
Strom of Fire: Trapped Together

The world is full of surprises and mystery. we know everything about our world yet there is nothing we truly understand... Humans always think that they are the most intelligent creatures on earth most of them didn't even believe in magic but are they sure? Humans are so ignorant that they don't even know about the most dangerous threat "The dark aura". Luna Morgenstern is an ordinary 17-year-old human girl whose life is going to change when she suddenly finds out about her true identity and feels a strange connection with an angel-looking man, who turns out to be her new teacher... Lucas Asmodeus is the strongest warlock of Alfheim; the place of magic. He is from the richest Asmodeus family and is a professor at the magic school. When the queen gives him the order to find half-humans he travels into the human world to find them. What will happen when Luna is one of them, will she join the magic school and leave her family friends, and the love of her life alone or will she fight for her freedom? And what will happen if a forbidden love blossoms in all this hatred, a dangerous love that no one is supposed to know about, not even the lovers themselves... ••• " Are you that naive to think that, I will let you go from here...alive?" He mocked and ambled towards me with that same arrogant smile on his beautifully sharp face. His sword gleamed like a dancing flame from the spell he radiated just now. I clutched my sword tightly, can feel the magic from my veins flooding the sword, merging us together like my own body part. And the way he is watching me with adoration in his dark eyes, I know my eyes are not blue anymore... I smirked, " I think after killing you, I can leave this arena, alive..." "Are you sure you can kill me, little fairy? " he replied, his lips tugged up in that same smirk. Ugh, how much I hate that I love it... "Of course, I can kill you. you taught me well, professor." I replied and stroked my sword at his left hand, I know that is his weak spot but he dodged my attack. I tried again and again, our shadows dancing at the rhythm of our rushed breaths on this dirty muddy ground. But he dodged my every stroke. Why didn't he attack me? And just like that, suddenly, he yanked my hand and turned me around. My back, pressing against his hard chest, and his both arms wrapped around my shoulder and waist like a seductive ivy on a tree. I wiggled to unwrap myself from his addictive hold, but his grasp was too tight that I couldn't get free, or maybe I don't want to. I am sick! He leaned lower, so close that I can feel his warm breath near my ears, shivers ran through my body like the shaky waves of the ocean, so erratic, so dangerous. I shouldn't feel like this, he is my teacher, and I hate him. But god, this feeling of his body wrapped in me, and his breath all over my flesh. I can't help but get drowned in him like some lethal addictive drug. Stupid, stupid, stupid, Luna, this is not the time to get aroused by your teacher, who is going to kill you too... I heard the audience, cheering and clapping like some maniacs. They all want me dead... I gritted my teeth as my eyes shifted to the queen. And she is fucking smirking like a bitch. Is that's was her plan the whole time...This wicked queen, she knows I can't defeat Mr. Asmodeous, no one can..he is like a god, invincible. He shoved his soft lips in my ear, dragging me from my hatred, " I told you, not to take part in this Death game... Are you a lunatic, little girl?" He whispered harshly, pulling my body more against him, and I felt like I'd been struck with a lightning bolt. So fucking...hot! I licked my dry lips, "I didn't know, I will have to fight you and you are going to be the deciding warrior " " What do you think, why I was stopping you earlier...", he growled, " Tell me what I am supposed to do now hmm...kill you or let you kill me?" •••

Rain_Droplet · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

Lucas p.o.v.

I hate humans. I don't know why they are so dramatic. Michal is better at dealing with humans. It is so difficult to pursue Luna. When other humans know that they are half-human they was shocked but after sometimes they became excited and happy.

Humans have that weird fantasy about the magic that it is a gift from God and they are special, only if they knew the truth. If they ask me I will say it's a curse. They will understand it once they go to Alfheim. All their excitement and happiness are going to die the second they will find out the truth.

Luna is not like those. She didn't look happy and excited. I don't know how much time I wasted today to comfort her. Although I didn't do much. I was just sitting there hearing her annoying whimper. I hold her hand sometimes to calm her. Whenever we touch each other my mate started showing its color.

I trap my aura years ago or should I say mate that's what they call it in Alfhiem. I tangle it and make it a pendant and stirred it with my body so that it didn't show up suddenly in front of everyone because I don't want them to get more afraid of me if it is even possible. After all, they already feared me.

I don't understand from where she got that necklace and whose mate is trapped inside it. It is purple which is unusual because no one has a purple color mate just like no one has a red mate like me. And why the hell did I start glowing like a lamp whenever I touch her. It never happened before. This all is so confusing.

Thank god Michal is not here with me I don't want the whole Alfhiem to know that I am becoming a torch. God knows what gossip they spread when they find out it's because of some half-fairy. They are worst than humans. Pathetic

I want to ask her about that necklace but I thought maybe I should give her some time to calm down. I don't like to see her cry but the second I realize I am feeling sad for her I shook that thought away. Those weak emotions are not for me. When she calms down I decided to ask about that necklace.

We are sitting in her house and I must say I am impressed her house is beautiful. We are in the living room. She is sitting near me on the couch. We are too close for my liking. I don't like anyone to get in my personal space but I let her sit beside me. I myself call her to sit there and I don't even know why.

" so tell me about that necklace, where did you find it",

She tilts her head upwards and sees me with her big doe eyes. Her eyes and her little nose are red, her lips look poutier than before because of the way she was crying for the past one hour.

" my father gave it to me when I was a child"

" and did you know from where did he get it? "

" mom told me he ask someone to make it for me. Why does this necklace is glowing whenever I touch you it never happened before?" She asked

How can I answer her because I don't know the answer myself? I thought maybe there is hope for my freedom when I saw that gem in her necklace. How can a normal human find out that rare gem? There is only one gem like this which is now inside my body trapping my mate. What if Luna's mate is trapped inside her necklace. That can explain why we didn't see the color of her mate.

" I don't know why this is happening. But you have to promise me you will never tell anyone about this. Now can you give me your necklace I want to try something"

" why I believe you? " she asked

Seriously this is the reason I hate humans. They always overthink. If I want to take that necklace I will take it forcefully but I am asking like a gentleman which is rare for me to do.

" if you don't want the whole alfheim to know that you have a most powerful and rare gem and don't want your necklace in queen's neck then give it to me and let me help you"

I manipulate her. If I tell her that I don't want anyone to know about that gem's existence then she will ask why? And that I can not tell her. so it is best that she think that I am helping her as a good angel which she thought I am. Only if she knows what I really am...

" what you are going to do? " She asked and remove her necklace and give it to me.

"I am going to check whether the mate which is trapped inside that gem is yours or not. And don't ask me what mate is because you will learn it in school. "

" what if it's mine then?"

" then I am going to merge it with your body. If it is yours then someone trapped your mate in that gem when you were a child. The shape of the pendant defines the shape of the mate. Yours is a butterfly" I explain to her.

I didn't tell her everything because we don't have time any way she will learn everything in school so why waste my time.

" What is yours? What does it look like? did it hurt or leave the marks?"

she panicked and asked so many questions at the same time. I chuckled seeing her reaction. She is a curious little thing.

" do you want to see? " I asked and she nod her head.

I don't know why I am letting her see it. No one ever sees the mark. I never took off my shirt in front of anyone not even when I fucked someone. Anyway, There is no need to take off the shirt during sex...

I stand up and took off my coat and threw it on the ground while maintaining eye contact with her. Her eyes got bigger seeing my reaction. Her cheeks turn into an adorable shade of pink. I don't know why I am doing it this is inappropriate and she is almost half of my age. But I am just removing my clothes, right? What is wrong with that?

I open the top three buttons of my shirt when she started biting her lips. We both are staring at each other without saying anything. I open the remaining buttons and took off my shirt and threw it on the ground.

I see her eyes are roaming over my abs to my chest and my forearms. I can see the rise and fall of her chest she is breathing heavily. I smirk seeing her reaction. She is an innocent little fairy.

I go and sit on the couch in front of her. We are sitting the way that our body is facing each other. She is staring at the marks which are on my muscles and shoulder. Then she touches them with her small hands. Why I am not stopping her?

My chest started glowing due to her touch. She roams her hand over my chest and touches that mark. It's a small red dragon throwing fire from his mouth. The mark of my Aura. The proof that I am not soul-less as everyone thinks.

" A dragon. It's beautiful" she said and tilt his head to see my face.

Beautiful. She thinks that beast is beautiful. She is weird. I see her face and she was smiling at me. Her beautiful eyes are shining brightly. A genuine smile comes to my lips. Not a smirk, not a fake one. A real smile. I don't even remember when was the last time I smile like that.

I feel the power inside of my chest is increasing. I bent my head down to see my chest but what I saw is shocked me. There is a different kind of color is glowing between us.

Her pendant was gleaming in purple fog and my chest was twinkling in the red fog they both blended and became a different shade. A combination of red and purple. I see her face and she was also shocked to see that.

What is happening? I grab her hand and remove it from my chest and that fog disappears slowly. Never in my life have I seen anything like that. Every magical creature can control its mate.

They only reveal it when they want to show their dominance and the power of their magic. But what is happening now is beyond my control. It is happening on its own. I have to find its cure maybe once her mate merge in her body then this will not happen.

" took off your coat and shirt " I ordered

"I am sorry...what did you say? " she asked. Confusion is written on her face but I don't have time to clear her confusion right now.

"I am going to merge your mate. If it's yours then it will merge and if not then nothing will happen "

" But..but why do I have to remove my clothes," she asked while stuttering. Now she is making me angry. Maybe I am angry at myself but she is making me angrier. I glared at her and she started removing her clothes. Good girl.

She removes her coat and started unbuttoning her shirt I turn my head in different directions so she didn't feel uncomfortable.

" you can cover the rest of your body just open that area where your mark will be formed, "

I still didn't turn my head towards her. Okay, this is awkward. I should have thought before ordering her.

" Is this okay?"

She asked and I turn my head towards her. She is covering her breast with her shirt. Her neck and upper area of the chest are visible. Her long blonde hair is falling on her shoulder some of her hair is over her breast hiding her cleavage.

I slowly touch her shoulder and remove her hair. Her skin is so soft. My eyes are roaming over her shoulder to her breast. I turn my lustful gaze away from her body. It's not right I am taking advantage of her situation by seeing her body like that.

" perfect, now grab my hand and don't let it go. It will hurt a little " I said and grabbed her hand tightly.

I remove the pendant from the chain and pressed that pendant against her chest. I don't need to cast any spell like other warlocks because I can do magic with my mind without any spell. I can feel the power of that pendent it is melting in her skin. She grabbed my hand more tightly. I lied, it hurts more than a little.

She closed her eyes and tears are falling from her eyes. When I see her crying like that then something strange happened inside my heart but I shook that feeling away. I pressed my forehead against her to comfort her. After some minutes the whole pendant melted in her skin. It's like it was never there.

I remove my hand and see the beautiful mark in the middle of her chest. It's a small butterfly with big purple wings. It is glorious just like my little fairy.

When I remove my hand from her chest I see that she still didn't open her eyes. I touch her cheeks with my both hands and wipe her tears with my thumb. I gently rub her cheeks with my thumb, she tilt her head more towards my hand and opened her eyes. Her eyes are not blue anymore they are purple.

" beautiful" I exclaimed.

" what is happening here" someone shout from behind

" James...." she said while seeing behind me

Shit... That spell only works for two hours. Humans can see me now. Great.