
chpater 44

Chapter 216 Chapter90 Amon, why don't you speak?

  Chapter 216 Chapter90 Amon, why don't you speak?

  The news that "Amon sneaked into the Church of the Storm church and stole the donation box" was secretly spread among the top leaders of major churches.

  Bishops of every church are told to be wary of believers who wear monocles - whether they put them on when they come in or wear them from the beginning, whether they are tall, short, fat, thin, old or young Is it a man or a woman...

  Anyway, be careful with the monocle.

  Alice entered St. Samuel's Church under these circumstances, without, of course, her monocle - it was stuffed in her pocket.

  When she saw the goddess's donation box, Alice hesitated for a moment, and finally put on her monocle without any sense of ceremony. She just grabbed a large handful of foreign coins and stuffed them into the donation box.

  The bishop looked at this scene, but he did not look happy. Instead, he slowly frowned.

  Alice didn't notice this scene. After she threw the money into the donation box, she sat on her seat and prayed quietly.

  When she opened her eyes and was about to get up and leave, a familiar voice stopped her: "Can you please go underground?"

  Alice turned her head - it was Leonard.

  She looked at Leonard suspiciously, waiting for his explanation.

  Leonard looked at her and said softly: "Archbishop Anthony wants to ask you something."

  Alice almost reflexively remembered what she had done yesterday. She felt guilty for a brief moment, and then followed confidently.

  ...It was all done by Amon, what does it have to do with her!

  Amon, if you have the ability to come out and say it was not you, see who will believe it!

  Leonard didn't know what Alice was thinking. In fact, he was even confused as to why he was the one sent to call her.

  With this doubt, he led Alice to the church underground and met Archbishop Anthony again.

  After completing the task, Leonard planned to withdraw voluntarily, but found that Archbishop Anthony quietly used his spirituality to form a blockade in this area. This blockade was not tight, but it seemed a bit unnecessary under the church.

  "Leonard," Archbishop Anthony called him, "let's talk about the 'thief' in you who passed through the angel."

  Alice's eyes lit up, and she turned to look at Leonard happily, realizing Although the goddess ignored her, she still listened to her prayers.

  Leonard's performance was far from so relaxed. His looseness and casualness suddenly disappeared, and he became visibly nervous.

  ——In which era has the protagonist's secret been revealed?

  But it was not Leonard who Anthony looked at next. He asked Alice in a cautious and puzzled tone: "Were you the one who stole the Storm Church donation box?"

  Alice was lost in thought.

  Leonard also fell into deep thought.

  In a place where no one knew, Palles also fell into deep thought.

  ——Based on Pales' understanding of Amon, this incident has a strange feeling that is a bit like Amon but not quite so Amon.

  "It wasn't me, it was Amon who did it," Alice replied confidently, "Did Amon say it wasn't him? No? So it must be Amon who did it."

  Very good, no one is talking here now.

  After a while, Leonard looked at Alice curiously and asked, "What if Amon comes out and denies this?"

  Alice widened her eyes exaggeratedly and said, "That's Amon! The incarnation of fraud. ! Can you believe a word of what he said? He must be quibbling!"

  Archbishop Anthony said to Alice after a moment of silence.

  Then Alice left with satisfaction. in the office.


  "City of Generosity" Bayam, in Daniz's dream.   

  Edwina nodded slightly, looked at Klein and said, "Mr. Sparrow, have you received an education?"

  Although he couldn't understand the purpose of the question, Klein still maintained the attitude of Gehrman Sparrow. His character, his expression remained unchanged, and he responded indifferently: "Graduate from college."

  Perhaps it was a character-shattering thing for Gehrman Sparrow to have gone to college - judging from Daniz's shocked expression.

  Edwina saw no abnormalities and continued to ask: "What languages ​​have you mastered?"

  Klein resisted the urge to frown and said: "Giant, Elf, Dragon, Ancient Hermes, Hermes, Ancient Fusa Ke language, Run language..."

  Edwina said "Hmm" and said, "Do you know anything about other fields of mysticism?"

  Klein finally couldn't control his desire to think about his primary school entrance exam. He felt like he was in a daze. Back at that time, a teacher was asking him a question.

  He suddenly had the urge to introduce Alice to Edwina.

  However, with the character of Gehrman Sparrow, it doesn't seem out of line to ask certain questions... Klein pondered for a moment and asked expressionlessly: "Do you accept students?"

  Edwina thought After two seconds, he asked: "Are you referring to yourself?"

  "No," Klein still maintained an expressionless expression, "That's a... not very obedient girl."

  "Has she received an education? ?" Edwina began to ask for basic information about her next student seriously.

  Klein suddenly felt that his position had changed. He was no longer the student being interviewed by the teacher, but the student's parent. He resisted the strange feeling and replied:

  "I have received basic education, can read, and understand a little mathematics, but His grades are not very good, he is good at painting, and he only has a rough understanding of history."

  Edwina continued to ask: "What languages ​​have you mastered?"

  Klein replied: "I have learned Hermes and Ancient Hermes. Master the Rune language..."

  Edwina then asked: "Do you know anything about other fields of mysticism?"

  Klein thought for a while and replied: "You are familiar with some mystical rituals, but you don't think you are proficient in it..."

  Edwina nodded seriously, and then asked: "What is the attitude of her family?"

  Klein was silent for a moment and then replied: "I am her family."

  After thinking about it, he added: " She...it can be said that she is not yet an adult."

  Edwina continued to ask: "When will it be convenient for her to come over?"

  Klein thought about Alice's reaction after knowing this and replied politely: "I haven't yet. I asked for her opinion."

  Edwina nodded and agreed: "If she is tired of studying, the effect will be really bad."

  Klein didn't know how to explain this, and he suddenly regretted it. Asked a question, he changed the subject urgently:

  "Why do you need to ask me those questions before answering my question?"

  Edwina thought for two seconds and explained in a slow and slow tone:

  "I must combine your knowledge. Think about how to answer the question based on your level so that you can understand it more easily."

  Klein suddenly had the urge to tie Alice to Byam.

  (End of chapter)

Chapter 217 Chapter91 Miss Messenger

  Alice, who didn't know that Klein had already completely established the persona of a child's parent to "The World" Gehrman Sparrow outside, received a letter that made her a little confused.

  She was sitting at her desk calmly, but suddenly, the atmosphere in the room turned cold. This was a sign of the messenger's appearance. There was no problem. The question was...

  who would use angels as messengers?

  Alice trembled and looked at the female angel holding four heads with blond hair and red eyes. Although she wanted to say something to lighten the atmosphere, she was afraid of being beaten.

  ...Who is using angels as messengers?

  Alice stiffly took the envelope, looked at the headless woman who had no intention of leaving, and asked cautiously: "Do you have anything else?"

  The headless woman stared at Alice for a while, and then Alice felt uneasy. When he started to pull on his high school uniform, he finally spoke:

  "Need..." "One..." "Gold coins."

  Alice looked at the four heads of the headless woman talking in turn, and then the last head was not snatched. He was anxious when he got his lines. After being silent for a long time, he asked:

  "Why don't you arrange what each head will say in advance? Is it because there is no fifth head?

  "Oh no, I should say, it's because there is no fifth head on your neck. Brain? "Note ①

  The headless woman was silent for a moment and disappeared.

  Alice blinked blankly, lowered her head to check the envelope, and found that it was actually a letter from Klein.

  "...Why did he send the letter? "Alice blinked blankly and opened the envelope.



  Have you seen my messenger? Well... you didn't say anything strange, right? You shouldn't?

  Her name is Reinette Tinyko. You are suspected of being a powerful spirit creature. You need to pay one gold coin for each message you send.

  The following is the ritual to summon my messenger...


  , by the way, I found a teacher for you. You should have heard of her. , "Iceberg Vice Admiral" Edwina Edwards.

  They are more like treasure hunters than pirates. She will teach the crew various courses, including occult knowledge.

  I remember that you have always been interested in the sea. So you can enjoy the sea voyage while studying, aren't you happy?


  Alice tore up the letter calmly.



  Klein, who was expecting Alice's expression when he saw the letter, saw his messenger again.

  "Did she reply? Klein was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously.

  Miss Messenger shook her head and replied: "No." "She..." "Didn't..." "Pay." "

  Klein was lost in thought.

  After a moment, he took out a gold coin with a painful expression on his face and asked, "What was her reaction? Did you say anything? "

  Miss Messenger's four heads stared at Klein's head and said expressionlessly: "She..." "Ask me..." "Why..." "On the neck..." "No..." " head. "

  Klein fell into deep thought again.

  ... Speaking of which, has she read the letter? Why hasn't she scolded him yet?   

  It's so hard to get used to it... Klein sighed in his heart while looking at the figure of the messenger lady.


  Underground of St. Samuel's Church, Leonard, or Palles, looked at Archbishop Anthony and asked, "What do I need to do?"

  "Find her something to do," Anthony said, "at least it won't happen again. Things like yesterday."

  After a long silence, Pales agreed to this request and returned control of his body to Leonard. After leaving the church underground, Leonard asked in a low voice:

  "Old man? " What?"

  "I'm wondering," Leonard heard such a voice, "Is she the illegitimate daughter of your goddess?"

  This overly offensive words made Leonard stiffen, and then he heard Pale again. Si's final judgment:

  "However, if this was my own descendant, I would probably have beaten him to death."


  Alice saw Klein again on Sunday night.

  The moment Alice opened her eyes above the gray fog, her defenses were broken - this looked so much like a desk!

  Alice sat on a very familiar chair and looked at the desk in front of her in confusion for a moment. Then she raised her head and looked at Klein who had a podium materialized in front of her and asked solemnly:

  "Are you Are you really sick? "

  Yes, that's the feeling... The discomfort of not being scolded disappeared, and Klein suddenly felt that Alice in front of him became familiar and familiar. He smiled and asked,

  "Why didn't you Write me a reply?"

  - He finally didn't say such outrageous words as "Why don't you scold me?"

  Alice stared at Klein expressionlessly.

  After a few minutes, Klein was the first to admit defeat. He removed the arrangement of the podium, desks and chairs, and replaced the scene with a sofa and coffee table.

  "So, can this scene be changed..." Alice knocked on the coffee table thoughtfully, her eyes moving around smoothly.

  Klein guessed what Alice was thinking almost as soon as he saw her expression, and categorically refused: "Don't think about any strange scenes I will show up during the tarot meeting!"

  Alice sighed in disappointment, Then she rolled her eyes again and asked with interest: "If the scene remains unchanged, can you..."

  "No!" Klein interrupted her without hesitation.

  Alice sighed in disappointment again - at this time, she missed Amon a little. After all, Amon would at least listen to her...

  Hey, I wonder if Amon knew that he had stolen the donation box from the Church of Storms. ?

  Seeing Alice's eyes rolling again, Klein quickly interrupted: "So... you really don't want to consider going to class?"

  Alice suddenly stopped smiling and looked expressionless. After staring at him for more than ten seconds, she asked another question she was concerned about:

  "Why do you use angels as messengers?"

  "Ah?" Klein had a confused expression on his face.

  Alice looked at his expression in confusion and asked, "Don't you know your messenger is an angel?"

  "No," Klein looked at Alice with an expression that was hard to explain, "Although I did just know that she... No, He is an angel, but... why would you say that to an angel?"

  Alice's eyes wandered and she said politely: "This is not the first time... Considering my lost memory, I said Maybe he said that to the true god..."

  Klein gasped.

  Just when they were relatively speechless, a crimson star suddenly swelled up - it did not belong to any member of the Tarot Society.

  Klein glanced at Alice and made a "shh" gesture. Alice obediently closed her mouth and tapped her fingers on the coffee table in boredom. (End of chapter)

Chapter 218 Chapter92 Mr. Fool is very busy today

  This was Alice's first time watching Klein answer prayers above the gray fog - to be honest, it looked like he was sick.

  Okay, that's a bit harsh to say. In fact, Alice just couldn't understand what Klein was doing.

  When Klein finally came to his senses and reached out to summon the Poseidon Scepter, Alice quickly seized the opportunity and asked: "What happened?"

  Klein looked at her with a strange expression and replied: "There is a guy chanting He took my honorable name, lied that he was my favored one, and took the opportunity to deceive the girl..."

  Alice opened her eyes wide and suddenly asked: "Where is it?"

  Klein was silent for a moment, and then quickly killed the girl. Liar, he said to Alice: "I don't think he is guilty enough."

  Alice fell into deep thought. After a moment, she was about to ask about Poseidon's scepter, but suddenly she saw another crimson star stirring.

  "Are you so busy today?" Alice looked at Klein.

  Klein said nothing and silently began to receive the prayers.

  Being an evil god is really troublesome... Alice held her chin and sighed in her heart.

  Suddenly, Alice saw Klein open his eyes. Before she could ask anything, the surrounding scene changed rapidly. The ancient palace and the long bronze table reappeared. Their position became the top of the long table, and she is sitting on the table.

  Alice was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized something. She supported the table with her hands and turned half of her body to look.

  She saw a strange black-haired female figure appear on the seat. It was a seat that did not belong to the original members of the Tarot Society.

  The black-haired woman looked at this scene in a daze. After coming back to her senses, she asked hesitantly: "Is this the underworld?"

  Before Klein could speak, he heard Alice's serious voice:

  "Yes. , this is the underworld.

  "You can begin to repent of the sins you have committed. "

  After the scene was silent for a few seconds, Klein tried his best to say to Alice in a calm voice:


  "Go back to your seat."

  Alice turned back very dissatisfied and stared at Klein without saying a word.

  Considering that there were outsiders present, Klein did not let the silence last too long. Instead, he thought about it and threw the Poseidon Scepter to Alice.

  Alice subconsciously caught the Poseidon's scepter, looked up at Klein, and decided to let him go for the time being.

  She jumped off the table nimbly, jumped to her seat, and then looked curiously at the dark-haired woman who had been silent.

  Behind the high-backed chair, symbols stained with starlight moved quickly, forming a pair of cold, indifferent eyes without eyelashes containing countless bright stars.

  Alice immediately thought of the symbol of these eyes. She had met similar things twice, once with Old Neil and once with Bernadette - she remembered those eyes belonging to the "Hidden Sage".

  "'Peeper'?" Alice asked curiously.

  Cattleya didn't speak, she had already finished looking at the scene here.

  The mysterious and aloof figure was wearing a white shirt, a tuxedo suit, no tie, black pants, shiny leather boots, dark hair, and a vague appearance.   

  The lively girl was much more casual - if nothing else, Cattleya was sure that the clothes on this child were definitely pajamas.

  Even though her appearance was blurred, she could still see the girl's bright blond hair and clear blue eyes. When she turned her head to look at her, she was as innocent as a girl. The only problem was...

  Cattleya looked at Ali The milky-white scepter slightly longer than the arm was in Si's hand and was thrown around by them.

  The scepter almost stirred the surrounding sea and storm atmosphere, and was surrounded by countless white light spots, giving people a sense of sacred majesty.

  That is a scepter that is at least half-god level!

  But in the eyes of this seemingly harmless girl, it seemed to be just a novel toy!

  And another mysterious figure looks like this girl's... elder?

  Cattleya's heart was filled with turmoil, but her face remained calm as she asked, "What should I call you two?"

  "You can call me Mr. Fool," Klein said in a calm voice, "This is Miss Destiny. "

  Fool, fate... Cattleya chewed on these two words, looked at the head of the long table and said, "I heard your honorable name from Mr. Z of the Aurora Society."

  After a pause, She then looked at Alice who was competing with Poseidon's scepter and said, "But I don't seem to have heard of you."

  Alice raised her head, looked at her thoughtfully and said,

  "You reminded me...

  "Since I am the resurrected evil god...should I have had an honorable name before? "

  Cattleya's body suddenly froze.

  She originally just wanted to test it out, but...ah? Why did you just say it like that?

  The honest Miss Destiny, when she first met the future Ms. "Hermit" , left a deep impression on her.

  Regarding this matter, Klein had already given up blocking him. He looked at Cattleya and said with a smile,

  "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?

  "This should be the most basic etiquette."

  After a few seconds of silence, Cattleya spoke in a calm voice: "My name is Cattleya, and I have the nickname 'Admiral of the Stars'."

  Alice's movements suddenly paused. She paused and thought of the teacher Klein had found for her, "Vice Admiral Iceberg" Edwina - who was also a pirate general.

  She threw the Poseidon's scepter on the table as if to vent her anger. The sound startled Cattleya and she subconsciously looked at Alice.

  Alice was silent for a moment, then silently picked up the Poseidon Scepter, lowered her head and pretended that nothing happened.

  Cattleya felt confused for a moment - every move of this girl was like a real girl. Aside from the fact that she was holding a semi-god-level sealed object, she was really hard to associate with the resurrection. The evil god.

  However, for Cattleya, who has a deep understanding of the extraordinary world, this can only mean deeper terror - after all, she has only seen one evil god without any malicious intent, and he almost killed her just now.

  Thinking of this, she respectfully asked the figure at the top of the long table: "Did you save me?"

  She had obviously realized who was the master here.

  The figure slightly changed his sitting posture and replied with a chuckle: "Isn't the fact obvious?"

  So Cattleya immediately stood up and said:

  "Thank you for your help. If you need me to do anything, you can just tell me directly. , As long as it is within my ability and does not violate my principles."

  "There is one thing now," Alice raised her hand, "Forget what you just heard." (End of this chapter)

Chapter 219 Chapter93 The Hermit

  Cattleya suddenly froze.

  She was suddenly a little unsure of what the other party meant - did he want her to keep it a secret, or did he really want her to forget what had just happened?

  Cattleya wasn't sure, but no matter which one it was, it didn't seem to be a good thing for her. After all, only the dead could keep secrets.

  At this time, Cattleya heard the figure sitting in the first place chuckle, as if she was amused by these words.

  After that, the figure stopped Alice's nonsense: "'Destiny,' don't make such a joke."

  Cattleya did not dare to relax until the figure asked with a smile: "You Are you a member of the Moss Ascetic Order? "

  Fortunately, it seems that I am still valuable for the time being... Cattleya finally breathed a sigh of relief and said softly.

  "Wow," Alice exclaimed, "Is this the unlucky organization whose god of faith suddenly came back to life?"

  Cattleya nodded hesitantly. She suddenly felt that it was not a good thing that there were only three people here - because this Miss Destiny seemed to dare not go too far towards Mr. Fool.

  She subconsciously glanced at the empty seats around her, and finally did not speak first, but waited for the mysterious figure to finish asking the question.

  Klein then asked: "What did you just do to provoke that guy?"

  Cattleya was silent for a moment and said,

  "No, I didn't provoke him.

  " Members of the Moss Ascetic Order believe in all things They are all chasing knowledge itself.

  "But Emperor Russell once said that it is not we who are chasing knowledge, but knowledge that is chasing us. The 'Hidden Sage' is knowledge itself. He is chasing us, chasing every member of the Moss Ascetic Order. When many When knowledge is poured in but cannot be digested and mastered quickly, the situation just now will occur. Either let go of the spiritual defense and accept the transformation of the 'Hidden Sage', or rely on perseverance to hold on. If you cannot hold on, you will lose control. "

  While explaining, a trace of subtle doubt flashed through her mind: The members of the Moss Ascetic Order suffer from being chased by knowledge. This is an almost open secret. Why doesn't Mr. Fool, a god-like existence like him, know about it?

  She subconsciously glanced at the restless Alice, and suddenly had a bad guess.

  Klein didn't know that he was almost exposed, so he continued: "If something like this happens again, you can recite my name."

  Cattleya's lips moved twice, and she instinctively wanted to refuse, but she saw Glancing at Alice who was staring at her, she quickly made up her mind, stood up, crossed her arms in front of her chest, bowed and asked:

  "How can I help you?"

  - If she refuses, Mr. Fool's attitude is not certain, but she always feels that Miss Destiny is not the one to deal with easily... Even hesitation may bring danger to her.

  Klein laughed and said in a nonchalant tone: "I will provide some help to my beloved in the future."

  Alice gave Klein a meaningful look.

  "Follow your wishes." Cattleya sat down again and asked cautiously, "Does the honorable name provided by Mr. Z belong to you?"

  She immediately repeated the honorific name of "The Fool".

  Klein nodded slightly, indicating that he was right.

  After realizing that the other party was no longer speaking, Cattleya asked the question she wanted to ask just now: "Dear Mr. Fool, is there anyone else here?"

  Klein smiled and said,

  "Some people similar to you "

  They set up a regular party and I was a witness.

  Cattleya rationally resisted the desire to ask Miss Destiny about her role in this party, and after careful consideration asked, "Can I attend? "

  Klein leaned back leisurely and said,

  "Okay.    "

  "It cannot be leaked without my permission."

  "Okay!" Cattleya responded without hesitation.

  Klein tapped his left index finger to make the remaining Tarot cards appear on the long bronze table:

  "They use the Tarot cards as code names, and this is what's left.

  "You pick one. "

  It's about to begin! Alice, who was at the scene for the first time, sat up excitedly and watched Cattleya draw the cards expectantly.

  Cattleya, who originally just glanced at the cards, paused for a moment, stretched out her hand and pulled out the Hermit card Answered: "The hermit. "

  Alice withdrew her gaze with satisfaction.

  After the first session of joining the club as a newcomer, Klein cut off Cattleya's network cable, turned to look at Alice, and said tactfully:

  "Can you think about it before you make a joke next time? What about other people's mental endurance?

  Alice pondered for a moment and then asked: "Does this other person refer to her or you? " "

  ...all of them. " "Klein replied with a complicated mood.

  Alice accepted the education humbly, then waved the Poseidon Scepter in her hand and asked curiously: "What ability does it have? "

  Klein pondered for a moment and then replied: "This is the 'Poseidon Scepter'. "

  For Alice, having this name is enough. She guessed along the name: "If you get it, you can become a 'Poseidon' in a sense? "

  Klein nodded, but found that Alice's eyes suddenly lit up. He quickly interrupted: "It can't bring down the gray mist! "

  Alice let go of her hand in disappointment.

  Klein, who had stopped a disaster in time, couldn't help but ask again: "Are you really not considering going to class? "

  Alice glared at him fiercely.

  Such a fierce look on Alice actually lacked any deterrence. After briefly looking at Alice for a few seconds, Klein became more determined to find a way to get Alice to go to school. determination - otherwise it feels like she is becoming more and more presumptuous.

  At this time, Klein still doesn't know that Alice has given the goddess a "surprise".

  For Klein, the most important thing at the moment is to find something to divert Ellie. Si's attention, for example:

  "'Poseidon's Scepter' can answer prayers, do you want to try it?

  "Perhaps, this can help you retrieve part of your memory."

  Alice suddenly fell silent. She understood what Klein meant - if she had really existed as a deity, she might have had the experience of answering the prayers of believers. ? The familiar scene might remind her of some memories.

  But at this time, Alice suddenly felt a little uneasy - those vague memories told her that although she was the same person at that time and she is now, they seemed completely different in some aspects.

  In the past, she might have been an evil god with a reputation that was not much better than Amon. A mortal, she was just a fun person to play...


  Alice suddenly paused. She stretched out her hand to hold her chest in confusion, recalling her previous behavior, and a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes:

  When did she start to become less and less concerned about other people's feelings?

  Are they... really any different? (End of chapter)

Chapter 220 Chapter94 Do you put level 0 sealed items in the grocery store?

  "Alice?" Klein looked at her worriedly, "Are you okay?"

  Alice came back from her trance, looked at Klein with a bit of confusion, and said softly:

  "I seem to have almost forgotten What was he like?

  "It was obviously not long ago, and I remember it very clearly, but why... I can't remember how I felt at that time? "

  ——This is just Alice's appearance.

  Unexpectedly, Alice is actually very sober now. Different from the sobriety after her emotions are stripped away, she suddenly feels like the dust has settled. , a voice told her again -

  go to Bayam,

  there is what you want, the answer you want.

  She still has a little time... This realization flashed through Alice's heart, her expression remained unchanged. He lowered his eyelids and asked,

  "What kind of person is 'Vice Admiral Iceberg' Edwina? "

  She still maintained her previous confused tone, which made Klein uneasy. He stared at Alice and answered cautiously: "She should be a very good teacher.

  Alice asked softly: "Klein, what kind of person do you think I am? " "

  She emphasized the word "person", and Klein suddenly noticed something. He asked, "What does it mean?"

  Alice pinched her eyebrows and said,

  "I have been thinking a long time ago, why do the gods who are so high above care about mortals? " Why preach? Why attract believers?

  "Later, Bernadette told me that divinity is a special kind of pollution. For existences that are fused with divinity or above, they need to constantly fight against divinity to maintain their humanity.

  "And believers are the ones who maintain their humanity. The 'anchor' of humanity.

  "Anchor? " "Klein repeated.

  Alice nodded and said,


  "I think, if those fragments in my memory come from the past, if I can be regarded as a god in the past - that is, at least an angel, a complete mythical creature.

  "Then, my 'anchor' is probably from the past. Problem. "

  This is something that sounds extremely hopeless - even gods can't escape the confrontation with pollution.

  Therefore, after being silent for more than ten seconds, Klein asked: "In this case... why do we still work hard to be promoted? ? "

  Alice shrugged and replied:

  "As for me, I probably have no choice. Either I will be promoted or I will forget myself. Ah, or I can just lie down and be used as a potion ingredient... which is also a good choice. ?

  "As for you... we all know that in that story, this place is called Origin Castle, and it has an unknown previous owner who will come back and snatch it away one day - even if not, Amon will want to snatch it away.

  "But tell me, in what form did the previous master come back?

  "Will one day, like me, you will forget who you are, forget that you were a human being, and even hurt the people you once loved..."

  Alice tilted her head, looked at Klein's solemn expression, and slowly Slowly smiled:

  "So...do you also want to pray for the favor of fate?

  " However, if I were the true god of the 'destiny' path, even if fate favors you, the result will not be what you hope. Bar?

  "I'm the same no matter what the situation is."

  Klein suddenly felt that the last sentence was more convincing than the previous words combined.   

  Alice leaned back relaxedly on the chair, feeling the deep spiritual connection, and said softly:

  "I seem...well, I seem to need to go to Bayam."

  Klein looked at Alice, but Alice suddenly She slowly slid down from the chair as if she was losing strength, and made a complaining voice:

  "Children will not grow taller if they go to bed too late... We can't talk anymore!"

  Klein was silent for a moment, cut off the network cable, and let her go. Go back to bed.

  After returning to the real world, Alice stared blankly at the ceiling for half a minute, then pulled the quilt up and closed her eyes.

  Before she was overwhelmed by her thoughts, she muttered something unclearly:

  "You should give me a more detailed address... How can I find such a big Bayam?

  " "Why don't you just tell me I'm in the Rhoad Islands..."

  The overwhelming sleepiness brought Alice into a dream, and she saw the city she had visited before - Bayam, the capital of the Rhoad Islands, the "City of Generosity".

  There are countless people here There were pirates, sailors, and adventurers who dreamed of making a fortune.

  There were many small or tall buildings here that were not listed but were frequented by people. Some of them were hidden, and some were blatant. Alice knew that they were Byam. One of the two pillar industries - a brothel. This seemed to be a brothel, Alice deduced, but to be honest, she had no memory of such an occasion - it was not like   this building was the only

  one to be solicited.

The zoom stayed in front of her for a moment, and the whole scene smoothly turned to the opposite side, a herbal medicine shop with a familiar layout.   Oh

  , the store manager here is also a familiar one - look, isn't this the pharmacist who just slipped away?

Time seemed to be sped up. Alice saw Mr. Pharmacist constantly making various attempts. He seemed to be trying hard to contact someone.

  Alice was not sure how long the time had passed. She only remembered that it kept getting dark and dawning. It must have been more than a month. Note ①

  But he seemed to have been unsuccessful, and there was no reply to the letters he sent. Alice saw that he gradually became anxious and worried.

  Then, he walked into a tavern and issued a message. As the screen shook, Alice saw the content of the missing person notice.

  It was a rather young man with neatly combed back hair, wearing glasses, and he looked elegant.

  There was a name on the missing person notice. ——Roy King.

  Alice was not sure what the outcome of this commission would be. Time was flowing quickly, and not long after, she saw the fat pharmacist leaving the herbal shop again and heading to a grocery store

  . Alice saw a kind old lady receiving the fat pharmacist. They communicated for a while, and the fat pharmacist paid. Then, he got a small ring box.

  Alice saw the fat pharmacist open the ring without hesitation . Inside the box was a milky-white dice with four red numbers on it.

  Dice! Alice's   eyes widened

  and she suddenly woke up from her dream.

It was early morning.

  She stared blankly at the ray of light, and after several minutes, a hoarse voice mixed with shock and confusion spoke:


  "You... put the level 0 sealed items in the grocery store?

  "Huh? "(End of chapter)