
Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

In a galaxy where magic is more essential than air, and humans have reached the stars backed by ancient magical systems, we find a unique young man. With hair dark as the night sky and eyes full of memories that don't seem to belong to this life, he stands between two distinct realities. As he delves into the tangled dynamics of star governments and crosses paths with unforgettable individuals, his particular sense of right and wrong, shaped by echoes from another time, guides him—though not always in the expected direction.

lordanl · Fantasy
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165 Chs

Chapter 77

"Young master, excuse my boldness," Seraphina said with a serious voice and deeply bowed before Erik before continuing, "but the young lady and Master Silverwood were looking forward to these vacations. Don't you think it's a bit petty on your part to ignore them when they worked so hard to make them possible?"

"I understand what you mean, Seraphina," Erik turned to look at Seraphina with a somewhat awkward smile on his face and continued, "and it really might seem like a childish thing I'm doing, but I feel it's necessary. I want to set a precedent, as small and childish as it may seem. It's important to make it clear that I deserve respect and my opinion matters when it comes to things related to my life. If I let this pass just like that, it could lead to things getting out of control in the future and end up unpleasant for everyone."

Seraphina looked at Erik in surprise, while inside the cruiser, Eleonora and Sigrún, who were eavesdropping on the conversation, looked at each other in astonishment. They knew Erik was angry with them but didn't take it too seriously, thinking it wasn't that grave. But now things seemed a bit different, and they paid more attention as Erik continued speaking.

"And that's especially the case with someone like me. There are things I deeply value and I don't like anyone making decisions about them, other than myself. Even though I understand that my masters are high-status individuals accustomed to making decisions and having the final word in everything, and they didn't do it with bad intentions, it doesn't change the fact that they made decisions about things that are mine, something very unpleasant for me."

Pensive, Seraphina looked at Erik with meaningful eyes before asking, "Young master, is your reluctance to accept money that you didn't generate yourself because it would give someone else the power to make decisions for you?"

Erik looked at Seraphina with a small smile and commented, "Hehe, so you noticed. Yes, you're right. That's one of the reasons. After all, investors have decision-making power, don't they? That's why it's quite uncomfortable for me to do something as blatant as 'punishing' someone on their own ship, but well, that's what happens when you're a freeloader, hahaha."

Erik walked away laughing with Ebonique and Ignis on his shoulders, while the wolves followed closely behind, leaving Seraphina deep in thought. At the same time, Eleonora and Sigrún inside the cruiser were reflecting deeply on what Erik had said and how it would affect their relationship going forward, as if he said it that way, knowing perfectly well that they could hear him, it was for a reason.


Just as he promised, Erik spent the rest of the day working on the spell he used to enter the mine, trying to reduce its mana consumption while making it as error-tolerant as possible. Although there was a slight change in his usual working style; now he had the assistance of Ebonique and Ignis.

The pair of spirits were acting as Erik's development assistants, offering all kinds of advice, helping gather mana for tests, etc. But their most important job was to help Erik restrain his incessant need to make everything 'beautiful,' something that proved not to be entirely good with the modified sword technique, something he still had to work on.

The assistance of Ebonique and Ignis was incredibly useful to Erik, who was immersed in the immense improvements he was making, to the point where he forgot to eat or sleep and continued straight through to the next day, which was when he finished version 0.2.1 of the spell, still needing improvements but much better than the first version.

"You both are impressive; I've never made such fast progress before..." Erik said in surprise, looking joyfully at the beautiful geometric circle written on a magical scroll.

"Fufu, thank you for the compliment. And that's only because, although we've never delved much into human magical systems, we're still experts in mana and Myst usage, so we can still offer a couple of useful tips," Ignis proudly commented beside Erik, to which Ebonique added in a cheerful voice while coiling around Erik's neck in her smaller form.

"You know, since I'm so good and you look so sad working alone, maybe I can consider working as your long-term assistant, hehe."

Erik stopped looking at the scroll and turned to look at Ebonique, speaking seriously, "That proposal interests me. How much are we talking about?"

"I'm not willing to work for less than 3 abundant meals a day..." Ebonique playfully said, to which Erik immediately grabbed her small claw and exclaimed loudly.


"Hey!!" Ebonique looked at the cheeky Erik with malice, to which he replied with a smile.

"A deal is a deal, or is the great Ebonique not going to keep a deal?"

"Hmph, acting clever, aren't you?"

"Well, I just saw an opportunity and took it, hehe."

"Hmph, then I expect 3 abundant meals from now on, hehe."

"Consider it done."

As Ebonique and Erik playfully interacted, Ignis felt a bit uncomfortable, experiencing jealousy for the first time, something she thought impossible for a being of her level. Unable to properly handle this new wave of emotions and sensations, she ended up using her head to lightly touch Erik's arm, catching the boy's attention, who turned to look at her.

"What's wrong, Ignis?"

"Umm... Err..." A little uncomfortable, Ignis struggled to get the words out and continued with a bit of nervousness, "Wouldn't you be interested in having another assistant?"

"Hahaha," Erik laughed heartily at Ignis's adorable behavior, which she misunderstood and lowered her head a bit sadly, only to be gently caressed by Erik, who commented with a smile, "I couldn't want more than to have an adorable assistant like you. How about 3 meals like Ebonique?"

"I accept!" Ignis looked up excitedly and nodded slowly, making Erik smile, but at the same time, it irritated Ebonique, who commented a bit angrily.

"Hey!! What's with the different treatment?"

"Hahaha, don't be angry, you're also an incredibly adorable assistant, Ebonique."


"Very much so."

"Hehehe, you better know it."

Ebonique said delightedly and coiled more affectionately around Erik's neck, which again aroused Ignis's jealousy, who leaned her body against Erik while looking away.

Seeing the adorable behavior of the pair of spirits, Erik smiled pleasantly and gently caressed their heads, awakening the envy of the wolves, who jumped on Erik and began to 'brutally' lick him, leaving him no choice but to take turns pampering and feeding the four creatures thirsty for caresses and mana.


After a while, Erik stopped feeding the four hungry beasts and went out to the upper deck of the ship, where he diligently performed his daily routine until he completed his schedule, then turned to find Seraphina on the other side of the deck standing next to a table with a sumptuous breakfast.

"Good morning, young master," Seraphina greeted Erik with a small respectful bow, to which Erik nodded with a smile.

"Good morning, Seraphina, and sorry for not eating yesterday, I know you still prepared something for me."

"Don't worry, young master, it's my pleasure to serve."

"Sorry anyway, but don't worry, if that food is still around, give it to me later, it won't last beyond today, hehehe."