
Slice and dice?

Afton quickly returned to the group and reported his findings, he didn't even need them to reply as their grim looks said everything. Even the usually stoic Boone had his left eye twitching slightly, a sign that he was less enthused with the situation.

"I think the plan will be to kill the young ones not currently inside the Quarry before setting the traps at its entrance... They are far enough away that clean kills won't alert the rest to our presence. Afterwards, we can lay the corpse bombs between us and them while we snipe any who show their ugly mugs." he explains.

Karl slowly shakes his head after a moment, "Won't the Supermutants try to intervene? They have bigger numbers than the NCR thought... They could probably take over Camp McCarren if they wanted."

"No, I don't think they will... The reason so many Supermutants have travelled to the mountain in the first place is to avoid contact with humans. You could consider them the more 'peaceful' members of their race... I suspect the only one who wishes to harm humans is Tabitha, the one on the radio that spouts Supermutant supremacy shit." Afton says.

"You sure? Feel like you're relying on a hunch instead of actual information... There'll be no escape if we're attacked by Supermutants while dealing with the Deathclaws..." Karl continues, and Afton can empathise with him, if he hadn't spent years monitoring the Mountain in the Brotherhood bunker, he'd feel the same.

However, he had what some would call an indicate understanding about just who was residing on the Mountain... If the Supermutants up there weren't so peaceful, the cult-like Brotherhood would've tried to wipe them out years ago.

"Trust me, they probably want the Deathclaws gone as much as we do... They'd probably even help if we asked. But I'd rather not resort to that." Afton says, he doubted the NCR would be willing to share the territory with them, even if they did, Afton didn't want to fight an NCR, Supermutant alliance when he eventually went against them.

Karl sighs, "Fine, whatever you say kid... Just don't bitch when I say 'I told you so'."

Afton chuckles, "Yeah, yeah... Keep hoping, old man." he looks to the others, "Alright... I spotted a good position opposite the Quarry entrance that'd give us a good sight-line of the Young Deathclaws. Leave the corpses here for now, we can't risk attracting them... Yet." he states and everyone nods, quickly following Afton as he leads them to the sniping point.

As the group are sneaking to their destination however, they seemed to attract the attention of a single young, Curious Deathclaw... They were too close to kill it without attracting the other seven that were patrolling around, the group would likely sustain injuries if they were charged while in this position...

"I got this... You guys just get into position." Afton states, activating his two Protonic Inversal Axes. They spark to life with bright purple blades of light that spark with similarly coloured electricity... The sudden light show only seems to interest the Deathclaw further, as it rears back and sniffs the air before suddenly charging at him with claws bared.

Afton doesn't flinch away either though, beginning to sprint at the Deathclaw as well. The group behind Afton can't help but watch as the two fighters clash... Afton abruptly before reaching the Deathclaw and cuts at the clawed hand coming straight at him.

The Inversal axe easily slices through the offending limb, and the Deathclaw gives a guttural roar of pain in response. The sound seems to know the group out of their stupor, and Karl quickly ushers them into position before the sound of combat can attract more Deathclaws.

Afton slashes the Deathclaws face as it tries to bite at him, burning a long, deep, black line in its scaled face. It rears back slightly at this, and Afton takes this opportunity to lunge under the animal, slashing its Achilles tendon and forcing it to its knees.

Afterwards, he leaps onto its back and cleanly decapitated it, leaving a large cauterized wound in its wake. The body drops to the floor lifelessly, and Afton is about to try and regroup with his team when more roars could be heard... He turns and spots three more Deathclaws coming right at him.

Before they're even able to charge however, bullets start flying from the sniping position he'd designated. *BAANG!* *BOOM!*

The trademark sound of an Anti-Material rifle firing echoes throughout the area, the .50 cal explosive bullet striking a Deathclaw directly in its face, burrowing into its flesh slightly before detonating, sending a shower of blood and bone fragments to pepper everything nearby.

The headless corpse unceremoniously flops to the ground as the other two give enraged roars and charge Afton anyway. Not even seeming to notice their brother's bloody demise.

More shots ring out, this time from Kar's LMG, and Josie's Marksman Carbine, and most likely also from Anja's Silenced 12.7mm submachine gun... Though, it's hard to tell the latter apart from the rest.

One of the approaching Deathclaws is peppered with bullets and attempts to shield its face with a claw, but finds its leg absolutely mauled by bullets. The other is about to reach Afton but receives similar treatment from earlier, having its head blown apart with yet another explosive .50 cal round.

Afton watches as the crippled Deathclaw continues to try and defend itself, but in the end, it's futile. Its skin wasn't as tough as the older Deathclaws, allowing the bullets to riddle its body until it eventually falls unconscious due to blood loss. Afton marches over and finishes it via decapitation and quickly makes his way back to the group.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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Niggrosscreators' thoughts