

"We were meant to be together, but this life time wasn't meant for us." He whispered. Most painful thing ever is having, feeling for someone you cant be with. .......... "He wasn't the right person for you," her dad yelled. "Marring Seth will be a new beginning of life, trust me. He's meant for you." "Trust me!!,it was a new beginning of hell!!"

shywriter · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


 Weston sat looking at the good view by the window, he always had a feeling that somebody was watching him but couldn't place a thought about who it could be.

He had two days to join the Declan Company but still had two more signatures to go. The stupid two old men were so loyal to Seth and would rather die that support him,

"I researched and this is what I found," Stacy his assistant placed few papers on his desk. Looking at the information before him, a smirk formed on his face. Way to go old men.

The big wood door closed with a bang and Stacey shook just at the thought. She never liked what her boss did but we lived in the world of bills and expenses it couldn't be helped.

 Weston's black sedan left the company in full speed, the driver drove it fast not because he was in so much hurry but he was so scared to lose a minute. A minute lost is equals to both his salary and life.

Drivers before him disappeared withought tress just because of wasting time or knowing too much.

"The old man would be leaving for abroad in few minutes with his family, I want to surprise him." Weston said to no one specifically but all the people in the car knew that he was informing them not to mess up.

 "I'll call his chauffer to delay," His assistant said besides him. He liked Stacey's work; she never questioned anything and knew her place.

Stacey was homeless and lost. While he was in vacation he saw her and immediately brought her back with him. She had one aim, money that's what we all want.

 Using her weak point she was able to get what she wanted and did what he wanted. She knew a lot of secrets more than him himself.

After he was done with what he planned he'd make sure to get rid of her immediately. She knew a lot more than her life span.

The morning was fine and clear, Sage sat out the big building. Althea mansion.

 She missed the place since it was her former home. She thought changing her identity will make her life much easier but she was wrong.

 Having everything provided for made life easy but having to provide everything for yourself was sure hard. She had no plan to go in but she really wanted to see her mom.

Having heard rumours that her dad had her searched everywhere and making her mom's life miserable. Blaming herself was still part of the plan but her dad was to blame for.

 If he hadn't messed with her ex boyfriend's life she would have done all he wanted but could she blame no other but her. She was warned but kept her arrogant and selfish self and did as she pleased in the name of love.


The huge gate went open and several black cars drove out, she was able to see some of the faces in the car.

Her mom, dad and Brianna?

Where and when did she come back? How come she never knew of this?
