
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
94 Chs

Ch.82 ۞ Emmaline ۞ Part III

MY SISTER GRINNED, "YOU ARE CLEAN. AND WE ARE STILL NOT in talking terms, Emmaline. But don't worry, I still won't be letting anyone mess with you!" Her eyes searched the crowd and lots of people gasped when they made eye contact with her. "If anyone do anything to my little sister, I'll make you pay. If you have a problem with us, gather the balls to it and come to me."

Then she glared Kian's group and stopped in Naveen, giving him a friendly smile, to my dismay. But then back to the crowd that was watching us all.

"I've heard that you all have been mumbling and theorizing about who exactly me and my younger sister are. I don't lose my time on social media, so I didn't really see it, but people told me about it. Opposite to what the cockroaches said, we aren't hiding from anyone, we are still learning who we are. We still have many doubts. But we do know who our parents are. Who we are."

"Verena! You are going to tell them?"

"Why not? Let them whine, I don't fucking care. We should be proud of our parents even if they were reptiles!" Oh no. "My real name is Asteria Asphodel and my sister's Zephyra Asphodel. We are the twin daughters of King Solis and Queen Celeste Asphodel. Our grandfather was a Hydra, our father was a Sea Serpent, our mother was a Basilisk. Yes, that's true."

"What do you think you're doing?" Aryan muttered but she ignored him full heartedly.

"We learned all of this during the last week, so we are as confused and surprised as you all. I don't care about your mindless hatred towards Asphodel, you have free will, think whatever you want. However, if any of you try anything funny to us because of that, we'll retaliate. If you try to harm us, be prepared to be harmed back!" She greeted her teeth and turned her back on the Heirs, storming out of the Orb.

As she left, all eyes fell on me. It was like they were waiting for me to say something or go after her. "What?" I asked. "She ain't in a talking mood. And I sign down on everything she said," let's help each other. "But you can keep calling us Emmaline and Verena," then I sat down on our table.

Feeling my cheeks hot as I felt all the stares in my skin, even Elle, Maven, Kill, Chloe and Elsa's.

"How did she control her magic to clean you up?" Maven broke the silence, making me gasp. "Both Water and Air. She seemed to do it quite purposely."

"I don't know. Maybe in the same way I used fire against Gibson. In the heat of the moment," I rolled my shoulders. "Sorry for the commotion guys. I didn't even feel her near us," sigh.

"Oh, she's using Shadow magic," Naveen popped up on my side, hitting his shoulders on my in a playful manner. "I wouldn't say Vee controls it, rather than she learned how to use it."

I blinked, "Vee?"

"Well, I prefer calling others by their nicknames!" Does he?

"How did you meet her?"

He licked his lips, "We crossed paths. She was hiding in a place I like to go to think, we talked, ate some jellybeans, drank a bit of whiskey, talked more, and then I left her in her dorm," oh.

That explains what Maven told me. "You are a vampire!"

"I know," he giggled. "And she knows too."

"Are trying to get close to her to drink her blood?" I snapped.

"Not really. I wouldn't even if I wanted to. Ary claimed her in the same way K claimed you, Emma," I doubt it was in the same way. "And-"

Someone jumped from the… roof (??) startling everyone in here. "Oh, how I missed this rivalry between Asphodel, Pravin, and Nova. Your parents were all rivals like that!" When the male turned to us, I noticed it was Collier Campbell.

"How did you…?" I gasped.

He grinned, "I have shadow magic," he rolled his shoulders. "Soul, Shadow, and Air," then he came closer to me.

"Campbell!" Aryan called him, coming to us with Kian on his side. "You have to look at her soul. It's been a week already. And you have to make the complete reading," oh, is he talking about the things Maya told us it was missing? "She's been constantly overheating. Just now she's was burning up," he's right on this, I felt it when I touched her.

The professor seemed amused, "That's why I'm here, Aryan. The Council and the Principal have been on my toes for me to get a look on her again."

"Why didn't you?" He glared at him with his dark pink eyes.

"She stated that she didn't want to get near me, so, I gave her some space. It's not good to do this to someone who is unwilling, it might cause damages. And she might already be damaged, I need to be careful."

Swallowing the rest of my sandwich, I got up again, "I'll go with you. I want to be there."

"Isn't she annoyed at you?" Aryan mocked.

"I don't expect you to understand how our relationship works, Nova," I hissed and turned to my friends, and Maven seemed slightly pale. "Mav, are you alright?" I frowned.

"Don't worry, Emma, I'm okay!"

"Are you sure?" He nodded. "Okay, but if you feel anything, you can come to us, we'll help you with all we can. I doubt Veevy will be angry near you," but as I turned both Kian and Aryan had a terrible frown on their faces, and I purposely stood in from of Maven, covering him from their gazes. "Are you two going too?"

"Of course!" Kian snapped in a bitter way. What the hell?

And seeing Aryan as annoyed as he was, I turned to Naveen, "You should come with us too, Nav," let's provoke them a little bit. "I bet my sister will enjoy your company way more than these two, even though you are a vampire, she seemed very comfortable near you earlier."

He smiled widely, "Then I'll go too!" As he got on his feet, he put his hands on my shoulders. "We talked a lot yesterday night, that might be why she was cooler near me. Although she already warned me and my dear life, her company is really entertaining!"

"Entertaining?" Aryan hissed, and I couldn't hold my grin.

"I'll go too!" Elle stated, glaring at them and held my hand, pushing Naveen aside. "I'm way more their friend than you, bloodsucker, back off."

"Damned Unicorn," Kian muttered and rolled his eyes.

"Ah, the drama," Collier purred. "I love it!" When he saw me glaring at him in confusion, he winked. "I'm a Fairy if that's what you are wondering!"

I blinked, "So, you have Winx-like wings?"

"What?" They asked together.

"Beautiful, detailed, colorful wings!" I forgot they don't know what the Winx are.

"Winx is one of your fairy tales?" Naveen tilted his head. "Vee told me some yesterday. And she said she loved my name because it's the name of the Prince of one of her favorite fairy tales," she did that?

Pressing my lips together, I tried hold my surprise, "Prince Naveen from the Princess and the Frog. Yes, I thought about that when I heard your name too. But no, The Winx isn't necessarily a fairy tale like that, just kind of." I brought Elle closer to me, "Can we go to her already, professor Campbell?"

"Yes, yes. Yes, we can!" Then he looked at us as if wondering what to do, then he snapped his fingers. "Okay, let's do it like this. Each of you hold hands with me," what?