
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
94 Chs

Ch.8 ۞ Emmaline

New Orleans, Louisiana. Human world


AS THE IMAGES IN MY MIND WAVERED, if changed from the woman I was now familiar with, to a boy around 13 years old. He was angelic to say the least. But just like the woman, he had those peculiar pointy years and slightly elongated canines, and he was quite tall, but for some reason, I knew in my bones that was still in the early years of his teenager life.

With molten golden wavy hair, white skin, wrinkles in his cheeks just like mine and Veevy's, a toned body from that young age proving that he must have trained his body since he was a child, or that he might be an athlete. His nose was thin and softly longer than most, which is something I actually find attractive. As my eyes wandered around his body like a pervert, I noticed the sharpness in his jaw. Or the mole on the middle of his left cheekbones, and the his full lips that were curled up in a feral smile, showing the small dimples at the sides of his lips. But what stole my breath away was his eyes.

Big amethyst eyes in the richest purple I've ever seen, adorning his beautiful face like a pair of jewels. And there was happiness and a gleam of mischievousness on them making it more enchanting.

"Why don't we play hide and seek in around the castle, Kian?" Asked a boy a little taller than him, but around the same age, with golden skin, black wavy hair, and bright dark pink eyes, also with the pointy ears and the elongated canines present. But for some reason, he wasn't as appealing to me as the blondie, and it isn't just because I'm more into blondes than brunettes.

"I'm on it, Aryan," the golden-haired answered and his mischievous grin grew wider. And I felt my heart fluttering as I realized his name was Kian. It suits him. "Are you coming, Naveen? Jessamyn? Rosella?" Then more three kids came into view.

A boy with deep olive skin, black curly hair, and big emerald eyes; and a girl with blood-red long straight hair, rich amber-ish orange eyes, long eyelashes, and pale skin. And the one I believe to be Rosella also joined, with her hip-length long curly light brown hair, ruby-ish red eyes, and dark chocolate skin. All with the same pointy ears and elongated canines and in the same age as Kian.

"Yes!" The exclaimed together.

"You will be searching us, on the count to 50, Ren!" Aryan exclaimed, like the leader of their groups, and another boy came into my view.

This one had shoulder length dark brown wavy hair, tan skin, and light blue eyes, and he was the second tallest after Aryan. "Count on me. I'm the best at hunting you down. And don't disappoint me," the boy grinned with the same feral gleam I saw on Kian's lips.

All of them seemed happy. I could tell they had some kind of bond together, and I felt like that connection was similar to mine and my sisters. And as Kian's enchanting amethyst eyes landed on mine, the vision ended.

And as I shot my eyes open and assimilated what the hell was going on, terror crept inside of me as my eyes landed on one of Benjamin's underling who was always giving me gross and nasty looks, as he was about naked in front of me with his horrifying cock in hands. I felt weak, drained as it always happens after those glimpses come to my mind, and when I tried to run from him, he threw me on the bed again.

He had already reaped my dress apart and left me on my undies, and as that settled in, I got more terrified than anything. I screamed for help, hot tears of desperation rolling down my cheeks and as he came to the bed again and covered my throat with his disgusting hand, I screamed for help in my head.

And like a miracle, the door of the studio exploded and Verena came inside like a beast, covered in blood, and as I saw the tears of blood in her cheeks, a realization hit me but it wasn't time for that.

The fat old man flinched when he saw my sister, and thankfully, she came before he could get into me, saving my life once again. She threw all of her things to the grounds and ran to him, her odd eye glowing gold like the sun even through the lens. And I could almost taste her terror as she saw what was happening and threw herself at the man who was pressing me down on the bed.

With the strength of a otherworldly monster, she took him by the hair and threw him on the ground, far away from me, allowing me to breath again. "Veevy," I cried, feeling on edge of breaking in tears again.

"You fucking son of a bitch," she growled. "You will pay for this," she yelled and began to kick him with the heavy heels of her boots, and even though he's fat like a truck, I swear I heard bones breaking. And she didn't stop.

But this time I didn't stop her. No. I want to kill that guy myself, but couldn't since I was drained and it was difficult to even sit down. Caressing my neck with my hand, as he chocked me.

Verena began to punch his face, and then she kicked it with her boot, breaking more than just his nose. But she wasn't satisfied, no, she kicked his dick, took a switchblade from God knows where and castrated him. She kept yelling as she got back to kicking him, wanting more than to make him pay for it.

The room began to get hotter and hotter and hotter. So hot that was making me dizzy, but she didn't seem to noticed. Worst… this fire seemed to be coming from her.

I got up, trying to go to her. To stop her. I wanted him dead, but she couldn't cross that line. She was already too hunted from all that happened in our past, this would make it all worse. Killing someone is too much and it would get us her in jail, I couldn't let that happen.

And when I thought she would explode everything with fire that began to cover her, a blinding light overtook the entire studio, and when I opened my eyes again, I swear to God, all the kids I saw in the vision were here. But they weren't kids anymore, neither were they an invention of my mind. They weren't hallucinations as I first thought they were.

They were real.

I was able to recognize them right away, and they all cursed as they realized what was happening. The dark pink-eyed who was called Aryan in my vision held Veevy in his arms by her waist, as she screamed in his arms, hot tears bursting from her eyes like never before.

And as I thought I would fall to the ground, strong arms caught me, and didn't even need to look behind me to tell who it was. I knew his name in my bones.

But I was unable to keep my eyes open.

Darkness claimed me and I fainted.