

"We were meant to be together, but this life time wasn't meant for us." He whispered. Most painful thing ever is having, feeling for someone you cant be with. .......... "He wasn't the right person for you," her dad yelled. "Marring Seth will be a new beginning of life, trust me. He's meant for you." "Trust me!!,it was a new beginning of hell!!"

shywriter · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


"CAN YOU STOP PRETENDING? coming here to cry fake tears," he yelled pushing her to the ground.

"What are talking about, do I look that hurt less to you?"

"Yes you are, you came to my life just to destroy it, pretending to love me so you can free you boring life," She looked at him in disbelieve. When did she do that? She really loved him so much that she had a plan of running away to be with him.

"I really love you; I love you so much that it hurts listening to the words your saying now, I can do anything to be with you," people around looked at the duo yelling at each other.

"Really! Do anything," He walked and raised her by shoulders shaking her. "What about not keeping secrets,"

"What secrets, I tell you everything."

"Like you're getting married" Liam said calming down. And he confirmed that he was right after he saw her pale expression.

"That's what I thought, a lair that's what you are," he had a disappointed look. She only used him so she can leave him after.

"Believe me I panned to tell you…W"

"But your pride prevented you?"

"Leave, just leave and never come back ever, I hate you for playing my heart but its fine." He watched as she cried helplessly on the ground. The two twins sat far from them they believed all she said but they couldn't do anything.

She didn't say anything and left, what now, her dad did the best job to destroy the small happiness and hope for love. She was happy but it was taken away, what was left now? Nothing.

Her dad called ageing,

"What do you want now, are you happy you destroyed what was left of family?" she whispered, She walked as she dragged her legs.

"I did what was right, now come home,"

"Home you call that home, are you fucking serious,"

Mind your tone young lady, you should acknowledge everything that we've done for you,"

"What have you done, tell me! Control my life? That what you've done, so don't expect to see me again I'd rather die than come to that dessert you call home." She hanged and walked feeling numb.

Was it so immature for her to behave this way, she hadn't even experience real pain and what it feels to be hurt. Living with a controlling dad and getting all necessities in life is better.

Liam sat on the ground thinking on what to do, he had no clue what was next, and his life has always been in the vane of falling. Everyone was betraying him, was it really?

Mom you died and left me to suffer alone, looking to his left he saw his two siblings sitting in a corner looking as lonely as him. They were chased for not paying the balance fees.

"We warned you not to engage her in your life but what now?" His friend handed him a bottle of water. Liam looked up at him and laughed.

"What now man, don't stress come and live at my place. I don't stay there often." Sam smiled at him. He's known Liam since forever,

"Thanks bro but I feel like I owe you too much," he hugged sam.

"Fool, your my bro, that's what we are and have been" the two men walked towards the damaged house.

"It wasn't wrong dating her but next time looks for your league bro,"

"There's no next time, the next person might be worse than her." He had no heart for trusting another person. But even though she did not tell him about her forced marriage, she never betrayed him she didn't even think about the worst.

Sitting and think about the consequences of doing before thinking really heart. Not trying again and again makes you a failure.

You don't have to be brave; you just have to keep trying. You don't have to be strong; you have just to keep going. Maybe your super power is refusing to give up, even on your weakest days when you feel you're not enough.

This was still the beginning of new roads for all of them; there were still new people with good intentions and bad intentions. People to watch you fall and others that take you own. There'll be summer and winter, sun and rain.

And this is the beginning of life…

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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