
Chapter 7: The Experiment

In the early 2000s, John Hawke was used to receiving last-minute orders. Unexpected missions, impromptu training, and quick changes in plans were all part of life as a special forces operator. However, the call he received in early January was unlike anything he had ever experienced.

It was a cold, overcast morning when John received a phone call directly from an unknown number. The voice on the other end was not that of his usual commander, but of someone who spoke with authority and kept his tone almost impersonal.

"Captain John Hawke?" the voice said.

"Yes, that's me," John replied, his eyebrow arched.

"You have been called for a special mission. Briefings and transportation will be waiting for you at the air base at 0600 tomorrow. Be punctual. This is of the utmost importance, Captain."

Before John could ask any more questions, the line was disconnected. Something told him that this mission would be different from any other he had ever accepted and participated in. Feeling a great deal of curiosity and a little concern about what it would be like, he decided not to tell anyone, not even his team.

The next day, John arrived at the base as he had been instructed. An unidentified aircraft was waiting for him on the runway. Men in dark suits, without any visible identification, escorted him to the plane. There was a tension in the air that made John realize he was entering unknown territory.

The flight was long and silent. No one on board offered any explanations, and the windows were closed, making it impossible for him to know where he was going. When they finally landed, John was taken directly to an underground, bunker-like complex, completely isolated from the rest of the world.

He was led through coldly lit corridors to a conference room. Inside, two men and a woman were waiting for him, all dressed in white lab coats and with serious expressions.

"Captain Hawke, welcome," said one of the men, who seemed to be the oldest of the group. His gray hair was neatly cropped, and he had a calculating look in his eyes.

"My name is Dr. James Corbin, and this is Project Rebirth."

John frowned at the name.

"Project Rebirth?" He had heard it vaguely from the files he had studied on Captain America. "Does this have anything to do with Captain Rogers?"

Dr. Corbin nodded slightly.

"Exactly. You have been asked to participate in a highly classified experiment. Something that goes beyond anything any military operation has conducted since the days of Captain America."

The tension in the room grew as Dr. Corbin continued.

"As you may know, the serum that turned Steve Rogers into a super soldier was considered lost after the death of its creator, Dr. Erskine. For decades, the government tried to replicate the formula without success. However, through a combination of scientific advances and years of research, we were able to create a new version of the serum." He paused, looking directly at John. "And you, Captain, have been chosen to be the sole recipient of this serum."

John was silent for a moment, processing what he had just heard. He had always admired Captain America, but he had never imagined he would have the chance to participate in something like this.

"Why me?" he finally asked. "There are thousands of soldiers out there, men and women more qualified than I."

Dr. Corbin smiled slightly.

"You are more qualified than you think, Captain. Your military record is impeccable, your leadership is unquestionable, and your personal history shows that you have the integrity necessary to carry this responsibility, just as Steve Rogers was chosen. Furthermore, there is a genetic factor that has led us to believe that you are the ideal candidate."

John, however, was hesitant. What was being asked of him was much more than any mission he had ever done. It was a permanent transformation. A change that, if it went wrong, could cost him his life.

"What if the serum fails?" he asked, trying to control the serious tone of his voice.

The woman in the group, a scientist named Dr. Emily Carter, answered in a soft but firm voice.

"We have studied all the variables, Captain. We know the risks, but we believe the benefits outweigh any possible complications. If you accept, you will be entering a territory that only one person in the world has ever experienced. And we will not have another chance to do so. This serum cannot be replicated again. Every resource has been used to create you. You will be the only one."

John took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision he was about to make. He looked at the serious faces before him and thought about what this meant, not only for him, but for what he would represent for his men, his team, the world. Would he be able to live up to Steve Rogers' legacy? Was he ready to carry that responsibility?

"What do you expect of me after this?" John finally asked.

Dr. Corbin stepped forward.

"We expect you to continue serving your country, but in a capacity that has never been seen before. You will become the perfect soldier, Captain. The leadership you already demonstrate will be enhanced by physical and mental abilities that go beyond human capabilities. With the world constantly changing, we need someone like you to face the possible threats that may arise."

John pondered silently. It was not a choice he could make lightly, but he felt that the path ahead of him was already laid out. He thought about his men, about everything he had learned in the special forces, and about how much he had always wanted to protect those around him. With this power, he could do more. He could save more lives.

He finally looked at Corbin and the others.

"I accept," he said, his voice firm.

The scientists nodded and quickly began preparing for the procedure. John was taken to a clinical room equipped with advanced technology. As he lay down on the surgical table, he felt a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

Dr. Carter approached him, holding a syringe containing the serum. The liquid inside glowed an almost unreal blue color.

"This is the moment, Captain," she said, looking at him with a confident look. "We are ready to begin the procedure. Once the serum enters your bloodstream, the effects will be immediate. We don't know exactly how you will feel, but the process will be quick."

John nodded, closing his eyes as he mentally prepared himself. He felt the needle pierce his skin and the liquid begin to flow through his veins. At first, everything seemed calm. Then, a wave of intense heat ran through his body, followed by a growing pain.

"Hold him down!" Dr. Corbin shouted, as John's body began to twitch involuntarily.

The pain was almost unbearable, but John held on. He felt his muscles burn, his entire body seemed to be being restructured from the inside out. His mind was racing, images of his past, of his fights, of his men, flashing before his eyes.

And then, suddenly, everything stopped. The pain disappeared as quickly as it had begun. He opened his eyes and felt a clarity he had never experienced before. His body, although familiar, now seemed stronger, more agile.

He sat up slowly, still processing what had happened. Dr. Carter watched him carefully.

"How are you feeling, Captain?" she asked, with a slight smile.

John looked down at his hands, clenching and unclenching them, feeling the new strength coursing through his body.

"Different," he replied, almost in disbelief. "But… better. Much better." Dr. Corbin approached, his eyes shining with satisfaction.

"Welcome to the new age, Captain Hawke. The world will never be the same. And neither will you."

As John stood up from the table, he felt a new responsibility weighing on his shoulders. The serum was permanent. He was, in fact, the only one. And now, Captain America's legacy was, in a way, in his hands.

The future had changed, and John knew his life would never be the same again.