

Shortly after his debut, an inexperienced Superman runs in with one of cadmus Labs experiments leading to him accidentally pulling people out of their time. these people although initially furious end up becoming his most trusted allies and together they try to get the world to change by solving one problem at a time.

Starbrand29 · Anime & Comics
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in the year 1997 meteors start falling onto the plant earth, humans discovered it as an extra terrestrial disaster event and because of that they chose to put in place a committee designed to keep such things in check.

this committee was headed by the United Nations and of course chief among he member states was The United States of America.

after examining the meteor fragments they came to a conclusion that these fragments weren't just asteroids but rather pieces of incredibly advanced technology from an advanced alien race.

they attempted to study the technology without much success however thr little they obtained granted them alot of technological advancements.

with this new technology at hand, this committee's first task was to re-examine one of their old UFOs.

this object came from an unknown location however prior tests had displayed it's incredible abilities related to energy absorption and conversion.

they had also discovered that the object which happened to be a huge triangular silver object with no entrance was actually a space vessel.

with their newly discovered technology and a few crystals they obtained from the meteor fragments they managed to reveal an entrance to the vessel.

this entrance opened like a water curtain to reveal an advanced interior whose technology carried a resemblance to the meteorite technology.

the vessel on the other hand seemed self conscious and evaded them from discovering most of its advanced capabilities,

the military decided that being able to maneuver the vessel in itself is enough for them at the moment and so they placed an unwilling pilot in the seat to test the vessel's durability.

this captain was an Airforce captain who was facing a death sentence named Nathaniel Christopher Adam.

this service was meant to provide him a presidential pardon should he succeed and so he took it willingly for the sake of his family.

he was placed in the vessel and an atomic bomb was placed under the vessel before it was set off, during the explosion the vessel absorbed the energy of the bomb but the energy was more than it could handle so it was seemingly vaporized.

however a fragment of the vessel particularly a third of its former size remained and the military put it into storage for future use.

however what the military couldn't detect was that when the energy exceeded the vessel's limits, a quantum field was triggered.

however because of the presence of a human pilot in the seat the vessel sacrificed a portion of its body to save the pilot hence the portion that stayed behind.

inside the quantum field, a breach in the vessel filled Nathaniel with atomized quantum energy bonding the silver metal from the ship to his skin and granting him access to the quantum field as well.

as the vessel had been severely damaged it broke apart and portions of its body fell out of the quantum field before the rest.

by the time Nathaniel dropped out of the field he was in orbit above earth, his skin was covered in a silvery metal and he had obtained super human abilities.

he landed on earth only to discover he had traveled back in time for as far as 30 years. it was the year 1967.

there he ran into a young lady by the names of Allen Tomas and since he didn't know what to do, Nathaniel introduced himself as Christopher Payton.

he had fallen for Allen and she later introduced him to her brother named Mikaal Tomas. they were siblings under the aliases of Starman and Stargirl before they were joined by Chris.

his powers had granted him a silver skin made of a nigh invulnerable metal they couldn't understand which granted him access to the quantum field.

with it he could absorb energy, fly and shoot energy blasts from his hands, he also had enhanced strength, faster than sound speeds and the ability to regenerate after injuries.

also based on his past as a soldier he was also proficient in hand to hand combat so he was already a powerful hero in and of himself.

together they attempted to keep the planet safe until the year 1969 when Chris discovered that the Tomas siblings weren't actually human,

they originated from an alien race that sought to take over Earth and they were sent to scout the planet and prepare it for invasion.

however after staying on earth for a while they changed their minds and chose to protect the earth instead of destroying it.

together with Starman, the three of them faced off against their race's current ruler prince Gavyn who was hell bent on taking the earth.

the siblings had powers of flight and energy projection stemming from their sonic crystals while prince gavyn being royalty had more powers.

he posed powers of flight, energy projection and absorption, light, heat and radiation immunity as well as the ability to survive in space unaided.

the reason he was able to be more powerful was because of a mutant gene running throughout the royal lineage that sets them apart from the rest of their race.

a huge fight ensued in outer space and it was a fight they were losing, seeing the disparity of their situation Chris chose to detonate himself and save everyone else.

his explosion defeated the alien fleet and ended the fight but he was gone along with them.

what he didn't know however was that he had left Allen Adam Tomas pregnant with his son.

and what they didn't know was that he hadn't died but was rather thrust back into the quantum field.

however this time he was thrust back to the future, unfortunately instead of returning him to 1997, a strange energy wave made him overshoot and he ended up 23 years in the future in the year 2020.

back in 1969 Allen gave birth to a son she named William Payton to honor his father, together with her brother they raised the boy to be an upstanding citizen

however they expected him to obtain their abilities so they trained him on how to fight so he could always defend himself if he needed to.

in the year 1991, William was a twenty two year old adult and he knew about all that happened to his father and the truth about his mother and uncle.

unlike them however he opted for a simple life even after his powers manifested, he had the same abilities like his parents except he didn't possess a sonic crystal like to his parents.

thanks to his father, he too was born with a slight connection to the weak nuclear force allowing him to have inherent abilities like flight, energy projection and absorption, enhanced strength, speed and weak nuclear force manipulation.

however his connection to the weak force was so poor that he chose to neglect it entirely, he chose to work as a magazine copy editor to provide himself with a normal life.

however destiny had other plans for him; as he was leaving work one day, he was caught by a beam of energy from space.

he was aware that his mother and aunt had an emergency mission in space dealing with some out of control satelite that was on course for the planet, however he didn't see it as a powerful enough threat to warrant his in involvement.

his family had operated these missions for long enough for him to know what they can handle easily, however at this moment the blast caught him by surprise.

even worse the blast wasn't an ordinary one, he could feel his entire body shifting as a strange energy seemed to resonate with his own body.

as he watched a huge sphere of energy encased him and everything turned white, suddenly he felt his body moving but that wasn't all.

he felt himself getting stronger as the energy from the sphere infused into his cells transforming them and himself.

his mind expanded and he could tell that he was no longer in the confines of space time as he was existing outside them.

his power over the weak nuclear force was enhanced so much to the extent that he believed he had transcended the weak nuclear force.

at that moment his body initiated a fusion type ability with this sphere of sorts. as he merged with it, his physique changed and his powers evolved,

he now nolonger knew what he was capable of but he could tell that the thing he just merged with was once known as Silver Shield.

it was an alien being from the late 20th century which was blasted backwards in time due to accessing too much nuclear radiation.

through its memories he manages to see his father who for some reason he could already identify as his father.

the alien's attributes were then fused within his weak nuclear force manipulation turning his bones into the silver liquid metal known as dilustel.

with this his evolution came to an end, unfortunately he hadn't absorbed the complete form of Silver Shield otherwise he would have become a cosmic being just like Silver Shield was once before.

as a result he was plunged back into the time stream however he didn't land into his old time but landed close to his father in a future time.

he could vaguely tell that he had entered the 21st century and it was roughly the year 2020.