
Starting from One Piece: Multiverse Simulation

"My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! Go and find it! I left everything in the world there!" With these words, the Pirate King, who had just died, sparked the Great Pirate Era. On Maple Leaf Island, a young lumberjack reads the headline in the newspaper, but his face shows a deep sense of melancholy... -The cover is not mine. Please let me know if you want me to remove it.- Title: 从海贼开始万界模拟

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159 Chs

Chapter 15: A Test from Garp

Though they were in the dangerous world of pirates, most of these recruits had never even held a proper weapon, let alone fought for their lives.

Yet here was Wood, who they'd previously dismissed as just a "connected slacker" kid, looking harmless and even feeble before boarding the ship. To their shock, this boy had more blood on his hands than most seasoned Navy soldiers!

Now that the rookie sailors knew Wood's true nature, they were relieved they hadn't tried to challenge him, considering his ties to Zephyr. They realized that provoking this deadly figure could have been a fatal mistake.

As Zephyr continued to praise him, Wood could feel the shift in how others perceived him, and his expression soured.

This wasn't the image he wanted to maintain at all; he had to find a way to change the situation and let everyone see the truth about him.

"Admiral Zephyr really is overpraising me. I'm still just a kid. How could I possibly kill a pirate with a bounty of 20 million berries?" Wood began, trying to downplay his role. "The pirate crew was taken down with the help of the island's villagers, and that pirate captain? He was just a paper tiger. I only got lucky with the final blow."

Wood's humble explanation was much easier to believe for the others.

After all, Wood was only sixteen, and pirates weren't easy targets. It was hard to imagine that this seemingly shy and sunny boy could have slaughtered pirates like cutting through vegetables.

"But even if you say it was luck, you still had the courage to face so many pirates at your age. That alone is impressive." Garp, who had been watching quietly, finally spoke up, his voice carrying a weight that silenced the entire room. "Since Zephyr speaks so highly of you, let's see if you really have the backbone he claims."

Before Wood could even process what was happening, Garp's gaze intensified, and Wood felt as if he was being crushed under an invisible weight.

The source of this overwhelming aura was none other than the Navy hero, Monkey D. Garp!

As a Vice Admiral and one of the most renowned heroes of the Navy, Garp was actually serious about testing a newly recruited soldier!

Garp didn't have the Conqueror's Haki, but he didn't need it. Years of battling on the seas had forged an aura of intimidation all his own.

The pressure Wood felt was Garp's sheer presence and focused killing intent.

This aura, like Conqueror's Haki, couldn't be directed at just one person. When Garp unleashed it, everyone around felt it too.

Seeing Garp's reckless actions, Zephyr immediately stepped forward, positioning his massive frame in front of the group of recruits, shielding them from the terrifying pressure with his own presence.

However, while the other recruits had Zephyr's protection, Wood wasn't so lucky.

Because he had been singled out earlier, Wood was now closest to Garp, and thus bore the full brunt of this oppressive aura and killing intent.

Also caught in the unfortunate situation was Rear Admiral Kadaru, who stood just a few steps away from Wood and was also subjected to Garp's overwhelming focus.

Some might think of Garp as a kind man, but Wood knew better. How kind could someone be who would toss his grandson into the jungle at such a young age?

The killing intent, like a flood, surged toward Wood. In that moment, it felt as if his body had plunged into an icy abyss.

Though nothing physical was pressing on him, Wood felt a tremendous weight on his shoulders. The intense pressure blurred his consciousness, and his legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

Every pore in his body, sensing the surrounding aura, instinctively sent warnings to his brain.

It was like the natural suppression a predator exerts over its prey. Wood's survival instincts recognized the danger, and his brain transmitted this signal to every nerve in his body.

Garp stood as he always had, casually munching on his rice crackers, but now he seemed like an unassailable mountain, towering over Wood.

The pressure slowly forced Wood's body to bend. As he struggled under the unbearable weight, a thought crossed his mind—maybe he should just give in and lie down. After all, it would fit the persona he had been trying to cultivate.

But deep down, something told him that if he gave up now, he'd never be able to advance on the path of the sword, and becoming a swordmaster would forever remain a distant dream.

The path of the sword is one of constant progression, not retreat. Only by daring to challenge the strong can one's mind and swordsmanship reach new heights, just like Zoro challenging Mihawk, and Mihawk challenging Whitebeard.

Being timid at other times was one thing, but backing down now would be a mistake he knew he'd regret.

His back was drenched in cold sweat, and the ground beneath him bore deep impressions where his feet had dug in. Despite his desperate resistance, the bend in his knees grew deeper and deeper.

Just as Wood was about to lose consciousness under the overwhelming, almost tangible killing intent, Zephyr finally had enough and intervened.

"Garp, that's enough!" Zephyr's voice cut through the tension. "This kid just recovered from his injuries; you're going to make them worse."

The terrifying aura vanished as quickly as it had appeared. With the suffocating pressure gone, Wood collapsed to the ground, gasping for air.

He hadn't done anything, yet what had just happened felt more dangerous than his previous fight with Iron Arm Cook.

In just a few minutes, Wood felt both physically and mentally drained.

"Not bad," Garp said, his tone one of genuine surprise. "This kid's got something special. Even under my pressure, he managed to stay conscious."

Hearing Garp's words as he sat on the ground, Wood's expression was one of confusion.

From his perspective, his performance had been far from impressive. So why was he receiving such high praise?

Noticing Wood's bewilderment, Garp smirked and nodded toward the group of recruits behind him.

P/S(Translator) It was never confirmed that Garp has conquered Haki