
Chapter 3

" This was mistake why suddenly Secret Division came here and take over the show this is my army my responsibility not you all..."

Captain Ramy Shankar

5th Mobile Regiment

12th Siege Army

July 10th

Eastern Defence Line

Ramy with others discussing new battle plans for final push towards Metro Z Northern Defence Line had suffered heavy casualties, Western defence Line also taken a lot casualties.

" This time we will make one final push towards bug city"

Ramy suggest Northern Defence will join with Eastern Defence Line and attack point 179 while western Defence Line will attack Point 89 but first they need to bait the bug out of their nest using Artillery support the objectives is to decrease enemy numbers.

While Ramy and others summarize their plans a shuttle came towards to their position.

Meanwhile Squad B-125 already reached underground tunnels she order her squad to scouts the area while tried to reach Ramy.

" This is rescue team B-125 over please respond?"

" Repeat This is Rescue team B-125 over command center respond"

After few times tried Sybille finally give up without contact from command center she realized it was hopeless but she need to calm and find alternative she looks around the area and she saw large hole straight up to their first entrance.

" That's going to be our escape route if not there probably a cave around the tunnels"

Sybille looks at one of tunnels path.

" Who are these people they not from our unit aren't they?" Kaisen look at one of dead troopers he also noticed an emblem at it's shoulders writing " Blackguards 7th" plus he noticed other dead bodies also wore a same emblem like this.

Kaisen went to report to Sybille about his foundings at same time Trish the scout feels something not right she examined one of tunnels path and learning that this tunnels weren't made by Arachnids but made by humans.

"(Shrieking sound from distance).....Shit!! They here everyone regroup form a circle!!! Quickly!!!!"

Sybille order her squad hold a ground for incoming enemies fear, nervous, and afraid we're around them as rumbling came close towards them it would seems death is near.

Then Suddenly a horde of bug burst through the tunnel " FIRE!!!!!!!....." Sybille shouting to fire at enemies bullet's fly through shattered and killed every bug came through Kaisen seems enjoying the moments, Lucky Rose were bit nervous, Trish keep firing her Morita Triple X sniper rifle without hesitation, follow by Sybille firing her Morita Mk.3 Saw light machine gun.

Gun shots sounds echoing through tunnel reaching Saladin ear as he looks back he thought for moment till he start walk again.

" Did Ramy sent rescue team to find me.....I should check it out"

I quickly run towards the sound I follow it turns out it came from the location where I actually fall off I thought myself for a moment Ramy actually came for me he used to pain in my ass we both met during first bug war during first day training at Fort Lincoln. Meanwhile at command centre at Eastern Defence Line Ramy received unwanted guest from Special brach unit lead by L.T. Commander Frederick Barnes he has smart looking vibes but fishy he wore dark uniforms with long black coat with arrogant looks he walk towards Ramy follow by his personal assistant Officer Nia Bell guard by 5 elite guard squad.

" Welcome to Command Base Able-5 Sir... Captain Ramy Shankar I am in charge in this place" Ramy introduced himself while offering his right hand.

" My pleasure L.T. Commander Frederick Barnes Special brach unit this is my assistant first rank Officer Nia Bell " Barnes reply it by shaking Ramy hand both of them went to command room for discussion.

" This not going to be good one special brach was bad news for us" one of troopers talk about special branch unit .

Special branch formed as one of sub-unit for research department to investigate new and rare species of arachnids most of special branch members were gifted people with psychic ability under General Carl Jenkins they became very popular among paranormal followers due to they abilities. Furthermore every mission they do is top secret and outside Terran Federation jurisdiction they also had their own soldiers recruit from the best of the best. Rumours told there was group of insurgents held an entire settlement a hostage when Terran Federation sent a platoon to negotiate with them what they find is nothing but burning settlement everyone including women, and children were wiped out that night. Survivor told they saw Mobile infantry shuttle heading to the settlement but 10 minutes later there was explosion and the shuttle was nowhere to be found.

Meanwhile Sybille and her squad were struggled when more horde of bug coming out from other tunnels she loses 4 of her squadmate only 5 remains.

"Goddamn!!!!.....we being outnumbered fuck..!!!!...."

Sybille shown her tiredness due to fatigue and lost much of her energy lucky Rose tried to protect her while covering fire, Trish was out of ammo she used assault rifle as substitute weapons, Kaisen also tried to protect Sybille using his body as shield but he bacame tire due to his suit malfunction Sybille think this is end she suddenly drop her weapon as sign she already give up as bug getting close to her. Sybille give the bug a look before she gets killed suddenly a shot coming from distance came straight to bug face and blow to pieces.

Sybille turn her back to see who at was a shadowing figure appeared from mist of smoke form light machine gun barrel he starts firing again this time it hits every target from left to right at same time he supports it with assault rifle he managed to kill clear the area.

" Hurry!!!.....Over here!!!"

He called Sybille to follow him as she finally saw a small hope came to save her in this desperate moments.


Sybille shout out to her remaining squad members to follow him as she tries to dragged her tired body up Trish came first Follow by Lucky Rose, Kaisen, Garena, Manny, and Lastly Sybille as she running the group of bug tries to reach her. But failed by covering attack by him as she reach in he quickly blows up the area burying the rest of remaining bugs.

Meanwhile at command centre atmosphere everyone is in pressure especially Captain Ramy Shankar when he found out 12th Siege Army were ordered to withdraw from the planet he also being notified that L.t. Commander Barnes will take over this operation.

" What the meaning is this bullshit L.T. am I supposed order my man to retreat after 6 months holding this area are joking with me!!?"

Captain Ramy disagree with Barnes decision about withdrawing 12th Siege Army when he mentioned it was order from Sky Marshal itself. When Ramy ask under what reason all answer he gets is Classified " you have 1 weeks to make preparations to withdraw" Barnes give Ramy army 1 week to withdraw from Planet K after that he left aboard the shuttle.

Ramy still remain silent as anger consumed him whole but he kept his mind cool and think an alternative he order his communication operative tried to find Raymond whereabouts if he's dead they will withdraw if he survives find him and rescue him no matter what.

Meanwhile back in cave I managed to them after I reached the location turns out these people were sent to find me they came with 10 but only 5 left. I asked them some questions one of them explained they were sent by Ramy to find me and they also mentioned that the Siege operation were failed.

" Figures....these bugs were smarter than we thought" i answered it nonchalantly while looking around I was bit glad I thought I going be fight alone but their presence is bit welcome. Sybille stand up and walk towards me and explain she also find out that the Siege is going to end in three days another's shocking news did Ramy already give up or something happens while I was here.

" It was from Special brach unit" Sybille mentioned special branch unit who issue the order now I began to see the big picture.

" The Queen is here..." A words came from my mouth make everyone went silent during a briefing no intel mentioned about Queen bug none of us know even Ramy never mentioned it a Queen bug an species arachnids considered as leader of entire Arachnids no Mobile infantry ever encountered it most of report never describe what the queen look like some are sketchy.

Meanwhile back in the tunnel Ray with remaining member of squad B-125 reaching three splits path Ray examined each of paths carefully while Adele and her squad take a rest. "This is suicide Adele" Manny whispers to Adele ears while checking his weapon She watch Ray examined one of tunnel path and think why Ramy sent her just to find him who's is this man she think he probably from special Unit. Ray just finished examined second tunnel path and move to third one while examined his mind driven to his past during his training day as mobile Infantry.

5 years ago few weeka after his grandfather passed away Ray arrived at Fort Cassidy for his training as Cadet the place was crowded most of them are graduates students young bloods like me don't know what will happen to them. After register he went to barracks there he meet Ramy the two became good friends Ramy back then was a nerd, skinny and bit ugly training was hard and hellish for both of them Ramy had worst his entire body was hurt and Ray had to carry him to bed. At Camp there was girl that caught Ray attention her name was Melissa Harling from second batch she had curvy body, big booty and nice pair of boobs her long brown silk hair and pair of azure eyes captivating him from afar.

For Weeks Ray tries to win her heart but she had her eyes for other guy Lance Bradock from same first batch along with him Lance has fit muscle body, tall and chad face that make every women fall for it he had to give up after that Lance always stand beside her everytime during lunch time but everything changed when that day.

News about arachnids sent asteroid from planet Klendathu was shock wake up Terran Federation began to mobilize campaign Ray and Ramy was deployed to Klendathu for first time. Aboard ship " Artemis Grace " Ray and Ramy went sent as first wave Melissa and Lance were at same boat their Platoon leader Captain Dax began his speech as the shuttle were beginning to decent. Planet atmosphere make shuttle lossing some balance as Dax speech going Ramy scream like girl creating shrieking that halt Dax speech " Stop screaming!!!" Lance yell at Ramy but it didn't stop him from screaming unlike Ray he kept his composure and calm his mind he knew this probably his last time seeing everyone and Ramy.

While Ray mind driven to past a voice echoes in his head calling his name "Ray...are...you...okay? " Voice are bit blurry and hard to listen then he slowly came back to reality Ray saw Adele looking him with clueless face "Didn't something wrong sir?" Adele asking again Ray gather his composure again continued his examination again Adele slowly walk back to her squad then Lucky Rose tap her shoulder.

" is he okay....?" Lucky Rose ask about Ray conditions but Adele just shook her head giving a sign she doesn't know Manny in other way recommends they should split up to cover more tracks but Adele reject it. Manny just make disapproved look and sit Ray came back after examined all tunnel path he quick shown where path they should take it " We take Left path" Ray pointed his finger towards left Adele order her Squad to move out Manny still disappointed but still follow them with shut lips Ray and Squad B-125 went through left path with caution and preparing for what danger comes.

As they slowly went through shadow figures appearing from right and middle path with shrieking sound which dangers are near as Ray leading Infront Adele and her squad walking through the path but cautious. Everyone were silent only sound of footstep and wind echoing through tunnel path

" By the way who's body we found before? " Garena ask about an unknown dead trooper body they found back then everyone began questioning Their minds looking for answers among the body one of them belongs to Black Guards, Hound of Ulysses, and Hell Raiders these were famous unit. They earn their names by killing thousands of bug among the unit Hell Raiders was consider as one of Elite Formed During First Bug war under Command of Max Dalton they rose up from small team of underdog take a lot of dangerous missions like taken down bug city without triggering warning freeing Colony from bug infestation and others operations.

But finding them there grows a bit suspicious Adele and her squad began making their own assumptions about it but Ray continues walking ignoring them till they reach opening area...

Location: Metro Z ( Tunnel sector unknown)

Squad B-125

Syible " Atomic " Adele



Lucky Rose




Raymond Saladin ( Temporary member )
