
The Walking Dead story idea

A man wakes up in a strange room he looks around and see nothing but a desk in front of them with an empty chair thinking back to the last thing he remembers before the room he remembers living his life he was not a very good person he robbed he stole he didn't do anything terribly bad other than the way he lived his life because of how he grew up in the options he was given drove him into a life of crime which even he knows is not an excuse but it's what happened thinking back adjust for the room He was on a plane going to another city to do some work for his boss and deliver a message unfortunately this plane happened to hijacked by a terrorist which the man did a psychotic rant pretty much told rest of the people that shortly he was going to enter the cabin and crashed the plane into a building now normally this is where you would think all the passengers would get up and riot to stop the terrorists unfortunately he was on a plane that just happened to be a short school field trip for almost all children and their caretakers realizing that no one else would or could stop the insane terrorist he realizes that if he does nothing he's going to die anyway so he might as well go out with a bang and charges the man who happens to have snuck in a plastic gun with two bullets of course he is shot but he wrestles The Man to the ground and chokes him to death The last thing he remembers is bleeding out on the floor his vision slowly fading then waking up in the room The man now that remembers how he got here looks up to see a white figure with no definition sitting in the seat behind the desk I figure then goes to explain it to him that is one of God's Messengers and for having lived a sinful life But died with a selfless and heroic Act that saved a multitude of lives including many children he was going to be both punished and rewarded they told him that you would be reincarnated in the world of The Walking Dead two days before the outbreak as punishment as his reward you will get 1 wish with limits that do not break the world's rules (AKA no superpowers or anything that would beyond belief) So for his wish he chooses the knowledge of humanity( This is all the knowledge of how to build and repair everything that Humanity has created from medieval blacksmithing to how to install end make solar panels and everything else in between)