
Starting From Monster Musume With A Chat Group

A man named Ren Katō died and woke up in a dark, void-like sea... He heard a voice and granted him powers from his desires...And now after this rollercoaster, He wakes up to an unknown bed and ceiling together with some memories that "He" on this world possess... Oh! And he also finds out he has this thing called a Dimensional Chat Group that he only saw from some fan-fictions in his past life. So basically, this Chat Group allows him to contact characters from what he thought was only fictional! Now let us see whatever happens to him and his journey in the Multiverse!! (•`u'•)/ ==========∆=========== P.S: This is my first FF and I'm young so dont expect too much, if you don't want a kinda cringe mc, this is a warning. Disclaimer!: I don't own anything except my OC's and everything else belongs to their respective owners! Visit my Pa*treon page for 10 Advanced chapters for 10 dollars! patreon.com/user?u=81011681

I_Sensei · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
108 Chs

Chapter-98: Sparking Exposition..

Chapter-98:  Sparking Exposition..


A series of flashing and blurring afterimages stilled in this battleground. Countless crescent-shaped blades followed suit, pursuing and attacking the flashing remnants of Ren's movements. 

Ren managed to cut Kokushibo's wrist, elbow, and shoulder in order as he spun with high-speed rotations. Ren's bladed skills were polished yet savaged akin to a raging tide. 


Kokushibo parried the last slash aiming for the back of his neck. Sparks appeared when their blade made contact, showing how much force and momentum both were using. 

Their swords screeched in an ear-piercing scream, as if two banshees had fought. Ren rallied a knee kick from below. It struck Kokushibo's side which didn't hurt him that much but still hurt him. 

Kokushibo's elbow was like a piston as he aimed for Ren's side too, forcing the clash to end when they both leapt back. Not long after, Kokushibo unleashed a series of slashes, the chaotic blades following and cutting everything they touch. 

Clang! Clang!

As if flashes of light, their blades slashed and collided, metals grinding and hacking. Yet despite these clashes, their blades remained sharp and did not get chipped. Ren coated his blade with Verlangen so his blade was sturdy and resilient, and there is no more need to explain Kokushibo's abominable flesh sword created from his own body. 

[Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon  — Incessant]

Kokushibo rapidly performed a multitude of curved slashes several meters in front of him that released a wild barrage of crescent moon blades that sliced up the surroundings. Instead of retreating further, Ren decided to bear this attack. 

His arms vanished due to the speeds his arms were deflecting Kokushibo's strikes. They were in a battle of speed, agility, and attrition, their minds and eyes focused to multiple tasks at once. 

One of the most important thing in this battle was; good Hand-Eye-Legs coordination, without them, you will be completely overwhelmed in just a few moments. If one were to look at their patterns of movements based on their footprints, they will be shocked to see that almost hundreds of footprints will have covered the floor by now. 

By using his footwork and ambidextrous hands, he was able to gain an advantage against a Kokushibo who, despite training both of his hands to handle his techniques perfectly, is still leaning subtly to his dominant side. 

Ren ran on the wall for a moment before flipping on his back and performing a technique. 

[Tenth Form: Setting Sun Transformation!]

Ren unleashed a singular horizontal slash that aimed towards Kokushibo's neck. Flowing and fiery fires followed in pursuit of his sword, creating a pattern alike to that of a landscape of a setting sun. 


Kokushibo reacted quickly and blocked it with a high cross-guard. The demon swordsman veered Ren's sword to the side by sliding it on his blade. Kokushibo's blade almost managed to swish past Ren's hair. 

Ren leaned down and avoided his sword and the path of following crescent blades made from his Blood Demon Art. The fallen angel used his free arm as a handstand and pushed himself away in a display of acrobatics. 

Whilst in mid-air, Ren twisted his hips and produced force and inertia. His black and violet sword glinted in sunfire as it abruptly lit his blade aflame. 

[Second Form: Clear Blue Sky!]

A circular ring of flame rotated in high-speed — Ren performed an upside-down 360 degree slash that hindered Kokushibo from attacking him in his current state. Without warning, wounds had appeared on Kokushibo's forearms that he used to defend with his sword in his stance. 

Thud! Ren landed safely on the wooden floor with his feet, akin to a cat. He promptly slid back a couple of inches after he did so. 

Kokushibo landed on the wooden floor also with a large thump. Kokushibo brushed off the wounds that he had received from their exchange. 

"An amazing display of flexibility and speed — but you haven't used all of my brother's strength have you? Please, do use them, this is my only wish." Kokushibo praised Ren's elegant flexibility and swiftness in his rare moment of courage. 

In this very moment, he is not afraid of defeat, of death, the only thing that he was focused on was defeating his older brother's inheritor. He seemed to have entered his Flow state, in which case the one who entered it will become completely focused on their goal, ignoring everything else. 

"As you wish.." Ren responded, resolutely focusing himself too. It was true that he didn't use the full potential of the Sun Breathing style, because if he did, then this fight may be ended faster. Ren liked fighting with skill and it was rare to fight a swordsman like Kokushibo, it was a shame it's gonna end soon. 

Ren breathed in large amounts of oxygen at once, they formed like mist getting siphoned into his lungs. At this point, his velvety Demon Slayer mark grew larger, enveloping half of his head. 

Ren then posed into a simple stance of putting his sword in front of him, the blade facing his opponent. Kokushibo genuinely smiled and held his horizontally parallel to his chin. His flesh sword deformed and reformed through an amalgamation of his own pieces of his body. 

It extended several inches, enough to be considered an Odachi, a bigger and longer version of a katana used in horseback, with one large blade protruding directly from the blade and two more from the back. 

Kokushibo's body also grew and his yukata ripped to shreds, exposing his pale skin and scarred visage to the world. He held his mutated sword with one hand, showing off his incredible strength. 

He spread his legs and planted them to the ground firmly. He faced Ren with unparalleled determination shining brightly in his six yellow and demonic eyes. Ren smiled his eyes closed shut, his eyelashes flickering. 

One breath..

Both took one breath as they disappeared from their former positions. They blitzed across the ground in unfathomable speed —

—Then, they neared each other, meeting with clashing blades. 


Word Count: 1016

{A/N: I'm sorry guys, I couldn't upload very often this week because I fell very I'll, I'm still gonna try to upload stuff while I'm in bed, so yeah.}

Visit my Pa*treon page for 10 advanced chapters: I-Sensei | Imagination_Master |
