
stars aligned bts jimin

you will love this because everyone loves jimin and no y/n won't be in it i just chose a random name

Amber_Southcott · Kombinasi musik
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Chapter 17: Fractured Bonds

In the aftermath of the party, tensions simmered beneath the surface, waiting for the slightest spark to ignite into flames of conflict. And it was during a seemingly innocuous conversation that the spark was finally ignited, setting ablaze the fragile peace that had been so painstakingly rebuilt.

As Jimin and Amber found themselves at odds over a seemingly trivial matter, their voices rose in frustration and anger, their words a painful reminder of the wounds that still lingered beneath the surface.

With each passing moment, the rift between them widened, until at last, Jimin could bear it no longer. With a heavy heart and a sense of resignation, he turned away from Amber, his footsteps echoing in the empty silence of the room as he walked away from the one person he had sworn to protect.

As he disappeared into the night, leaving behind a trail of shattered dreams and broken promises, Amber was left alone with her thoughts, her heart heavy with regret and sorrow. And as tears streamed down her cheeks, she knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, filled with obstacles and challenges that she would have to face alone.

But amidst the pain and uncertainty, a glimmer of hope remained—a hope that one day, their fractured bond would heal, and they would find their way back to each other once more. For in the depths of their shared history and the strength of their love, lay the promise of redemption and reconciliation, a beacon of light in the darkness that threatened to engulf them both.