
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Ch.81 ۞ Emmaline ۞ Part II

"STAY OUT OF THIS, EMMALINE. SHE'S MINE!" UGH. "So, you can only throw a punch if you cover your hand your earth magic?" Verena got up right away, as if she's used to that, which might be actually true, given that she was part of Benjamin's illegal arenas. "Why are you butting in again?"

The girl bared her canines at my sister, "I'm Maria McIntyre, you bitch. And you are as much of a whore as that twins of yours. Just like her, you seduced my male and made him claim you with that overused pussy of yours!"

What? Is she Aryan's girl? I had no idea he dated.

"Oh?" Vee glared at her from head to toes, "He has a disgusting taste, doesn't he? Damn. And I didn't ask you name, I don't give a shit about who you are."

She hissed at my sister, "Liar. You've been fucking him!"

"I haven't be fucking anyone. But by the way you are screaming so frustrated, it seems like you aren't being able to your boyfriend in bed if he's looking for other females to do that," Goddess above, why is she provoking her so much?

Maria jumped on my sister, throwing her on the ground, and she hit her claws on Vee's face, making me wonder if she was a werewolf too. "Don't speak what you don't know. He loves me!"

"Than please, tell him to stop coercing me to let him drink my blood. That wasn't goof for me either!" She held Maria's wrists tightly.

"Liar!" The girl screamed. "You will pay for what you did. He's my boyfriend. He's mine. Mine."

"Boyfriend?" A deep male voice sounded around the room and in a second Aryan and his group appeared in the Orb. "I was never your boyfriend, McIntyre. We fucked thrice before the summer, nothing beyond that. Stop bullshitting me!"

"Kian, my love," Kayla cried, hurt. "This monster beat me."

Kian's eyes searched the crowd around him and stopped on me, and when his eyebrows frowned at me, I felt my heart pounding. "Did you provoke Emma?"

"What?" She gasped horrified. "I gave her a lesson. She tried to take my male. She seduced you. She deserved it!"

Verena hissed at her, throwing Maria away from her and catching her my her throat, "Seems like a beating isn't enough to teach a bitch like you a lesson!"

Releasing Elle's grip on my arm, I ran to Verena, "It's okay, Vee. You can let go."

"Ain't nothing okay, Emmaline. Wake up. She not only threw blood at you, as she slapped your face, and mocked our birth. Mocked our family. Fucking hell," but before she could punch her again, I held her arm. "Get off me, Emmaline. Didn't you tell me to fuck off and take my anger elsewhere? I'm doing that. So, back off. I won't let her go after what she did to you."

But before Maria could try hitting her again, I released Verena's arm and held Maria by the throat, "Get off me, beast!"

"Shut the fuck up, pussy hair," I snapped. "You punched my sister. You think she's the only one with an edge? If you push me too far, I'll hurt you just as much as she normally would!" I pressed my hands on her throat.

"You deserve to die!" Kayla cried, still under my sister.

"I'm slap your soul out of your body, you little-" To my shock, it was Naveen who held her by her waist and tried to take her off of Kayla. "Get off me, Naveen, damn it."

"Nope. Come on, Vee," Vee? "Release your little fingers from her. Let's not cause a even bigger problem okay? Kayla is the daughter of a Duke in-"

"So, what? I'm the daughter of a King and Queen," she snapped sharply. "They were killed but I'm still in a higher social statues than she is, if that's how shit work here. And I won't let her offend my sister and get away with it, Naveen. I won't!"

Sigh, "Okay, Vee. I get it. But you already slapped the shit out of her. Out of both of them, no? They are wounded and bleeding. Isn't that enough?"

"It'll be enough when I say it's enough, Naveen, ugh!"

"Take this beast out of me!" Kayla cried.

I felt two arms around me, taking my hands off of Maria's neck, as she was near fainting, "Hi, there, beautiful," Rosella winked at me. "Come on, beautiful, let's release her, okay?"

"But I'm enjoying this," I sulked.

"Ah, but you are too sweet for this," she smiled gently and I felt my magic being slightly drained at her touch, as well as my emotions.

The realization made me jump away from her and Maria, "Mermaid!" I gasped, and she grinned widely.

"Right on the spot," she winked and turned to Vee.

"Naveen, off me!" My sister yelled.

"Gods' above, darling, you are like a cat who doesn't want to let go of its toy," Aryan exclaimed and stepped closer. When Naveen saw him, he released her, just so Aryan could pick her up. "You should keep your anger for the training. Come on, little angry cat, hands off," and he grinned amused as he said that.

"Back off, your highness, this is your fault and of that little dog you keep with you," to that, Kian hissed at her. "Yes, you." When her eyes turned to Kian, ignoring Aryan who was holding her, she released Kayla right away. "You son of a bitch. It's because of you that my sister was mistreated like this. It's your fault!"

As she tried to attack him, Aryan held her tight, grinning, "You can't anything about that, darling. So, can you stop fighting now?"

Finally, her eyes went to him, "I will never stop fighting you!"

"Cute. Now," he put her down. "Don't attack anyone else, okay?" But when she tried to go to Kian, he held her arm again. "K, can you just, stay away a bit?"

"Yep. She's your problem, bro," then his amethyst eyes turned to me. "Mine isn't that problematic." I felt my cheeks burn at his comment and looked away.

"Kian Pravin, I swear I'll make you pay for what you are doing. For what you will do. I won't say anything now, but after you messed up badly in the way I know you will, I'll make you pay tenfold!"

He glared at her and I felt something strange in his eyes, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, "You are nothing to me, Verena. You present no harm. No future King would ever fear a being weaker than him!"

"Yeah, yeah," she grinned viciously and her eyes traveled to all of the six's faces, stopping on Rosella. "Are you Rosella Leighton?"

A nod, "That's me," she gave her a charming smile.

"Elle said you were the best out of you all, but I don't know," Verena stepped near her and Rosella seemed amused by it. "Especially because I recognize your voice," then she turned to Jessamyn who was glaring at her with a face of few friends. "I won't forget what you did to me in that non-gravity room, Jessamyn Althea. But I'm thankful because almost killing me asphyxiated caused the vision that fucked all of you up."

So, it was them who did that to her?

Verena turned to me and looked at me from head to toes, then she waved her hand and out of nowhere, water fell over me, than I was hit by a wave of clean air. "What the fuck, Verena?"