
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Ch.9 ۞ Aryan ۞ Part I

New Orleans, Louisiana. Human world


MY PARENTS AND THE OTHER RULERS in the Astra alliance had sent me and the other Heirs to the human world almost three months ago, a little after the summer began, in the end of June, as the unheard-of happened. It seemed like multiples signs of blood magic were felt in different locations of the human world, out of nowhere. It began on June 20 and went until June 22, more points than we could count.

But what made I all more dangerous was that blood magic had vanished from the world when the Gods punished the Asphodel Kingdom for their sins and ruthlessness. It was a rare magic characteristic of a small group of people in Asphodel, but they were all long dead.

And although our parents all have the suspicious that the twin babies the ruthless Queen Celeste was waiting for at the time of the fall didn't die, I doubted it could be them. There's no way the lost Asphodel Heirs were in the human world. Even less that we wouldn't have spotted their magic the second it was awakened.

If it was them, it would mean they were 19 right now, since that's how long it has been since the destruction of Asphodel. Which is insane, since all fae are fully awakened at 18, even if they are late bloomers. There's no way we wouldn't have felt it.

The most possible idea is that a Blood magic wielder ran from Asphodel before the fall and left to the human world when it all happened. But it was all still so fucking weird, because we didn't feel one but countless of points of blood magic spread around the globe, and there's no way each point was a fae. There were more than a hundred.

And so, our parents put us together, taking advantage of the fact that we were on summer vacation from the Academy, and sent us to the human world to go after all of those spots of blood magic and track it down until we found who caused such a disturbance.

After a month apart from one another, we got to all the odd points of magic and when we put it all together, they were all paintings. Paintings painted in the blood of a fae with such a magic. It was the most bizarre thing we've ever seen. Even for ruthless fae such as ourselves. To make it worst, the paintings were all slightly familiar to us.

"Oh, shit!" Kian cursed as I arrived with the last three paintings I had gotten on South America. "What the fuck is this?"

"Blood magic," Ren and Rose exclaimed at the same time, cringing from it.

"Not just blood magic," Jess muttered coming closer to the bigger painting out of all the ones we gathered. "The person who draw them is a seer. Look," she pointed at it, "isn't this similar to the picture from the Asphodel King that hangs on one of the murals in Stardust Academy? I've seen that picture lots of times, and even though this was painted in… blood, I can still tell that isn't him. Look at the snake tattoo around his collarbone."

"Moon Goddess above," Naveen gasped. "Do you guys think our parents were right? About the lost twins? Could…" He gulped disgusted and looked away from the painting, "Could they be here in the human world painting those bloody arts?"

I clenched my jaw and smelled the painting again, I had done it more than once since the scent of the blood was alluring in a scary way. "There are two traces of magic on them. Both fae. Both with blood magic. One is the owner of the blood, and the other is the artist who's painting all of this." Gulping I turned to them again. "I just don't get it why the one who's painting is abusing of their sibling and using their blood for this… barbaric art."

Kian agreed, "It's barbaric even for us. The fae from Asphodel are really monsters like our parents told us. I'm genuinely nauseous."

Coming near me, Ren sniffed the one of the paintings, "One thing is for sure. If those two are really the lost Asphodel Twins, our parents were right to tell us to grow up united because one day we might need to destroy an evil force together. I can almost taste the power within the blood used on the painting."

Rose grimaced, "Could they be cannibals?"

I couldn't hold my giggle and they all stared at me startled since I'm not one to usually laugh that much, "Cannibals, Rose? Really? I doubt it. Whatever is the reason those two are doing this, I doubt the painter is eating his or her sibling alive."

She glared at me, "Don't mock me, Ary, my parents told me the King and the Queen were ruthless cold blooded monsters and wouldn't even blink before murdering a baby. Cannibalism doesn't sound so far from the truth if you think of this."

"Are we really going to bring those two fae to the Academy with us?" Kian asked annoyed and looked at me. "What are we going to do with them? We'll we follow our parents command?" But begin that annoyance, I could see the feral excitement in his face.

I grinned, "You mean to make their lives a living hell if they are the lost Heirs?" They all nodded in sync, their feral side coming to the surface. "Definitely. We can't let the offsprings of the devil got away, can we? But that is, only if they are the Asphodel heirs."

"What do we do now?" Kian asked, biting his bottom lip. "How do we go after them? How do we find them?"

"We got all paintings, now we go in duos and head to where we felt the strongest sting of magic when we were searching for them," Ren voiced his idea and as we all agreed on doing that, he looked at Rose. "We'll go with our Celestial bonds. Rose, you come with me. Kian and Aryan go together. And Jess go with Naveen."

Celestial bonds is someone with him we have a divine connection, that goes beyond friendship, but is also different from the mating bond. It's a person with whom your fate connected you to, someone who will be with you, protect you, feel your pain, and with whom you will be able to communicate telepathically.

I know, it sounds like the mating bond, however, your bodies don't feel that burning need to be with each other. And although I can't say much about it, since I haven't found my mate yet, lots of people told me that it's definitely not the same, when we got confused about it. Because both me and Kian used to wonder if we were each other's mates, since we didn't understand it as kids.

After all, there are cases where your Celestial bonds is also your mate. Which I low key think might be the case with Ren and Rose. We all think that, except them, so we won't say a word about it. It's their business to take care. We may all be close friends, but we have some limits and secrets too.

"I hope one of them is a boy," Jess grinned.

"Hell no, I want it to be a girl," Rose exclaimed.

"Maybe two girls," Ren grinned widely.

"Or, two boys," Jess countered.

I said nothing. But for some weird reason, I knew the owner of the blood in the paintings was definitely a girl. I don't know about the painter, but the blood source is definitely a female. I feel it in my bones.