
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · Filem
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32 Chs

Chapter 18


Human population reached 21x billions...

Human territory now has 25x systems.

Terra's population reached 500x millions, Terra is still undergoing a full-repair of settlements but now over 50% are already repaired, Huge defence platforms were built and Royal Palace was build...

Most important colonies :

Terra: Or in past called Earth, the home world of humanity and future capital.. population of 500x millions..

Cadia : Current capital, fortress world , population of 7x billions..

Mars :Mining colony, population of 1x billion

New Constantinople : Human colony, has strong pdf force of 1x million, population of 4x billions..

New Rome : Planet rich of resources, current most resourceful planet in Human space, mainly factory-settlement world, population of 2x billions, PDF 5x millions..

Terra's moon : Because of Luna Base it is an important factory-ship building colony, has few millions of people, mainly scientist, military and workers..

Klendathu :Stationed in Rome's System, a planet which now has 10x millions of Bugs , with a new Queen..

Tens of moon-colonies are are established long ago for research purposes from Jupiter and Neptune and other system..

Dozens of other non-important habitable planets , 20x more habitable planets are in Human Space of which 13x are already colonized and are used as food-colonies because of their ecosystems .. Some of them are rich in natural resources but that would take some more time to heavily industrialize..

Humanity stooped exploration to further systems , they won't have a treath of overpopulation in hundreds of years at this rate. Planets will firstly have to be heavily industrialized before another exploration ..

Simply Human Empire doesn't have need to explore for some time as they aren't low on resources..


Humanity now can create their own T-1000, T-X , Rev-9 without a need for system..

John summoned hundreds of different AI's, one of them is Legion, she is AI and one second most important AI in Empire, she's commanding Terminators stationed on Empress, Thousands more Terminators were added to Empress, such as 1,000x T-1000, 500x T-X, 1000x Rev-9, 10,000x T-850, 10,000x T-600..

While Empress can carry more than millions of people/terminators, this shall be enough for now, as there isn't going to happen any war soon..

Shields for ships were successfully introduced and already installed on all ships..

New versions of ships are already created and began slowly replacing old ones, main changes to new ships are their sizes , power, mobility, speed, agility , armor..

Fast Attack Ship was upgraded up to 1km in length.. Used for space warfare or defence mechanism on space stations

Rodger Young was upgraded up to 1.5km in length.. This ship is also part of Corvette Transport class bus also is used as an attack class ship from now on with ability to transport troops other than heavy fight in space..

Corvette Transport were upgraded to 2km to 2,5km in length, this class has many variations of ships, each ships is of different size this class includes : Yamamoto , Hood, Cromwell, Boxer, Geronimo and Bull Run ..

Auxiliary Ship up to 800m.. This class of ships are support ships but also used to carry damaged ships in fight and used for maintenance..

John A. Warden was upgraded up to 5km in length, this class is heavy transport, heavy-weaponized ship for any space fight , a true monster,..

Older variants are now used for transporting colonist to newer colonies and their establishments..

Now entire fleet of Human Empire reached numbers of 3,600x ships of old and newer models...

Attention of further ship development was set on new models of ships, needed to better support current classes..

Terminator-Class ships have been requested by Emperor, this ships would be fully controlled by Terminators..

Frigate-Class ship, from current design it would be 500m in length, used for scouting and support of Corvette Transport.. And taking out Fighters...

Destroyer-Class, would be used for space-fight and defends flanks of fleet...

Dreadnought-Class , would be main fighting power of fleet, would have Terminators as an troops to deploy and only Human crew to pilot it, this ship is will be in front line of entire fleet..


On Mars.

Empress, in the control room of empress is John, and various officers, while John ignored them as they saluted, he was only interesting in his thoughs and further actions to take...

"So many years have passed, i feel so old, i'm 36x year old now," Mumbled John loud enough so no one was able to heard his as he marched out of Control Room and straight to hallway.. 'I remember when I was only 18x year old and reincarnated in this universe, time sure flies fast.'

'I'm proud of my Empire, after so many year it has finally became a true nation, even new generation of children are playing around on our colonies, it was all worth it in the end, ' John continued his though as even more officers saluted to him on every step of the way. 'After so many years with my summoned people i actually began to think of them as an actual people not just numbers of manpower from games..'

'More budget was needed for just technological advancement, they were good at their job till now I should reward them on some way.'


Space Marines began creating their own Chapter Bases on each planet, but one planet can only have one Chapter Base, there can't be two Chapter Bases of two different Chapters..

Cadia and Terra were only exception for this rule, every Chapter each made bases, to fortify these two worlds...

Inner and Outer Colonies system was established, this system was established to better classify them..

Inner Colonies being the colonies closer to Cadia and Terra.

In this case there are dozens of Inner colonies, if we are counting moons, New Rome, New Constantinople . Klendathu, Mars are an actual inner colonies without moons. Adding few more systems in Inner colonies and all others are Outer Colonies,

In any future conflict with other species/races the Outer Colonies will unfortunately suffer the most, because of this , this system was invented to better re-arange them and help can be faster provided..

Few more years and Humanity will for first time meet another sentient species..

Chapter Word Count 1000

Next Chapter is about Sangheili Firs-Contact and two chapters after that are interaction between politician .