
Bloody Murder!

[1st Person P.O.V.]

~Ice Continent~

The residents on the Ice Continent were having a usual day, a red sword was being swung around chopping the continent itself into pieces only for it to reattach on its own as if it dissected a second ago never happened. I looked to my left only to collect a gift package of three sword slashes coming from different directions.

[Combat God:Reverse Collisions, Country] reflecting all three attacks that were strong enough to wipe out countries directly back to her, I put some strength in my legs and appeared in her guard. As she deflects her slashes I pushed my pointer finger out [Divine Spear: Point of Death] plunging it towards her stomach, she dodges only to realize that was a feint before she could react I grabbed her zanpakuto and pinned her down on her back.

"How many times do I have to tell you to keep your guard up, were you really Captain or cannon fodder!" I shouted into her ear, standing up I pointed her sword towards her back, stabbing it directly through her pinning her towards the ground.

Turning my back towards her, replicating the same movements I did all those years ago, only to dodge a slash aiming for the back of my neck subconsciously. Inside the pseudo time chamber is what I like to call it, I realized my Instinct only dodge something that affects me, like destroying my clothes even if the attack couldn't wound me in any way I still dodge.

Previously I thought I subconsciously dodged any and everything but I only dodge things that have an effect on me or I don't dodge. A great example would be rain, if I stood in a downpour I dodge every single raindrop, or if Guy punches me I dodge not only because my clothes would get destroyed but the dust particles would get me dirty.

I was able to toggle it on and off due to endlessly fighting against Onohana whom I call Hana now, she also gained a lot out of this. Her body practically became immortal, due to her zanpakuto spirit originating from the Tensura verse she was never able to use its full potential in the Bleach universe.

Over the years she was able to use the powers of her spirit fully, which turned out to be a High-Level one that evolved into an Elemental Lord of Poison. A special variant that's one of the most annoying in existence. She can cover herself with fireproof acid, waterproof even magic nullified poison. If it gets into your system your magicules disintegrate.

Her zanpakuto Shikai and Bankai got buffed remarkably, to the point both of their potencies multiplied by their original by 80x. Going from country level to beyond planetary, one time she covered the entirety of the continent in acid, I reversed the effect but her power without a doubt is equal or a little weaker to myself at one percent physical output.

She gained two Ultimate skills to top it off, {Ultimate Skill:Goddess of Death, Hel} and {Ultimate Skill:The Titan God, Atlas}, both skills make her hit hard as shit and the best person to fight multiple opponents at once.

{Ultimate Skill:Goddess of Death, Hel} allows her to take any and everything from dead beings, it also has no time limit on how long someone or something can be dead, she can also bring the dead back to life to work as her servants. Meaning if she killed Clayman she could straight up take his entire deathman race and such.

Those are the main skills though she didn't get to use them a lot since we were just fighting and not focusing on skills. Until she gained {Ultimate Skill:The Titan God, Atlas}, it was remarkably similar to the skills like Wrathful King Satan.

The longer she fights the stronger she gets, the skill also has an overpowered subskill called Spirit of The Battle. All of the physical strength she gained at the beginning would compress and she gained it permanently.

For it to take effect is an ungodly long time. She had to fight me for a solid 10 hours to get any permanent increase, for me that was a letdown.

I was able to break her out of her shell as well, to the point she spewed her whole past at me rapid fire. Didn't matter too much but after letting everything out she was calmer and more talkative, but still a person of little words. She did get a bit more hands pansy as well.

*Flashback no Jutsu*

We sat down in a crater as she looked at me pensively, eventually nodding to herself she spoke. "It was roughly 2300 years ago, I was a bastard child of a servant and a minor noble family. We had minimal power to hold our rank at the time. Back then the Shiba family held actual power."

Her eyes held little to no emotion... " I was trained to be a proper lady, one that could be used as a pawn of some kind. Replaceable at the same time not, I trained my family's sword arts though they weren't the best, in my mind it was enough to keep myself safe, somewhat at least."

She raised her hand and yawned... "I then got betrothed to some fat pig, imagine he had 23 concubines and they all died, not a single one surviving more than a few months, just because they couldn't fulfill his hobbies." she crawled over to me, laid on my lap.

"All that princess training and you act like a punk now?" I asked as she just laid down on top of my leg. "The time I spent with you is the best I've ever spent in my life." dodging my question completely she began running her hand down my bare chest.

"My father didn't even care, his exact words left me in mild shock that day, 'Dear we need this for the family, so you have to be sacrificed', he said it like it was the easiest thing in the world!"

Her face showed both disgust and boredom, though it changed to a visibly happy one, "So I killed them, on my wedding day I slit my husband's throat when he called for me to enter his chambers. He was a fat pig but he still had an abundance of experience than a groomed and sheltered noble so I had to improvise, took him out while he was cleaning himself. Directly after in the dead of the night I killed both my mother and father. They were drunk, celebrating selling their daughter, just for a bump in political power."

A blush formed on her face, she smirked carrying it into a burst of full blown laughter only to cover her mouth with a blush. Though I could see the reason she was acting like this I didn't bring it up, she continued to narrate her past.

"I ran away to the Rukongai, during one of the if not the most chaotic eras. I had the intellectual knowledge but not the common one, but I somehow did survive."

"So that's when you went on a killing spree huh?' I asked a rhetorical question. Her hands reached my pants zip, but I held it.

"Bounty hunters, the two families sent people after me, I killed them all, hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month, for years I was on the run, eventually I just got used to it. Fighting weaklings became boring, realizing I was stronger and we swapped roles. I hunted them as they ran away with their tails between their legs like little bitches."

Her face gained a healthy blush....for the second time in this conversation. "I got rid of the rest of the two families, since that day I was branded as the most diabolical criminal in the existence of soul society. Just because I fought back, a bunch of dumbasses."

I facepalmed, these years in the Time Chamber changed her personality, a lot. I influenced her to an alarming degree though I don't mind. She doesn't hide her bloodthirsty personality around me. I do wonder how she will act around other people though.

"After that, I got the offer from Yamamoto to become a founding member of the Gotei 13, I joined solely to fight the strong. In the beginning, it felt like a good choice, but I didn't have anyone to fight until that child came along." Her smile softened considerably, with a hint of madness in it.

"He is now officially the 11th Kenpachi." Her smile slowly became deranged, creepy but hot at the same time, I let down my guard almost, losing my two holy jewels. She managed to rip my crotch area off my pants. I have no clue how she hasn't gotten a skill pertaining to dirty tactics yet.

"Ho....you're getting it now!" I shouted in a fit of playful anger swinging my arm down instantly splitting part of the continent...we might need a larger place to train.

*Flashback no Jutsu End*

We have been fighting for roughly 1250 years, she died a couple of hundred times but I brought her back to life with zero side effects. When she did come back it was stronger and faster, the only times we stopped was for her to regain energy since she was spamming Bankai like a toy.

When she gained her two Ultimates was when shit went crazy, she threw a planetary level attack at the planet for fun. Some monsters lived under the continent as well, so she was able to use Goddess of Death, Hel but sparsely to the point the power she gained was useless.

"I want to see this new world, Rou." she nicknamed me that, I don't particularly dislike it but I would rather my original name. I nodded, the entire time inside we fought, nothing sexual just fought o the death. That's our way of getting calm.

Taking down the barrier, "Napalm Burst!" a hand came out of nowhere with a burst of nuclear magic, I grabbed the palm as the explosion happened between them. Guy stood there staring daggers at me.

I looked behind her to see two other Primordials, Green and Blue. "What's their names?" I asked nonchalantly. There were changes in history here and there, like the dwarven Kingdom, it was created a whole 100 years before it should have been built. Right now is another example, both of them were supposed to be serving Guy already but it seems he let them go the first time.

"The one on my left is Misery and to my right is now known as Rain." I waved at both of them as they did a small bow. I pointed both my hands to the side of myself. "This is Retsu Unohana, former Captain of the 4th Division of the Gotei 13 also known as the most diabolic criminal in history, and of today your work partner."

Guy's face went from nonchalant to slack-jawed, the two primordials in the back were sweat dropping, completely confused about what was going on. Hana had a motherly smile on...sus... Guy on the other hand was releasing her aura testing her.

She didn't flinch one bit from the Demon Lord's provocation, she was fighting me for 1200 years for crying out loud. They were a couple of feet from each other at this point, they both nodded. Guy raised her arm and Hana held it as they teleported, using my sensing abilities I found them sitting around a table in the palace, probably girl talk...

I looked at Misery who wore a dark red and white maid outfit, she had a slender body with green long hair, Rain had blue hair wearing a similar outfit but with blue sleeved gloves, they both looked lost after all their master just left them with a stranger.

I nodded to myself, I could read their facial expressions like an opened book. "My name is Garou Fang Husband and Master of Demon Lord of Darkness Guy Crimson, and master of 4th Division Captain Retsu Unohana." I spoke with a small smile releasing my aura, only using less than one percent. After fusing both reiatsu and magicules my aura became more potent as of late.

They struggled to stand as the continent shook, I halted the pressure, walked up to them and patted their shoulder. "Let me show you around the place." the6y both numbly nodded as we teleported in front of the doors of the castle.