

Shortly after his debut, an inexperienced Superman runs in with one of cadmus Labs experiments leading to him accidentally pulling people out of their time. these people although initially furious end up becoming his most trusted allies and together they try to get the world to change by solving one problem at a time.

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3 Chs

Chapter one;

Clark Kent has always felt abnormal all his life, at the age of four his body started developing unnaturally,

he had the strength of ten men regardless of the fact that he was a child, behind this fact from everyone for fear of being called a monster.

at the age of five he gained super speed and things got weird, soon enough he was invulnerable as nothing could pass through his skin,

he never got sick so luckily he didn't have to worry about hospitals but at the age of seven things got even wierder.

he developed super hearing and it was then that he confronted his parents and asked them about who he was and how he came to be a freak.

it was then that his parents revealed to him that he wasn't their birth child, clark had been adopted but his origins are tied to the meteor showers of the year 1997 as that is when they found him.

they took him out into the field where they buried the space ship that brought him to earth due to them being unable to move it.

as he arrived a hologram arose on top of the space ship and started speaking in a weird language that clark didn't recognize.

terrified by his new discovery, clark ran off and hid for two days, he buried his powers refusing to use them for anything at all.

when clark was eighteen years old though, he couldn't hide from his origins any longer. by this time he had come to learn the proper use of some of his powers.

he had control over his strength, speed, hearing and his skin was still invulnerable. additionally he had developed flight as well as Xray vision.

his father had just died in a freak accident and although Clark could have saved him, he was stopped from doing so by both his indecisiveness and his fear of causing more harm should he interfere.

to that end he returned to the field, dug out the ship and flew it off to a place where he wouldn't find any interruptions during his study of his powers.

this led him to the arctic where he placed the ship on top of an ice mountain, the ship scanned him releasing a similar hologram however this time the hologram didn't appear alone.

above the ship amidst the hologram was a blue crystal the shape of a Pentagon. Clark picked it up and as it scanned his DNA, information flooded into his mind.

he got a basic course into the alien language so that he could start understanding what the hologram was saying, turns out the hologram was identifying itself as Jor El and he was Clark's real father.

somehow it seemed to recognize that Clark has understood it this time so the words it spoke changed, it told him that stored within the crystal is all the knowledge from ten thousand worlds and it wa all available to him.

after being directed on its usage, Clark threw what he came to know was now called a sun crystal holding the mind of his father to help guide him.

as the crystal sunk down into the ice, it started terraforming the place, it turned a specific area of the Arctic into krypton.

the land was no longer earth but had become Krypton, a fortress built out of ice crystalline columns crisscrossing with eachother was formed.

for the next few months Clark didn't leave the fortress, he learned more about himself and his origins and so he returned to the world.

it was time for him to enroll into a college and he had decided to focus on Journalism as that would provide him with a wider access to humanity.

This led him to Metropolis University where he spent three years, Metropolis was filled with many people from many different walks of life.

he chose to learn all about their cultures, intact he chose to learn about every single culture there was in the world,

it took time and great effort but as it turns out his physical qualities weren't the only things that had been enhanced.

his mind was too as he found his neurons could fire a thousand times faster than a normal human being, he was what humanity called a super genius.

however he didn't utilize this to make himself super rich as that would make him stand out, instead he utilized his intelligence to understand and comprehend more about humanity as well as his own origins in a very short amount of time.

by the year 2020 he was graduating from college and he had been accepted into the news organization he had interned in.

it was a world renowned news company known as the Daily Planet and he wouldn't be joining alone.

joining with him was his long time best friend Jimmy Olsen who specialized in photography while Clark had specialized in Investigative journalism.

on arrival the two of them were assigned to work with and help a fellow journalist who had been working at the planet one year longer than they had.

Her name was Lois Lane and at the first sight of her, Clark was Enamoured, Lois was one year below the two of them at college so she hadn't graduated yet.

however the planet chose to retain her after her internship because of her keen insight and superb journalistic intuitions.

the three of them became a team and they went out investigating a secret government Lois had. even focusing on for a while.

With the trouble they were facing Clark ended up having to use his abilities to save their lives leading to his debut as super powered individual.

in the next month the focus of their three man team turned to the flying man who was clark himself. he ran into several robotic powered humans and surprisingly their technology could hurt him.

also due to his lack of experience in heroics, Lois and Jimmy discover that he is the flying man who Lois had actually named Superman.

the discovery however created a misunderstanding that threatened their partnership however they soon fixed it in time to face off against the location of their investigation.

it was a campus lab secret facility deep in the heart of Metropolis, as they crashed into said lab, Clark starts experiencing problems using his powers due to some unknown reasons.

however once inside they discovered that Cadmus was simply a rebranding of an old military secret program known as project Atom.

With the aid of Lex Luthor, the previously dead secret project was reawakened with the main goal of making a government controlled super soldier or their own superman.

to that end they had retrieved the old dilustel armor and with he help of Luthor the had devised a means of penetrating the seemingly invisible alien super metal.

Luthor's resources and intelligence coupled with a specialist on the dilustel metal called Dr Heinrich Megala, they managed to develop a process to harden a metal called X-ionization.

this was performed by making the molecular lattices of an object by knitting together positive and negative ion particles.

the object subjected so the experiment would become nigh indestructible and would have he sharpness of a monofilament allowing it cut finer than any blade or laser ever developed.

with this they produced an X-ionized titanium blade that they used to peel the skin off the remaining piece of the Silver Shield vessel.

the two geniuses then embarked on transferring the metal's properties to a human being so they could make super weapons.

their first subject was a rapist and murderer named Clifford Zmeck.

he had volunteered for his experiment in exchange for a reduced prison sentence as well as service under the government.

they introduced him to the process and he experiment was successful. however just like Nathaniel Clifford was also absorbed into the quantum field.

but unlike Nathaniel, he was tracked using he nano implants placed in his skin so Luthor pulled him out of the Q-field in one hour's time.

the resulting reaction permanently bonds the dilustel skin to Clifford making it impossible for him to retract it at will meaning he is permanently coated in dilustel for all his life.

he did however possess abilities as they had suspected as he managed to project dark matter from his hands and he was just as tough, strong and resilient as Nathaniel was.

since they thought Nathaniel dead, Clifford became their first success however before they could use him, Superman busted into the building putting an end to their actions.

he fought Clifford whom hey had named Major Force and he nearly lost the fight, because Major Force's dark matter could deprive Superman of his solar powered abilities making him weaker.

that and the fact that the room was lined with irradiated crystals from the meteor shower of 1997 which the scientists had discovered contained a massive amount of energy.

at that time he manifested another of his abilities which was the ability to concentrate and fire heat blasts from his eyes.

the flames from his eyes were so concentrated that they melted Major force's dilustel and rooted major force in place stopping.

Superman then punched him hard enough to crack his armor releasing a dark matter explosion that seemingly killed Zmeck.

however as the blast cleared something shocking happened, the center of Zmeck's explosion was now glowing with massive amounts of quantum energy before it exploded outward into a quantum tunnel depositing two people at the center of the now ruined former Cadmus labs.

of these two people, one was coated in dilustel armor like Major Force except he wasn't major force. the other was a young man dressed in a black, white and red costume with a massive star on his chest.

the two people seemed shocked to be in this place and they instantly retracted their costumes with the man covered in dilustel absorbing it back into his skin.

they were dressed in diferent attires however it was clear that these two attires originated from the past, they looked at each other and the younger man surprisingly called the older man his father.