
Starting in Tensura Never felt so Good!

Garou Fang, an 18-year-old orphan, dies and reincarnates into his anime counterpart in the world of Tensura. His first motive was to get strong beat some kids and clap some booty, in-hindsight become a SIGMA CHAD. Let's watch on a complete sadistic, crazy-ass monkey who has some fun in a world where power makes right. I have no clue what to write for a synopsis so yeah..... |The first few chapters aren't great, mainly because I haven't written anything in my life and secondly I didn't have enough information about any cannon elements...| (I only own my OC.............)

Daoof30Forced · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Time with a Shinigami!

[1st P.O.V.]

~Ice Continent~

We looked on as the woman woke up. Her eyes that were once devoid of colour became light blue, her wound was healed, her body all-around looked leagues better than what it looked when Minazuki brought her.

Standing up I looked towards Ramiris, she nodded reluctantly, opening her palm a homunculus fell directly next to the woman on top of the bed. The woman laying on the bed eyes moved around the room scanning everyone and everything eventually landing on me.

Velzard stood in the corner of the room, pointing her already summoned spear at the woman. I looked at her raising my hand to stand down, I haven't looked into the past yet but it seemed the last shinigami that was here caused catastrophic circumstances, it had to be for both of them to be this on edge.

I stood up from the wooden chair I sat on, making my way towards the woman. Her eyes were cold as ice, but to me, it looked hot, I raised my hand resting it on her head rubbing it a little, but she didn't respond in any way or form not even flinching.

I connected our minds via telepathy to everyone in the room. I could feel her spreading her reiatsu to scan the surroundings more in adept even, she even began manipulating the magicules she gained from being summoned to this world.

I spoke to her via telepathy, 'Your spiritual body is battered up too badly to talk physically right now so just think about what you wanna talk about.'She did a mental nod and spoke in a somewhat raspy voice tho it sounded like your typical morning dry throat, 'I recently passed away, so where am I, without a doubt not Hell.

'Yeah is as you say this ain't hell, *Points towards the homunculus* that over there is a homunculus, just touch it and your body would transfer over to is and you would be in control as if it was your own.' She raised her hand slowly just enough to touch the wooden humanoid contraption.

We watched as she touched the homunculus as her spiritual body turned into particles and entered into the homunculus, it began to change from the facial features to the body structure.

Long black hair, lazy eyes at the same time a fierceness that could make any man piss himself, and her aura was as if she murdered people for fun.

Her white captain's haori with an obi instead of the normal captain sash materialized on her body covering her precious parts, luckily I got to see everything before they were covered up.

She reopened her eyes looking towards me, she got off the bed made her way towards my side and spoke in an enchanting voice that would make any man simp, other than me at least. "So where am I mister...*Gestures for name*..?"

She waved in a manner asking for my name "Garou Fang, you can call me Garou, and right now you are in the Ice Palace located in the Ice Continent. You are in a different world in all honesty." I saw her face light up, off the bat I knew she was thinking about new opponents to fight.

"Garou san may I call you that...?" I nodded "Then I would like to have a fight with you, to the death." She said in a motherly tone, seems the only thing she cares about is fighting, or more like she's infatuated with the rush she gets when fighting with her life on the line.

Velzard and Ramiris had magic circles ready to fire at any moment, this entire time their magicule count expended were increasing. Seeing my gaze at them, getting the message they both left reluctantly.

Spreading my senses I felt both of them standing outside the door listening. I facepalmed then erected a sound barrier, keeping my gaze on the mature woman during this entire process. She only had a soft smile on her face, to any experienced fighter the aura she was giving off was chilling.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first at least? Also, stop trying to sense with reiatsu, this world works on different fundamental elements," She nodded, but before that picked up her katana that lay on the side of the bed, standing up straight her hair fluttered for extra effect.

" My name is Retsu Unohana, the captain of the Fourth Division in the Gotei 13." she did a small bow....she be acting kinda different but if what she said is true said, it means she most probably fought Zaraki, releasing her true self onto the world.

"So...Retsu imma call you that, why do you wanna fight me?" I asked for fun, the entire time she was summoned with her spirit I was subconsciously releasing my aura. Even if I could kill her with a thought the number of souls she collected was immense.

She was known as the most diabolical criminal in the entirety of soul society, without a doubt the amount she murdered were thousands of people throughout her life, so Minazuki was able to collect a lot.

"Your strong, immensely stronger than myself, just your presence alone radiates a sense of danger, I was only able to feel that from one person in my past life and you knew I was lying about my introduction." I expected this from an old milf likes her, I nodded after she said that. Just the fact I knew she was trying to sense reiatsu should have turned on alarm bells in her mind. Her control over it was one of the best in the entirety of the Bleach universe.

"You wanna fight now or later, I kinda have a situation to settle." I began walking towards the front door, she followed closely behind,

"Now, I didn't get enough stimulation from that child." I was more than one hundred percent sure she was referring to Zaraki, during their fight she was thinking about him as her son in a way.

I nodded opening the door both Velzard and Ramiris were startled, most likely thinking with their senses combined I wouldn't notice, add my sound barrier and my discreetly places presence nullification rune they had no chance of hearing or even knowing where who or what was going on inside that room.

I flicked both their foreheads, only for Velzard to shake like a leaf and Ramiris teleporting away leaving the poor girl to fend for herself. She bowed multiple times used her suspended world maximising her chances of escape and ran away, tho I have to talk to her later.

Realising I just diffused the whole 'Should we kill the Shinigami!' dispute I grabbed the beautiful woman's hand next to me teleporting to an open space on the continent. "Ho....aren't you bold." I walked further away for spite, turning my back not answering her provocation only for her to take the bait and attack me from behind.

Not moving at all her sword connects with my semi-naked body, my new clothes were torn to shreds though I didn't mind. Her sword connecting with my shoulder let out a metallic sound. *Cling!* As her sword went from my upper left-hand shoulder, it came down ending at my bottom right just above the hip.

"You thought I was strong but not to this extent didn't you," I spoke as her eyes had a dangerous glint in them, her face morphed into a murderous grin her eyes were moving like she just went ultra ego. Her bloodlust that was bottled up was released completely.

My face did practically the same but unlike her, my aura didn't change, she said in an alluring voice. "{Bankai:Minazuki}!" From our exchange in the Castle to her first attack she seems to see me as a dangerous opponent....well she couldn't even scratch me.

Her reiatsu pressure would have been too much for most shinigami even some lieutenants would most likely be on their knees gasping for air. Blood seemed to form out of thin air, coating her katana, more like nodachi, she looked on with almost closed like eyelids.....her already creepy ass face becoming even more so as her skin itself melts off.

My fucking taste in women is impeccable, her hair which was originally tied up dropped straight down below her shoulder. Her eyeballs looked at me and only me. Her skeletal body made a move, using shumpo she disappeared from her spot.

Appearing in front of me with 10x more vigour, slashing down with a manic grin, unlike any other fight she has ever had in her life, she doesn't have to hold back an inch against me, on top of that the body I gave her is equal to Guy from cannon in physical strength.

Her expressions were changing throughout her transformation as if she was in an existential crisis, I could feel her emotions wavering from the joy of fighting someone she doesn't have to hold back against to complete grief.

I put up a time barrier around our area, a day outside is 10 years inside. Why would I do that, with my sensing ability I could see she has regrets, so many she couldn't control her emotions. Especially since she's been bottling them up for.....2000 fucking years....breh.

She needs to fix her shit, I blocked one of her incoming sword attacks, quickly grabbing her wrist I threw her up using less than one percent of my power. Springing off my feet I punched forward as she blocks with her sword only to get pushed even higher into the sky, the shockwave dispersed the snow around us.

Midair she swung her sword downward doing a traditional kendo slash, only for my momentum to overpower her causing another shockwave, sending her even further into the stratosphere.

Our smiles filled with blood, our killing intent clashing against each other, her hand raises to heal herself, I allowed her so. I instantly appeared behind her drop-kicking her towards the planet from the stratosphere. She smashed into the icy floor creating a crater large enough to store an entire town in, only to get up fully healed using her healing Kido.

I dropped in front of her piercing her stomach, her expression didn't change one bit. Our faces were inches away from each other, I looked into her icy cold eyes and my heart skipped a beat....fucking hell I am into crazy women. She looked down towards my hand, and a small smile adorned her face.

"So a second time huh...I barely mmmfmffm~" Halfway through her speech I captured her lips my hand that went through her stomach seconds ago was cupping her cheek." So your taking advantage of a dying lady, aren't you a ruffian?" Tapping her now bare stomach I purposely turned my back to her, she took the chance and pounced forward going for the kill.