
11: Luke


After creating the portal and jumping through I avoided looking at Dylan, he fucking better not have been hearing my thoughts and feeling my actual emotions and shit this entire time. Would somewhat explain the random voice I'd hear though and some of the things I've felt before... but hell nah he better not have been knowing that stuff this whole time and not saying a damn word about it. Although I think he mentioned something along the lines of hearing me yelling in his head way back when I was tortured..... Anyway we followed Kelsey around looking for Drake, after about ten or less minutes we found him helping decorate the ball room.

"Hey Drake we got this super awesome evil plan that Skye came up with for shaming my mom about keeping secrets. Oh but first, guys, this is my friend Katie also Drake's sister who's our age cause they be 'twins' as well. Not really, there was just something weird and magical that happened to their mom so she had two kids a few months apart. And Kat this is my legitimate twin sister Skye, her..... boyfriend? right? Dylan, and their friend Lily," my sister introduced us to her friend and since they hadn't met yet she added, "oh also Lily, this is my mate Drake. Drake, Lily."

"Pretty sure the reason isnt magic and she actually just had more than one uterus but okay cool." I commented.

Lily furrowed her brows and questioned, "What's a mate?"

I rolled my eyes at her topic change and sighed loudly, "Here we go AGAIN. Please no one explain it again in my presence, I'm sick of hearing about it because you all suck at explaining what exactly it is. And before I forget since I didn't bring it up before, Drake Ramoray?" I said truthfully, crossing my arms then jokingly asked.

Everyone but Dylan grew confused and Drake literally answered, "Uh... no? Drake Strider.."

I dramatically rolled my eyes and heaved a sigh, muttering, "Well. Glad to know none of you have ever watched Friends.."

Everyone still seemed confused so Drake changed the subject by asking, "So what's this grand scheme of yours?"

Kelsey and I shared an evil smirk with each other then told him the plan, "I'm going to hide while everyone pretends I don't exist and talks about how rude the king and queen of Trealle are."

"Then when the time is right I'm going to say I made a new friend Skye who my mom will find to be a lot like me"

"And I'll come out of hiding and be like hey sis, how've you been the past.... oh I don't know seventeen fucking years?"

"Wait what? You had your birthday already? When was that?!" Dylan exclaimed, asking me.

I shot him a glare and answered, "Thought you knew everything about me Mr. I read shit that's none of my fucking business." I saw and unfortunately felt the pain in his eyes, I couldn't keep looking at him so I looked away and said, "Anyways sounds like an awesome plan doesn't it?" Everyone had fake smiles on to try and cover the awkwardness I knew they felt, but enthusiastically nodded and agreed it was a super good plan. "Alright, so I'll let Dylan make a portal to your house for you so she doesn't see me at all and you guys can go get her. Introduce him and Lily as your new friends from school or something and continue pretending I'm not here. Then OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT I JUST GOT AN AWESOME IDEA!" Everyone had been listening intently then jumped in surprise and covered their ears, then glared at me like 'what the actual fuck Skye that was just mean'. I rolled my eyes and continued, "What if, instead of you being like oh hey this is my friend Skye... you get it announced to everyone at the ball. Make a bigger scene of it. Or is that too mean? I'm like the master of revenge plots and will go as far as possible so I don't know what your limits are."

Kelsey looked uncertain but murmured, "It is a little more harsh then just showing her in front of her only.... but... she's also kept so many secrets from me my whole life so maybe she deserves it... I don't know, maybe we do the huge in front of everyone reveal but not be such angry bitches to her like originally planned."

I pondered it for a second then said, "If that's what you want then sure, still gets the dramaticness factor and it's not our fault if people hate on your mom. They're entitled to their own opinion and words so yeah." My sister nodded slowly and we all agreed on the plan. They weren't supposed to pick her up until sometime in the evening so while we waited, Lily begged and begged and begged to go see Trealle and kept nagging to get Luke to come too. I think someone has a crush, but who am I to tell? I rolled my eyes at my friend then agreed to take her and Luke to see Trealle, haven't even talked to Luke since the like third or fourth day of being in the hospital. I made a portal to his kingdom and didn't bother with a peasant dress this time since I stupidly told him I'm a princess and the entire kingdom here knows now because boss insisted on it for some fricken reason. Anyway, Dylan, Lily and I went through after telling Kelsey we'd be back to introduce him to them. We landed a little ways in the forest beside the town.

"See boss. THIS is where you should have teleported me the fricken first time, but nooOOOooo you had to choose the middle of a field a fifteen fricken minute walk away from here." I grumbled to myself, earning slight chuckles from the other two. Roxie just looked up at me with her puppy eyes and wagged her tail slightly, making me pet her head some. We started walking to the castle, geez the memories going through my head right now. We got into town and holy crap it's a lot busier now that half of it isn't locked away being tortured.

"Wow this is a lot different now." Dylan commented, causing me to roll my eyes. 'Iiiii'm the master of construction~ because I'm building walls, like it's my occupation~ and if you portray a liar~ I'll shut you out, without hesitation!~' I sung in my head as I kept my path to the castle and ignored all the stares I got, really wishing I was in that peasant dress now... Despite feeling beyond unsettled by the staring and memories I strode along in confidence, head held high. We finally reached the castle and the guards remembered me and let us through, one lead us to where the royal family was. Lily kept staring in awe at everything we passed due to having never been here, or any castle really. She's been to a few but none as wealthy as this one or Trealle. Once we reached where they were I knocked on the doorway to get their attention.

They looked up from whatever they were doing and Luke's eyes lit up immediately and he exclaimed, "Lily! Skye, Dylan! What are you guys doing here!?" He ran over as he talked and gave Lily a hug, went to do the same to Dylan but realized how weird that'd seem just cause this world is still in the very sexist, and against bro hugs stage of life. They just shared a handshake instead.

He came up to me and started to reach for a hug but I death glared him and growled, "Yeah Dylan's not even allowed to do that, I suggest you don't bother trying. Or feel free to anyway, see what happens." He chuckled a little and backed up. "Anyway, we're here to invite you to come to Trealle to see it's sights with your girlfriend and two friends. And maybe go to a ball at Liakith and see some nice drama that's gonna go down. You interested?" I answered his question.

Him and Lily looked at me in baffled confusion and he asked, "Who's my girlfriend? Last I checked I didn't have one according to the explanation I got from two of you about what a girlfriend is."

I rolled my eyes and dragged him away as I said a quick, "Thanks for letting me steal your son your majesty's, I'll have him back tomorrow." His parents looked confused but nodded and smiled, waving at us. We went back to where we first teleported from and I made another portal back to Liakith so he could meet Kelsey and them since she wouldn't quit nagging to meet all my friends even though it's still hard to consider anyone but Lily a friend. We all jumped through and Kelsey was excitedly waiting for us to return. "Jesus, why are you this excited? It's just Luke, a guy who used to try to fuck every girl he laid eyes on." I said, teasing a little since that's what friends do according to movies.

She looked disgusted at first but then shrugged and said, "I like meeting the people my sister has in her life." Luke kept looking between both of us, looking very confused.

"Okay dude fucking really. Take a picture it'll last longer." I retorted. Everyone gave me weird looks, probably wondering why I'm being such a bitch now. "What? Twins, in a bunk bed! It's obvious. Move on." I added, crossing my arms. Those who know I quote movies stayed giving me the same looks, causing me to roll my eyes. The rest looked confused on top of keeping the same look. Really? Two of you dealt with me being like this for six fucking years, why are you looking at me like that?

I made a portal to Trealle even though Lily could have made it herself and said, "There you guys go, go have a fun date exploring the biggest kingdom ever. I have to take Roxie for a walk then hide somewhere till the ball, I'll see you guys later." With that I walked into the woods, Roxie at my side, and heard them go through the portal I made.