
Gamer system outline ideas for fanfics

I think the gamer the Korean comic system is a great base platform to work off of the fact that you can create your own skills adjust your stats is a wonderful starter system for a fanfic. A lot of people say that the gamer stories have been done to death I beg to differ mostly because if you realized yes there are many gamer stories out there but having a well done and long-running gamer story very very few most gamer stories have a few chapters Maybe 10 to 50k words if that and Peter out because the MC is one shotting endgame villains at chapter 2 or before the mc hits age 5 and the story has no where to go besides Maybe dimension-hopping Below here I'm going to give a couple are my thoughts on how not to run your gamer story into the ground before it takes off

Now this is my personal opinion and likes but I would always start with a reborn MC gamer story and do time skips and progression updates over the years until the main story starts so it shows how hard and how long it has taken for the gamer to progress in his skills and level which should help and not letting the story burn itself out early on

gamers body-The Gamers body is one of the most useful but also flawed skills in gamer stories because of its glaring flaws of pretty much making it obvious to everybody that something's up unless if your mc lives in a superpower world which my recommendation would be to tone it down to a lighter version because let's just say for instance if you're doing A Song of Ice and Fire fanfic and you get the crap kicked out of you in the training yard you go to sleep and wake up like nothing's ever happened When you should be bruised and bleeding all over the place The Jig Is Up

gamers mind-I really have nothing bad to say about Gamers mind mostly because it actually gives a writer a wonderful tool to explain away a mc who has been dropped into a new world or a completely different world that they are not accustomed to adapt to it immediately

skills-Now skills is where I think a lot of writers mess up on let's first remember it's based on a game and if you played most games with skills the beginning skills and levels are real easy to level up it gets phenomenally more difficult once you get to the middle section and the end section with that being said I don't really mind when writers have a whole bunch of skills if you've noticed the Original Gamer had many skills where that went wrong was not that he leveled up too fast but they gave him a easy way to do so with the time dilation dungeons because if you pay attention to the amount of time he most likely spent in them it was astronomical For most games I've played usually if you're having level cap of 100 whether your skills evolve or just end at 100 usually between 10 and 20 are your beginner levels and then it starts to get very difficult to level them up from there

dungeons-Here's another part of the game mechanics that usually if added messes up the story because of the mc progressing too fast. I actually think this is a very good tool but it needs to be toned down and done right in my opinion what I mean by that is dungeon should be more for skill grinding and combat experience then a place to level up get great items and money. What I would suggest is that the dungeon are split into levels( For example level zero. Blank training area maybe you might be able to summon enemies like a kind of Coliseum wear in the training area you cannot die but you don't gain anything at all and for the other levels I would say something around 1-5 6-10 and then go by increments of 10) and for the first time beating them you'll get full XP decent items and money on completion you get one good item or two for my chest at the end all further runs should be very minimal XP a item drop every once in a blue moon and very little money what I'm talking about if I was using u.s. currency would be every enemy drops a couple pennies per kill and at the end in the chest you may get a few dollars and useful item Pretty much the point is to make dungeons useful but not really for leveling item grinding and money and make it more beneficial for the MC to do more questing or reading picking up new skills outside of the dungeon unless specifically going for combat skills and experience while not making it a complete waste of time for xp and monetarily by giving a little bit of XP money and items. This is my personal thought but you should never put in a time dilation dungeon unless if it's some kind of very rare 1 time use gotcha or shop item that's extremely expensive

the system shop-the system shop is another useful but very easily abused tool That I think can be added to most gamer stories that don't have a very good Merchant or information accessibility world For instance one piece and asoiaf/got would fall into these categories But I also think the shop needs to be toned down for 1 I believe it should only use system points which you can only get from quests and they should be pretty hard to obtain and 2 I don't really mind if someone wants to make an Omniverse shop but for all items knowledge ect. it should definitely scale on how it would fit into the world For example books could be world-changing and Powerful in a medieval setting they are also easily explainable by saying you bought them got them from ancient knowledge cash or wrote them yourself while if you bought a laser gun I tried to explain that away it really would not work because you could not replicated in any way shape or form giving your technological level in that world so the laser gun would be a lot higher price than the books