
Chapter 14

Now let's resume to our main event. Because my dear readers, my seeking true partners, not even a day ago we saw the true face of the 'Light'. Heir James Potter together with Mr. Black and multiple other Gryffindor students were caught red handed by the student body, Professor McGonagall and DADA Assistant Teacher Roy, torturing and humiliating first year Slytherins and even a couple of Ravenclaws. Like usual they wanted to cover it up with their usual excuse 'a prank'. But, my dears!

Athena Snape had no excuses from them, pathetic or not, and so when none of the teachers did anything beside showing them were the Infirmary is, she held her head high and walked like a Goddess to them. In a matter of seconds the bully's were on the ground crying their eyes out with their bits temporally missing, curtesy of Narcissa Black teachings ( SEE #5 OF THE DAY).

At the end, Athena herself was the one with detention and threatened with suspension. Not even a week later, while Heir Potter and Mr. Black, Lupin and Pettigrew licked their wounds, they striked again. This time attacking Miss Snape in full view trying to choke her with soup of all things and possible strip her. The shame! They didn't succeed though, just to ruffle and wet our Jumper a bit before they were send flying with their clothes burned and no hair on all body.

Next day the four boys wake up called in the Headmaster office for sexual harassment with their parents. The fifth year incident with one Mr. Snape was reminded again and their punishment doubled. I am still not sure what strings they pulled but rumor says that the Potter Vault is a little emptier this year and the Gryffindor Quidditch team was disbanded because of them. A trusty source of mine told me that they have detention until they graduate and are treated like outcast by their yearmates in the lion House.

Now tell me my dearest. Who would you rather have beside you? The foolish Marauders that finally begin to reap what they sew. Or our new Jumper, their new victim who isn't the slightest scared of them.

Would you rather be humiliated in excuse of a prank. Or would you rather step up and speak so the entire world can hear you.

It's four against one. Who would win?

I, Rita Skeeter, wait for your Anonymous letters about your answer. All the students can use a house elf to send a letter to me and don't worry, no one would dare to read them beside myself.


A lot of things happened in two months. And almost all of them could be found on Rita newspaper, which hilariously speaking was named Beetle. Athena wasn't complaining though, having her help was actually the closest she could found to a goldmine right now.

In the course of two months, since she stepped on Hogwarts ground again she made a too long bridge between the Marauders and the student body. And for that to happen she played the victim...well at last that's what the Beetle was saying.

Athena Snape, Britain Jumper and daughter of one Severus Snape, become the new victim of Marauders after they become bored of her dad. that's Hogwarts general idea

It costed her endless detentions, to many points taken, a little too much hatred for her House for losing them the House Cup, which is useless by the way. Fucking sick system. When this happen though Severus and his group of friends distance from her considerably and that means the only time she would talk would be at night when she was brainstorming with Rita - why are you even having a newspaper alone- and when she found Xeno who was actually the sweetest guy in this place. Maybe a little too excited about her love life and the general gore but Luna was weird too and she was just fine.

Truthfully speaking Athena wasn't sure why Severus was so distant with her, nor the others. Weren't they talking when she come here? Was she too troublesome to be with? Not Slytherin enough?

Yeah maybe she didn't care about politics and hiding yourself behind too many faces. And maybe she was shit at Potion and Slughorn finally acknowledged it. She didn't care about being dignified and elegant, wearing her muggle clothes without a care and using muggle fighting while Dueling. She didn't care if Xeno was considered a weirdo or Rita an unhealthy gossiping bitch. She didn't care how she looked like repairing chess pieces and playing alone with them later.

She was loved by her DADA teacher and Flitwick by being their new most prized and talented Duelist. Apparently even the Dueling Club was parted in two group in gender of all things. And so when she destroyed Marlene McKinnon and she practically lunged at Potter to shut him up... well what else can you do beside letting her mingle with them. As a result though the Club was no longer divided.

The Slytherin general idea was that she didn't belong, that she didn't fit in. Non of them know that Athena never fit with the general standards.

Silent steps. The slight scratch of a cat claws. The light of a lamp that disappears and appears. Unhurried steps and regulate breath. Not even the sound of her clothes could be heard. That's how Athena walked towards the seventh floor in a Sunday night.

'' To think I almost forget of it.'' she says quietly walking in The Room of Hidden Things, wearing her pajamas and robe, her hair in a messy bun. '' Now-'' she sighs ''- where the hell it was even?''

The time when Harry found the diadem, she was outside chanting protection spells around Hogwarts and protecting Professor Sprout back when charming the Whipping Willow.

The Ravenclaw Diadem held a part of Voldemort soul. Which means that it should be destroyed by all means, finding the bloody thing between broken and cursed objects was more difficult than it looked. The castle was full of teenagers more than half a year, it isn't a surprise that the bloody Room was bursting with pilled up things. Athena didn't even try to find the ceiling of this place, it would be useless anyway.

Athena wasn't sure how long she stayed in that room but she found a lot and I mean a lot of useful things. She found a pair of pretty neat gloves that would actually look pretty good on Narcissa, Athena didn't even try wearing them, there were big change she would have ripped them apart. She found a very strange horn that well, she wasn't sure what it did but it looked pretty cool so she took it. There were too many broken cauldrons, uniforms and books to count. She did found a book named 'Dueling for Life' that basically told her to not be a fool and use everything to win. It sounded a lot like her Da so she took it as well. She found jewelry and a galleons left and right, she took them as well because how could she not. The weirdest thing she found was a necklace with the Hallows barely hanging from a carpet. She left the strange sensation to take it and hide it away. She didn't.