me right?"

"I am regretting my decision to think that you are an angel. We can go to my house but if you try to do anything stupid I will call the police" 

" I will not hurt a child, I am not that evil. You can trust me " 

I turn my head to see his face. He looks sincere. I see his green eyes staring at my blue eyes. His eyes are so beautiful. Ugh Stop Luna you have James. Anyway, he sees me as a child so nothing is going to happen, it's not like I will ever cheat on James. 


" okay we are just here my house is not far away," I said and turn my car towards my house.

     We are in front of my home. I park my car and we go inside the house. Honestly, I am a little afraid to be alone with a stranger. It is a stupid thing to do but I don't know why I feel that I can trust him. 

  That's how girls like you ended up murdered by a serial killer. My inner mind scolds me. Stupid stupid stupid Luna. What did I do should I run away?

 "Are you going to close the door? " he asked

   I see him comfortably sitting on the couch. He didn't even ask me if he can sit or not. There is no one at home and the house is so big that now it gives me the vibes of a horror movie. Why my mother has to buy a house that looks like a horror movie's house. The sound of the water drop is come from somewhere and I shivered. I shouldn't have watched so many horror movies.

" Why are you afraid? Come here and sit" he said and pat the seat beside him. I take a deep breath and sit on the couch near him.

" I am going to tell you everything and you will not speak until I finish explaining everything okay? " he asked and I nod my head. 


     He explains me everything and now I am speechless. I pinch myself to check that I am awake and not dreaming because this whole thing is rubbish. A magic world where witches, fairies, and warlocks live. I am a half-fairy and he is a warlock. His name is Lucas Asmodeus. 

I always feel that something is not right with me. When I was a kid I used to grow flowers but I thought that it was my dream. Almost every time I get angry or get sad the weather suddenly started to change. I used to think that was just a coincidence.

I remember one year ago Mary was bullied by a girl and I got so angry the next second that the girl collapsed on the floor and blood is dripping from her eyes and nose. All those strange incidents are coming back to my mind. 

Lucas came here to take me to magic school. What is all this shit? I am not going anywhere. I am not leaving mom, James, and Mary alone. 

I told him that I will not go but then he tell me that if I do not learn to use my magic then one day I will lose control and hurt someone. I am dangerous to humans. He told me once I go to Alfheim I can never return. He will create a fake accident and then my family is going to think that I died. He said they eventually going to forget about me and move on. He is so harsh. 

I don't want to go but I have to because I don't want to hurt anybody. But he is wrong if he thinks that I will never return. Once I learn how to control magic then I will come back. I am not going to tell him that.

He told me there are 12 more half-human like me. They were also born on the day of the blood moon. Why did I have to be born that day? He told me the queen gave a wish to every half-human because they are leaving their life to go to Alfheim. I have to use that wish very wisely. 

Lucas gave me a book in which so many rules and the history of Alfhiem are written. I have to read it before going to magic school. He told me we are leaving next week. I am going to live with other half-humans for a week. I want to see mom before going she is coming in three days so after meeting her I will go with Lucas.

     We were sitting on the couch silently for almost an hour. He didn't try to talk to me or comfort me. He glance at me every five or ten minutes or holds my hand when I suddenly started crying. It's a lot to process. 

  " so when we are going to that cottage where others like me are staying?" I asked and turn my head to see him. 

My thighs accidentally brushed against his legs and his chest started glowing with that red fog. Whenever he hold my hand or we accidentally touch each other my pendant and his chest twinkled. He said he will explain to me later why this is happening. I thought that he was also wearing a necklace like me but he told me he is not wearing it, it is inside of his body. Cool.

" We are leaving tonight. You can come to meet your mom when she came back. But remember don't tell anyone about this. This is for their own good" he said and I nod my head in agreement.

  I want to tell James and Mary about this but I know they are not going to believe and even if they believe me then they will only get worried about me and I don't want it. Anyway, it's not like I am never coming back.

 I will come back for them.