
Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

In a galaxy where magic is more essential than air, and humans have reached the stars backed by ancient magical systems, we find a unique young man. With hair dark as the night sky and eyes full of memories that don't seem to belong to this life, he stands between two distinct realities. As he delves into the tangled dynamics of star governments and crosses paths with unforgettable individuals, his particular sense of right and wrong, shaped by echoes from another time, guides him—though not always in the expected direction.

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165 Chs

Chapter 78

After sitting down at the table, Erik began to eat with voracious hunger, devouring everything on the table at a great speed. This slightly annoyed the wolves, who were still in their puppy forms, and they started to pat Erik's legs demanding food, as he hadn't shared any with them since he began to eat.

Erik turned to look at the wolves sitting on the floor, wagging their tails enthusiastically and barking cutely at him. So he silently accepted his defeat and began to share with them while he ate.

"Thank you for the breakfast, Seraphina, it was delicious as always."

When Erik finished eating, he thanked Seraphina as usual and stretched with a satisfied expression on his face, until he saw his masters walking towards him.

"Good morning, masters."

"Good morning, Erik, how did you wake up?"

Eleonora greeted with a smile while sitting opposite Erik, followed by Sigrún, who sat down without saying a word, her gaze lowered, almost as if ignoring Erik. Erik quickly began to think of possible outcomes, without showing it in his expression.

"Actually, I didn't sleep at all, hehe."

"That's not good; you're still very young, and at your level of power, lack of sleep can have long-term consequences."

Eleonora commented with some concern in her voice, while Seraphina collected the dishes from the table with whips of darkness, then walked toward the interior of the ship, intending to give the trio of masters and disciple some privacy, something that Ignis and Ebonique also shared, disappearing in flashes of blue flames and black lightning.

"Yes, I know, and I'm sorry, I just got too excited developing a spell and lost track of time," Erik replied with a somewhat uncomfortable smile.

Meanwhile, Sigrún, who had kept her head down since the beginning, suddenly lifted her gaze as soon as Seraphina was out of sight, revealing a sad and regretful expression.

"I'm sorry, Erik, I know it was all my fault. I was the one who made decisions about your things and treated you as if you didn't matter. I really am very sorry and I swear I'll never do something like that again."

"I also want to apologize to you, Erik. I really overstepped at that moment, and the worst part is that I hadn't realized it until you mentioned it. I feel really bad for having done it, I hope you can forgive us and we can start a new phase where we communicate more directly, to avoid falling into something similar in the future."

The sincere apologies from Sigrún and Eleonora took Erik by surprise, something he hadn't expected. After all, in his mind, the outcome of the whole 'punishment' issue for not being respected was expected to fall into one of two possible scenarios. The first possibility Erik considered was that his masters would act as if nothing had happened, burying the issue and trying not to repeat a similar action in the future.

The second possibility was that they would get angry at his audacious act of wanting to 'punish' and set conditions for those who had essentially given him everything he had, and things could only go downhill from there.

Essentially, from the beginning, Erik did everything with the intention of playing a very risky bet, but necessary in his view. He had no intention of letting his masters control his life, and even less so his brand. For him, it was preferable to be alone and start from scratch rather than allow someone else to make decisions for him, something that would undoubtedly damage his brand in the long run, something he would avoid at all costs.

But receiving an apology was something that Erik had never expected. After all, even though he couldn't say he was an expert on women in his past life, he had interacted with a good number of them in various ways. And one thing he learned from those experiences was that apologizing wasn't exactly their strong suit, to put it kindly.

It was quite possible that Erik had just been unlucky, always encountering women who never accepted their mistakes and often twisted situations so that he appeared to be the bad guy and the only one at fault. But throughout his life, he had met many people with similar complaints, so it was at least somewhat common, an opinion shared by many. Therefore, the idea of two women, practically at the top of the food chain of the galaxy, apologizing was not only unexpected but rather surreal in his mind.

"Why such a surprised look, Erik?" Eleonora asked with a small smile, watching the cute dumbfounded expression of her disciple, although Sigrún still felt too depressed to join in the fun.

"No... it's just that I never expected this situation..." Erik commented, still a bit off balance from the unexpected situation, but quickly recovered and added, "But, back to the topic, I'm really glad that you give so much importance to my nonsense and I truly appreciate it, it's really important to me."

"Do you forgive us then?" Sigrún looked at Erik full of hope, to which he responded with a smile, as he stood up with his arms open in a gesture of a hug.

"Of course I do."

Without saying a word, Sigrún jumped up from her spot, hugged Erik tightly, and began to spin around, lifting Erik off his feet in one pull, causing him to spin uncontrollably in her arms, with a somewhat strange expression on his face. After a while of spinning, Sigrún calmed down a bit and stopped spinning slowly, then commented, with a voice full of tenderness.

"Thank you, Erik, I swear I'll never do something like that again, so, please, don't ever say you're shameless or a freeloader or things like that, I don't like you calling yourself those things, what's mine is yours and that's not going to change."

"I promise nothing..." Erik turned his gaze to avoid looking at Sigrún, who wore an incredibly happy smile on her face, but his movements were quickly completely hindered when he felt Eleonora hug him gently from behind and softly kiss his cheek.

"And am I forgiven too?"

"Of course..."

"Fufufufu, that's good..."

The group of three continued in a silent embrace on the upper deck of the ship, which was near the moon closest to Aranta, in stealth mode, making it invisible and undetectable to anyone below the legendary level.

After a while, the group of 3 separated and an excited Sigrún commented enthusiastically.

"Then let's not waste any more time, let's have fun, we're on vacation!!"

"That sounds like a good plan, what do we do?" Erik asked with a small smile on his face, very happy that things had turned out even better than he expected.

At Erik's question, Eleonora replied while affectionately taking his arm.

"How about a day at the beach?"

"Sounds good," Erik responded calmly, to which Sigrún commented enthusiastically.

"Then it's settled, let's go, hehehehe!!"

"And we can't forget Seraphina," Eleonora commented with a small smile as she looked at Seraphina at the entrance to the inside of the cruiser with a serious expression, giving them the necessary space to sort out their issues.

"That's right, Sera, get your swimsuit ready, we're going to the beach!!" Sigrún exclaimed loudly to Seraphina, who nodded in a calm and professional manner, but the way she seductively bit her delicate cherry-colored lips after licking them with her small tongue completely broke her image of the perfect maid.